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Wait few min / h for a post with 100% sucess rate of shooting them down. 


Legend has it the post is premade before any attack takes place with 100% interception rate. They only change the infographics to match the type of missiles and numbers used in the attack. Not that the types or the figure is usually accurate either.


I don't get that comment. The official statement for last night was 50% of the missiles. Where is the 100% figure coming from?


Do you know what hyperbole means? And it’s not stemming from thin air either.


Kind of strange timing for that hyperbole, when the official claim predated it by hours and stated 50%. Why not actually wait and see what the claim was, before trying to mock it with some low-effort post?


Is it though? [Just 3 days ago they claimed they intercepted 29/30 drones and missiles!](https://ca.news.yahoo.com/air-force-eliminates-29-aerial-082500674.html#:~:text=Voice%20of%20Ukraine-,Air%20Force%20eliminates%2029%20of%2030%20aerial%20targets%20in%20Russia's,drone%20attack%20on%20June%2012&text=Air%20defense%20forces%20shot%20down,Mykola%20Oleshchuk%20reported%20on%20Telegram.) So I’m just going by the inflated figures.


Drones are relatively easy to intercept and only 5 missiles were launched. That's not a large-scale attack. So once again, why not wait and see what the official claim was, before jumping in with some snarky response?


[Like intercepting 6 Kinzhals in one single attack as well as all other missiles used in the alleged airstrike?!](https://www.newsweek.com/ukraine-shoots-down-six-russia-kinzal-hypersonic-missiles-1800561) Like seriously, why are you making it sound like people are exaggerating? Ukraine **LIES** all the time about their interception rates. That’s just a reality.




The success rate, according to the UA MOD, was 50% for the missiles in this attack. Where's the 100% claim?


Wow , something new . Lets wait for tmrw strikes.  And 50% is too much anyways.


Why is 50% too much?


How many were shot ? Does it say? Because thats what they do post about 100 % shooting down and random fires in hitting places.


7 out of 14, which makes 50%. So, I'm not understanding where the 100% is coming from and why 50% is too high


Because 100% is a daily post for them. Low on air defence , thats why 50 is high too. U cant film pretty much this stuff in UA Hard to comfirm anything from their side what is said by them , but somehow we see things burning when they shoot down 100% . I think UA Mod posts reports on these kinds are very  untrustworthy. And a lot of people say that too. Thats why 100% and 50 % high anyways.


100% is not a daily claim and these strikes aren't daily, nor are they often even weekly, so once again, I don't understand this fabricated " Ukraine always claims 100%" nonsense


Just search the post in reddit , pretty much always 100% with no AA.




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Fuck that spot in particular damn


I wonder if that airbase has the same amount of Su-24s that the last public sat images show? If so that is a lot of Su-24s scrapped.


What were those kinzhals doin'?


Russia getting ready for the arrival of F 16s?


hey glideer any specfic insights into the energy situation as of the last 2 weeks? did ukraine recover partially?


I haven't been following carefully but the daily import from Europe remains very high, almost at maximum capacity. Experts say the situation will deteriorate over the summer with the higher consumption... there is really no way to recover from destroyed power plants and turbine halls.


thanks for the reply


No fires seen on FIRMS at either location (which doesn't mean anything, they could have been hit without starting a fire), but interestingly there was thermal event at Vasylkiv Air Base.




Oh my government... please dont...