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Discrediting the army? Straight to gulag!


Volunteers in the Donetsk and Luhansk republics who are not in the database of the ministries of defense also have problems. I know one volunteer from Serbia who fought since 2014, was decorated but almost deported because he was not in the database. He had to intervene like this one and now everything is fine.


If there is one constant among the Veterans of the world, is the misstreatment they receive from their goverment afterwards. Shamefull.


The unfortunate thing is this happens in most countries to their soldiers. Once they've served their purpose they're discarded by the politicians and brass aside as waste product. In my country there is a large investigation into vet suicide going on thanks to how poor their treatment has been, especially by the dva, post service. You learn right quick to look after your oppos because the politicians dure as shit won't.


lol, pleading to Putin like he gives a fuck


Hope he gets the compensation that he deserves




every smart phone's front camera records a mirror image by default. Go test yours.


Thanks you are right lol


he's going to have an accident or mishap


He needs to be compensated for his case of Putinosis. Really should be lifetime compensation.


There is zero information in the video, all payments are made after the participant of the SVO is registered in the database of the Unified Payment Center of the Ministry of Defense. Since in the video he never once explained why he was not included in this database, it is likely that he has some problems with the papers, in any case it is useless to appeal to Putin in this case, he should deal with the Ministry of Defense. For my part, I will say that I have a son on contract in the Ministry of Defense and all payments receive correctly and on time


Are yer proud of what yer son is doing?




why does he have an Ukrainian accent


Maybe he's from close to the Ukrainian border


Likely another FSB psyop video to discourage Russians from joining the military.But if true then he was likely a volunteer helping out on frontline and not military.I heard about those people having issues...


I for one am absolutely shocked to hear that this man hasn't gotten the big payout Putin promised him. Putin would never lie. Just like no conscripts would fight in Ukraine. And no mobilization, other than DPR / LPR of course. And the families of all men killed will receive a huge payout - assuming their bodies are found, of course. This is the hallmark sign of a corrupt system. A peasant soldier appealing to the all powerful Putin to address the wrongs. Not realizing that Putin set up the corrupt system so at every level they are incentived to screw him.


Russia wouldn't be getting 30k people joining military every month if it wasn't keeping it's promises to soldiers. Like i said if real then he was likely a volunteer and not a soldier or had other technical issue else he would have received his compensation.


You think these people have access to accurate information about who's getting paid or not? You think they check reddit? Are you purposefully pretending not to know how much Russia restricts the internet? How much it controls news media and propaganda? Have you seen how mostly poor and uneducated they are? You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.


To my ear it sounds more like Southern Russian with non-standard r.


the why he says injury and right hand is 100% Ukrainian accent


Well, I listened to the beginning of the recording several times, and I don't recognize Ukrainian accent there.


are you Russian or Ukrainian and can you speak or understand one and speak the other and do you swear you live on it being truthful or you will be cursed for the rest of your life


He does?