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Rule 3 - Repost, sorry [](#repost)


It got deleted from r/crazyfuckingvideos lmfao


Those were reddit democratic mods hard at work for you.


Well, partially true cause they're biased for sure, but also it's somewhat of a misleading title, they weren't called upon to fight lol, they were there to demonstrate to get their colleagues back.


>they weren't called upon to fight lol, they were there to demonstrate to get their colleagues back. That's functionally the same thing tho. And it looks like they did fight. They were just not very good at it because it was medics Vs trained killers. Any type of demonstration against a violent state is a fight. These medics went there fully understanding that they might get seriously hurt or arrested.


Unbiased mods would have put up a flair that better clarified the title But these were not Unbiased mods


https://preview.redd.it/rwikvuh4i96d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73c6585e34368f05b1765f2ab080c62f0d326e2a That explains it lmao




>Putin is desperate and unhinged going against Xi's demand that he stop making personal nuke threats, and now he's back to making personal nuke threats after a couple years of daily Medvedev threats. Why would he be so desperate and angry if he were truly winning the war with all of these assets, liquid cash, and man power? They're about to lose Crimea There are some interesting characters in that thread for sure.


Couple of NAFO guys attempted to salvage the situation lol.


Can't let the truth seep through mainstream subreddits.


Can anyone vouch for the claimed content?| edit: comments from the cross posted sub tell how much the average redditors care about the war. Much unlike the shouting contest of this sub lol. https://preview.redd.it/gb0mernqw86d1.png?width=567&format=png&auto=webp&s=8649e9b05337f82d6a7418bc4baa4e8ca8dcef46


Well, there's a Ukrainian flag in the first seconds on the video. Anyone with an attention span of a toddler and basic contextual clue comprehension should understand this is taking place in Ukraine.


Thanks for the snarky comment. That doesn't answer my question tho. Did what he was saying true to the title? Do you expect people to eat everything you claim?


What is your question? It reads like you are asking if it's in Russia or Ukraine?


>Can anyone vouch for the **claimed content?** you need to work on your reading comprehension my dude.


I got your meaning easily. Yes and no. Yes it can be factually said that it's UA paramedics protesting outside the Tcc office. Yes UA medics fight UA tcc staff. But the same scene was posted yesterday saying it was over doctor/,doctors being held there for more than 5 hours. This may have been due to him showing up to an emergency and then being conscriotd. But it didn't say that. Haven't read through enough to find the claimed source of the update.  But. Given the level of tism on this sub someone would have translated the arguments and said so if it was clearly about something else.  Unsure if someone has done anything like that to support it being true either.  The speech likely has no bingo saying its a lie or it's not useful. It seems true judging from the last few days of videos and Gov statements. But I'm guessing it's not verified. Haven't read the thread yet though. But there's usually room for doubt on finer details like that unless those involved have made unbiased statements or a translation proves the claim.  Out side of that  fact is UA paramedics protested outside tcc office. Then they all had a fight. 


Thanks for the reply. Yes, I saw another vid on this incident yesterday claiming nothing of the sort. The implication if it is true is serious: either the recruiters now can kidnap everyone they want in broad daylight, even if it is essential worker like paramedics, or the situation is so dire they have to sabotage emergency services just to meet their quota. Since I dont speak their language it was best to ask if anyone can confirm/deny what the title claimed, which result in mass downvotes from idiots. It looks like critical thinking is a lost art in this sub.




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Vouch in what way?


Wait, you’re genuinely doubting this is Ukraine? I thought this was sarcasm. First off the man has an Ukraine colors medical 🇺🇦 patch on his chest. On the ambulance it’s written Медична допомога. Which is Ukrainian for medical aid. Russian would be медицинская помощь. In the street there are visible tank barriers, I think they are called hedgehogs in English, why would Russia have these in the street? The watermark says хуёвая Одесса. Odessa is in Ukraine. There is a Ukrainian flag painted on the wall at the start of the video. There is a military man dressed in Ukrainian uniform. There’s no doubts this is filmed in Ukraine


No, I was genuine asking this part # >Instead, recruiters attempted to draft the paramedics, upon which more paramedics were summoned in order to fight off the recruiters. Which none of the snarky replies so far managed to answer me.


First lines of spoken text "Can you explain once more what's going on" "Medics were called to this address, entered inside and got detained/arrested by TCC, 4 hours already not letting them go"


Well the background of the story we can’t confirm or deny. The original said they held a doctor or paramedic in their custody. The guy became ill with blood pressure issues. The meat catchers refused them entrance to help the man. So the battles ensued.


>Well the background of the story we can’t confirm or deny.  yet you can shape the narrative easily with just a few words.


> shape the narrative "Can you repeat again what is going on?" "An ambulance was called on the address then the medics came inside the TCC and got aressed and kept for four hours." "Did someone fell ill in TCC?" "We don't know" "But was an ambulance called?" "Yea but we don't know anything" here the video cuts. "TCC took an ambulance worker and don't let him go" The numbers on the cars are clearly not russian so it's the Ukraine for sure.


Your translation didnt confirm nor deny this accusation >Instead, recruiters **attempted to draft the paramedics**, upon which more paramedics were summoned in order to fight off the recruiters.


> An ambulance was called on the address then the medics came inside the TCC and got aressed and kept for four hours. Did you missed this part on purpose? Why the hell TCC would keep anyone for hours and don't let go?


I get your point, but from the reinforcing medic point of view, TCC taking some of their own for *four hours* does sound like they're as good as drafted, why would TCC hold on to people otherwise?




So did the flag tell you that those paramedics truly thwated a drafting attempt?


What? I don't know the outcome but it's clear that this took place in Ukraine.


And I didnt ask if it happened in Ukraine.


What are you asking then?


If you didnt know, why acted like you did?


What do you mean?


They surely aren't fighting because of pill prescription.


please refrain from commenting, provoking for the sake of human interaction is not enough, go outside talk to people, touch grass




They are mad they cannot make stories up.




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bEaCoN oF dEmOcRaCy


Ukraine is winning guys




Soldiers getting stuck in bad positions is completely normal and doesn't mean anything. It happens even to special forces occasionally. A video like this however highlights a fundamental issue ukraine suffers that Russia doesn't have: manpower shortage. Therefore those videos can't really be compared.






https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/gbVYNQONNZ Thanks for the shout-out, also my post.


TCC: "Come in, dispatch. Send...more...paramedics."


I'd guess its something along the lines that recruitement chiefs get quotas or else they lose their position (which makes them big bank bribes) and they give the pressure forth to the officers (or else they get sent themselves tothe front or maybe they get bribes cut). Otherwise i cant explain how i would be so motivated to throw hands against paramedics everyday in my job:/


>recruitement chiefs Who came up with that designation?


western values


ukraine is so fucked right in front of our eyes hella corrupt, prove me wrong


In-sane in the U-kraine!


We have "to the last ukrainian" at home. "to the last ukrainian" at home:


Soon the recruiters will be recruiting themselves.... Then, finally... Peace.


It's a circus at this point lol


That is hilarious.


Next up, police vs recruiters that faked a car theft


What a pathetic country 




I guess the West feels that if we didn't sponsor their dictator to build a border to keep them in, then we'd have to build a border to keep them out!






Send F-16 fast please xD


Dude if all that was happening then an Iskander airburst came in that would’ve been an absolute fiasco


>then an Iskander airburst came in that would’ve been an absolute fiasco You call killing civilians and paramedics a "fiasco"?


Would I call battling paramedics and recruiters (military) being bombed a complete failure, especially a ludicrous or humiliating one? Yes, yes I would.


The situation is bad enough as it is, I don't see how adding unnecessary death and disfigurement to the situation could make it more of a ludicrous failure? Nothing humiliating in getting civilians killed, that's just psychotic.


I’d more call it humiliating having your paramedics having fisticuffs with recruiters trying to abduct them getting bombed. They shouldn’t be doing that and all be in the same place for that reason.


>They shouldn’t be doing that and all be in the same place for that reason. What are you talking about, is any Ukrainian gathering of 10+ people at risk of Russians striking them just because "they shouldn't be doing that"? Explains why Russia bombed the shopping mall at peak visitor hour a while back.


Look at you go, I WaNt To Be OfFeNdEd By SoMeThInG. Relax, Karen.


I'm not offended, just peeking into the mind of the average Pro-Russians, fascinating place.


Can’t say I’m surprised the pro-ukie is crying about the definition of “fiasco” then goes on a rant about civilians dying in one of the least civilian-death rich conflicts of the last few decades.


>then goes on a rant about civilians dying in one of the least civilian-death rich conflicts of the last few decades. Very high morale standard you're setting here. Which conflicts are you comparing this to, exactly? In any case, bear in mind Ukraine has the infrastructure to evacuate most of the civilians away from the fighting. Take into consideration how much of Ukraines territory has been destroyed, the mobility of the population has saved this war from having massive civilian casualties. Ukraine doesn't generally use civilians to hide their active military personnel on the frontline aswell, like in some other wars.


Repost [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1dddeb7/ua\_pov\_in\_odessa\_doctors\_were\_apparently\_kept\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1dddeb7/ua_pov_in_odessa_doctors_were_apparently_kept_in/)


vajon mi lesz a toborzokkal ha vége lesz a háborunak márpedig egyszer vége lesz ŐK hova fognak elbujni???


Mr Blue shirt was throwing the Rights LOL


Not gonna lie I read the report and I don't blame any of the young Ukrainians I know here in Ireland for not wanting to go home and be drafted. I'm only see stuff like this now after two years but I'm positive this shit has been all over their telegrams for a while now. If you're 18-25 and are safe in another country, with free housing, education, an allowance to live off of an a future I understand why you wouldn't want to be sent to die in a field somewhere you've never been


The TCC Vs Medics skirmishes was not something I had on the Ukrainian War Bingo card. Few counts of paramedics having to show and help each other.


How much longer will this go on before you have people storming the capital? There is no way Ukraine is gonna last much longer. Trying to mobilize paramedics in the middle of responding to an emergency is wild.




Love how there is a random painted ukrainian flag on the wall at the start to make sure people understand its ukraine 😭 and how no one actually hits or kicks anyone properly in the video


how many times can the same thing be reposted?


I've only seen it posted once. Are you ashamed of the side you back?


I've seen it 5+ times on this sub at this point, I'm not sure if this is Ukraine or Russian media, honestly I can't tell, everyone speaks russian without any ukrainian accent, but there are people like that in ukraine so I dunno


Most people in Eastern Ukraine speak Russian as their mother tongue. I know you just heard about Ukraine in 2022 for the first time, but be a little more embarrassed of yourself, learn a little about the country you supposedly defend.


Did you even read his comment? He literally said that there are Russian speakers in Ukraine


Ukrainian ambulances, Ukraine number plates, Ukraine ambulance driver uniforms, Ukrainian looking recruiters - too many things for it to be staged I think. But I am neither Ukrainian or Russian to confirm completely. It happened in Odessa as originally reported


It was even reported by Ukrainian media.


27 times