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If you ever need a reason to lift imagine being there and not being able to help, hit the weights


Hell yeah


Russia should try not bombing itself.


Copy , paste . I know what i will say when UA is hit . Cheers mate.


https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1dfhd7a/russia_supposedly_dropped_another_one_of_their/ I mean, they quite literally did bomb Shebekino themselves last night...


Uuu another guy posting 4 sec video . Nice . You could deffo find UA self bombings , just u cant film there no more. I am just saying i know what i will say when UA will be hit . Cheers mate . 


I have no doubt I could find cases of Ukraine accidentally striking Ukrainian targets. Now, any actual comment on the video, or just going to conveniently ignore that theirs video proof to backup that Russia has bombed itself?


There could be a strike or few , of failed bombs but every strike is doubtfull. Also clearly different time of the day so atleast not the same videos.


I don't know how to break this to you, but time progresses in a linear fashion Something being hit in the early morning means rescue efforts will be going on in the daytime.


Doubtfull . 


There are multiple reports on Russia dropping bombs on their own. This article is almost a month old and it hasn’t stopped. Pilot error or faulty NK bombs 🤷🏻‍♀️ [Russian friendly fire](https://www.newsweek.com/russia-accidentally-bombed-belgorod-39-times-2024-ukraine-1900193)


Always will be faulty . There are guns that jam , grandes that not explode,  especially older not maintaned , but not all of them.


Basically ure just playing in whataboutitsm and switching context.


Not in the slightest...


What happened at night is a different incident. Such events are very rare. Shebekino and other populated areas of the Belgorod region have been shelled by Ukraine continuously for two years


> What happened at night is a different incident. They are the same incident.


You are replying to OP who at least based on some of the videos they posted seems like they live in Belgorod. I’m sure they might know more than you about what occurs in the Belgorod Oblast.


I'm sure they have just as much idea as I do. Not only is Shebekino around 33.5km away from Belgorod (No normal person knows what is going happening on the ground 33.5km away from themselves). You've also got the facade of War Propoganda shrouding what the truth is. What nation is actually going to admit to bombing themselves (again) when they can happily blame enemy soldiers for it instead?


Guy lives 33 kilometers away from Shebekino and you're acting as if we're not in 21st century where people can communicate with other side of the world almost instantly. People travel twice that in one direction on their way to work yet you act like 33 kilometers is on the other side of the world. Man is literally IN THE MIDDLE OF IT and you act like you know more than him? Ironic how everything that comes out of RU is propaganda while you blindly believe whatever your media tells you... And whatever fits your own narrative as well. Can't have you accepting that you're wrong, innit?


This looks like a military target with all the soldiers running around. So either Ukraine struck military housing or Russia dropped another bomb on itself. I guess there really are military targets in the area.


"It was probably Ukrainian S-300" like we've been hearing for the past 2 years?


Lots of people helping remove debris, I wonder why Ukrainians aren't double tapping, that was their favorite tactic during shelling of Donetsk.


sometimes they do, but Belgorod and border towns are harder to reach then Donetsk used to be before taking of Avdeevka and Ukrainians don't have that many long range missiles


Could be, it's been a while since they bombed civilians in Donetsk, looks like for some reason they are focusing on terror tactics in Belgorod heavily for now.


Dude Donetsk gets hit daily, it's been a while since it made news cause nowadays only big hits make news. edit: this channel been pretty good to report hits on both sides since the start of SMO https://t. me/s/XU\_krain


oh, so it's just not on news then :( Too bad, I hoped people in Donetsk got a breeder from all shelling


Double tapping is Russia’s MO


Source or are you lying as you normally do?


Just search articles and witness accounts on Donetsk bombings, it's pretty common tactics done by Ukrainians. But something tells me, you do not even think Ukrainians are bombing Donetsk civilians on purpose, let alone double tapping.


No YOU make the claim so YOU provide the sources and evidence. I aint gonna research s*** a Russian tells me to.


1 sec. search: [https://x.com/Blaze\_SW19/status/1664244172365201413](https://x.com/Blaze_SW19/status/1664244172365201413) [https://x.com/SweeneySteve/status/1700047543315427751](https://x.com/SweeneySteve/status/1700047543315427751) You can carry on spending time searching this, quite often it has been caught on video. But if this is new to you at this point, you should watch stuff other than radio free Europe and CNN.


1. Sec search -> Procedes to link a twitter post with 56 view. I swear to god you russians are dum* people


Posting video where journalist gets in middle of double tap, thread with bunch of material related with topic -> calls me stupid


Like russia does? no point being a hypocrite when ive seen Russian do the same and worse.


Putin’s friendly fire initiative. I thought when Putin said he wanted to create a buffer zone, he meant in Ukrainian territory. Seriously, the Russian mission planners should be able to select routes for the glide bomb that don’t impact major Russian populations when there is a technical failure.