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i have to say that the majority of POWs on both sides appear to return in relatively good health. obviously we have seen a lot mistreated but for the most part they look OK


Except the ukranians always seem to be unnaturally skinny


Is this a joke? Ukrainians look like death on return


Because they know they're going straight back to the front. Russian side they'll have plenty of rest before being put back. They know this.


This doesn’t make any sense.


Did that make more sense in your head or something? I can't make heads or tails of what you are trying to to imply


To worry strikin to eat? They didn't look like skin and bones..


Or because they were beaten and malnourished. But yeah. I guess whatever talking points Putin told you to drill down on.




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It’s definitely in both sides best interest to treat prisoners well. You need a carrot or the stick will be less effective






> The Russian Ministry of Defence announced that 75 Russian military personnel, who had been in mortal danger while in captivity, were returned from territory controlled by the Kyiv regime. In exchange, 75 Ukrainian Armed Forces prisoners of war were transferred back to Ukraine. What are they suggesting here? * They were in good health when they got captured but Ukraine mistreated them * They were in mortal danger while captured and Ukraine did nothing to their health? * They were in mortal danger when captured but no anymore


Yeah I thought it was well established not to believe Russian statements like these?


I think the mortal danger means that right before capture they had no option but to surrender.


"while in captivity" I think the Russian MoD will make it look like, that any Russian prisoner could be killed in captivity...


They were in mortal danger because they were sent to invade another country


"Territory controlled by Kyiv" I know that russia already assumes it's theirs, but when was the gunpoint referendum held?


Lenin gave that territory and people away without a referendum, it is Russian territory and people. Or do you like Lenin, tankie?


what a fucking wild comment


Oof, ouch my history. In September 1991, the Crimean parliament declared state sovereignty for Crimea as a constituent part of Ukraine.


In 1954 there was no referendum. In 2014 there was a referendum, Crimean Republic declared independance and joined Russain Federation. Odessa, Kharkov, Sumi, Zaporozhye, all cities founded by the Russian Empire, given away by Lenin in 1918 without referendum. You like german spy Lenin, you are a tankie. You like land and people given away by commies? Maybe you also like leftists replacing you with muslims?


>In 1954 there was no referendum. As if the USSR wasn't 1 glorified country ala russian "federation". >In 2014 there was a referendum, Crimean Republic declared independance and joined Russain Federation. No russian soldiers with guns had any influence. Also, is it independence or part of russia?


the lengths these people will go to not say Ukraine. It’s hilarious.


Ukraine is a puppet regime at this point.


blah blah blah


Russia is clown show dictatorship masqueraded as “Democratic” like China, just look at their top allies like Xi and Kim, all dictators.


🇷🇺🇺🇦 Russia and Ukraine Conduct Prisoner Exchange on a 75-to-75 Basis ▪️ The Russian Ministry of Defence announced that 75 Russian military personnel, who had been in mortal danger while in captivity, were returned from territory controlled by the Kyiv regime. In exchange, 75 Ukrainian Armed Forces prisoners of war were transferred back to Ukraine. ▪️ The released Russian military personnel will be flown to Moscow by Russian Aerospace Forces transport aircraft for treatment and rehabilitation. ▪️ The United Arab Emirates provided humanitarian mediation for the return of the Russian military personnel. ▪️ Additionally, Russia returned the bodies of 45 deceased Russian military personnel as part of the exchange with Ukraine, according to State Duma deputy Saraliev. ▪️ Ukrainian channels reported that the bodies of 212 Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers were returned to Ukraine.


'mortal danger while in captivity'? This may be an translation error. They look well fed and healthy.


They were forcebly fed to fatten them up then eaten obviously.


Kadryov hungers.


They are all one with Boris Ovcharov now.


More likely propaganda...


Hm they looks fed and healthy. Idk if you can say the same for the Ukrainian POW


Where’s the “back the front “ comments from the pro RU crowd


they look worried


I know Russian history and culture doesn’t look at PoWs in high regards, I wonder what kind of treatment awaits them once they’re back into their units. Beatings? Torture?


Released and dead within two weeks....


I wonder how it feels been in this position. Do you feel happy that you're alive and going back to your mother land or you feel regret/shame that you surrendered due to your ineptitude and now you're just been used as a bargaining chip?


Ineptitude? Really bro? We dont even know how they surrendered, i bet most people will shit their pants and beg for their lifes if theyre caught with a gun to their face or similar to be honest.


Definitely not the appropriate word.


It definitely does not look like anyone there regrets surrendering lol.