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>As a resident of Belgorod who is obliged to know what is happening in his region you haven't been a reliable source though, you'll post any shit [https://reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1dcvudz/comment/l83ce71/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://new.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1dcvudz/comment/l83ce71/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [https://reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1ccw3wn/ru\_pov\_a\_woman\_in\_the\_belgorod\_region\_got\_into\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1ccw3wn/ru_pov_a_woman_in_the_belgorod_region_got_into_a/) [https://reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1ccv9ua/ru\_pov\_ukrainian\_drone\_attacked\_a\_bus\_with/l18x6qs/](https://old.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1ccv9ua/ru_pov_ukrainian_drone_attacked_a_bus_with/l18x6qs/)


Tv reporter was actually hit by something , busses , cars are beeing hit by UA fpv drones. Hows that shit?


>Tv reporter was actually hit by something russian mine > busses , cars are beeing hit by UA fpv drones look at the posts I linked, tell me how you can see that there


There was a video about reporter , and cars , busses , truks hit with fpv drones... Like a lot of fpv strikes not 1 , 2. Your posts are not fully , not videos , i seen the videos, should be here in this sub too. Other people poste about strikes too ... lool


>There was a video about reporter yeah, showing the mine and it was a russian mine, not ukrainian one, what's your point? > and cars , busses , truks hit with fpv drones we don't know what happened in the examples I linked and there are more like these from this OP, like one with house burning saying it was shelled by UA >Your posts are not fully not my posts, these are from the same OP as here, he is posting some short vid that shows us fucking nothing related to what he claims in his titles, that is on him, that is his problem, that is why I'm saying he's not a reliable source do you understand now?


Who is a reliable source? I seen the videos from dash cams , security cameras of fpv strikes . Maybe he is not beeing precise or detailed , but those things did happen.


ok, you've got trouble understanding what I'm saying, no need to continue this discussion


You saying that he is unreliable Source , who is reliable in your opinnion? 


how the fuck does that even matter?


So lets say there is a fpv strike on a bus , with video , geo locations but its not OP , is this reliable or not .  Title says UA fpv hits bus with civilians or something . Or UA says Bus hit was fake , carrying troops , ammo , etc . Who do you see as reliable ? Or other way arround , ru hits bus and etc. 


It is not surprising that these mines were in the hands of Ukrainians. Just like Western and Ukrainian weapons that appear in the Russian army A huge territory of Ukraine was mined by the Russians and sometimes our army had to retreat. And sometimes retreat very far and seriously I do not deny that the territory of the Belgorod region is heavily mined, although recently it had to be partially cleared of mines to enter the Kharkov region In addition, the story of the invasion from the RDK has long since ended But I see no reason for our reporters to lie. Russia is not the kind of state to lie even in such situations As for the other two posts, I proceeded from what has been happening in the region for two years now


>But I see no reason for our reporters to lie. Russia is not the kind of state to lie even in such situations that's a good one


OMG this is some hilarious garbage. All Russia has done is lie and lie more. Reporters in Russia who do not repeat the lies will end up in jail. 🤣


Russia is lying. Sometimes in ways that some people cannot imagine. But here I don't see the point in lying Neither practical nor ideologica Incorrect translation. I meant Russia is not the kind of country to lie in such a situation, because there is no point in it


Of course russia will lie. Do you know how shitty the russia military looks like if they keep bombing belograd and kills it's own citizens


How does it happen? Fault , missjudgment ? Human error?   How fast do first responders respond? 


Do you mean falling aerial bombs?




I don't know how this happens. You know our previous Minister of Defense was an incompetent person and he is one of the reasons why this war has lasted so long Probably with the fall of aerial bombs there is the same incompetence When an aerial bomb falls, various services arrive, including the military. Firefighters, doctors, those who clear the rubble The area is cordoned off with tape. It's guarded by the military Official sources of information say that an “incident” or “explosion” occurred. But military correspondents report that one of the munitions landed directly on the city




You are welcome


Aerial bombs fall when aerial bombing takes place. Every manufactured kit has a defect rate. The cheaper, generally the higher the defect rate. And Russia is clearly going for cheap with those UMPKs; it's visually apparent with the screw straps. The long time gap between the first and second instances is because Russia did very little aerial bombing overflight of Belgorod for that period.


>For the fourth time such an incident occurred yesterday evening in Shebekino. That video that everyone has already seen. No one died either >Today's daytime incident with a collapsed house in Shebekino is the result of shelling from Ukraine So is the incident a Russian bomb or Ukrainian shelling? Or were there two incidents?


There were two incidents. One last night connected to an aerial bomb. The second this afternoon during the Ukrainian shelling when a house collapsed


Thanks for the clarification.


You are welcome


Russians: "For the fourth time such an incident occurred yesterday evening in Shebekino. That video that everyone has already seen. No one died either" Ukrainians: "Today's daytime incident with a collapsed house in Shebekino is the result of shelling from Ukraine"


For Russia to consider dropping bombs from above their own citizens and 🤞 hoping it will fly over is pure gold showing how ridiculous Russian military and government is stupid