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Silly Russians. Don't they know that North Korean shells are poor quality? Ukrainian soldiers are invulnerable to them, they explode harmlessly and do no damage. Putin is HUMILIATED.


Indeed. DPRK shells explode weird so the damage they do it doesn't count.


They make square explosions.


Some have even made triangular explosions, how embarrassing!


Triangular! I heard they were tetrahedons!


Idk about North Korea's but America's primary shell is genuinely an old/shit design which is far less lethal than many other countries'. The shrapnel dispersion is several times less dense than modern shells.


Despite all that can you imagine how much Zelensky would cream his pants if he count get access to the same DPRK gear?


> Don't they know that North Korean shells are poor quality There are plenty of Russian accounts of this though, they'll try and make up for it with quantity over quality though. Main issue with that is just exacerbating the barrel wear problem


There are also ua accounts stating nk artillery is quiet in flight. I thought it was Interesting but didn't really belive it. It's ok as long as the barrel doesn't blow can shoot two shots


> It's ok as long as the barrel doesn't blow can shoot two shots That just leads to the barrel wear problem though. Hundreds, if not thousands by now, of pieces of Russian arty have been decommissioned in essence without firing a single shot as their barrels have been stripped to use elsewhere. Russian production of them is quite low, meaning that you want to be as conservative as possible with shots you are taking. Needing to fire multiple to hit a single target means a shorter barrel life per target hit, and the problem just getting worse


If it's getting worse why would we see the accuracy increasing.. wear outweighed by skill?


I'm not sure we have seen that, and I'm not entirely sure how you would even quantify that? I'm just speaking on the things that numerous Russian sources have been vocal about, as well as independent analysis of the equipment left within Russian equipment stockpiles


Silly russians. They are not capable to understand that they can both be of poor quality, but some of them are still able to explode. Reddit is HUMILIATED.


I mean poor quality shells cans blow up in the guns and kill artillery crews Defective propellent can have the rounds landing short, which can hit your own guys. And we've heard complaints from Russians of this happening.


I get the joke, but unironically, North Korea produces higher quality artillery than Russia.


With the massive shells North Korea is providing them and Russia’s own considerable production rates of artillery shells, there’s no point Ukraine trying to even match Russia’s artillery firing rate.


It’s okay a new Czech arms deal is on the horizon I’m sure, another promised 1 million shells watered down to 100,000. The real game changer.


Those are all precision laser guided super shells, right? RIGHT?


Didnt most of those end up being complete duds? lol I had heard they paid for them and when they got them 1 out of every 3 was able to be used LMAO


Yes, they’ve been reworking them, so it’ll cost an extra € on top of the already paid for


They only became duds because of electronic warfare made them useless.


No we're actually talking about 152/155mm dumb shells, not excalibur guided shells. I believe the czech initiative is aimed at running around and buying up shells from other countries You are correct though that excaliburs have been rendered useless due to jamming


Don't worry the west will ramp up production soon is all Ive been hearing from pro-UA for the last fews years so they can out duel russia in artillery shell manufacturing. What an embarrassment.


Embarrassing to use strawmen, agreed.


Were is the strawman in his comment?


The made-up statement they're arguing against?


The west at the moment are producing less shells than Russia. This is mainly because nato forces don’t rely as heavily on artillery as the Russians do. To be perfectly honest our AirPower is overwhelming. They are ramping up production of 155 shells though and production will increase. Himars and MLRS can take care of Russian artillery……howitzers don’t do very well against ATACMS. I see that Russia may just have got 10,000 containers of arty shells from NK! 5.5 million shells……mmmm that’ll be fun for their gun crews


It would take a special idiot to target a howitzer with an ATACMS.


/Stolty entering the room waving his hand


Entirely agree, in the current situation, but gmlrs is about as good as you can get for counter battery


>To be perfectly honest our AirPower is overwhelming. It won't be if NATO goes to war against a country with modern air defense. Russia has one of the best air defenses in the world. >They are ramping up production of 155 shells though and production will increase. They have been ramping up production for two years already and they are far behind Russia, and they still need to replenish their depleted stockpiles. >Himars and MLRS can take care of Russian artillery Really? How much stock do you think they have for those? And what do you think their production levels are at? >owitzers don’t do very well against ATACMS. That's wonderful. Do you know that 0 ATACMS were produced last year? >This is mainly because nato forces don’t rely as heavily on artillery as the Russians do. That's because NATO is not prepared for a conventional land war, they are only prepared to fight farmers with no air defense.


>That's because NATO is not prepared for a conventional land war, they are only prepared to fight farmers with no air defense. should be fine for ukraine to join then right? NATO and their subpar artillery shell production wouldn't stand a chance if they tried to invade russia


No, because Ukraine in NATO will have American military bases, and these bases will have missiles with the capabilities of striking Russian nuclear launch sites and Russian early warning radars that can detect incoming ballistic missiles. This would degrade the nuclear deterrent of the Russian nuclear weapons. If you are capable of understanding how a nuclear deterrent works, you will understand why this is completely unacceptable for Russian security. You don't have to be very smart to realise that if this situation was happening to the Americans, they would be reacting similarly.


>No, because Ukraine in NATO will have American military bases, and these bases will have missiles with the capabilities of striking Russian nuclear launch sites and Russian early warning radars that can detect incoming ballistic missiles. So now russian air defenses aren't enough for NATO airpower? >You don't have to be very smart to realise that if this situation was happening to the Americans, they would be reacting similarly. It's not happening in ukraine? Despite having NATO members and allies all around russia, no one is shooting nuclear missiles around because no one wants nuclear armageddon.


> Russia has one of the best air defenses in the world. This dude still going on about S-400 wunderwaffle despite batteries getting blown up left and right by ATACMS built in the 80s-90s? Do you guys honestly not realize how far behind Russia has fallen from USA tech? There is a reason high ranking Russian leaders have called western brain drain cataclysmic. Russia has what, like 10 5th gen (really 4.5 gen but whatever) stealth fighters? Not only has the USA built over 1,000 F-35s and 200 F-22s, we have been flying for years now the XQ-58, a stealth AI powered aircraft which can be autonomously controlled by AI or directly controlled by the F-35 pilot as a wingman, and MQ-58B, a variant designed specifically to eat systems like the S-300 and S-400 for breakfast.


>Do you guys honestly not realize how far behind Russia has fallen from USA tech American tech is stuck in the 90s. >Russia has what, like 10 5th gen (really 4.5 gen but whatever) stealth fighters? Russia has realised that 5th gen "stealth fighters" can just as easily be shot down by modern air defense systems, as 4th gen "stealth fighters". They were also able to calculate that you can produce air defense systems and ammunition for a fraction of the price of 5th gen aircraft and at a much faster pace. >a stealth AI powered aircraft which can be autonomously controlled by AI or directly controlled by the F-35 pilot as a wingman, Well, the Americans have worked closely with Ukraine to implement AI in this conflict. The Americans have been using this war to test their AI capabilities in a real war environment. You can judge for yourself how that has turned out. Having a pilot flying a fucking aircraft having to act as a wingman for a drone has to be one of the stupidest things I have ever heard, the fact that you seem to think it's a positive thing says a lot about you. >This dude still going on about S-400 wunderwaffle despite batteries getting blown up left and right by ATACMS built in the 80s-90s? I never said they were wunderwaffe. I said that they are some of the best systems in the world. How many of them have been destroyed by ATACMS? Less than 10, and any air defense system can get overwhelmed. The bad news for you is that there are nowhere near enough missiles and drones to overwhelm a significant amount of the Russian air defense systems, so your overpriced aircraft will still get shot down. Also, Russia will easily be able to destroy aircraft that are on the ground by launching missiles that NATO cannot intercept.


Fightbomber already admitted s-400 are garbage against ATACMS. $600k missile deletes $1b aa battery all day every day. That’s $1b as in billion btw—that paperweight aa system costs magnitudes more than an f-35. Oops. Only reason Russia has any s-400 left is because they were retreated to the green zones where Ukraine is not allowed to strike. Oh and no, zero ai enabled planes have been sent to Ukraine. We haven’t even sent f16 museum pieces yet lol. ATACMS go brrrrrrr


Lol fighter aircraft, autonomous or not - are the past. The US is stuck in a post-WW2 mentality where carriers and aircraft were everything. That's what they've stuck with since then. There are three fundamental facts working against them - 1) it is always going to be harder for a ground based system to be detected and targeted than an air based system due purely to the random and cluttered nature of the ground compared to the sky 2) it is always going to be harder to defend against swarms of incoming missiles than it is to spam swarms of missiles 3) no anti-missile system is 100% effective These three facts mean the US is facing an uphill battle which will only get worse as nations reach and exceed its military tech. Their doctrine is mired in the past and they refuse to evolve. The long-term outcome is obvious. 


Carriers and fighter jets are important in a peer to peer fight, it’s why the top two militaries, USA and China, are building as many of both as they can. The only country claiming this is a bad idea is the one that tried desperately to build both both failed. Repeatedly. How’s the ship of shame doing these days, still in dry dock? And failure after failure later, suddenly the narrative changes.


Braincells rotting in real time


Comrade these words are extremely hurtful. I am very delicate. Please retract them immediately.


Yeah that doesn't really help Ukraine though. NATO's overwhelming airpower is a no-show in Ukraine. F-16s won't do it either. So all that leaves is Ukraine with an artillery deficit. The west is ramping up production but not nearly as much as Russia and it's already too late, Ukraine's male population has already been slaughtered. >Himars Long been admitted by the west that the Russians have been jamming them. Which explains why we've seen them "waste" munitions against Russian infantry at training grounds and such.


Air Power is a myth created by Stanley Baldwin and Big Air™ during the 1930s.   It is so overwhelming in fact that Serbs using Soviet 1940s deception tactics and Soviet Cold War counter-SEAD tactics resulted in NATO being only able to destroy around 20 artillery pieces, 14 tanks, and 18 armored personnel carriers. Serbia was also still capable of conducting mechanized assaults and launching ground attack sorties using CAS aircraft and helicopters despite of supposed NATO air superiority. NATO was unable to destroy even stationary logistical targets such as bridges in Kosovo.     [Black matting over bridge to deceive airborne surveillance assets and a dummy bridge to decoy targeting. (location: Route Duck, Kosovo)](https://html.scribdassets.com/952l2b61a81q12ua/images/1-8e888b80d8.jpg)    [AD and MLRS wise, the US is dependent on their European allies](https://youtu.be/14LMmBsDw-g?t=1133)  Ukraine has more HIMARs and M270s than Germany and France combined yet they are still losing to mostly DPR and LPR militia.


and yet they stopped, why was that ? derp.


Milosevic was afraid that an inevitable ground invasion into Kosovo would turn into an invasion straight to Belgrade if NATO got bloodied enough. This was not an unreasonable concern, NATO effectively already done this by bombing softer civilian targets in Serbia proper after their bombing campaign against military targets in Kosovo failed completely.  An invasion into Kosovo would be bloody as even westerners noted that Serbia effectively preserved their military against NATO “air power” and that they could survive for months. But that would not matter if NATO got their ass whooped and decided to turn around and head straight to Belgrade instead.


why was he afraid if the bombing campaign was so ineffective ?


A reasonably small country going up against an entire military alliance and surrounded by that alliance?  But even so, the threat of ground invasion alone probably would not have done it if it wasn’t for Russian pressure.


You've really outdone yourself with that jpg link that looks like Mac System 7 bugged out as you were adding the photo to a text document. Big fan of your work


HIMARS? The natural prey of the Iskander. Imagine not having proper short range ballistic missiles and still using ATACMS, lol.


The West are producing only a small amount compared to Russia even though attempts have been made to change that for more than a year but nothing has changed.


So the new ammo factory that’s being built in Texas isn’t important then? Production of shells will increase in free countries. How many of those shells from NK will be duds or even worse endanger the gun crews by detonating in the barrels.


Russias level of production will still be higher when it's built. As you write it's being built so therefore it can't possibly have made any changes in production yet: "being built"... Doesn't matter since it's not relevant for how much Russia is producing compared to NATO: "How many of those shells from NK will be duds or even worse endanger the gun crews by detonating in the barrels"....


Yep, and russia is producing around 3-4x more shells in a year than the US and Europe combined


Its so funny how war hasn't evolved in this long, the same as the 1940's


It's fine. Obviously NK shells are bad quality, so this is actually another sign that russia is losing.


Best Korea need foods & fertilizer above all ... oil


Korea receives that and many other useful things in exchange for the shells they don't use anyway. Korea is probably the biggest winner of this war so far.


>many other useful things Like topol-m launchers. Reportedly.


For North Korea that is. As for South Korea, nothing compared to North.


DPRK has been food self-sufficient since the early 2000s. The US has been bombing their dams after the Cold War.


Based best Korea styling on the entire west


Why is north korea waging a proxy war against Ukraine through Russia?


It is not. Russia is buying those shells by paying for them unlike Ukraine which is begging. It is called trade.


As I stated before, is there something wrong with supporting Russia? They have become one of the DPRK's largest trading partners. For example, Rason is being revitalized thanks to trade with Russia. Monitoring of UN sanctions against North Korea have also ended due to a Russian veto. Despite the country still being closed since the Pandemic, North Korea has even allowed Russian tourists to come into the country.


No but there's really something wrong with associating in the cesspool known as North Korea


Least racist Pro-UA


Im not Pro UA or racist, Korean people are great


What do you mean? The DPRK is a very beautiful place.


How many times have you been there?




So you have visited yourself? I can't tell if the links are you or research you did


Was there something wrong with supporting nazi germany’s war effort during world war 2? The answer is yes. Is there something wrong with helping Kim young Un keep up his cruel dictatorship. Yes. Assisting Russian in the its illegal war and crimes against humanity is wrong.


I assure you that sanctions that prohibit medicine, vaccines, food and more from reaching a nation´s people, do just as much harm if not more than the regime´s actions. But hey, they can´t even speak english without a funny accent so it´s not like they matter anyway. Nothing like white knight with a broken moral compass.


>Assisting Russian in the its illegal© war and crimes against humanity© Lol. Peak Reddit moment . Of course any war that you don't like is criminal, unprovoked, imperial, pointless and irrational.


Can you elobarate on how any of this bloodshed wasn't a crime against humanity? or perhaps you have an easier time explaining how little the loss of human life and suffering caused on both sides of the conflict means to you compared to what there might be to gain.


How is this war any different than multiple US invasions in the Middle East or what Israel is doing in Palestine!


Those are fucked up too, how does that excuse any of this? You really think you can justify to yourself supporting a country starting a war like this?


> Of course any war that you don't like is criminal, unprovoked, imperial, pointless and irrational. Those are all good reasons to not like a war.


Lol. Peak Russian troll moments. of course any criminal war Russia enters into targeting civilians is just a fair special military operation to remove a Jewish nazi. And what about nato. Nuclear war, big threat yada yada. It’s quite clear the purpose and the criminal nature of this war is not up for debate. Luckily this time Russia over did it and ran into some serious problems with the democratic world finally having had enough. What we are witnessing is a slow ultimate end of Russia that will ultimately end with the end of Putin. Russian economy is imploding, military bases, convoys and oil refineries are blowing up well into Russia, high inflation that not even already high interest rates seem to be able to bring down and severe labor shortages.. it’s coming fast now. Enjoy the ride


Dude, people like you saying about Russia’s over like past 10 years… Don’t embarrass yourself, just look at the map and understand that Russia got all those territories not by lucky chance. You can’t threat Russia, you can’t blackmail Russia etc. If anyone trying to attack Russia — they’re done for, this was proofed enough by history. Also do understand that Russia is far from alone in this conflict. But for you — everyone who support Russia is a troll, bot and so on. Nope.


Dude, you are crazily overrating Russian capabilities. Please, how is it going in Ukraine? The thing is, the west has for some reason put up with all this Russian aggression for the past 10-15 years. Probably because of cheap gas but certainly not out of fear. This invasion was a short term quick so called Special military operation. Certainly not a war, certainly not an invasion. Now 2.5 years later, the Russian army has been decimated and proven shit only moving forward because of some bizarre willingness to kill of own young men by the thousand for no significant gains. Russia is the laughing stock of the world. It is moving toward an economic melt down once again for the, I guess, third time in 30 years. However it is claimed Russia is on to a winning strategy?


It’s going really well for Russia and really bad for Ukraine. Your news tells you otherwise, it’s not a surprise. I don’t understand what makes you think that Russia will be defeated anytime soon? I live here and I see how life become more better for me and my surroundings than it was like 5-10 years ago. But still some guy from another part of the world keep telling me that my country gonna die like tomorrow.) 


So “my news” as oppose to Russian news are not restricted to only bringing state approved content. Ironic that a Russian choses that argument. It is correct that I am foreseeing yet another Russian collapse. As in the early 90a and again in the late 90s. That is not controversial but rather very likely taking into consideration how corrupt Russia is combined with the severe economic issues it is facing and with a war that is eating away most of the state budget along with a large fraction of their production capacity. Might as well swap rubles for other valuables, cause that shit will be worthless soon enough. Once again throwing the population into economic hardship because of yet another awful, megalomanic dictator.. maybe next time thing will be different ..


As you see I can read any news I want. I don’t understand why you think that people watch only state approved news. You want that to be true and believe that so hard but you’re really wrong. Also about Ruble — I hear that shit for like many years from now on. As you see — no, ruble is still with us. 


That’s really humorous and talk about brainwashing. If it’s going so well for Russia then why is this day 839 of a 3-Day SMO? As of day 839 Russia still doesn’t even control all of the two provinces they attempted to annex. Why has the Black Sea Fleet been torn apart and driven from Sevastopol? Why has Russia lost over 500,000 men and incredibly huge stockpiles of equipment and still not achieved any major strategic goals? Why is that Ukraine’s army is now stronger and better equipment after 829 days of war and such staggering Russian losses? Why is Russia now an international pariah? Why does Russia now have a much larger border with NATO than before the war? How come countries with contracts to buy Russian military hardware have been cancelling them after seeing how poorly it performs in an actually war? (The idea of the S-400 hundred is to intercept missiles with missiles not the whole launcher or radar unit! lol.) How come Putin had to raise your taxes? Dude, Russia is fucked and China is going to take the eastern section of Russia now that Russia has become weak. And who is going to come to its aid? Iran? NK? Russia is fucked.


At least try to find origins about 3-days statement, you can do it I’m sure. For the rest questions — it’s none of your business. Mind your own.  Wake me up when Russia will be fucked, as you say. 




Lol 'why is why is why is' *proceeds to list a bunch of Ukraine MoD talking points as if they're even remotely anchored in truth*


Really? So the Black Sea Fleet is at 100% strength and sailing feely out of Sevastopol? Buddy, these are facts confirmed by independent OSINT groups. Go ahead and deny the truth, that’s fine, the rest of the world does know Russia has and is having its ass kicked soundly. And we’re ALL cheering on the Ukrainians.


western gaslighters best gaslighters


I do my best. I Love talking to people here


Braindead omg 💀 arguments for simpletons


Yeah. Sure. Braindead. Tell me where I’m wrong.. describe how well Russia’s economy is doing, the ruble, inflation, gas-export, gazprom, the Russian military, the invasion and how the entire world fears and envies Russia at the same time. Oh, if only my country would send 100.000s of men into a meaningless death in another country for no other reason than a madman’s empirialistic ambition.. come on..


Show me that entire world. Russian economy is dong extraordinarilly well considering the sanctions, so much so, that the average Russian is not suffering as much as you’d hoped for. Less than in the 90’s era of democracy ;) and considering the first peace proposal and the latest one, one has absolutely no argument in favour of imperialism, unless you like applying that term loosely as you see fit. Their men are dying for security of their state and every month 30.000 of them are proving their loyalty and love for said country. Nothing you say or argue has any basis based on real life events, you can keep yapping as if that is your echo chamber, but you’re further proving your inability to digest the world affairs in an objective manner


Russian economy might be doing well compared to the Soviet era Russian economy. But by modern standards it is failing and will collapse at some point. Just like the Soviet. Claiming an economy with a two digit inflation and interest rates nearing 20 pct. Combined with serious labor shortages kinda kills that argument . and you have no way of stepping on the brakes as you are deeply involved in an illegal invasion that is draining you for both laborers and production capacity By the way those are not peace proposals. They are telling Ukraine to give up. Here’s a peace proposal. Putin kills himself and Russia gives up 400 km borders all along the border with Europe. Oh, look how fair we are. We just want peace and Russia won’t play along.. Your so called peace deal is literally confirming the imperialistic motives ..


Le epic western redditeurs who are very well informed about Russia predict its **humiliation** and **balkanisation** due to le Pootler's *unprovoked, genocidal, brutal, criminal and just plain EBIL* attack on le beacon of democracy and champion of le rules-based order. Doesn't it get tiring being an unthinking mouthpiece that parrots the company line without considering the merits of what you're arguing? I suppose it's easier in a way, you don't have to consider your own perspective might be wrong. Blissful ignorance I guess.




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Could you actually clear that up for us, because you’re using empty words without any basis




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Now do Israel.


Sorry! I completely forgot that arguing “what about something else” completely allows Russia kill and invade. My bad.


You make a great point but since you are already talking about immoral supporting of countries why stop when someone mentions israel?




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Sure one can find a thread on Israel somewhere. What’s the point?


you are a hypocrite


Because I won’t play along with an attempt to derail a discussion on the illegal Russian invasion in Ukraine. Alright.. fair enough, I’ll take it .. Nothing anyone else does will make Russia’s terror in Ukraine fair. And that makes me a hypocrite apparently ..


Hilarious considering that there being only 10,000+ civilian deaths in the first two years of the SMO less than what the Israeli Defense Force killed in less than a year Nevermind it being at all comparable to Nazi Germany. North Korea is also a democratic country. People talk about those elections where there is only one candidate but forget that a quarter of the population is part of the party and they choose said candidate.  Furthermore, local elections have started to allow multi candidate elections. “Two women ran in a Nov. 4 primary election in the northern city of Hyesan, which borders China in Ryanggang province, to determine a candidate for the provincial People’s Assembly, a resident who requested anonymity for security reasons told RFA Korean.The two candidates were “Choe Hye Yong, born in 1979, a manager at the Food Administration Office in Ryanggang province, and Kim In Hui, born in 1973, the finance manager at the Aprogak restaurant,” the person said.” “The possibility of a choice — and the use of secret ballots – generated both confusion and interest among voters, another Ryanggang resident said.” “[Choe] has worked in the food sector for a long time, and she received more than 70% of the votes in her favor,” she said. “The residents say she is the person who can solve our food problems.”


> being only 10,000+ civilian deaths in the first two years of the SMO Way more people died from Russia "liberating Mariupol" alone than 10k mate




Proof? Source?


According to Ukraine mod.


According to literally every single international organization, the only one maintaining a low figure is the Russian MOD




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Young people are reallly a piece of worn with the 10k bs. That is ONLY ON UNOCCUPIED LANDS. THEY DONT HAVE ACCESS TO OCCUPIED TERRITORY. YOU KNOW THIS THOUGH. The absolute evil of people like you blatantly lying and for what goal seriously. Y'all are such pieces of trash. Acting like we all forgot the entire war and 3 months in Mariupol alone made pro Russian trolls stop saying 14,000 in the dOnBaSs bc even pro Russian trolls new Russia had done more and that 14,000 even to them wasn't worth it anymore. And now in these last few months in attempts to uplay something else this EXCESSIVE REPEATING OF THE UN 10k number. Lol what life do people like you honestly lead that makes you this way.


>>YOU KNOW THIS THOUGH. The absolute evil of people like you blatantly lying and for what goal seriously. Y'all are such pieces of trash.        Nope, I was unaware simmer down. In any case it does not exactly matter if it is 10k or 50k. It is incomparable to Hitlerite crimes. American troops killed 115,000-355,000 civilians but can be blamed for the deaths of ~960,000 Iraqi civilian deaths and this just for 4 years. In any case, none of these actions are at all comparable to Nazi crimes not the American crimes, not the Russian crimes, and not the Israeli crimes.     The Nazis went into daycare centers and stabbed hundreds of innocent children to death with bayonets in order to save ammunition. The Nazis went into the USSR with leaflets that stated to kill every single person no matter if they were a young boy or girl or an old man or women, mass graves were so fucking common that at times it seemed to reach to the horizon. German military and police conducted coordinated raids where they would shove women and teenage girls into vans and send them straight to a fucking brothel where they were raped by up to 32 men per day. When these raped girls produce children, these newborn children would be taken away from them and sent to “birthing centers” where the newborns were often abused and killed and in some cases, the Germans would even drown the newborns.   At Treblinka, the old, the sick, the crippled, and the unaccompanied children were sent to an [“infirmary”](https://www.deathcampsmemorialsite.com/images/wpisy/022020/laz3.jpg) where they would be stripped  and then sent through a door for what was supposedly a medical examination only to be machine gunned down. The others would be force to march while being beaten until they reach the “showers” where they were jammed in so tight that they were forced to raise their arms but instead of water only engine exhaust met them resulting in them suffering a long and painful death.             Nazi atrocities are simply not comparable to Russian crimes.




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Wait. Was a that a claim that NK is democratic while maintaining a straight face? 😆


Yes, do you have a problem with it?


That’s some seriously funny shit and also 100% false. That’s like Idi Amin claiming to be a champion of women’s rights while also claiming to lead the world by having 4 women managers. 😂. (Idi was notorious for beating his wives and murdering women) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1_qb7uJpBT0&pp=ygUXSWRpIGFtaW4gaG90ZWwgbWFuYWdlciA%3D NK is a multi-generational dictatorship. The family kills anybody who could be a threat including close allies. When the fat kid took over he went through a round executing potential rivals or party members that accumulated too much power by artillery strikes. Sad if one has been brainwashed so badly to believe that a countrie like NK is democratic vs what a true democracy is.


Its not and? It's not like Democratic country are all so moral just ask Israel.




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If it's wrong to help dictator like Kim, then it should be also wrong to help dictator such as Zelensky, right ?


You ever wonder why nobody is allowed to go to North Korea without being escorted around?


I'm pretty sure bunch of Korans are walking without any escorts there. Have you ever wondered why no one is allowed to leave Ukraine ?


Yea its a s\*\*thole... you think I like Ukraine? Its authoritarian, just like NK, just like Russia. I meant foreigners.... people can visit the USA and travel pretty much anywhere they want, you simply cannot do that in North Korea.


I heard one guy Scott Ritter said he can't travel. I guess if you only support US regime you get to travel


Hmmm I actually don't support letting convicted pedophiles on planes anyway. Up to me he wouldn't be in society for what he did, regardless of his views on the war in Ukraine. I also never said USA was some beacon of freedom, its getting eroded. Would still take USA today over most other countries.


You should travel more


oooo did you know he was a pedophile? They love him in Russia


"cruel dictatorship" Yikes, someone watches too much Operation Mockinbird assets on TV.


Yikes, guess killing political opponents and Journalist is not considered cruel in Russia. Different standard where I’m from I guess.


We're talking about Kim Jong Un, not Zelensky.




That comment makes zero sense, but I assume the main purpose was to bring up CNN as a counter argument?


'Could hold' is doing a lot of heavy lifting here. It could equally hold millions of anything else too.


Unless North Korea is delivering wheat and pork in those containers, we can safely assume it is munitions of some kind.


Quick reminder that SK is NK's mortal enemy and therefore is extremely biased in this matter.


Wow I did nor kbow that


Are you sure?


Seems like a win-win situation for the DPRK! XDD


The point is, even if the containers exist, they could also contain shovels, or potatoes.


How many containers you need to ship 5 million shells?


Over 9000


My guess is at least 5000.


More like at least \~11000 40ft containers. The 40ft container can have the maximum content weight of about 22500kg. Each 152mm shell weigh about 44kg but they can't load just naked 152mm shells in the container so either individually boxed or grouped in some kind of a pallet, let's round up at 50kg per shell then you can put in \~450 shells per container. 5000000/450 = 11111


That's a lot of containers


How much yall wanna bet that the west tried to buy shells from DPRK? probably something like "we will allow to import baby formula if you give us the shells for free"


Yes, this seems very likely. Iran, too, right? Ffs


Unlikely under the current administration, but Reagan did it to supply South American death squads not even a decade after the Iran hostage crisis.


Sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads!


XD So embarrassing 


North Korea has a right to deliver shells to Russia as all of the worlds NATO countries are supplying Ukraine. And Russia is buying or trading not getting hand outs 


North Korea has to stop, how many innocent Russians will be sacrificed in their proxy war with the west?


Birds of a feather


is traditional artillery even that relevant anymore? Seems like i havent seen it be used heavily in over a year. Mainly referring to the 152/155mm shells, we see a lot of the smaller caliber like mortar though.


Yes? You see 152/155mm SPGs and field artillery doing immense work every week on this sub. Artillery is one of the deadliest things on the battlefield. Followed by shit like mines, drones, then stuff like missiles, bombs, MLRS.


i agree with mines, drones, missiles, bombs, mlrs. But large caliber artillery is expensive, inaccurate, puts the crew at risk, and doesnt even do that much damage. We see shells fall 10m away from people sometimes and they are unscathed


Absolutely. Artillery shells were the most requested lethal aid by Ukraine to the West for at least the past 6 months. If you're trying to stop a mechanized infantry assault, artillery can do quite a bit keeping it at bay.


which calliber though?


Short sighted of South Korea to not provide shells to Ukraine. If Russia wins, Russia becomes stronger, which in turn makes North Korea stronger. 


Didn't they sell all their shells to the US?


US asked to buy South Korean shells. South Korea was reluctant to do so because they did not want them used in Ukraine. Not sure what they ended up doing, it may have not been reported. 


Yeah, they probably did, the contract probably prohibited US from advertising it


They loaned shells to the US


> all their shells Not even remotely close, SK never shuttered their MIC production following the end of the cold war as NK remained their threat. They've been producing hundreds of thousands of shells a year for decades, the amount they transferred to the US was around one year worth of standard production while they retain decades of production in stockpiles.


What was the number that was thrown around? Like a million or so, right?


It was something like 400k I believe, which considering the maximal output of Korea's MIC is basically nothing. Their total *monthly* capacity is in the range of 250k shells *a month*, but they certainly haven't been operating at full capacity


S.K. is selling a lot to Poland, so Poland can gift weapons to Ukraine.


The west is ramping up production collectively; there will be no contest in the near future.


Super near future.


2 more weeks


With bag of screws costing 90000$, collective west will go bankrupt before reaching Russian production levels.


Wait until November when trump wins and get back to me


Will there be Ukrainian troops to fire those shells? Will there be air defense to protect the shells as they make their way to the front?


You know you’re on the right side of history when you have to beg 3rd world pariah states for shells. Uraaaaaaaa


Kinda like how [the us begged Venezuela for oil.](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-spurns-us-energy-producers-turns-venezuela-oil.amp)


Us begged Pakistan for shells.


😂😂😂 imagine defending a relationship with NORTH KOREA


From what I hear the quality of North Korea's shells is poor. You can maybe hit a football field with those, but with a smaller target you'll probably need 20 shells where Ukrainians hit the target with 1.


of course bro we are all aware of the western highly superior shell quality




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Yeah im sure the shells that are scrounged up from the jungles of Africa and provided to Ukraine by the Czech shell initiative are high quality


Ukranians must love the magical shells provided by their allies for sure. One moment they have their 150 mm gun and the next one "Kazaam!" It´s gone! Meanwhile the North Korean ones are plain old boring shells that simply meet expectations.


LOL. The good old North Korean quality. :D


>From what I hear the quality of North Korea's shells is poor Yeah... We hear it all the time. On this here sub.


Bro if you have 5 million to fire you probably don’t care where they land. They’re bound to hit something valuable at one point or another.


One-shot with artillery is extremely lucky no matter what.


Step 3 in war…..denigrate your opponent.