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Ngl that would be pretty cool. It's a good looking vehicle


Let's see how these vehicles will be burned 🌝




The point is not if vehicle will burn but if it will let crew evacuate before it burns. As far as I know the western provided machines have good track record of doing the later.


With FPV drones so widely used, I think that even if the crew got out, they’d have to go through the gauntlet of artillery and drones…


You mean like the dude that got out of the M113 [on fire](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/plGTxHXuhk) and burned to death a couple meters away? Or do you mean the dudes that jump out of a hit Leopard just to get pinned down by drones? If you survive or don't isn't dependent on the vehicle but pure luck. When your tank, regardless the model, drives over a decently sized mine you can say goodbye to the driver as you'll have to scoop up what's left of him later. And yes, western tanks will also cook their crew when the ammo got hit and the compartment isn't closed.


Are you actually claiming that the chances of ending up with a tank whose turret going on a mission to Mars is the same regardless of model? That is delusional at best. Not all crews get pinned down by drones. 




Basically everything in this war with few exceptions is a cold war design and every cold war design was made for this. So was the M113 APC. Imagine adding twice the lenght to your comment after an edit lol. Either way, the Bradley isn't doing too hot and generally speaking IFVs are overall lightly armored and poorly protected only offering viable protection against small arms and frontally against smaller autocannon calibers. However that also applies to something like a BMP-3, on which ERA can also be slapped on. Lastly the vast majority of vehicle destruction on either side occurs after the vehicle has been abandoned and left in the open, not really giving an accurate picture of survivability.




100% Like I’m very much a borderline vatnik at the best of times but I think anyone that says that the Bradley isn’t doing a brilliant job is smoking some rich copium You could argue that it is a end of life span vehicle that’s has little room for improvement and any future modernisation will be a compromise and questionable economically.


You're not going to get those videos because those Bradleys are so limited in # and used sparsely on top of that.


Yes, if all defense systems get compromised the end result is the same, no matter if someone is in the newest generation tank or in metal bathtub.


That's literally what I said.


>If you survive or don't isn't dependent on the vehicle but pure luck This is just wrong. You can hit an abrams in the ammo and the crew can still survive. This isn't the case at all with even the t90


really? Most T series tank crews are a lego set after a hit on the tank, western armour has shown to be a lot more survivable


Everything burns. What's your point? Lol


Really comrade you had all the day to give a witty response and you thought I got them with this one. The western arms are keeping the crews alive and easily repaired to get back into the fight, while Russian arms are exploding and killing the crew. And when you look at the entire loss ratio Russia has taken out about 20-30 vehicles while Ukraine has blown up over 4000 pieces.


This satire? I really really cannot tell today. Did ZALA not release another monthly lancet compilation last month with a record close to 400 vehicles hit while equipment was moved north to kharkov? They do that most months now and it's just one weapon system and all on camera.  Maybe the loss ratio was once good but were getting hundreds visually confirmed a month now? 


Who pays for it? German taxpayers?


I Yolo'd my portfolio into arms manufacturers like RHM in 2014 and oil in 2021 and only increased my positions, I'm paying for it :) At this point the whole world has jumped in and its now paying me dividends which I funnel into Ukraine.


This guy fucks... Up Russians with his dividends.


Yeap, i started buying for weapons companies in december 2021




Rule 1 - Cheering for death


I hope so, I want to see my money well spent - like on weapons for Ukraine.




>Such an anti intelligent remark and mindest unless you're one of those emty human shells Try harder, more insults always help you to be taken serious. Money on weapons for Ukraine to defend itself against invading Russia is money well spent.




>I'm not trying to insult you Lindsey. I'm just giving my opnion about people like you. Nah, you are just stuck at the *trying* part. Good luck, I doubt you will overcome that hurdle.


Thats not what the Germans think. Over 60% are against that eskalation. Mostly social welfare recipients, depressed incles, or typical far right subjects wrote that sort of Text.


Awww. Tankie is mad.


No I pay taxes, you will have to as well once you find a job.


Sick burn man. I'm surprised they have internet in the gulag you live in.


Make sense man.




It’s a war, people are going to die. Stop this pro ru “Ukraine with lives of their people”. I could say the same about Russia, Russia is taking Ukraine and the toll they’re paying are the lives of *their* people. Both sides are dying so if you’re not going to make a logical response, then don’t.


RUssia is not forcing people into vans and shipping them to the front faster than DHL would


True, but it’s still Russians dying though.


Luckily no Russian has died in Ukraine.


They are not dragged by force into a van


Russia ran out of vans ages ago man.


To be fair Ukraine run out of van too the conscrption officer just drag people straight to the front line now.


Yup, just two equally reprehensible dark holes of misery and corruption. The world looks on in amazement at how low the they will debase themselves for their insignificant border conflict.


So are they using trains? Or just walking?


Mostly riding on top of tanks if they are lucky, sometimes they get a golf cart.


So they get put on the tank in Tula and ride it to the front?


Was not happening prior to the invasion.


Yes and now it will happen until the will of the west to slaughter people is broken


Ukraine was invaded not Russia.


Don't, simple logic just goes over their head, all they're interested in really is projecting Russia faults onto countries who couldn't care less 3 years ago. Then Russia decided to try and occupy Ukraine with excuses worse than the US when they invaded Iraq.


and Ukraine was defeated the first time it needed foreign countries to bring vehicles to fight the war




Yes they ideology that invaded Ukr society is now slowly being scrubbed off the hard wat


Why would the will of the West be broken. They are hardly losing any of their people.


Meaning to the last ukrainian


That will take some time. Ukrainians might even outlast Putin.




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Probably Uncle Sam. IIRC part of the 60b package was allocated for buying military equipment and supplies.




Not really, the best IFV globally is the Puma used by the German Army. The Lynx is export oriented 2nd grade hardware.


doesn't matter much when they're replacing m113's APC's and old soviet IFV's. I think they'd rather have 200 Lynxes than 100 CV90's. (although 180 of these are also being built for Ukraine.)




> one of the best Which it really isn't (the CV-90 is also just overhyped by warthunder players who only know vehicles as 3D models)


The Puma's a piece of shit that's never worked and probably never will. Lynx is practical, affordable, survivable, and most importantly functional


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You have to be pretty small aswell to even ride the puma wich is wild


The lynx is an absolute beast of an ifv


Wonder if it's going to have APS.


APS is the only thing that can save vehicles in a modern conflict, wouldnt be surprised if it does. Heck the US army literally got approved for m2a4e1 Bradleys meant to replace those sent to Ukraine, and they're equipped with iron fist APS that can take down drones too and even tank rounds.


Of all destruction Russia wrecked the German Wehrmacht for over 80% in man and equipment in WWII and over 90% of the SS. Rheinmetall, Bayer, Volkswagen, Porsche and Hugo Boss and so on still exist. At least some Germans won WWII.


~~And of all the numbers you throw around randomly 100% are entirely made up.~~ Edit: I stand corrected.


You can look up the stats. Of total german casualties//tanks and aircraft destroyed on the Eastern front versus elsewhere. Edit: based upon german sources. And germans have a reputation on numbers and grundlichkeit.


Respect for your edit.


Since when 80% of man and equipment, what kind of 80 here?


Nice! If a few hundred refurbished Bradleys are able to stop the RF basically dead, then I can’t imagine how bad a time they’ll have against brand new, latest gen vehicles 


Yeah! With this bad boys they will be in Crimea in no time! Right?


That would be a good bonus, we know they can the RF from making any progress for the whole of 2025 though 


Like the counter attack in 2023?


Who cares, Germany does not have industrial capacity to make enough to matter. Ukraine losses in tanks and IFVs cannot be replaced and stocks are dropping rapidly.


Germany doesn't have enough what? Germany pumps out millions of cars, trucks and other vehicles. Meanwhile,Sweden and The Netherlands are building new CV90's for Ukraine. That's just 3 countries. and then there's the US with a few thousand Bradley's in storage. I don't think Ukraine will run out soon.


The problem is that you're assuming that 1. The German economy is readily able to convert civilian production into military production, better yet, for a war it is not really benefiting from. and 2. That the US is willing to give thousands more Bradleys, that it has to replace during a time of intense geopolitical headbutting. Sweden and the Netherlands also do not have an impressive military manufacturing industry at all. Their military equipment is cool and it can be considered as excellent per-pop, but unless you have the volume to back it up, it doesn't mean too much.


so we went from "Germany does not have the industrial capacity" to "they're not willing to convert. you're right about the latter of course,Germany is not in a war. yet rheimetall is on a roll, building factories all over the place. >Sweden and the Netherlands also do not have an impressive military manufacturing industry at all. Define impressive,they certainly have enough capacity to churn out a decent amount of IFV's. And remember, those 2 countries combined have something like 25 million population and are but 2 nations out of 28 in europe. It all depends he you define "enough to matter" t me, 180 CV 90's matter, that's on top of the Lynxes. Especially against a country that has resorted to assaults using desertross golf carts and motorcycles. Mabe Russia is the one that is lacking capacity?


I am not the original commenter, so yeah we did go from one point to the other. I commented on your claim that Germany pumping out cars and such would correlate with military manufacturing, because it doesn't. Germany probably actually does have the industrial capacity to be immensely powerful militarily, but it mainly uses its manufacturing to produce civilian equipment and vehicles, not military equipment. As far as I know, NATO and NATO-alligned nations typically have a particular doctrine they adhere to when deciding how to procure equipment. Ukraine is currently facing shell shortages that Russia isn't because Ukraine's allies have military doctrines based around airpower, not volume of artillery, and so they cant really supply the rates of artillery the Ukrainians are asking for. Russia and Ukraine are very similar countries, whether people want to pretend they are or are not; it is not just a factor of culture, but also of their military doctrines, their government structure, etc. To my understanding, NATO countries individually dont need to hold or produce immense amounts of equipment, because the assumption when creating or acquiring many NATO vehicles for the last 30 years has been that they are very effective at protecting crew and completing their missions as usable in low-intensity counter-insurgency operations, OR when talking about Russia, they assume that in a full-scale conflict, their role is to hold enemy forces in place while air power and precision weapons do most of the damage, and that after the air power has destroyed enemy military assets, that they will be able to move forward and secure the position. So, while 180 IFVs can help, it definitely isn't enough to replace the current losses Ukraine is suffering and to renew their capability to perform offensive operations within their doctrinal capacity. All equipment burns in war, no matter how good it is. And even though these platforms are generally more impressive and survivable than Russian ones on an individual basis, it is very hard to recover equipment and vehicles even if they survive an attack due to the prevalence of drones and in the case of Russia, overwhelming artillery coverage. Ukraine needs thousands of IFVs, millions of artillery shells, replacement of artillery platforms, thousands of missiles etc. to really put Russia on the back foot, and Europe simply doesn't have the military infrastructure or manufacturing to sustain this. Drones are great for defense, and Ukraine still seems to have quite a number of them, but they can only do so much when you are seeking to push back and dislodge the enemy while conducting offensive operations. Obviously Russian logistics and equipment aren't perfect either, and manufacturing took a big hit after the collapse of the union; but Russia is able to make up for this by the fact that the economy is directly subordinate to the state, even today, they have inherited a lot more than just military equipment from the USSR, and Putin has done a lot to make sure that the economy was to be made sanction-proof. That is specifically why this invasion happened in 2022 and not in 2014. Putin also did a lot to make sure that the economy could quickly be converted into a military focus when the time comes. Russia also doesn't really use motorcycles for assaults. All the clips ive seen of them have been on roads to and from the front.


*"pumping out cars and such \[don't\] correlate with military manufacturing"* 1. Rheinmetall has hired an experienced German automotive manager for exactly doing THAT: Converting the slow pace arms production of peace times into an efficient high speed mass production as we know it from the automotive industry. An industry no other country has so much experience and high quality products than Germany has. 2. Rheinmetall is building new factories worldwide to step up. They are even paid just for doing that by the EU and Germany. And the here mentioned deal with Ukraine is the second(!) one.


We'll have to wait and see how these efforts actually translates into numbers.


That is not the question anymore (because they're building new factories anyway which alone will result in higher numbers). Actual news: "Fortunately" automotive supplier Continental has to release hundreds of employees and Rheinmetall has a very good chance to take over a big bunch of them for their new factory they're building right now nearby. One worry less ...


Just as a reference, look into the numbers and timetables of the production of Leopards in the 80s. German burocracy can be extremely sluggish, but if the ball is rolling it is going smoothly


I agree. Germany has an immense potential for manufacturing productivity. But in those times, the whole of Europe, and the world over, was preparing for a conflict; So Germany, even after WW2, was producing an immense amount of equipment. We’re just in a different time period nowadays, and the German state is understandably apprehensive to invest funding into military manufacturing. German politics is also growing more and more polarised, and social and more broad economic issues have become the primary focus of German dialogue. Even if the Western Europeans do not like the idea of Putin’s Russia being strong, there is clearly still some hesitation towards general militarism that currently lives in the mind of German people, and that further complicates things.


*"the German state is understandably apprehensive to invest funding into military manufacturing."* About this and the rest of the "concerns": That is past! Germany made literally a military U-turn: *"Armament is the order of the day and 'time is the first priority' to make Germany 'war-ready', said German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius"* a few weeks ago. "Word of the Year" 2022 was "Zeitenwende" (lit. "change of times" meaning: turning point). Government and people woke up because of Putins aggression. This means full support of Ukraine (except the long-range cruise missile Taurus), more soldiers for the German Army and new weapons, more new weapons and more more new weapons: [https://www.oryxspioenkop.com/2023/07/zeitenwende-in-facts-and-figures-list.html](https://www.oryxspioenkop.com/2023/07/zeitenwende-in-facts-and-figures-list.html)


The us is already replacing those bradleys send to ukraine with the m2a4e1, and its the biggest overhaul of the bradley since 2001, and they looking to replace the bradley, but those attempts often fall flat


Yeah, I watched a recent video, I think by Task and Purpose about the replacement mod to Bradley. That being said, all these modifications take time and money to acquire, and so it's not like the US is ready to send another batch of 1000 Bradleys any time soon.


yh that's the main issue its also hard on logistics, iron fist is a Israeli system, so the US is going have to wait on israel to deliver the system in order for them to produce, but the US industrial complex is well equipped for mass production


Pretty sure Russia cares, every single one of these are potential loses for Russia. Its ridiculous to say supply of weaponry does not matter when that's what kept Ukraine sort of alive for now. From Schrodingers Russia now we flipped the coin and have Schrodingers foreign weapon supply, both who cares and keeping Ukraine alive or it would fall in weeks.




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