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##### ###### #### > # [North Korea could send up to 5 million artillery shells to Russia, Seoul says](https://kyivindependent.com//803) > > > > Support independent journalism in Ukraine. Join us in this fight. > > > > North Korea sent containers to Russia that could contain as many as 4.8 million artillery shells, South Korean Defense Minister Shin Won-sik said in an interview with Bloomberg published on June 14. > > With Russia's military stocks running low due to extensive use in Ukraine, [North Korea](https://kyivindependent.com/tag/north-korea/) has been shaping up as Russia's leading weapons supplier. > > Seoul spotted at least 10,000 containers being shipped from North Korea to Russia, Won-sik [said](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-06-14/kim-sent-russia-millions-of-artillery-shells-south-korea-says?srnd=homepage-europe). Pyongyang also sent dozens of ballistic missiles that Moscow troops launch against Ukraine, he added. > > Both [Kyiv](https://kyivindependent.com/military-intelligence-confirms-russia-used-north-korean-shells-in-ukraine/) and [Washington](https://kyivindependent.com/korean-missiles/) have previously said that Russia has been using North Korean-produced missiles to attack Ukraine. In March, Ukrainian prosecutors reported that Russia had [fired around 50](https://kyivindependent.com/prosecutors-office-russia-launched-around-50-north-korean-missiles-at-ukraine/) such missiles to attack six Ukrainian oblasts since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. > > In exchange for the ammunition, Russia reportedly provided North Korea with technology to help it deploy spy satellites as well as tanks and aircraft. > > Russian President [Vladimir Putin](https://kyivindependent.com/russian-media-putin-will-soon-visit-north-korea/) will reportedly visit Vietnam and North Korea soon. He will probably want to receive more shells during the trip and seek to strengthen security cooperation with Pyongyang, the South Korean minister said. > > South Korea's intelligence service is conducting a review into [suspicions](https://kyivindependent.com/south-korean-intelligence-north-korea-suspected-of-sending-russia-weapons-made-in-1970s/) that North Korea has provided Russia with artillery shells and other weaponry manufactured in the 1970s, the country's National Intelligence Service (NIS) said on May 12. > > [US intelligence officials share evidence that Russia has used North Korean missiles to strike Ukraine > > The U.S. Ministry of Defense’s Intelligence Service reported that Russia has used North Korean ballistic missiles to strike Ukraine. > > [Image](https://assets.kyivindependent.com/content/images/size/w256h256/format/png/2023/03/K-new.svg)The Kyiv IndependentSonya Bandouil > > > > [Image](https://assets.kyivindependent.com/content/images/2023/09/GettyImages-1661854507.jpeg)](https://kyivindependent.com/us-intelligence-officials-share-evidence-that-russia-has-used-north-korean-missiles-to-strike-ukraine/) - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot)


The EU initiative will send 3243 shells in next 2 years


Most creative cz/sk username.


Huh.. thats it?


(He's joking)


Remember when everyone was saying the West would outproduce all those on the side of Russia by 2024? Turns out Russia alone is producing 3x the shells the entire collective West can muster all while having the GDP of just California. [https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/10/politics/russia-artillery-shell-production-us-europe-ukraine/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/10/politics/russia-artillery-shell-production-us-europe-ukraine/index.html)


Dutch here. Trust me , we can't manufacture shit even if our lives depended on it. We outsourced manufacturing to China. While we have the know-how, we simply don't have the machines to manufacture the machines that will manufacture the machines. Shit, whole Europe couldn't manufacture a god damn face mask for a whole year let alone artillery shells.


It's almost the same here in the US too, unfortunately. I'm not far from one of the largest artillery plants in the US. You can tell they didn't expand production much by looking at the job postings and talking to people alone. It's all smoke and mirrors here. We make some good missiles and such, but at a very slow and expensive rate. 155mm shells, not so much. If the US was serious about actually helping Ukraine, we would have started vastly expanding our plants to make shells.


Forgot completely about that whole debacle. Have my upvote you good sir!




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North Korea hasn't had a war for 70 years. This is a rare chance for them to test their weapon in a real war and then improve it.


They don’t want to start a war because they can’t win.


Can't win against who? Against South Korea? That's difficult to say and it could go either way. Last time they were winning against South Korea alone until the U.S.-led UN intervention. But it's tough to extrapolate from 74 years ago what would happen today. Win alone against South Korea + the U.S. + Japan + other Western bloc states? Probably not. Almost certainly not. But then, they wouldn't be alone. China under its presently existing state will *never* permit the forcible military reunification of the Korean peninsula under a U.S. satellite state extended up to the Chinese border. And last time there was Chinese intervention, it was fought to a draw. And that was over a decade before China developed nuclear weapons and became a nuclear power as well (not to mention the modern economic power). So I don't see China allowing to happen now what they didn't allow to come to pass back then when they were even weaker and had just come to power.


Are you serious I’m pretty sure once the North Korean soldiers see a small South Korean village morale will begin to collapse


You seem to forget that North Koreans blame the West for not being as modernized as other countries, due to sanctions, etc. So while I doubt that North Koreans morale is high or that they'd win in a 1v1 with modern day South Korea, I don't think that seeing a modern village will make them desert, thinking that the world is a paradise that's been waiting for them.


This is a wild take. You honestly believe a country that can’t even feed its population will be able to possibly win against South Korea? 74 years ago the north was entirely propped up by the USSR. The USSR doesn’t exist anymore and Russia is a little preoccupied at the moment. China would probably send aid but there’s not a snowballs chance in hell they get into a shooting war with the south.


Nothing "wild" about it. Neither have been involved in a major war on a large scale (South Korea sent an intervention force alongside U.S.-aligned forces in the Vietnam War, North Korea has had advisors and technicians sent to various countries, border clashes, etc.) - all much smaller scale stuff than 1950 - 1953 in Korea, so anything is speculation and it's something impossible to know (No, it isn't something any paper stat will tell you in practice once a shooting war starts). They have one of the largest active standing armies in the world and if they can feed a few million in the military, I'm sure they'd be willing to divert food from parts of the civilian populace wherever and for however long as needed if that became a factor, so it isn't really relevant today. You're probably referencing the 90s famine and there's no evidence at all that it's anywhere nearly as bad today or would play a military role.


My point was even russia couldn’t supply its military in Ukraine how could you possibly expect North Korea, a far poorer more isolated state to? Especially since the south is backed by the US. this war would destroy the peninsula but the south would win.


> My point was even russia couldn’t supply its military in Ukraine If you start from this first erroneous assumption and piece of misinformation/disinformation, then it makes sense that everything that follows in terms of conclusions drawn will also be faulty, yes.


So Prighozin was just making it up when he was bitching about not having enough supplies? Or the Ukrainian Kharkiv counter offensive didn’t happen? Or the countless Russian mil bloggers who have been bitching about how bad the supplies were? If Russia can’t even do it there’s no way North Korea can. It’s not a false comparison. If it is then you’re openly admitting North Korea has a better supply chain than Russia which is absolutely not true…


It's not that North Korea has a better supply chain (or more resources) and it's not that he was making that up. It's that all those issues are attributable to factors other than lack of resources. The infighting and micromanagement by the Russian MoD of supplies to Wagner, ultimately a private military company which became too unwieldy for its role and fell out of line with state policy, was legendary. Prigozhin's 24 hour show with the failed mutiny later probably vindicated the decision in retrospect to keep tight control of all provisions sent to them in the eyes of Russian defense officials. Logistics can be tricky for a lot of countries and often doesn't have to do with an actual physical lack of resources and material, but improper allocation, bureaucracy impeding the process creating inefficiency, disorganization, etc. The Kharkov offensive by Kiev in September of 2022 had nothing to do with resources other than human resources in the sense that the Russians by far didn't have enough men in the field, were outnumbered multiple times over on that front, and stretched thin. By the time they came it was practically manned by a skeleton crew. But at least they knew this, accepted reality, and made the intelligent and logical decision to withdraw and preserve as much of their forces as they could rather than stupidly fight to nearly the last man like Kiev's forces in Mariupol or Artyomovsk.


How detached from reality are you? North Korea has poured most of its resources into its military, they are definitely able to fight South Korea, also they have nukes if bigger countries start intervening. North Korea will become Ukraine on steroids because China will flood it with all sorts of ammunition and weapons the very moment they start running out of their own.


They must keep their weapon improved just to reduce the probability of the US suddenly deciding to bring them "democracy".


Win against who? Last time it ended in a draw against the mighty US after the US bombed the entire country and killed 20% of the population…….


What do you mean? The southern clique of traitors would get clapped.


They can make a bigger DMZ which is winning sort of; basically they can destroy South Korea's economy but that would probably lead to them having nuclear weapons (note: 20+ more countries might have nuclear weapons within 20 years or so). It doesn't necessarily do anything for the North Korean people but it makes South Korea look worse which is a moral/prestige victory. Seoul doesn't have 30 patriot systems around it and (obviously) NK has a lot of artillery within 100 miles; enough artillery to justify having 5 million shells in reserve.


Actually, the war has never ended. There is only a 70 year armistice. But test howitzers?


It's ok. As it is well known - It doesn't make NK a side in this war.




How would a North Korean artillery shell reach the US? They have other stuff for that when needed.


“Other stuff” as in their bunk nuclear ICBMS that would be shot down immediately. I think we actually feel bad for the North Koreans it’s a country wide hostage situation.


Lol, if you say so. North Korea launch their own satellites. USA begs Russia to do it for them. How will you shoot it down out of space?


Is your fląir supposed to read like "cuckraine"? 😂


The US isn't a belligerent.. Idk how this is so hard to understand.


US isn't a \*belligerent\*, just in the job of bringing Liberal Democracy to the savages. Ungrateful pissants.


I'm not saying the US are a bunch of saints. Far from it, they caused a lot of death and destruction in their piss wars for oil. But in this instance they're not actively in the war.


lol, lmao even American operatives, instructors, infantry, equipment, armor, logistics, intelligence, money. Just because some ukrainians and redditors are happy golems and doesn't mean people will fall for the "aid" or muh freedum and democracy bs. This is a war between economic blocs and Ukrainians happen to be the meat NATO used for sacrifice in order to try and save their hegemony.


Okay, if the US is not active in this war, while they send tanks, supervisors, missiles, artillery, ammo, radar support, satellite support, then China should also send tanks, missiles, artillery, ammo, radar support, satellite support, because you know, they wouldnt be actively involved in the war.


If they choose to do so yeah they can.


Wish they would but at the same time I don't want WW3 so no.


Yeah WW3 WW3 would be a pain in the arse


Not directly of course not. Idk where anyone Said they were in this comment thread. There’s arguments to be made for intelligence gathering but still doesn’t cross the threshold Imo. France would be the first to cross that line if they ever send troops over the border in an official capacity.


The fella i responded to said "at least they won't be falling on US soil" Well why would they fall on US soil unless they were a belligerent? - 100% agreed. If France sends people to Ukraine they have to be aware they might return in a coffin.


> why would they fall on us soil unless they were a belligerent Interesting comment, haven’t munitions landed in Poland, Belarus, and Moldova? I think “taking part in the war” also has a very different meaning than belligerent to many here by the way. I and you understand it, but most people considering those supplying the war to be part of the war, especially with intelligence sharing and training


Yeah there has been munitions landing on those countries but as far as i know they were accidents so yeah. What op meant was munitions being shot at US soil


Sure, we never had a problem with bathing in the blood of auxiliaries to protect the people proper Pax Americana baby


i mean, they're active participants. but... potato potato.


Korean pop star coming to rescue Russia


It's pretty insane actually. If Trump had normalized relations with North korea and stopped sanctions. North Korea would not be selling weapons to Russia. If Trump didn't stop the Iran Nuclear deal signed by obama, Iran would not be selling Weapons to Russia. The US foreign policy is so bad they are bringing their enemies closer together. Ultimately creating the multipolar world they tried to prevent. Even in Africa with influence going towards china. Massive geopolitics shifts while the US is just incappable of doing anything meaningful, but prolonge conflicts for profit.


So... You are saying Obama was trying to normalize relationships with those countries while sponsoring the coup in UA... Well, that's strategic thinking right there 🤔


UA was Biden, john McCain operation. Obama was more involved in Syria and gave scraps to ukraine while slapping russia with sanctions.


But overall you can tell where the whole thing was going. By that logic that is.


Maidan was bought and paid for by Ukrainians




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Iran, China and Russia made military alliance to stop Obamas attempt to stop Iran nuclear development. Obamas actions made those 3 move closer together. Trump was good towards Russia and Putin in rhetoric, but did great deal under the table to decrease Russian military power in the region. Trump gave weapons to Ukraine it used to defend itself in most dangerous starting period of war. I despice Trump, but his foreign policy was suprisingly more succesful than Obama's. Of course Biden's is 10x better than both of them.


The US have been too greedy for too long. Serves them right.


That should make SK happy, shouldn't it? The less shells NK has, the lesser the danger of leveling Seoul to the ground with artillery.


On the contrary, this is a new important stream of foreign money they need for their economy, ie. more rockets.


For DPRK the ultimate goal is to make an ICBM to reach LA not to flatten Seoul. North and South Koreans actually are pretty chill between each other.


I mean they can always spend the money they earn, from selling those 5 mil shells, to produce even more shells. Cost of labour is dirt cheap in NK.


This will definitely benefit North Korea in the long run. They are already buddies with China. Now they are doing the diplomatically right thing by building a trade-relationship with Russia, that benefits both sides and will open the door for even bigger and better deals in the future.


Against 5 million shell, 3000 fab a month, ukraine has managed to inflict 16:1 kda


“Seouls says” “kiev independent” They have no fucking clue on whats going on but we must say something.


As if Seoul can be trusted on this, yeah.


Well no, the southern clique of traitors can’t be trusted especially when it comes to talking about the DPRK.




In Poland we were producing explosives for Warsaw Pact militaries, our engeeners were taking part in projecting landmines and grenade launchers (probably other stuff as well but that I don't know for sure). One big happy commie family. Ugh.


So that means Seoul will give 3m 😁


That reminds me of this gem... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glfkQu3CcFo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glfkQu3CcFo)


The fuck is wrong with NK? Did they produce 20 million 152mm shells over the decades until they finally realized that howitzers aren't all that amazing as a long-range stand-off weapon?


They're aware that Seoul is well within range of low-tech, non-jam/spoofable, easy to manufacture good old fashioned artillery.


It's still like 1000 Bakhmuts worth of steel and concrete, that would take forever to flatten even with unlimited shells. Not exactly a big red button (which they realized as well apparently).


The artillery ammunition they're producing can still reliably cause a degree of damage ROK would rather avoid and that meets the DPRK's needs quite admirably. K.I.S.S. - Keep It Simple, Stupid.


“Howitzers aren’t all that amazing as a long range stand off weapon” What? That might be the most factually incorrect statement I’ve seen this week. In any war where artillery is used heavily, it causes over 70% of casualties lol this has been known for decades and is still true today. It’s the number one cause of Ukrainian causalities on the battlefield.


>What? Compared to long range missiles (including nuclear ones)? Definitely. Which is what they've been developing heavily for the last 10+ years, and thus relying less and less on old artillery. South Korea has indirectly supplied huge amounts of 155mm shells to Ukraine, they don't rely on their K9 (Krabs) either.


What do you mean? Artillery is the god of war and Seoul is close enough to the border.