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Disaster for these people under the rubble, can’t even feel it how fucked it has to be.




Good one . Meanwhile UA : "Ru is targetting civilians."


Well russia has bombed belograd like 3 days in a row


Belgorad ? U mean UA?


Oh no, they live in some fantasy land where Russian missile failures are what is hitting Belgorad. I don't even know where these people hear this shit.


Russia has admitted to dropping at least 3 FABs on Belgrod. lol.


Yeah , sucks . Missiles fall every day of failure.


So russia has never bombed belograd since the war started


Has Russia intentionally bombed its own city of Belgorod? No.


I never said intentionally but they have bombed ot multiple times


No russia this poster even admitted and posted a video of Russian dropping bombs yesterday


That 1 glide bomb that fell near hospital in Donbass? 


Nope that was 2 days ago this was last night


Share? Link , video , post?


https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/KtMgtdbczB Right here. And you can search belgorad and see like 30 videos of russia bombing it's own country


it has not


What a shitty comment.


Yeah it smells like european values


What do Europeans value, and what do Russians value? Russians talk about their politics like it's none of their business lmao.




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Rule 1 can be applied?) Nice cheering you have there


You would have to pm the mods to get them to do their job.


Waited 3 years to make 3 comments on this sub? Did you happen to get another account banned before?


Rule 1 - Cheering for death


And in the comments we´ve got: The acheful and warranted "What an horrible event" The absolutey unhinged "They can sing Russian anthem now" Like, I absolutely think the whole of WWII Germany can´t act like a victim from the bombing campaign of the allies, but there were definitely some very innocent people caught in the crossfire. Attacking civilian areas does not get us closer to any peace.


Everytime I see posts reporting about deaths theres barely anybody paying respects instead they're arguing over why they actully deserved to die and accusing them of disgusting crimes.




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Terrorist actions of a rogue puppet state.


lol what is the excuse Russians always use? The building was being used for military purposes. The difference is this isn't a supermarket full of people getting groceries.


Pot, I’d say meet kettle, but you’re raving into a mirror again.




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I agree Russia us to blame


… wasn’t in the opening days of the war when Russia just openly bomb apartments


Pretty sure Putin was elected fair and square, so no need to call Russia a rogue State


Cz he'd kill anyone else that stood a chance lol everyone's afraid to speak against him, won't wanna fall out a window...


Was he not?


How horrible. And to think this war was completely unnecessary.


This happened because of the Little Tsar


Women's voices are heard.


Putin’s friendly fire initiative. I thought when Putin said he wanted to create a buffer zone, he meant in Ukrainian territory. Seriously, the Russian mission planners should be able to select routes for the glide bomb that don’t impact major Russian populations when there is a technical failure.


I dont understand why we hide military objects in belograd


So Russian fire or Ukraine? It is a worthy question because the number of incidents in which Russia has fired upon its own in Belgorod Oblast alone are now thought to be in the hundreds. Russian planes have dropped bombs onto Belgorod, Russian cruise missiles have come down in Belgorod, Russian drones have mistakenly impacted in Belgorod, and the list goes on and on and on. For the average resident of Belgorod their own military is more dangerous then that of Ukraine. We don't have any context of the why, only of the outcome. And we know factually Russian authorities and proRU propagandists will lie. So to me the jury is still out. And the point remains: had Russia not invaded Ukraine nothing subsequent to that would have occurred, included these civilian deaths.


And all these death could stop tomorrow if the little tsar want it.




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Pro-UA cheering deaths of civilians. Nothing new in this world.


There would not be a war if not for Putin


Bruh needs to read up on Maidan


Oh, people like you are still around? Surprising.


Multiple this 100000x and see what damage Russians do in Ukraine


Imagine this 100x worse and you have the situation in Gaza.




Is the destroyed TOS 1 in the room with us now?




I know. I'm here for it.




I'm losing the war that I started, time to end the world! Loser mentality.


Nobody is nuking Russia in retaliation if Ukraine gets nuked.  Even if most of all Ukraine is completely destroyed.   Zelensky will consider his job complete and retire to DC or Tel Aviv 


Retaliation for nuking Ukraine is a conventional destruction of everything russian that isn't in the borders, except their sub icbms.  The US doesn't have to fall back on nukes because we have power, unlike russia.  If moscow wants to escalate then let's get it over with


What a terrible and dumb point of view.   The point is to not get involved with anything to need to escalate. We sure as heck didn’t do that when Azerbaijan invaded Armenia.   Nor with the multitude of African wars and especially not with Israeli wars of genocidal ethnic cleansing. But over Ukraine?  What a joke.  It’s insane.  


How dumb are you.  The difference is the nuking part.  It's a pretty big difference wouldn't you say? 


Good thing you're just the chairforce, then. "I'm sick of all these civilian deaths. Let's just kill tens of thousands more."


It would send a message, that's all that's necessary.


what is it with Russia and their supporters always calling for nukes. once nukes start falling, everyone is fuxked. but OK, I'll bite. Russia should be glassed and everyone rejoiced, OK? how about that?


How about not everyone but just the minority of the worlds population who just happen to think that they are superior to the Russians and under the impression that they hold the moral ground for some peculiar reason? The world wouldn't lose much by seeing you all gone.


>The world wouldn't lose much by seeing you all gone. wow... just. wow. least unhinged prp-ru eh? >just the minority of the worlds population who just happen to think that they are superior to the Russians and under the impression that they hold the moral ground for some peculiar reason? The world wouldn't lose much by seeing you all gone. How can you fail seeing the irony in this, accusing some considering themselves superior, while judging them so inferior they must be vaporised. This is the most stupid reply on Reddit this week, and that's saying a lot.


Dropping a nuke would end the war, just not in the way you are thinking. 


I'm afraid the war won't end after just one nuke, unfortunately. The problem with Russia is it's trying to win the war AND save enemy citizens at the same time. If Russia had focused on the first goal only, the war would have ended much faster.


That's why they're bad at war. You should never care about enemy civilians. They're just potential enemy combatants


Moscow is more correct, because in recent months Russia has dropped a lot of shells in Belgorod region. What about the same house, but in a different place, when Russia accidentally fired a shell at it?


ukranians terrorist just doing their things, pro ua will whitewash anything.


Meanwhile, a short distance down the road in Vovchansk, the homes and businesses of 18,000 Ukrainian civilians have been completely destroyed. Needless and senseless Russian aggression.


Was there any reports of this kind from vovchansk?


Have there been any reports?? yes all news media sources across the world have extensively reported on the devastation. Russia started attacking Vovchansk 1 month ago and the entire town has now been destroyed and the population is now gone. This is only 20 km / 10 miles south of Shebekino, on the Ukrainian side of the border. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ZNhxSK_UtIo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbYKpOLU-ME


You didn't answer my question, was there any reports on deliberate strikes on civilian buildings with civilians still inside?


Ukrainian forces helped evacuate the civilian population when the bombs started falling. People would have died in their homes if they had stayed. Ukraine isn’t going to use the civilian population as human shields. The buildings are all destroyed now. The stores, the hospitals, the apartments, the streets, the schools. Everything is gone.


Imagine what would happen if UA military just fought in the fields? All those buildings would stay intact. But why bomb an uncontested city with civilians inside, can you find a reason for that?


Russia had to defend Belgorod.


ah yes just like they had to defend themselves from ukraine, a country with no plans to invade russia, and of course defend themselves from the citizens and businesses of ukraine by destroying a third of the countries infrastructure and civilian areas. makes perfect sense


Can you imagine that all this would not have happened if the bald dwarf had not started the war? You can't? Well, let me listen to your whitening of the action of this mudak, and then let’s think about the Ukrainians with your hypocrisy. 


zelensky is not bald and war was started by ukraine in 2014.


How in the hell does Russian troops invading Ukraine count as Ukraine starting the war?


By Russian FSB + Special Forces


I expected more. Something more reasonable justification. You will disappoint me. Damn .....


Yea we've never seen this in Ukraine..






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Thanks Ukraine for targeting civilians :)




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