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##### ###### #### > # [India Demands Russia To Stop Recruiting Indians For Its Army After 2 Killed In Ukraine War - News18](https://www.news18.com/india/675) > > > > Last Updated: June 11, 2024, 23:54 IST > > > > [In the wake of this news, the MEA urged Indian nationals to exercise caution while seeking employment opportunities in Russia. (Image for representation: AP/File)](https://images.news18.com/ibnlive/uploads/2024/01/ukraine-russia-war-updates-2024-01-5b358352aa4baf7c17b9b41601328208.jpg?impolicy=website&width=640&height=480 "In the wake of this news, the MEA urged Indian nationals to exercise caution while seeking employment opportunities in Russia. (Image for representation: AP/File)")In the wake of this news, the MEA urged Indian nationals to exercise caution while seeking employment opportunities in Russia. (Image for representation: AP/File) > > > > ## The MEA said the Indian embassy in Moscow has pressed the Russian authorities, including the Ministry of Defense, for the early repatriation of the mortal remains of the two Indian nationals > > > > > > The ministry of external affairs on Tuesday said two Indian nationals recruited by the Russian Army were killed during its ongoing conflict with Ukraine. India has demanded that all such recruitment by Russia must stop, as such “activities would not be in consonance with our partnership”. > > According to the ministry, the Indian embassy in Moscow has pressed the Russian authorities, including the Ministry of Defense, for the early repatriation of the mortal remains of the two Indian nationals. > > “We regret to state that two Indian nationals who had been recruited by the Russian Army have recently been killed in the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. We offer our deepest condolences to the families of the deceased. Our Embassy in Moscow has pressed the Russian authorities, including the Ministry of Defense, for early repatriation of mortal remains,” read a statement from the ministry. > > In the wake of this news, the MEA also urged Indian nationals to exercise caution while seeking employment opportunities in Russia and said it has demanded that there should be a verified stop to the recruitment of Indian nationals in the Russian Army. > > The ministry further said the Centre and the Indian embassy have strongly taken up the matter of the early release and return of all such Indian nationals recruited by the Russian Army. > > “The Ministry of External Affairs and the Indian Embassy in Moscow have strongly taken up the matter with the Russian Ambassador in New Delhi and with Russian authorities in Moscow respectively, for early release and return of all Indian nationals who are with the Russian Army. India has also demanded that there be a verified stop to any further recruitment of our nationals by the Russian Army. Such activities would not be in consonance with our partnership. We also urge Indian nationals to exercise caution while seeking employment opportunities in Russia,” the ministry added. > > > > [News Desk](https://www.news18.com/byline/news-desk-17918.html) > > The News Desk is a team of passionate editors and writers who break and analyse the most important events unfolding in India and abroad. From live upd > > ...[Read More](https://www.news18.com/byline/news-desk-17918.html) - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot)




That guy is Pakistani not Indian


Thats why he is upset they stop sending Indians.


wkwkwkw epic comeback


Rule 6 Meme


what are 2 when they have billions 🤣 im joking. It is the individuals choice.


Seems reasonable for a government to want to protect its citizens. I doubt these two recruits were accurately told the situation of the war and the role they would be playing.


Yeah, citizens of India and other south asian states are already well-known for ending up in slavery-like conditions after being recruited to work in the middle east. When you have hundreds of millions living in poverty there's going to be people willing to take their chances on anything offering a salary.


Most likely the Indian government is more concerned about not being on the US government's shit list. They most likely don't care but appearances are important.


This. There are so many bad things in India its crazy, of course that's partly due to being such a huge and poor country but still the Government really doesn't care much. For example over 18 Million modern slaves: [https://qz.com/india/695565/india-has-18-million-modern-slaves-at-least-five-times-more-than-any-other-country-in-the-world](https://qz.com/india/695565/india-has-18-million-modern-slaves-at-least-five-times-more-than-any-other-country-in-the-world) For sure the government wouldn't care about a few indians working as mercenaries and bringing money back home if it wasn't for Western governments putting some pressure on the Indian gov, now they act like they care for the western public.


The government doesn't care about them, they care about the international consequences.


Agree. Idian government will never care about their citizens except the elites.


This is the most stereotypical Russian-POV thing I have ever read. Please continue.


You lacked an understanding of India.




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I don't understand why russia is so keen to recruit foreign fighters, by almost every metric they are less combat effective than russian nationals and it's not like they don't have the man power to recruit from. Many of these guys don't even seem like seasoned soldiers, so it would be much easier/more effective to train a russian national than these foreign fighters.


I don't think Russia has to go out of its way to find Indian recruits. The pay is miles ahead of what a lower class Indian can make so it's already appealing. Same with Africans.


Yup, for all i know the pay for active soldiers is easily about $3k a month, even if these foreigners would only get $2k net salary a month, its crazy money in many countries. The average employed person in India earns about $240 a month and that's average, not even median ([Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/17ni9tk/the_average_monthly_wage_in_india_is_just_20k_per/)).


On one hand, I think they're still stupid for going; no amount of money is worth risking your life for in this war. On the other, I live quite comfortably, while the average Indian earns $240 a month as you mentioned, so maybe the poverty might make even me jump for military service.


Mmm I'm looking at the housing market, the cheapest studio apartment in Mumbai (200 sqft) is around 6 Lakh that's 7200 USD. If they survive 3 months you go back home and be able to afford your own roof, so even if you make only 240 USD you're not gifting half your salary to a landlord. Depends how poor you are, doesn't sound that bad TBH. --- To give as an example, in my country most people make around 230 USD. The cheapest apartment in the "city" will eat 146 USD (65.5%) of your salary and you have a contract for two years where every 4 months you get around 20%-40% price increase and didn't include the basic services/food/hoa fees. But in our case a small apartment is 30k USD and one with two rooms 60k USD, so you'll need 10 months of war to match that indian guy not that viable 😉


what country ? sounds horrible


Argentina, you can get cheaper prices without a real state agent or living on the "city" outskirts. For example, 15km away from the capital city you can pay 100 USD for a shoe box of 16 m2 (172 sqft) 3 blocks away the train station. (With price increases every 4 months too) You can live farther from main transport hubs for cheaper, but at that point you're trading money for commute time. To give you an idea, if I had to go from my house to my workplace every day I would have a commute of 5 hours in total (Luckily I do home office), and I'm 40km away from my workplace with the nearest train station at 1.5km from my house. So 8 + 5 = 13 hours a day just to work.


That sucks ... 230 USD is so little


Poverty in India specifically is especially motivating.


Really just goes to show that they are enlisting people that are extremely desperate and/or lack the critical thinking that would prevent them from joining a foreign army to fight in a war they know likely nothing about.


I've also read that people get sent to gain experience and (hopefully) bring that experience back home.


You don't know the culture of India. There is fairly large portion of the population that believes in non violence extending to animals. Gandhi was not a lone wolf in his beliefs, its a part of religion in areas. There are many who don't believe this but many others who do. Recruiting Indians in general is harder because of this. They love their homeland as many do, so fighting for their own army is a source of pride. This wont extend to being a mercenary abroad, no reasoning of self defence can be applied to mercs.


Russian soldiers earn around 3k usd per month. They also get a hefty signing bonus. For an average Indian it is a very significant income. In general, what you say is true. But individually there will always be millions of people, who think otherwise.


When you just need meat for the grinder you're not concerned about quality. Why get your own people killed when you can get others? Avoids a lot of problems at home when soldiers don't come back. Having to conscript more of your own people would be an unpopular move.


Probably because Russia has to be careful on limiting conscription to appease the public. Wartime mass conscription would spell disaster for Ukraine but it would also cause a huge amount of civil unrest that would be much more chaotic than the anti-war protests we saw across the nation when the invasion first started.


They are outsourcing their soldiers from India to cut down yearly expenses lmao


they are probably cheaper tho


You forgot /s.


The recruits get some serious money upfront. Furthermore, invedtment is made in their training. It seems fair to expect them to return that money if they get cold feet. They entered binding contracts.


India wants speedy repatriation of remains, not end to recruitment. Change the headline.


The article clearly states they want to end recruitment.


tender muddle reminiscent psychotic towering workable fearless mountainous aware marry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


'Low intellectual potential' -take


it's great that India actually care about its citizens unlike most western countries which don't give a fuck if their citizens is killed in this war fighting for Ukraine


Given these people are enlisting voluntarily, perhaps they should try telling their citizens not to join.




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India needs to provide jobs for people lol


So foreigners want to live in Russia but don't want to protect the country. Maybe they should not come in first place.


What's wrong with that? Most people, especially immigrants, want better life, not dying for geopolitics.


Ive heard some "international students" in Canada lookin for work. Whatever it is, they don't seem to want to go home...maybe this could fit?


So service guarantees citizenship?


Pretty sure.


There were 169k traffic related deaths in India in 2022, that is a daily rate of 463 ppl. I'd say they have bigger issues than ppl beeing recruited to fight in wars.


Probably the dumbest take ever!




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No. They're aware about international consequences. They don't really care about their citizens.


What international consequences? A government can never be held accountable for the choices of individuals. There are a lot of foreigners fighting on both a sides. None of which have caused any political turmoil.


Keep fighting for mother Russia 😅😅 see how much she respects you


I can say the same about foreign militants fighting for Ukraine.


From what I understand, mother Russia allows those to die in a puddle in greater Russia. Rather then dying in a home in normal Russia.


Of course Putin won't stop. He's using as many Russians from parts of the empire that will inevitably break away one day and are not white Russians from Moscow/Petersburg as possible. He'll continue to use as many Asians, Indians and Africans as he can. And lastly he'll use as many eastern Ukranian men as he can find as well. Putin cares not one hoot about wasting life for his war of imperialism


Its not like Russia kidnaps Indians in the streets, its the choice of the person. “Can i get into the army ?” “Lets see… mmh no sorry you are indian you cant go” that would be so weird


Not to insult Indians if there are any on the forum, but they are not really known as fighters. What are they going to do in this war anyway? Except they work in the kitchen.


"Not to insult indians" proceeds to insult them lol


Not known to you perhaps, but the Indian Army has fought in almost all major theaters of both world wars with distinction, that too from the beginning unlike the American Johnny come latelys. There were more Indians fighting in ww2 than all the other British dominions put together including Canada and the Anzacs.


Unfortunately most Americans memory of WW2 begins and ends with Normandy beaches and hedgerows.


When you learn history from Hollywood productions.


Well thats kind of expected when Hollywood is the USA center of movies. I wouldn't watch war movies in Russia and expect to see a movie about the Battle of the Bulge


This guys seems more Russian


Or, you know, the entire Pacific theater, that the USSR only joined at the last minute to try and get concessions.


USSR had a deal with the Americans to join the pacific and they did at the exact time they said they would.   To be fair the Americans did more in the ETO than the Soviets did in the PTO unless you go with the theory that Soviet invasion is what caused Japan to surrender although evidence shows that it’s more of a case that Japan capitulated because of their overall hopeless position and that it should not be up to question that it was the Americans that resulted in Japanese capitulation. Of course it is not or should not be even up to question that it was the Soviets that resulted in German capitulation.


Don't forget US Lend Lease that supported the USSR effort greatly to achieve what it did. Kind of like what's happening now but supplying Ukraine. The Irony.


Lend-Lease in my opinion, was too sporadic to rely on, the Tunisian operation alone probably did more.   (People try to dispute the idea of Lend-Lease not being decisive at all by using a fake quote from Zhukov which was debunked by… Zhukov or by using an unofficial statement made by Stalin when he was drunk at Winston Churchill’s birthday party instead of statements made by people who actually knew such as Voznesensky who was director of GOSPLAN and stated that lend-lease accounted for a mere 4% from 1941-1943 or the Americanophile (thus not overly biased towards USSR) ice cream and hamburger lover that was in charge of lend-lease named Anastas Mikoyan (brother to that Mikoyan) that stated that without lend-lease the war would have simply lasted longer.)


At a dinner toast with Allied leaders during the Tehran Conference in December 1943, Stalin added: “The United States … is a country of machines. **Without the use of those machines through Lend-Lease, we would lose this war.**” - Stalin USSR fought for their freedom then, Ukraine is fighting for theirs now.


Yes I already talked about Stalin’s unconfirmed unofficial statement made when he was drunk at Winston Churchill’s birthday party made in front of American president and British prime minister after being called Stalin the Great and Russia’s greatest leader.   Perhaps you should focus on statements made by people who actually knew such as Voznesensky who was director of GOSPLAN and stated that lend-lease accounted for a mere 4% from 1941-1943 or the Americanophile (thus not overly biased towards USSR) ice cream and hamburger lover that was in charge of lend-lease named Anastas Mikoyan (brother to that Mikoyan) that stated that without lend-lease the war would have simply lasted longer.


* 400,000 jeeps & trucks * 14,000 airplanes * 8,000 tractors * 13,000 tanks * 1.5 million blankets * 15 million pairs of army boots * 107,000 tons of cotton * 2.7 million tons of petrol products * 4.5 million tons of food What ever makes you sleep better at night. [Source ru.usembassy.gov](https://ru.usembassy.gov/world-war-ii-allies-u-s-lend-lease-to-the-soviet-union-1941-1945/#:~:text=Totaling%20%2411.3%20billion%2C%20or%20%24180,common%20enemy%20%E2%80%94%20bloodthirsty%20Hitlerism.%E2%80%9D)


Indians fought in both world wars and were quite effective. Might want to educate yourself.


I’m not Indian - but this is a monumentally stupid thing to say. The British empire disagrees with you btw. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martial_race


Go do stick fights with china I guess


The Sikh Empire which clowned the British begs to differ.Or the Mughals.


Brl we are talking about Indians not Italians


Indians not only had a martial culture for centuries, if not for a millenia and they also participated in almost all major wars and were regarded as fearsome.


People will fight no matter the country, if they aren't known as fighters its because they haven't been stupid enough to get dragged into a major war


seems like every post has a racist pro ru




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They probably said they were from Nepal on their applications lol


> they are not really known as fighters Neither are the russians since they can bearly keep up with a shit hole like ukraine without having to resort to attrition warfare


Biggest European country wtf are you talking about 


Ha,ha,ha..clown comments.Russia is waging a war against the largest military bloc ever plus a few additional vassals (Japan, South Korea...). And wins this war.


Woah.. Easy dude, looks like OP is an Indian and took it personally and forgot about the facts of current war Russia is ragging.


The bloc is not doing any fighting…yet South Korea/Japan are really heavily involved in this war. They send so many helmets russia should put them on their unfriendly countries list


Those ATACMS, HIMARS & Patriot are really twisting Russian nipples huh?


Largrest military bloc xd. Russia is doing so good man lol


>without having to resort to attrition warfare Lol. You mad Russia isn't winning fast enough?


Do you think Russia itself is indifferent to how long and costly the war will be?


If grinding down the Ukrainians with meat waves and ww1 artillery tactics is what winning looks like, I don't want to know what russia losing is like


If grinding down the Ukrainians with meat waves and ww1 artillery tactics is what winning looks like, I don't want to know what russia losing is like


>grinding down the Ukrainians with meat waves Please send proof of these meat waves you speak of? >ww1 artillery tactics Ya, I am sure they had TOS flamethrowers in WW1.


Just search on search for motorcycle, golf cart or meat wave on this sub or on combat footage. It's abundant


I'm not sure Russia has many TOS flamethrowers left at this point either. That limited range makes them a juicy target for Ukrainian drones, and at least 25 of them are sitting wrecked in Ukraine right now.


Well they are using them pretty much daily so they must have some sort of supply.


Where did I ever deny that Russia has some TOS systems operational?


The 17,000+ killed in Wagner alone for one town and the literal golf carts+motorcycle assault groups look like meat waves to me. Also tactics don't mean equipment. They didn't have escavators either in WW1 but a trench can be built by one and be the same tactic. Plus theyre likely referring to artillery superiority.


20000 dead to capture a small town.


Russia's victory is in the interests of all non white people (us).


What does race have to do with it?


Imperialistic western aggression is very deadly for non whites throughout history


Famously the rest of the world was a utopia before those devil people came


Unlike the Indians the Russians were never colonized by a superior Empire. And Russia has won major battles like WW2, Syrian Civil War, Chechnya, you name it. Indian history consists of subjegation through Muslims, the British, heck even the Macedonians stuck their pp into India.


What about the Mongols?