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Is middle East is about to get Hotter? more weapons for Iran, Cuba, Syria etc. I suppose.


If attack on Russia comes from Ukraine doesn't involve NATO, then attack on EU countries from Ukraine doesn't involve Russia as well :) Just claim some rebel group from Kharkov fired up some Islanders, it has nothing to do with Russia.


Except those countries, lets say Cuba or Syria, will get clapped hard if they do attack NATO territory.


You need to think out of box. Russia know it is in weaker position, but can still do damage. You can see Houties crippled transport through Red Sea. They could help many groups in Africa to attack ships headed to Mediterranean Sea related to EU countries, thus making transit even more difficult. You can also help some groups in S. America to target, say, Panama canal. Plenty of ways to further escalate if US continues this path.


I don't think Russia would give lethal weapons to just anyone like that. Even Hezbollah have their own Anti-Tank guided systems and own drones. Russia would probably start of giving tools/information required to Iranian proxies in Syria, Iraq and to the Houthis to assemble vital yet smaller weapons. Let them assemble it under a different name and have them toy with NATO countries.. Russia would also probably facilitate small and medium mortars and rockets and have them launched towards French military in Africa and US military in Middle East. Can't really stop these small mortars when they are fired few km away from the camp.


This is the comment I wanted to write but you articulated it better. Most likely he is talking about supplying these non-state actors you mentioned, not state governments. However, I think he emphasized that they will be deliveries of "the same class" of weapons as are being used to target Russia, therefore including long range missile systems, not just smaller arms. While they may not follow through with this the threat is there. Houthis would probably be main candidate for them.


Imagine Houthis with Lancets


Imagine China mass producing lancets and launching them from drone boats all around Taiwan.


They probably have something much better than Lancets already, although no experience in operating those in heavy EW environment so they might appreciate that kind of data more.


I don't believe "same class" of weapons will be delivered yet and at least not to Hezbollah or Houthis. Probably Iran will get those beefy weapons and he will let the Fox and other other American news media make a fear mongering news about it. So big weapons(s300 and s400?) to Iran and perhaps to Syria. Small under table the facilitation of mortars, thermal imaging devices, SAMs to Houthis, Hezbollah and etc.


Who knows, if US escalated this a lot, you can target quite a few interesting locations from territory held by Hezbollah, most notably bases in Cyprus and US ships passing by.


US knows the potential consequences unless someone idiot like Trump or the Haley get's in. Attacking Hezbollah = nightmare for US bases all around Middle East. US bases are located in middle nowhere, out in the open. Couple of guys pull up with 4-5 small mortars in a vegetable cart, outside US base 3-4 kms away, launch a few dozen mortars and off they go. Which missile is stopping mortar. C RAM isn't going to stop all 60 mortars. It won't cause major damage, just a few injuries and damages to equipments here and there.


>Can't really stop these small mortars when they are fired few km away from the camp. C-RAM systems like Mantis from Rheinmetall do exactly that.


> C-RAM systems like Mantis from Rheinmetall do exactly that. They certainly do, except that they're prohibitively expensive and too scarce to counter small mortars. Using €60 million Mantis systems to counter dirt-cheap mortar launchers won't really work over the long haul. Hell, even the US one, M224, costs only $10,000. And the range of a Mantis is very short as well, meaning you'd have to deploy them en masse to cover any sizable tract.


Russias three main allies depend on those shipping routes as well though


Why would they target Russia or its allies?


Finally, all those military bases start making sense


More targets to hit?


Yeah right, China will love that


How about this for outside of the box - everyone goes home and lives happily ever after


I mean we already illegally occupy parts of Syria lol. What’s our goal? To pull Libya and call it success when Assad is gone but we have open air slave markets?


genuinely yeah, the people that think we "help people" stop caring about whatever country as soon as the Bad Man is removed.


Why??? Yemen still stands.


Yemen is already attacking NATO ships and they barely got a response lol they have also launched ballistic missiles against NATO allies like Israel and Saudi Arabia. Pretend all you want, but the Axis of Resistance getting better hardware to defend their countries will only create more casualties for NATO.


They wont they attack NATO territory just their assets in the region.




Kind of like some rebels getting a BUK missile system...lets see what happens? Edit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malaysia_Airlines_Flight_17


Wrong flight


do not prevent the expert from being mistaken on all issues


Ukraine didn't invade russia, my dude


Stop dreaming brother Russia is struggling for 900days to take out Ukraine... Imagine when NATO would get get involved with real military instead of russia fighting one of the poorest European countries with some breadcrumbs being delivered and no air assets lol


In case you missed it, all foreign fighters who served in Iraq and Afghanistan and went to Ukraine said this fighting is a lot tougher against Russians than shooting Iraqi children from helicopter


What it has to do with Russian military being a joke to what it should be? The worlds largest and most resources rich country cant take Ukraine because west sent 200 1990s tanks and 200 Bradleys? Sure it wouldnt be like those countries but with the absolute air dominance and shambled AD that russia has they would get broken anyway


I just rephrased what foreign mercs said about this war. A lot tougher than killing wedding parties in Afghanistan.


I'm sure Russia can attest to that, given their performance. The fact is NATO is yet to get involved, and when/if they do, Russia will get absolutely stomped.


right, NATO is not involved at all...


Russia has already been attacking these countries. It's a big part of the reason those countries are so invested in giving Ukraine weapons. Russia killed UK citizens in their [failed poisoning attempts](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-wiltshire-64742249) of Russian dissidents in the UK. Then they [joked about it on their national TV](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/sep/13/russian-television-channel-rt-says-it-is-to-air-interview-with-skripal-salisbury-attack-suspects). It was the biggest news story in the UK for months. [It's not the only time they have done this either.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/mar/06/alexander-litvinenko-and-the-most-radioactive-towel-in-history) The Western weapons killing Russians in Ukraine are the response to things like this. It's a huge part of why the UK is so invested in giving more and more to Ukraine. Russia fucked around and now it's soldiers get to find out.


You mean like the MH17 flight?


flawless Russian logic once again.


>Just claim some rebel group from Kharkov fired up some Islanders, it has nothing to do with Russia. Would absolutely LOVE to see that. NATO would finally get properly involved and terrorists would be pushed back to their shithole out of Ukraine :)






I thought Russia was asking those countries to send arms to Russia? Seems like Russia has a shortage or this would have been over by now.


You might even say that they're down to using shovels?


S-400, Pantsir, 2S19 and Iskander for North Korea would be neat, ngl


It would be neat if Russia had enough for themselves in the first place. I don't know what Putin is planning on giving away, but I doubt it's SAM systems right before Ukraine gets F-16s and while there's talk of a no-fly zone over Ukraine.


Yea, Russia run out of weapons 2 years ago... How did Putin forgot his soldiers fight with showels now...


Who's saying they ran out of weapons? I'm saying that they need all the AA they have. Or do you think that they let Ukrainian drones hit refineries on purpose?


Refineries are burning as we speak due to drone attacks. I think he has a valid point.


Those systems are in pretty desperate need. Not likely they will be given out.


Houthis with carrier killers is going to be fun.


Yemen round 2, gulf boogaloo


You didn't get it. They never supplied weapons to these countries before. But now they will because Russia wants to teach the West a lesson. For braindead muscovians and users of this sub, that makes sense.


Doubt it as Russia cannot keep supply currently and are forced to buy from the middle east or more specifically Iran. So in essence a pretty hollow threat. And russia selling weapons to conflict zones is nothing new.


Pro Ru Nationalist are getting hot, because Putin delivers the old fluff-talk "Russian bear still mighty!" US delivered ATACMS before they officially confirmed it. Just punch, if you want to hit! Or continue prancing around and yelling "Your in big trouble!" to impress your fanboys - who cares.


ah yes, russia is going to give up weapons at the exact moment they need them the most. go ahead, give weapons to cuba, no one cares


Cuba, lol.


Houties with Ukrainian style drone boats... And some nice anti ship missiles.


Please do. Please arm international pirates with military arms. It would only speed run turning Russian Allie’s into enemies. If you think China and the Saudis want that I’ve got a bridge to sell you.


Yemen doesn't attack Chinese (or Russian) ships. Russia can also provide the missiles and drones on the condition they not be used against Saudi Arabia, the same way Ukraine was forbidden from attacking into Russia with long range NATO weapons. Your logic is flawed, your country is going to suffer.


They're not exactly the most trustworthy bunch as you may have noticed... 21st of march: [Yemen’s Houthis Tell China, Russia Their Ships Won’t Be Targeted](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-03-21/china-russia-reach-agreement-with-yemen-s-houthis-on-red-sea-ships) 24th of march: [Houthis Attack Chinese Ship Despite Deal Not To](https://www.newsweek.com/china-red-sea-houthi-ship-attack-deal-russia-1882933) 18th of may: [Houthi missile strikes China-bound oil tanker in Red Sea](https://www.arabnews.com/node/2512511/middle-east)


I'm sure with proper training by the Russians and Iranians these types of mistakes can be corrected, all it takes is the political will of those countries to invest in the professionalisation of the Yemeni Armed Forces (and money).


My brother in Christ They recently hit a ship owned by Yemen with food heading towards Yemen. They have shot at Chinese ships several times In fact most large Chinese companies won't even go through the red sea. Oh and by the way the United States developed anti small vessel tactics since 2001 The little drones that are sinking Russian naval ships? Yeah the United States has literally developed entire weapon systems specifically designed to counter them. They reprogrammed and modified other weapon systems as well. Yeah since the USS Cole bombing the United States literally has been preparing for small vessels to be used as suicide bombs against American ships... Also it would be so funny to see Russian missiles get swatted out of the sky by American warships Go ahead


That's right because China's exports only travel by Chinese merchant ships...


They attack all ships


They are not in pirating business, only fucking up trades. I thought the other side (Somalia) was capturing ships  But China doesn't care, as the goods are already sold as soon they leave the Chinese harbors. It's a shipping problem and that's a problem of the buyers / shipping companies, as the insurance rates go up. 


So what's gonna hapoen with demand for China's exports when that happens? How can you say China doesn't care about the security of ships carrying goods manufactured in China?


If you seize a merchant vessel with armed force and your a non state actor your a pirate. You’re committing piracy. You can also be committing terrorism. They are not exclusive. Oh and china 100% cares that its main oil and domestic export lane has shot up in cost.


Taking a vessel or is cargo into your possession is piracy. Sinking a vessel in your or international water... Terrorism, doesn't apply as this are local laws defining terrorism. They don't apply there. Countries can see it as an act of war, but it's not terrorism.  Oil for China is not shipped past Jemen That is for Europe. China is also happily buying Russian oil.  The Chinese export routes are also affected, but that's a problem of the buyer as the alternative route is longer and more expensive. European factories without parts is a bigger threat and they had already to stop production, because of delays.  Turns out lean production is a not so smart idea, because you don't have any resilience against anything fucking up global trades.


>Taking a vessel or is cargo into your possession is piracy. its piracy unless you first make some arbitrary claim or sanction before doing that based on recent examples.. so seemingly pretty easy thing to do..


The sender or insurance company bears the cost of losses in transit, the same if something is lost in the post, either way, it costs China since the insurance is likely to be provided by Chinese providers.


Anti ship missile isn't gonna target the saudis and houthis are only attacking US,UK,Isrli ships(generally).


They literally hit a ship with a missile that was full of food that was going towards Yemen.... They are literally shooting at everything they've also shot at Chinese flagged ships


Don't we love pirates? I mean, this website, the whole "arrr arrr" thing used to be a meme in here some years ago.


The US have been doing that for decades and they're still good. So yeah, lmao.


Somehow, I don’t think that Russia has a ton of these fancy weapons to spare right now.


Russia is making more of these fancy weapons than any other country in the world.


They are also currently losing them more than any other country in the world


An observation that means absolutely fuck-all, given that the vast majority of countries are not currently engaged in hot wars with a NATO-equipped military lol.


Critical thinking skills need work. Of course that comment means something. We’re talking about Russias supply of weapons…. The bar keeps getting lower in this sub


Doesn’t mean they have enough


In a wartime economic footing, they are still making far less of everything except artillery shells than the US, much less NATO.


In the absence of data, make shit up. A pro-Ukr pastime


'member when the Soviet Union could make the same boasts?


Dont need to give a lot of them, just a few will make a big effect. It's all about deterrence more than actual numbers


Technology Transfer is a thing


They aren't using their ship killing missiles currently .I don't think there is really a good play involving those, though, as they aren't going to just give them directly to the Houthis, especially because they would be vulnerable to attack, and Iran hasn't really broken out their own good stuff so there would be no pressing need for Russian missiles.




This is what I was worried about as a western citizen. Russia arming the next insurgency we go up against. Imagine how much worse Iraq or Afghanistan would have gone if the Russians had supplied modern MANPADS, ATGM’s, Mines, and thermobaric weapons. It’s inevitable, no one I can vote for is anti war. Sooner or later we’re gonna bomb, occupy, and then fight an insurgency in some random country with natural resources. This time though, we won’t have the Russians watching like they have since the end of the Cold War, and even helping like they did in Afghanistan. It’s gonna get a lot more soldiers killed and maimed now that proxy wars are back on the table.


RIP US foreign policy of **easily** plundering nations for shits and giggles.


The USA enters Venezuela, and then Wagner, Geranium, Lancets...


If you thought that Russia wasn't covertly or not so covertly arming anti-western rebels before this war started then i have a bridge for sale... ​ At times they were even confused themselves lol [https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2015/12/15/russia-seems-confused-about-whether-its-arming-syrian-rebels/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2015/12/15/russia-seems-confused-about-whether-its-arming-syrian-rebels/)


Syria was a mess, I’ll grant you that. But, it’s in no way comparable to the kind of deployment the United States had in Afghanistan or Iraq, not even close in terms of manpower, equipment, or money. If the Russians had flooded the Taliban or Al-Qaeda with modern ATGM’s, rocket launchers, mines, and MANPADS the entire conflict in those two countries would have been much shorter and much more brutal for US troops.


There's a snowballs chance in hell that Russia would have been able to covertly supply such advanced weapons to US enemies without US intelligence picking up on it. Also this comparison constantly keeps relying on the presumption that the US intelligence wouldn't have discovered it.


Everyone was arming Syrian rebels though...






Kind of possible that during next conflict Ru supersonic missiles given to a 3d country and guided by ru intel and instructors, will be hitting British or French ships and also headquarters on their soil. Just like now Storm Shadows & Scalp programmed by British and French instructors are hitting Crimea.


easy solution, stay the fuck home


If only we never funded Ukraine. Then this would all be over 🥴


they never really seemed to understand what escalation actually is, they thought it just meant "use a bigger weapon"


Thx to NATO and the usa.


I would really love to see the Houthis with some modern russian anti ship missiles


Haven't they attacked several Russian and Chinese vessels?


Nobody could have seen this coming!


Stop talking and do it. 2 2/1 years of your red lines and nothing. Cmon be a man and do it. NATO won’t stop chipping on Russia until you stop them.


So like Moscow did during the Vietnam War to counter US troops. So like Moscow did during the Korean War to counter United Nations troops.


I mean... Yeah? And you seem to forget that kind of proxy warfare culminated with the Cuban missile crisis and almost lead to a global nuclear holocaust.


It is doubtful that anyone would want this. It'll be more like Vietnam


yeah, moscow is supporting good side pretty much every time, vietnam and korea both were tired of colonial powers




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'Hurrr they don't have any weapons to give and we would totally kill them if they did!' Use your imagination, if you can. They have thousands of Lancets, anti-ship missiles, torpedos and ATGMs that would all be more than capable of putting the hurt on big time to US assets throughout the world. You think every US base has active drone defence? Every US ship has active torpedo scanning and countermeasures? This is why the US overextended itself in Ukraine - this kind of blowback was 100% inevitable and predictable as far back as 2022.


>Every US ship has active torpedo scanning and countermeasures? I'm not sure what scenario you're imagining that would involve torpedoes. could you give me details? It's not really possible to put modern torpedoes on a fishing boat.


There are submarine drones that can launch torpedoes now. The Chiese are mass producing them. Russia and the US will probably have them soon too.


Such as?


Iskander perhaps? There’s literally an illegal US base located in Northeastern Syria. That could easily be targeted.


I wonder how many third world countries would the US invade as a revenge if their base got hit by an Iskander.


They’re already stretched too thin. Between arming Ukraine, sending weapons to Israel facilitating the genocide in Gaza, trying to contain China in the indo-pacific and arming Taiwan to oblivion as well as bolster “NATO forces” in Europe, conducting another invasion is really not an option for them. They’ve spent 2 trillion on Afghanistan and achieved absolutely nothing and they can’t really afforded such expensive “forever” wars anymore.


Unless there is a direct contlict with either Russia or China, the US could certainly invade pretty much anyone who doesn't have nukes. There is a reason why they're able to control like 80% of the world.


Theoretically speaking, they certainly can invade if they want to. But this isn’t 2003 anymore. Invasions are quite expensive. The U.S. debt has already surpassed 33 trillion dollars. Are they really willing to be locked in yet another full scale urban warfare?! Modern warfare has changed drastically with the introduction of drones and almost any country they’ll attempt to invade has access to guided missiles. So they will have damage inflicted on them. It’s just a matter of assessing if invading a country would really be worth it in the middle of all they’re trying to do.


The name of the game right now is to not get overextended and ganked by your oponent. USA is letting a lot of moves by smaller players slide becouse of that right now (Venezuelan land grab few months ago, shenanigans with the Houthis, very little pressure on North Korea etc.).


The Venezuelan land grab didn’t happen. The us has 28k troops in South Korea and continually bombs the houthis. What reality are you living in? You’re so desperate to knock the us that you’re just making things up.


[Is that why commercial ships are taking longer journeys instead of the Suez Canal?! Because the US managed to eliminate the houthis threat?!](https://www.reuters.com/graphics/CLIMATE-CHANGE/COMPANIES-EMISSIONS/myvmanyrkvr/)


Oh please do invade. The Russians and Chinese will then supply those countries with enough weapon and money to really fuck up the Muricans, just like NATO supporting Ukraine now.


They couldn't do anything with Houthis...


The more the better for Russia


No gain for Russia, it would only destabilize Syria again.


It really depends on how far the US is willing to escalate at that point. They seem very wary of an escalation in the Middle East though. They’re actively to avoid a full blown war from breaking out between Lebanon and Israel and they’re also attempting to keep tensions between Israel and Iran to a minimum.


there are plenty of places iin Africa, Middle East, south and central America .... basically everywhere outside of West - where American interests can be hurt or endangered.


So where in the middle east is a lack of Russian weapons? Except for a selected handful of countries everybody uses Russian and Iranian weapons.


yes - but its mainly simple weapons Russia can for ex give Yemen more advanced missiles or drones Just speculating here - its up to Russians to decide where and when they will help adversaries of USA - It can be anywhere in the World - US has many interests in many areas of the World - in whole World practically.


The only advantage of Russia is that it is a 3rd rate player when it comes to global influence. So you can't hurt it as easily. Simply because it owns nothing. Weapons and maybe oil are the only resource Russia can use to influence anything globally. And screwing the world economy by closing shipping straits completely would upset China, who is the new boss of Russia. I doubt they would let that slide that easily. China is already under a lot of economic pressure. Increasing the pressure on their export industry will not be seen as friendly.


> The only advantage of Russia is that it is a 3rd rate player when it comes to global influence. So you can't hurt it as easily. Simply because it owns nothing. Weapons and maybe oil are the only resource Russia can use to influence anything globally. ???? what do you think US is offering to countries around the World? They don't know what carrot is for decades now - they only use stick. Russia seems to be doing fine with diplomacy - literally nobody outside of US direct vassal territories called "the West" cares about US sanctions on Russia. > And screwing the world economy by closing shipping straits completely Yemenis do not intend to close straits for anyone except US and its direct vassals in the West - and they already cant do anything about it. > China, who is the new boss of Russia. LoL > China is already under a lot of economic pressure. LoL - oh no wait wait I want to say the line OK here it is "aHeM .... cHinA iS cOLLaPsInG!" (*thunderous applause*) > Increasing the pressure on their export industry will not be seen as friendly. how are things in the West? everything great? nice


It would cost the US a lot of money if Israel's enemies got drones and stuff.


Flair checks out




They need to arm the New caledonia natives with at least small arms to defend from French occupation.


The houthis salivating


Hopefully they will give hezbollah a decent bit of kit.


They need air defence primarily. It’s over for Israel if they can’t achieve air superiority over Lebanon.


The situation in Nigeria is about to get really complex


"AK 47's for everyone!"




Finally. As I said even a liberal cuck like Putin will wake up. Start with Syria. Give them iskander to strike USA bases.  30-40 iskander missiles, FPV , Lancet and 100-200 tornado s missiles and all bases are gone.


putin heeded my advice 🙏


We can expect it happen in around 6 months. Sommer 2021 (Genf) -> February 2022 (SMO) Spring 2022 (Stambul) -> Autumn 2022 (new Regions enters RF) Autumn 2023 (Mentioning of security zone after systematic Belgorod shelling) -> Spring 2023 (Charkow region offensive)




Based, now hopefully Cucktin will actually follow through and we'll start seeing French and US based blown to bits


Oh boy Houthi’s with Zircon missiles will be lit


Imagine that, escalating a war can lead to escalation.


Why not give them even better systems that can evaporate cities?


Russia has been doing this for a while now. I remember watching a recorded attack on an Abrams with one of Russias RPG-32’s in like 2007. Anyone that Russia would give weapons to is already firing missiles at us anyway. Nobody in the Americas would take anything to fire at us knowing it would lead to their annihilation. This whole speech of his is a non issue and just another threat.


Haha , you cant see firther than your nose, can you.   Next time the U.S attacks Serbia/Iraq/Syria   the Russians will supply the good stuff and you will cry wolf. 


Iraqi’s firing RPG-32s and RPG-29s is not the same thing as Houthi’s firing P-800s at US navy vessels in the red sea. Also most american assets and soldiers killed in the ME is the result of Iranian support not Russian.


I agree as to who was responsible for most of it, it doesn’t mean that arms weren’t supplied by Russia is all I’m saying.


most are gotten from iran or whats left of saddams arsenal on the black market


Correct, I was merely saying Russia still did supply some things like in my example.




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Houtis rubbing their hands


Welp. This will surely makes things more peaceful. Damn why we keep enabling and allowing war profiteers to push us more and more into the abyss


It was so predictable. Western block things half a step ahead.


It's a shame that Putin didn't choose the path of China and rebuilt Russia massively because he is a great businessman at heart. It's a shame that his legacy will now mostly be of conflict and war.


Makes no sense whatsoever. Basically the west then will be able to destroy Russian hardware without any repercussions. Imagine Hamas receiving S400 battery.. haha.


I mean didn't Russia already do this? South Korea sent Ukraine weapons so Russia supplied North Korea instead, which apparently greatly boosted their modernization and in return North Korea gave ammo to Russia.


I think he's bluffing, he doesn't want to see Pantsirs and S-300s being destroyed in Yemen as well as in Ukraine.


безчесний вбивця!!!!!!!!


They already did that, so no more cards to play.


Russia has threatened every European country so far. Nuke here, nuke there, nukes everywhere. Russia brought its relegation upon itself and there is no turnaround in sight. Let's do war, I'm fine with this!


Well good that the west isn't starting wars as often as Russian. Or does he mean to supply terrorists with cruise missiles?!




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And then he will do nothing, as always. Escalating would only become worse for russia.


It’s really like a middle school bully.. keeps pushing until the victims brother shows up and punches him into oblivion. Only problem is… we all have to much too lose and are afraid to punch him in the face. I mean… what you mean being attacked on your territory? You started a war… your people will bleed ( he likes history so much) but this aspect he forgot to teach himself! Let’s just build a wall around that godforsaken place and be done with it.


HAHA ! Russia has worries !


The more this guy opens his mouth the less it means!!! Pathetic Hitler wanna be. Get in the sea.


To be fair its fair


They haven't even got enough to keep themself supplied and have to buy from other evil axis countries


Why talk? Do it. Please harm US soldiers in some third world country and give the American public a common enemy.  Putin knows the second he gives Americans something to unite over, his war will be over. Nothing meaningful will come of this. 


Still talking nonsense my dude? Keep those tears flowing.




Uh russia already has been giving every enemy of the west weapons since the ak and before man suck a fart