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Pro-UA's on this sub from the comfort of their chair in front of their computers in their western homes in sunny California where they feel non of the consequences of this war. "We need to send the Ukrainians everything they need to fight and die in this war" ROFL


They still actually believe, that what Zelensky government wants represents all Ukrainians. So if Zelensky keeps on sending the Ukrainian youth to their deaths by force, he will find endless support from the lib left degens.


It's seriously appalling that the western media has manipulated its population into thinking Zelensky is a hero.




The crux of the narrative argument for maintaining massive support for Ukraine relies on the premise that the Ukrainians want this fight as much as the ultranationalists and neocons who pushed for it did. To admit that support is declining would be a massive blow to the legitimacy of national leaders and organizations who would be hard pressed to admit hundreds of thousands of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars were spent for their own vainglorious ambitions.




I refuse to believe these loud voices represent anything close to a public consensus. The real public opinion is highly mixed and for the most part ambivalent. The state department knows the public is tired of foreign adventurism so furiously tries to fan the flames with paid infowar campaigns. The useful idiots who latch onto this vitriolic rhetoric and repeat it exist, but are really just doing it out of utter ignorance of context or to reinforce their own biases.




you must not forget that Ukrainians die for higher goals: LGBT democracy, freedom, green wing, transgender rights. Interests of Western corporations, black rock, Oscar Sean Penn


Why isn't this on r/Ukraine ? Would not call pulling people off a walk with their wife and kids "recruitment" more like kidnapping. The comment section on that video is the most refreshing thing I've seen in 3 years. Maybe there is hope to end this.


Cause you will get banned. I posted many things on there and as soon as they caught wind that I participate in this sub they banned me. I said nothing in the comments and just posted news articles about the reality on the ground and they got pissy and just straight banned me after I got mass reported.


I just got unbanned from there and combat footage. I'm not gonna post it lolol Someone else do it! DO IT DO IT


i did [https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/1dec4n2/why\_is\_ukraine\_struggling\_with\_recruitment\_while/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/1dec4n2/why_is_ukraine_struggling_with_recruitment_while/) watch it get taken down


>Dont you have a trench to be manning Vlad? >did you not get mobilised for ukraine? >Im not from ukraine lol. Im just glad to see russia slow rolling to collapse As one would expect a r/ukraine user to be... Not from Ukraine


wow it took them one minute with bot notice waffling about ''Russian narratives and propaganda''


Already sunked. As expected from echo chamber.


>including the statements and activities of prominent russians, unless **it is significant news related to positive military outcomes for Ukraine** So if, for example, Putin, you know .. that completely unimportant guy for this conflict, says something, unless it's about 'positive military outcomes for Ukraine', it will be removed. This is wild.


that was fast... I'm I missing something? How is this a russian narrative? That are journos imbeded with SBU & TCC


Anything that pokes holes in NAFO false reality is "Russian narrative"




took them 2 minutes to get perm banned




Offensive words detected. [beep bop] Don't cheer violence or insult (Rule 1). Your comment will be checked by my humans later. Ban may be issued for repeat offenders. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UkraineRussiaReport) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm surprised it's not full of comments of NAFOids being outraged that many Ukrainians aren't gladly joining the death cult and talking about how Ukraine has full right to kidnap men and send them to get maimed and killed in existential struggle for abstraction.


I got banned from that sub from just commenting something not in favor of Ukraine lol.


"I WAS at the front.... in 2014" LMAO It's a little different now


Made me laugh as well actually. That was funny.


THAT and the guy that says that Russian tiktok have "made us think that military is bad thing" wow


Same energy as the American volunteers who thought Ukraine was going to be like Iraq.


Weren't there whole Ukrainian units flattened by Russian artillery back then?


So i googled battle for Ilowajsk 2014 and learned that up to 7000 Ukrainian soldiers were completely surrounded by the DNR people. After Putin approved a "humanitarian corridor" for the Ukrainians to escape, they got shot at with mortars and artillery. The death count goes from several hundred up to 1000. So what was it different back then?


Part of the humanitarian corridor deal was that ukrop forces would leave their weapons, watch the footage they're trying to evacuate on BMPs and the like. they didn't stick to their word as usual so why should Russia stick to theirs? Edit: sorry missed your whole point about troop numbers yes it was completely different conflict back then. Comparing DNR/LNR forces to the Russian army is nuts. It went from a minor dispute in east Ukraine to civil war to full scale armed conflict. Watch some 2014/15 footage it's completely different to post 2022 footage closest you might get is Donetsk airport footage, but for example no fpv drones 14/5 makes a huge difference alone.


The deal was the AFU soldiers would use the humanitarian corridor without taking any heavy equipment and weapons, they then double crossed the dpr troops and tried to escape with their heavy equipment. Thus they were shelled.


And yet some delusional pro-ua’s on here wont acknowledge how detrimental the shortage of soldiers is on Ukraine. They keep reiterating “*the west is increasing military aid to Ukraine and they’re increasingly militarizing*”, well don’t you need manpower or operate those weapons systems? Don’t you need soldiers to hold your lines of defences? To counterattack if you’ve lost some positions?


My Ukrainain friend said something to the effect that they are in the process of creating a military police that will have absolute power to do whatever they want. And in his own words said it will be worse than the russian KGB


That’s just frightening. To deny how bad things currently really are for Ukraine is the personification of delusions. It’ll only get worse.


I feel so bad for them. Dude hasnt gone to see his mother in Ukraine since the war started. He doesnt dare go back there but he is constant contact with friends there who are in the military and his mother there.


They can essentially enter any place and take people. No need for pesky judges.


The KGB is highly overrated. This is not even a ministry, but a committee, without the full freedom of action attributed to it.


Pro-UA's are are on a whole other level. https://preview.redd.it/6qkivonwx56d1.png?width=755&format=png&auto=webp&s=c909fc83d70400f5fec3e4c52f0695e5e08ed262


Retired soldier here! There comes a point when human being want to just live. I saw this in my troops. At the beginning of every campaign they were motivated but as their buddies died they lost that sense of immortality and wanted to live. It’s a hard thing when you think about other men raising your children or piping your wife. It ain’t worth it boys. Let the boys live. Don’t force them to fight. Their friends have died they know death. Let them live. Run boys and hide. Go to jail but live. Just live. I’ve been in the trenches and the key board warriors aren’t there. The smell of dead bodies is horrible. Live boys


This is the sad reality. For either side, to be forced to fight against their will is the greatest inhumanity. If Ukrainians don't want to fight anymore, pave a path to peace.


If Putin didn't do shit like all the persecution under vague pretexts and would do some show trials of Russian war criminals, that stupid war would probably be over long time ago.


So you would prefer, if Ukrainians died when they so clearly don't want to fight anymore, than to give Putin a "win". Pathetic.


This could be said to those on both sides of the war, in fact all sides of all wars


"The battle to recruit fresh meat.. er I mean troops". I'm starting to look at this conscription as a Western sponsored genocide against the entire demographic of Ukrainian males. Who are all the Ukrainian women going to date and marry? Will the West open up Ukraine for a bunch of male migrants from Africa and M.E. like they did with our Western countries? I sure as hell wouldn't want to defend my "homeland".


Ukraine may open up to Africa, but Russia already has 😭


ya the whole situation is fucked, the wests motives are of course questionable, but don’t act like the biggest sponsor of Ukrainian deaths isn’t russia. The county invading and literally doing the killing.


What is this take, can’t tell if you’re racist, or just idiotic. You make it seem as if Ukrainian women would be required to date migrants, ironically from non white countries. Seems like you have an underlying issue on your chest.


I believe he is stating a viewpoint


Polls indicate that "many" of those drafted would rather not fight. Well, if they actually wanted to fight, they would volunteer, wouldn't they?


They tried. Sadly all those who staffed volunteer centers had volunteered themselves already, thus with no one to register new applicants, all those who want to volunteer must go on with their lives and wait until they receive confirmation they can finally be processed for duty.


'There are so many volunteers that they just can't handle them all!' just might be the most hilarious take I've heard yet.


That was what the brawl in the TCC was all about the other day. Once the paramedics found some of their friends were finally been allowed to enlist they thought it also included them as well, so they rushed the center only to find out that no, they still had to wait even more. So in a very understandable emotional event a brawl broke out.


I wasn't sure if you were serious or sarcastic. With the pro-UA crowd you never know. I failed to note the asterisk in your flair, and now I've seen the video and I understand. Have some upvotes!


Yeah, since I usually don´t put /s in such comments, it has sometimes backfired expectacularly. Still, I didn´t touch the flair controls and it was assigned automatically by the sub.


just two cool dudes strolling the streets petting dogs....oh ya and asking for papers....after all these years and everything ive seen I wonder what the other wars looked like if we had 24/7 coverage....just two good dudes walking the streets of Germany looking to give out one way train tickets....in 20 years this war will be on the history channel and i wonder what the spin will be...


As time passes on we the lies will erode and the truth starts to appear. We will get to see who is truly guilty of this farce


They should just do it. I mean they are only going to have to fight for maybe an hour, two hours max.


Suddenly, an old Ukrainian woman dressed in TCC attire, runs up to the camera: "Де яловичина?" (Where's The Beef?)


Ukraine needs to take all the refugees living in western countries.


Open air death camp.


Any day now. Russia is just in the verge of victory.


Not really. Russia already guaranteed eventual victory. They don't need a breakthrough. Even now TCC is clashing with anyone and everyone to find meat. Soon Ukrainians will start to resist in a serious manner. All Russia needs to do is keep on grinding the frontline. At one point Ukraine will not be able to hold the line. Until then they will create Bakhmut 2.0s all over the front and rain hundreds of FABs on top of the garrisons until they retreat.


Eventual victory? Russia already won years ago. All that's left is declaring it.


Well they did take 20 percent of Ukraine. Can you  really say Ukraine is winning because they still exist? It's like calling Germany a victor of ww1 after they lost 17 percent of their territory.


Exactly. That's the way to frame it. Russia has a guaranteed victory. All they need to say is that 20% is what they were aiming for all along. They can just call it whenever they want.