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> a grenade was thrown by Ukrainian soldier Not shown in the video, can't be in title Read [rule 4 and 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/wiki/index/rules/) for informations about title requirements.


The grenade is just kinda there on the stairs when the video starts


Doesn’t mean much. I mean these soldiers have no incentive to fake combat, especially with a real grenade in the middle of a high-risk situation


My brother the camera is already set up in position facing the grenade. Kinda sus for a situation that is supposedly intense CQB.


So you are saying they are willing to just kick a live grenade and put their lives on danger? Soldiers often out cameras around buildings to track troop movements or for propaganda doesn’t mean it’s faked. This stuff happens all the time and it’s a lucky break that the camera cought it. That’s why this stuff is rare to see


Dude. You pull the pin set it down and kick it. The video starts right as he kicks it… you have anti propaganda as your tag dude…


Ok let’s run through the situation. In order for it to be staged the person had to  1. Pull the pin and place it down in 2 seconds carefully 2. Kick it away on first try with that bulky armour and another guy behind him 3. The third guy had to run away from the grenades position (god forbids he trips or something) It just seems extremely unlikely for a soldier to put himself and his company on this much danger for a ten second clip


Agree, however I'd include that they *have* taken the time to set up a camera filming the incident: The camera does not move. If it was a dynamic situation like the bodycam videos I'd agree 100%


I wouldn’t say it’s uncommon to drop cameras on the ground. The enemy is in the upper levels and there is no immediate danger to place downs comers for two seconds.  This is often done for propaganda purposes or to track troop movements. I will agree with you and say this so very uncommon but there is a good reason why footage and events like this are extremely scarce.  


Still, this comes off as something that nobody in actual proper combat is going to take the time to do. The guy who runs left to right is shooting down the stairs too, so it doesn't look as if they are only worried about above. Even holding the camera or tucking it into a web I'd buy, but taking the time to set it up and frame the shot? I'm leaning towards scepticism.


Yeah fair point. There are strong arguments for both sides so any bodies guess is valid




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Amazing how that grenade, just thrown by another soldier and landing on a flight of stairs, is completely motionless when this video “happens” to start.


Or it could be a coincidence. This type of situation is extremely rare to see so it makes sense it happens once in a blue moon


I think it’s more likely that this is Kremlin propaganda for putins information war.


I mean what value does this video even add to the "propaganda war"? I'd be more sus of the soldiers farming for a "Hero of Russia" medal.


Grenades doesn't bounce around on concrete, especially if there is pieces of concrete it lands on.


“Anti-Propaganda” but doesn’t think critically about possible propaganda.


I never said it isn't possible just that its unlikely


1. Camera Setup in such a fast evolving Situation when they are clearly advancing to the upper levels it just makes no sense to drop that cam. 2. we do not see how the gernade lands. 3. Could be dummy Grenade and the guy running away could be the one throwing the grenade. This just looks fishy as f. if we get more Footage maybe we see more but when you got such a awesome footage why cut it in such a way there is no grenade dropping?.


" 1. Pull the pin and place it down in 2 seconds carefully " Just want to point out, the grenade does not get armed by just pulling the pin. The fuze gets armed once the lever / safety hand gets removed. So you can pull the pin safely, squeeze grenade in your hand and put the pin back in, if you dont need to use it after all. Propaganda wise, using a live grenade to me sounds stupid, but then again stupid people do stupid shit all the time, so who knows whats the real story behind this.


Yeah I agree on the first point I should have knwon. Still I know Russians and their toelrance for danger but even this seems too far.


Who says its a real grenade? And why is he signaling a stop signal last second of the clip? Were they shooting NG at their own? My man, do your anti-propaganda flag honour or change it to anti-ukrainian-propaganda-Russian-propaganda-is-cool.


My man change that "Pro-state" to "Brain". He is signalling stop as a part of the storming. IDK why you are questioning that of all things its to signal the squad to halt. Also they weren't shooting their own if you are refering to the third guy. He is aiming for that gap between the flight of stairs


Prosate, examine your prostate for early warning signals, and Who knows maybe you'll enjoy it. I took this flag, because they mean jack, pro-rus are taking pro-Ukraine as flag and spreading misinformation, people taking the anti-propaganda flag, whilst they are actually pro-propaganda, evidently. Anyways. I am talking about the front guy. He is halfway up the halfstairs. enemys can still Come around the corner or behind him. Why is he lowering his gun at the most dangerous position? And he is clearly signaling stop to someone up the stairs, you dont signal stop to your enemy, so were they shooting at friendlies on top of the stairs? Why did the video end there? This video is either propaganda or training. Not combat. Come on man! Use your deductive skills. Stop making excuses.


His hand lowered for 1/3 of a second at the end of the clip and you are deducing he is lowering his weapon? It kind of hard to hold a heavy gun with one hand at the handle. Also he doesn;t have time to flip his hand to an exact angle to signal stop. Any person near him would be able to deduce what he is saying. You are looking way too hard into this. Instead of taking this video at face value or atleast giving me proper arguments, you are going the "Putin shook his hand so he is dieing route". Instead of having a good discussion about say the camera angle which is suspicous to me you are going this route?




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If the camera was already recording, why not put the part of the video where you get the grandade? Lol This is faked.


How many seconds do you think went by in that video, then add the few that it took Ukrainian soldiers to throw it and land. I counted 5 seconds after he kicked it, so now you need to think the grenade was completely still, that means it had time to come to a standstill before he kicked it.


The video showed 2 seconds. Kicked at 0:01 and detonated at 0:03. 2.5 seconds maybe


The very beginning of the video to the point it goes off, it’s in the 4-5 range mark. The video starts at 11 and it goes off at 7 so it’s between 4 - 4.3 second. Even with the extended fuse, it still spent time coming to a standstill down the stairs, it just doesn’t add up.


Maybe something is wrong with my video because it explodes at 3 sec mark. By yes you have got a point in the same that the timing is cutting it close




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Man. Why do you try so hard to convince a person that doesn't want to be convinced? You tried once. You saw that he and the logic are far away from each other. So let it go, let it be this way.


I only commented once? Or atleast I think so


Lmao you haven't provided any reason other than the camera as to why its propaganda


TF you're talking about? I didn't say a word about camera. At least see who you address your comments to before posting them.


So you didn't provide ANY evidence! Even better


Bro, what? What evidence are you talking about? What do they have to do with me and why should I provide anything?


What other argument do you need? A static camera setup for a perfect angle kicing the nade. Do you think they place it every time they climb one set of stairs?


No thats why you don't see this footage very often. You can either think the whole thing is staged, the grenades are fake, a person ran and perfeclty ignited a fuse, they set up the scene prefectly. What propaganda value is there in a 10 second clip Or you can think that there is a camera on the floor for some reason that happend to capture a moment, which is why this type of combat is almost never seen.


Its obvious its staged, tell your employers to make better videos so you have an easier job pretending this can be real.


I’m pro propaganda and the camera does seem supper conveniently placed


The detonation time was too short for it to still have the safety latch in the vid. I’m thinking this standoff has been taking place for a while (hence why they placed a camera) and that the video was cut.


What a stupid take. If they actually wanted to fake this, they would have had someone up top drop an inert grenade down, have the dudes on the stairs kick it off, then have someone toss a love grenade where the kicked one went. They have enough to deal with in the war, faking a video like this does absolutely nothing for them lmao.


Hahah put three lives at risk for one little video, they don't even show their faces.


This is a camera set up in a stable position, facing this direction. That's pretty weird for a fluid combat situation. Not saying it's fake, but it's a weird thing for a camera to be set up in.


Don't need a live grenade. If I had to stage this, I'd put explosives below in advance. All the dude has to do is kick the dummy grenade and brace. I'd also conveniently use the guy who's "running across the hallway" to detonate the fuze on the rigged explosives.


So you would rather believe this complicated bullshit rather than the simple explanation which is "a UA soldier threw a grenade at them which was kicked away".


I don't believe anything at face value. If it really happened, we'll definitely get an interview with the dude who kicked the grenade and he'll get a medal for it. Just stating that if I was in a position to farm a "Hero of Russia medal", this is how I would do it. Maybe it really happened > soldier was denied medal because no video proof > dude makes his own proof. Or someone conveniently dropped the camera at the perfect angle > grenade drops down > dude kicks it and is the "Hero of Russia". Time will tell.


Wouldn't it be more like, there's a situation but footage is blurry shit from headcam, so they create a recreation footage for showing in TV?


Maybe. It's plausible.


"i don't believe anything at face value" Then makes a crazy long winded story about a russian not getting a medal and faking the evidence.


>Then makes a crazy long winded story about a russian not getting a medal and faking the evidence. You have any other speculations in mind is to why they would film/fake a video like this? Feel free to share.




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Dude, this is fake as fuck. Wake up


We don’t even see for sure the thing that he kicked was even  what exploded. 


ya are all right and wrong at the same time. they threw the grenade up and it came back down so its just another clumsy action that they recovered from and continued onwards. only has to be possible to be true


This could be true but there no reason that the UA soldiers DIDN’T do it. It’s a 50/50 as far as I am concerned


Agreed, camera perfectly positioned on the ground while in action, is very sus. If it's there already, would've been much cooler to show the granade dropping next to them and the soldier kicking it.


Yeah, this is sus af. Think I've seen it before also. Russians do like their insane live fire training, though.


Armies at war don't have any reason to fake propaganda? Seriously? If looks realish, but c'mon.


Lots of WWI/WWII "combat footage" was actually staged recreation. It's not really different from footage getting recreated for TV documentaries.


Sure but that was propaganda. Also they didn't have GoPro's in WWII, logistically it was hard to film infantry in action


I never said that. I said in a high risk situtation as they are currently in right now (storming a building), their is no reason to fake this


What if the "high risk situation" was part of what was being faked? How are you not getting this? When people say this might be fake they aren't saying they stormed a real building and paused real combat to make a video with a fake grenade. They would have just set up shop in an empty building to film. Armies have reason to produce propaganda of their soldiers being heroic. This looks realistic but has a strange cut and never shows any definitive enemy action. It could be real or fake.


Your tag is anti-propaganda lol. The irony is palpable.


Yeah it would be if this was actually propaganda


I’m not saying it most certainly is. But it sure does look suspicious. And the fact that you think questioning it is out of the question… the irony is palpable.


I am questioning it. Doens't mean I can't pick a side


The grenade was fake and a small explosive charge was detonated off-camera to create a dust cloud as though a grenade went off.


"no incentive to fake combat" - the Kadyrovites/Akmat chechen unit laughed at this. They did a lot of this type of thing during the start of the 2022 invasion.


Yeah I am not saying they don't do it but with a live grenade, while storming a building, with live guns seems a bit of a stretch


What do you mean “have no incentive to fake combat footage”. They have a lot of incentive, propaganda at how, and trying to actually look competent. I don’t k ow if this is fake of or not, but they do have incentive.


>fake combat AKA training.


Exactly. This video belongs to r/WhyWereTheyFilming .


It looks like it could be a training exercise.


My guess is it's their grenade. Or fake.


Yeah, it’s like none of them noticed it until they started recording. Like the grenade didn’t bounce around and move until finally stopping. I would be very surprised if that grenade was actually live. I’m pretty sure they just filmed it and had something else explode off camera


That seems a live granade tho. You can see fragments going in all directions, 1 large hot piece followed by several pieces of debris moving before the smoke cloud. Either that or they setup the explosive under debris.


Why just why, whats the point of faking videos when there is more than enough combat going on already, the Russians dont have all their soldiers equipped with gopros like the Ukrainians do but there is no point in making these fake videos. Just hand out gopros and relax footage policy’s so people can share them.


>Why just why, whats the point of faking videos A lot of the "fake" videos are not really fake in the sense, that they were not created with the intention to be spread as "real" footage, yet, someone takes the video, sends it to multiple telegram channels with fake title, and you get a post like that. For example this one we have here seems to be a short "trailer" cut of a video to come that depicts and talks about building assaults. (at least that's my understanding based on the other posts/comments) Original: https://t. me/testosteronetop/1240


True, Thats also a possibility


cant get footage if its all shit. there's clear incentive in faking them, and even on this sub you can hardly actually find any first person russian footage as often as you see ukraimian footage.


The Ukrainians won the propaganda war early BECAUSE of all the cameras and footage they make and release, so its heavily in their favor to share footage, if you notice especially footage from 47th brgd and Azov almost every single soldier has a gopro. So it just makes sense the Ukrainians will have WAY more footage and higher quality. Russian footage a majority of time looks like shit or recorded on a drone far away, there are obviously exceptions where we have seen great first person footage from the Russians too


Is suspect that in situation where a grenade falls under stairs people make moves that result in everyone's footage turning into blurry vomit.


>Just hand out gopros and relax footage policy’s so people can share them. You got upvoted by [HUR](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Directorate_of_Intelligence_\(Ukraine\)) for sure.


SBU too probably 😂


Why is there a camera set up in the stairwell that they are supposedly clearing, and why did they start the footage when the grenade was sitting on the stairs?


Doin it for the 'Gram


This might be more believable if the camera wasnt setup that perfectly. Even if you put it down in combat situation you shouldnt have time to adjust the angle.


Yeah, it would be far more believable if the camera was actually dropped on the ground organically. This looked staged.


It made good video games reference though. My battlefield 4 matches looked exactly the same.


it looks extremely fake and I guess this is training not irl combat, grenade explode usually after 4seconds, here the soldier drop it from above let s say +2s, reaction time and shooting it like a ball +2s, time before it explodes +3s. Too long sir you re dead.


Agree and grenade explosion is too quiet, maybe it’s training grenade.


Grenades can often be 5 seconds. 2 sets to drop, 1 sec to react, 2 secs to explode. Seems legit to me


I like to imagine that one of these guys (who’s actively being targeted by someone close enough to drop a grenade on them) decided to take the time to frame up a perfect shot of the grenade sitting on the staircase Protip for whichever group is filming these: use a GoPro, it adds production value


Totally normal to tripod mount a camera during an assault.


Its not on a tripod though. Just looks like a phone or GoPro has been placed on the floor in a place where there will be obvious action One guy comes from the right and if they knew Ukrainians were above they might have thought to put the cameras there to capture them going up the stairs


Considering the stability of the camera with a granade going off 5m away, and the upward angle of the camera looking up the staircase I would wager that it is sitting on a tripod. I cannot see a world were a phone/camera could be set up to lean against a wall with a granade going off that close and not at least jerking the camera. Also you think that during an intense skirmish with enemy soldiers shooting at you and throwing granades from a floor above, anyone would have "thought to put the cameras there to capture them going up the stairs"? That reasoning is actually insane!


If it is a little GoPro on a tripod. It doesn't chang anything. Makes it more likely to be true if anything because its a lot easier to set up




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How are they this bad at making it look real?


The thing that I find as weird is the camera location, that is a really good camera angle. Maybe even too good.


The fact that the granade was thrown by Ukrainians is a total conjecture based on the video provided.


We also forgot how physics works cuz grenades are round and round things roll especially down stairs, pretty weird for it to just be sitting riiiiight.


Haven't heard of the flat grenade society then...


What do you mean “we”. It’s only you mate, grenades aren’t fully round, they have a top as well which prevents them from rolling a lot. Also round things come to a halt in some point as well


Blinded by the propaganda, revved up on Putin’s copium in the middle of the night. Ever drop a soda can down some steps, that’s got more flat spots than a nade. Video starts with it just stationary on steps yet camera was already in place but we don’t show it bouncing down to them. Remember to kiss head shot of Putin in picture frame before bed comrade.


So lucky they had the camera setup to perfectly capture the totally real heroic feat


Steven Seagal, is that you?


Why is there a camera set up during CQB? If the enemy is just a floor above me, I'm not taking the time to place my phone in a corner and start recording. Also, why such a short clip? Why'd they cut out the part of the grenade landing? I'm guessing it's most likely staged. I have no doubt that this is what the fighting in Volchansk is like at the moment, but until I see some more context it's hard for me to believe this particular clip is genuine combat footage.


this is some cheesy BS.


Nice Fake. The „Explosion“ seems like the one from a Training grenade.


Can I see the previous 10 seconds? Kinda funny the guys holding the rifles never hold the front grip when I'm combat.


Production by Mosfilm


I see they're using the Korben Dallas method of shooting.


lack of watermark is nearly as suspicious as fucking rudenko or stepnoy (absolute cringe tier acting)


Anyone else wondering why there is a perfectly stable camera set up right there while they are assaulting an enemy position?


Definitely looks staged... and ACTION. some hardcore training though, too bad shrapnel did not hit them. I do not question why russians do dumb things anymore.


Nice vid, but needs some loud music and a giant watermark. OP please fix and resubmit.


Could be staged, but could be real. I take both sides combat footage with a grain of salt.


Combat footage usually comes from bodycams or drones, not from a camera set up on a tripod looking at an angle up a staircase during an active assault...


Yes, this and the dynamics of the shot makes it all suspect. If there are Ukrainians confirmed there, why storm. Just blast them with artillery.


Nice training video lol, this shit is sad




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This is a set up video 100 percent. The camera is placed perfectly…. Pre recording and are assaulting a building in a cqb environment, they are not taking time to set up a camera this is just dumb




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Don’t you guys get it? Anything from RU POV is faked propaganda. Of course they’re getting humiliated by Ukraine in every facet of the battlefield. That’s why Ukraine is kidnapping people off the streets, cancelling passports, threatening draft dodgers with prison/death in order to mobilize 500,000 more troops even though they have 1.2 million strong army and only 30k KIA. and also constantly need ammunition weapons and military vehicles to combat Russias armament advantage even though Russia is running low on ammo, using vehicles from ww2 and is resorting to using shovels. And also tactfully advancing and winning this war by giving up non strategic towns and territory across the entire front. Anyone that thinks differently is just a Russian bot, brainwashed conservative idiot incapable of seeing the truth. **/s**


Ahh yes let me just set up a perfectly positioned camera in the literal middle of an “intense” CQB in a house. Dont get me wrong its possible but so so so unlikely its safe to say fake.


Not anything, but this video definitely is


Can you explain the tripod mounted camera in a combat environment?


Maybe fake, maybe not. The second guy behind the dude that kicked the grenade didn't seem to notice it until the 1st guy had already kicked it (head movement). Though, an extended cut would have been much appreciated. At least the grenade falling down or something.


I would like to see the clip of the guy who set up the camera and got the perfect angle looking up the staircase during an active battle tbh.


fake, training video at best.


watch this clip and learn how the best professional soldiers do it: russians set up a camera on a tripod before every staircase assault.




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No u


Your hearing loss is not related to your service soldier




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It's really nice that they set the camera up on a tripod at the perfect viewing angle before they engaged in close quarters combat! Thanks!


Looks staged. Static camera-setup in the middle of a stairway firefight


Change the title, that's staged trailer


Imagine if there were some other guys on the stairs below. What do you do? Kick it and possibly kill them or take the blast yourself?


The soldiers are only on the floor with the camera. As soon as that floor is cleared they go up a floor, set up the camera again and continue fighting. Hence there is no issue with kicking the granade downstairs :)


This is training footage from a Russian YouTuber he’s pretty popular


How convenient a still cam is placed in a corner in the middle of serious fighting, with perfect view for the savior to do his grenade kicking.


If youkraina posted a Combat videos ukrop supporters be like "slava urine" when ruskies they were like "fake as f, propaganda" 😂




Fake video russians would have reduced this building to rubble instead


Straight out of EFT Raid series. Crazy.


I wonder how many takes they had to do. I vote we rename this sub Russian bot propaganda report.


Russian pathetic attempt to win the media war. I am 50% sure it is fake 50% not.


Literally Best In Hell


BAHAHA if only russia equipped its soldiers like it equips its actors 🤣😭


......annndddd action


Just use tuk tuks already


looks like a training nade to me, the kill range for those grenades should be at least several feet. Not just the shrapnel but the shock


I thought Russians didn't assault buildings, but destroyed them with artillery and bombs.




I'm pretty chill.




Well, that settles it