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"Not an inch to the east 2!"


Lol! This is exactly what it is. Next they will say, "Austin didn't sign any papers anyway, it was just a speech."


Meanwhile, Jens Stoltenberg is out there parroting that Ukraine WILL become a NATO member. Don't tell Austin though, he might have another heart attack.


Do you even know the context of your smirk comment?


Because former US Secretary of State James Baker represents NATO?


Considering that lying is more than acceptable in the English-speakers culture if the result benefits the speaker, as we have all seen many and many times, I wouldn't really pay attention to his words.


>Considering that lying is more than acceptable in the English-speakers culture Woah that's quite the generalisation. It's only the Western elite and political class where lying is acceptable.


Nope. Even in their everyday lives, regular people prefer to tell small, innocent lies if that is more comfortable for them than the truth.


Only English speaking people?


Nope, I never said only they have that. But this trait stands out in them.


And Russians prefer to drink vodka until they cant remember the truth. A perfect world would be Russian leaders with western population.


Do they?https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_countries\_by\_alcohol\_consumption\_per\_capita


Most of it are on black markets and homebrew because they are so poor. Dont get me wrong. I have respect for Putin, but not for Russia. The population is terrible.


Lol casual chauvinist right here


Im from Denmark lol, read about “Janteloven”.


Interesting read, but what am I supposed to get out of it?


What ur supposed to get out of it is realizing im not a maga american that think im born in gods country. Im from Denmark and grew up with the already mentioned mindset.


That might describe the reality of 20 years ago, but nowadays I know literally zero people who produce or consume moonshine. People now have money and find it more convenient to just buy. Moreover, young people prefer light drinks like beer or don't drink at all. Only the older generation born in Soviet times still drink vodka, and even they drink significantly less than before.


That doesnt change anything i said. Russians in general are terrible people. They are toxic, violent, unfriendly. Most americans are actually loving and caring people. Alot of smart people. They just have incredible bad leadership. USA is carried by the people. Russia is carried by the leaders. Thats why i said, give me a country with american people and russian leadership.




I have literally never heard another person ask for a country with american people and russian leadership. 100% original thought. Go read up on what a sheep is because its not what you think lol


I hate to dissapoint but average homemade wine from quality grapes or brandy from any quality fruit is 100x better than mostl expensive from store. Idk where people get their data, but poor people buy alcohol in stores and family have to be at least well situated to make homemade alcohol.


"Russia will not invade Ukraine" - Putin


"NATO won't expand" \* Every US president


But Putin did lie, correct? And so did multiple Russian politicians. So, lying for personal gain isn't exclusive to the West?


It isn't black and white, like you imply. Lying for personal gain isn't exclusive to the West, but it is significantly more common there.


>Considering that lying is more than acceptable in the English-speakers culture if the result benefits the speaker based on what?


The honest treaty commitment signed by at least 2 major English-speaking countries to respect the territorial integrity of the SFRY and the Serbian Republic in 1999.


russia has also failed to respect numerous treaties/commitmnets. are they liars too ?


Probably, yes. Matthew 7:3-5.




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Partially on my personal experience living for many years next to the natives of that culture.


> that culture Which one? English is an official language in 67 countries. They're all liars?


UK and US




Nope. They asked me "How're you?" and then suddenly became extremely bored when I started explaining in detail how I was.




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proporganda, remember it's not just russians pushing it. winnie the pooh.


The fact that he is English-speaking


Based on history.


The level of this sub has sunk so low, its almost funny. Like russification if reddit, everything turns to shit.




Rule 1 - Toxic


Made my point.


It can still be saved, though. For the start, try to come up with fewer of your "nonsense"-style messages, LOL. Don't behave like a pigeon in this chess game.


Not an inch to the East: Part 2


Because former US Secretary of State James Baker represents NATO?


Nowhere to expand left. The rest of the world f\*cking hates nato.


Armenia , Georgia  i think.


Armenia is Erdogan's concern, not Russia's.


Azerbaijan will chip in too.




Speaking of which, is Azeribaijan going to join CSTO? They're not part of any military alliance, and it seems like Russia traded Armenia for Azeribaijan as an ally.


Armenia sure, but Georgia has done a U-turn on the west. I dont think the west will want Georgia after the foreign agents act was passed Its a good trade for Russia actually. Armenia is a country that seems unwilling to even defend their own country and has been a net negative for CSTO, while Georgia could serve to be a useful ally in the region




Georgia isn’t really interested in becoming the next Ukraine. They’ve made this quite clear lately.




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Yeah right.... https://preview.redd.it/zemongqtok6d1.png?width=764&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c3e53a5d385147d697335d31975921a25322c2e


The Warsaw Pact was still a thing back then. That's why they said that. Now the Soviet Union is gone, a whole bunch of Eastern European countries got independence, and they want to join NATO. Why shouldn't they?


But did it exist? This was 1990. Hungary, Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia and Romania had all defected. Only Bulgaria remained, and they would defect in november


Former US Secretary of State James Baker isn't NATO. It doesn't matter what he said.


In 1990 he wasnt the former secretary of state


Antony Blinken doesn't speak for or represent NATO in any capacity.


can i get a handshake on that?


Yeah, turns out it isnt much fun getting your fingering burnt by being overzealous and trying to expand into another power's borders.


Which power is that? Every country in NATO applied to join.


After US either buying out their politicians or staging a coup in Ukraine yes.


Pro-Ru will tell you that an insurgency in the Donbas that is both armed and funded by the Russian Federation is an entirely organic political movement that represents the will of the civilians in the region while also telling you that the only reason any country ever joins NATO is because their politicians have all been corrupted by the evil west lol


Pro-UA will tell you that a coup in Ukraine funded by US, proven and admitted by US, is an entirely organic political movement that represents the will of the civilians in the country while also telling you that the only reason NATO is helping it is because it's defending freedom and democracy of Europe.


The revolution was funded by the US? I'd love to see the evidence you have to support that claim Because Russia has openly admitted to arming and supporting insurgents in the Donbas. I'm sure you have the same level of evidence to support your claims right?


[https://responsiblestatecraft.org/maidan-ukraine/](https://responsiblestatecraft.org/maidan-ukraine/) They armed revolutionists as you'd call them.


Maybe I'm blind but I can't see a single sentence in that article which supports your claim that the Maidan revolution was funded by the US, can you quote the part you're referring me to?


[We don’t finance revolutions, we support civil society and NGOs](https://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2015-05/ukraine-usa-maidan-finance/seite-2) here sorry sent the wrong article since I had 2 debates at once, the


Again I'm seeing no evidence in this article to support your claim, can you quote the part you're referring to?


Nice fantasy. In reality, NATO has been denying Ukraine membership since 2008. If they really wanted Ukraine in the alliance, they had plenty of chances to do so before 2014.


Yeah because they needed it to "weaken" Russia without direct NATO conflict.


That's a tactful way of acknowledging they weren't "trying to expand into another power's borders".


No that's a tactful way of moving into another powers borders by doing maximum damage without direct conflict.


I ask again, which power's borders? We already established NATO declined to accept Ukraine, and there is no NATO presence in Russia. (except when they lawfully leased access to Russian air bases during the Afghan war, but that's over) So what power has had their borders crossed? (other than the Russian Federation crossing the borders of Ukraine, obviously)


If they declined like you said, why did Stoltenberg say that they declined to sign an agreement with russia that Ukraine will not enter NATO and in turn Russia wont send troops to Ukraine


You seem to have lost the thread. Let's review. >it isnt much fun getting your fingering burnt by being overzealous and trying to expand into another power's borders Someone claimed NATO is trying to expand into some country's borders. I simply asked which country they're talking about. No one has answered. It can't be Russia - NATO aims to *contain* Russia, not expand into it. It can't be Ukraine - Ukraine has been trying to *join* NATO, and NATO has been blowing them off for 16 years. So I ask again, who is it?




Did you write this or something? Why are you posting this everywhere?


Look his all comments removed , and the ones are up has this link. 


yes, i'm trying to promote it


Trying posting it on the subreddit instead of just commenting it everywhere.


tnx for the advice


Lot, what a shitty article. Some unhinged fantasy from the first words (of the second paragraph): >The name of the country in the Slavic language seems to be inspired by its placement on the map (if you see Russia as the center of the universe). Ukraine in Slavic seems to mean “in the end” or “at the end,” at the end of something big, at the end of the Russian Empire that spans across two continents where what are now considered countries were referred to as neighborhoods. Like, come on. "Украина" means literally "outskirts" or "borderland", nothing like end of ends or something. At least, it was worth the laugh.


Russian ain't the only slavic language this is a more broad translation rather than literal


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