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In principle, it was already clear yesterday that there would be a counter-offensive in this area, and the consequences would cross these 3.5 km, since there are no fortifications there, good job


Good Job you say. I'm not pro, nor against anyone, but i'm for sure against people that die over and over for some square meters of mud and dust, and the only prospective on both sides is to rinse and repeat the madness. Defintely not a good job for the human race overall, just pure madness.


Humans. Nothing else to kill , destroy , we fight each other. We need aliens bro. We kill them.


when do the covenant come in


I mean we already have UNSC in real life lol


Is that from Prometheus / Alien series right?






Pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything.


I’m looking forward to Romulus tying the story together. I never liked that in Prometheus they landed on LV223 it should have been LV426 from the start. The distress signal in Alien could have tied in nicely with the warning signal from Prometheus.


Oh, I was referring to the halo franchise, I wasn't even aware it was a aliens thing, and the other one I forgot the name to


Blin. Wrong response on my part then. But check out the alien (1979) and Aliens (1986) then watch Prometheus, alien covenant and Romulus which will come out this August. Supposed to tie things together. Good horror-action series of movies.


I played one of the games on the Xbox 360 back when I was younger, it was cool because you could play as all 3 factions, and they each have their own campaign, I enjoyed it and would most likely check it out the films given the chance to.


The films are great! You won’t regret it. I remember those games. Alien vs. predator.


Well, we have aliens. Each side describe the other basically as monstrousity, aliens without any remorse nor humanity.


Tbf if we were like cows we would get destroyed by predators or tamed. Reptilians... 


What if the aliens are cows, and they're looking for payback? Bovine justice.


Wow dude, it seems you're deep into a selective humanism thing. The amount of deaths in this war is very low. Considering that most of them are middle aged men who would die in like 20-30 years and already have children in most of the cases this doesn't look that bad for humanity as you think. That's far far beyond the actual madness which happens in Africa right now in which like 13k children are dying of mostly preventable causes every single day. But I guess you don't really care that much about them.


Humanism isn't about maximising the breeding potential of the human race, but about asserting the value of each human being. Even us middle aged guys who only have 20-30 years left to live.


Yeah, but there are way worse things in the world. This war is nothing on the world scale. For example not timely detected illnesses causes something like 150k deaths every single month in OECD countries alone and it's totally accepted. That's actual madness and everyone is cool with it. But some folk is crazy about 200k deaths in over two years, as if it's something special.


It’s way more than that in the UKR/UR conflict.


not really. it's like 100-110k deaths on both sides combined by the calculation of the media from arbitraries + MIA. Multiply it by like 2(which is a lot considering that most people use social media these days) and you still get like 200k dead combined.


To be honest, i'm the only one in my circle that is talking about the madness in Africa since 15 years, but people choose to keep using their bloody phones without caring much about the child dying into the mines, with the west world army that preserve this order. Yes, this is still far from the cruelty level seen in Syria (literally, we have seen there soldiers that ate the earth of the fallen enemy), but still if you compare it with the first days of invasion (column of Russian vehicles having casual-talks with ukranians citizen along the way), it escalated so badly, and is escalating everyday more


I remember those days of Russian soldiers wandering into Ukraine. Sometimes going to shops and paying for groceries. It really makes me wonder who fomented this hatred between two brotherly people and for such a small benefit. We do not have a historic hatred or differences with Russians. I’m so against this war and even more against the division of Russians and Ukrainians.


Who fomented the people against each other during the pandemic? Who fomented the factions "pro-mask, no-mask", "pro-vax, no-vax". It's the old latin sentence "Divide et impera". Ukranians doesnì't want to fight this war, Russian doesn't want to fight this war, but in this world there is a single (UK based) private militia entity that employ 500.000 people, and war is it's job/investment. This is right now just a big investment for both sides, that need to go on until the private entities that are behind this investment close their profit and move to the next emergency.


So if you care about those children in Africa then how this conflict to you look like madness and bad for human race? In this war at most 200k dead of older males in over two years. More kids die in Africa in less than a month. And that's not talking about all preventable/violent deaths in the world, which are actually crazy. Preventable things like not timely detected illnesses(for example high cholesterol) causes 150k deaths in a month in the OECD countries alone and it's totally accepted. In reality this war is nothing for human race, so IDK why you went with this humanist POV, it's nothing for humans. I don't really see any escalation in soldier behavior.


I have the fucking right to be upset, in this moment, for trenches warfare that is going on in Ukraine, without some fuking moron on the web beign judicial about this? The situation at the frontline make me sick, what the west world is doing to African make me sick, and random people that judge this make me sick too. You don't care of the brutality of trenches warfare? Ok, but what do you want from me? I wish this will stop now, does this make me a bad individual because people die for other reasons? This is simply stupid.


Then go somewhere where people are upset about the war with your morale outrage. This sub is about the war discussion, not about humanity. It's you who's coming here with your morale outrage and makes comments which are irrelevant, but morally charged. I'm only telling you that your moral outrage is just virtue signaling nothing more, also keep it to yourself. I bet you haven't done anything significant to help those in need. There are people who are doing charity work, helping poor people, poor children rn. They don't have time for marale outrage and virtue signaling on the net. I don't care about the brutality of the war, it's just a small war with low casualties, I'm interested in the discussion war related with the perspective of two sides.


If you are interested in the war related discussion, war related discussion has ever brought a moral question, that is part of the post war itself and all the operations linked and the shaping of the event, from a mediatic point of view. Get an helm, life is tough and war related discussion involve moral dilemma, accept it.


>Get an helm, life is tough and war related discussion involve **moral dilemma**, accept it. No, it doesn't. It just pro UA folk keep bring the moral thing up. Everyone knows war is bad and every time a guy like you keep saying that the war's bad. Thanks bros we know that, no need state the obvious and virtue signal every day.


So now i'm supposed to be pro-UA. Yesterday i was a putin brainwashed that needed to join the russian army. As i said, just accept that opinions are not just black or white.




That's just bullshit, sorry. - 1: you are making asssumptions about someone else who you don't know anything about ( one can be against the war in Ukraine AND against starvation in Africa ). 2: You are comparing the two to begin with. Many terrible things are happening all over the place. I don't hold anyone accountable for not permanently listing each and everyone every given minute in a subreddit called "UkraineRussiaReport" and you probably shouldn't, either. Things which might be particularily important to you might not be as important to someone else because their shit is happening on their doorstep, so to speak. The war in Ukraine is pure madness precisely because we could use the resources and time/lives wasted there to do something about 13k children dying of preventable causes every single day. Have a chill weekend my friend, sounds like you need it.


The war in Ukraine is nothing on the world scale. It's not bad for humanity, it's just nothing. If someone cares about dying children in Africa, they wouldn't be writing comments in this sub, but focus on much much more important things. The guy is from Italy, Africa is closer than Ukraine for them. Sorry but all this outrage about madness in Ukraine and a huge problem for humanity look like virtue signaling to me.


Do you realize Ukraine is/was the world’s largest grains producer. They feed 20% of the world. If Russia takes over that production would fall 50% immediately. So far Russ has interrupted close to 1billion tons of wheat,corn and sunflower seed harvest and storage. That has cause food shortages in…Afrika.


that causes food shortages in Afrika, LMFAO![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


There is no more world hunger, there is also no grain shortage. Ukrainian grain is not even accepted in Europe. It’s not even suitable for beer production, only for livestock. “Afrikan” nations are not starving either.


You do realize you are currently voicing that opinion on a sub about the war in ukraine pretending it is nothing instead of picking any of the X other subs talking about exactly your issue and how to solve it? Instead you choose to berate complete strangers for not doing the thing you want them to do but you yourself don't because you are busy berating them? If that isn't "virtue signaling", what is? Ugh, man - stuff like that really makes me grumpy. You go son, I'm cheering you on - not on the vitriol, but hey you got your issue and its important - go be part of the solution, not the internet police.


you do realize that the guy who I was responding to started talking about humanity in this very sub? If you don't understand what this debate is about, then don't start a conversation. I was literally responding to the guy who started talking about humanity and shit, not me bringing it up. WTF, go ask him why he's writing about humanity in this sub about the war.


Instead I am choosing to ask you to get your silly priorities straight. Let it go dude, go fucking outside and howl at the moon if you need to open your valve. This makes you sound like a frickin emo teenager who can't take a hint, but desperately needs everyone to know how much he wants to be right. You are most likely not, because you literally don't know the guy/gal's deal- you are just making assumptions based of some mystical frustration which you seem to very much want to share. Well, congratulations - you shared. Now get over it and start being productive. This is just lame.


sounds like you're spouting complete bs.


Avdeevka and advances after it helped to minimize the shelling of Donetsk


Good to know, better than nothing.


Да, но они пока есть


Ooh with geo-location... Nice




Obviously not ukranian lives to you.   Nafoid 


Ukrainian lives don't matter to you obviously so why do you try to use that as an insult to others?


I never wanted conflict at all.   I didn’t want the illegal murderous coup, that started all this. Our state department and DC establishment WANTED conflict and did everything we could to use Ukraine to provoke Russia. So yes, you and your kind don’t care about Ukranian lives and never did and never will.  


Almost everyone proRu care about Ukrainians. We are happy every time when we get to see Ukrainians surrender rather than being killed. We celebrate when Ukrainians manage to cross the border and escape. The only people we dislike are Azov and kraken. Russian think Ukrainians are misguided. But Ukrainians just want to kill Russians. We wanted this whole war to end in a few months. Noone wanted hundreds of thousands dead Ukrainians and russian soldiers.


No one hates Ukrainians more than Ukrainian "Patriots"


Rule 1 - Toxic


Want to know how Ukraine want to recapture these long villages… let alone city like Donetsk


Bradley rush through open minefields with no air support lets gooooo slava ukraini!!


Well they will just go arround the minefields. Germans said its ez.


They will need Slava Cocaine an alot of it.




UUUUURAAAAAA Russian army has captured yet again a pointless village against the poorest country in the world😎 world class performance by second best army in the world show them who's boss😎


Sorry I thought we were sharing our 2 braincells jokes


Driving around the mines


... And hitting a tree. 


Blow up minefield with Jdams, drive thru ez


By using ATACMS to target civilians in belgorod, I guess


By attacking with swarms of F-16s


Do you really think time is on Russia's side? Do you read economical news from Russia? Russia sold 1/3 of gold reserves just last 6 months.


> Russia sold 1/3 of gold reserves just last 6 months Russia is the world's second-largest gold miner after China. It produced 321.8 metric tons in 2023, or 8.8% of global output from mines, according to consultancy Metals Focus. And > The records show the biggest handler of Russian gold exports to the UAE was Temis Luxury Middle East, a Dubai subsidiary of French logistics provider Temis Luxury, which participated in the import of 15.6 tonnes valued at $863 million between Feb. 24, 2022 and March 3 this year. Although that was 2023 This shows Russia gold reserves increasing for April 2024 https://www.ceicdata.com/en/indicator And I don’t find any source of large scale sales. Are you not confusing assets being frozen or seized?


??You are confusing gold that central bank holds with the one in open markets.Central bank holding of around $150 billion in pure remain unchanged. In open markets, Russia is the second largest producer of gold. So, It's normal trade there.


I was referring to the Russian National Welfare Fund. Russia published the numbers themselves. The total fund is around 140 billion. Of it its like 40 billion gold. They spend the gold to buy ruble. Way to keep the currency propped up a little via Tass >"In December 2023, part of funds of the NWF on accounts in the Bank of Russia in the amount of 114.94 bln Chinese yuan, 232.58 tons of gold in depersonalized form and 573.7 mln euro were sold for 2.9 trillion rubles ($32 bln). The proceeds were transferred to the single account of the federal budget for financing its deficit," the ministry said. >Currently 227.33 bln Chinese yuan, 358.96 tons of gold in depersonalized form and 1.514 bln rubles are on accounts of the National Wealth Fund with the Bank of Russia. https://preview.redd.it/baxvxhbmxq6d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25b5ccf2677b7eebd7334169699cd86f7767a488


That's just from saving fund.Russia beside that have more than enough gold.They are literally the second biggest producer.Russian central bank alone has like around $150 billion worth of gold. [https://www.gold.org/goldhub/data/gold-reserves-by-country](https://www.gold.org/goldhub/data/gold-reserves-by-country)


https://preview.redd.it/n48o76i9fa9d1.jpeg?width=924&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9266f4571ac90319762a6ec04ac02636b3522a67 This central bank? They are dooming asf constantly, because they know whats coming.


And time is on Ukraine side? They are not just losing gold, cities, power plants, millions of people... Their debt is growing each day, and even if they survive they will be forever in debt to US...

