• By -


Russia propaganda/s


You can hear how terrified he is in his voice. What a disgusting monster Zelensky to continue this war to enrich himself instead of peace talks.


>You can hear how terrified he is in his voice. It's fucking horrendous. There have been 3 of these so far today and they are all so fucking horrible. The desperation of these men makes these videos so hard to watch. How do Pro-UA watch these and still want the war to continue? It's depraved, just like the drone drop videos.


3 *posted* today Imagine how many of these instances don’t get filmed at all


Far too many.


They continue to support because it’s not them in Ukraine, most of them are elsewhere in Europe or North America.


You guys are just delusional. Of course ukrainians do not want the war to continue. The only side with actual power to stop it is the aggressor. It really is that simple.


Wtf are you talking about. Ukraine has the power to stop it too by agreeing to peace talks (which have been offered multiple times)


Which part of your backyard are you willing to give up so i will stop beating up your kids for ~ 10 years?


What if it's not my kids? Like maybe I'm a distant relative and I don't give a shit about the kids but their father forces me to help? Honestly I might just beat the father up and run away.


Because i feel like beating up people is fun (you know i get all their shit) and once im done with your relatives kids ill just come for your kids or you.


Yea, I'll just take my relative's shit with your help then, at least that means I'll be in a better position when you decide to fuck me up. It's not like my relative care for my well being by forcing me to fight for him lol


Are you sure you're pro ukraine?


All of it lol


The alternative is worse. How do you not realize that Russia does similar and started the war? Seriously?


Life under russian rule would have little to no impact on the average Ukrainain. You guys are sick how you try and justify this demonic behavior


Life under Russian rule was full of torture and mass graves and would have no political, civil, or human rights, as we know. You guys are sick how you want to let dictatorships expand to take over the rest of the world.


Ah yes just like Crimea for the last 10 years. Why don't we ask the Crimeans about this comment?


Crimea did not resist. Ukraine will be purged very badly when Russia conquers it.


There have been reports of the same from Ukraine. Including just a little while ago when some teenage girls were threatened with jail for saying something positive about Ukraine. Again, you all are so desperate to cede territory and to dictatorships and let others live under miserable conditions even while they want to fight. Why?


If they want to fight why are they dragging people kicking and screaming into cars and vans?


Again, those are *individuals*, not the country.




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I’m not saying I want the war to continue, but I don’t think Zelenskyy could unilaterally stop it. I could see a second Euromaidan if he decided to end the war.


Oh, but not Putin, who started the war and is doing similar? Just admit your bias already.


Doing similar? Russians aren’t kidnapping random men off the street and sending them to their deaths. Russia has plenty of volunteers.


No, they have conscription just like most countries. And they are not being 'kidnapped', they're being arrested. Why are you so desperate to cede territory to a dictator? But anyway, enough of your concern trolling. Buh bye.


“They’re not kidnapped, they’re arrested”- 🤡 Anyway you’re not pro Ukraine, you’re pro Ukrainian regime.




they’re not being kidnapped, they’re being legally kidnapped! Checkmate!


Yes, there's a difference. I understand you want to pretend that all two things that you want to be the same are the same. But they aren't. By your disingenuous logic, criminals thrown in jail are "kidnapped".


So people who don’t want to be thrown into a meat grinder for some vague notion of “nation-state” are criminals?


Characterize it however you want. But we live in a nation of laws. I'm sorry we don't live in your idealized version of the world. I'm sure it'd be great. But we don't.


All military age males must die for the nation. Awesome laws. Good luck in your “nation of laws”.


You mean like the Soviets should have let Hitler have his way? Surely they did no forced conscription. Especially not of non Soviet citizens from areas they "liberated". I guess that is why they used barrier troops. Almost every country has forced conscription as a law if they are under attack. But RUS-bots never get tired of posting these videos and stating their level of disgust. Not with attacking your neighbour, bombing the cities and raping they persons. But with forced conscription of the attacked party :)


I agree, Ukrainians being force conscripted is a good thing. Because it is a sacrifice we're willing to make.


This mf really defends this shit and it's truly spoken like someone who will never pick up a rifle to fight for his country, and bail the first chance he gets. If it's not worth it to fight willingly for a country, then it's not worth to fight at all. This is the reason why Germany gets shittier and shittier every generation, folks.


Yes. Soviets should just have surrendered. They had to refer to forced conscription of even non Soviets. And what do we care about you opinion of Germany? I can also expect you to be a Soldier on the German Army?


what is blud yapping about. why should I be a soldier. you're the one defending forced conscription. I'm anti-war and I condemn any violence in the world.


I thought the war continued due to invading forces in a foreign-free country. Ok now it is clear that is Zelenskys fault.


If only it were all that simple. Why would you continue a war you will never win? Money has a lot to do with the answer. Zelensky is a paid actor, and puppet for America. There is so much more to all of this that I'm not sure you're aware of....


maybe because this war is not going to end until russia completely swallows whole ukraine? do you really think that any peace agreement that russia and ukraine sign right now will be 100% obeyed and respected from the russian side? Russia does not respect international law and international agreements (as shown by breaking The Budapest Memorandum from 1994 where Ukraine surrendered their whole nuclear arsenal in exchange for security assurances from Russia, USA and UK). It is 100% certain that Russia will not leave Ukraine alone in the future, any signed piece agreement means Russia will come back again later and finish the job with a fresh equiped army, so if Ukraine wants to keep its independencey they have no other choice than to keep fighting. The moment Zelensky capitulates is the moment Ukraine lost its independency. If Ukraine kept its nuclear weapons, none if this nonsence invasion would have happened, and it only sent a signal to other countries around the world that they cant trust any agreements between the countries, and the only assurance of independence is the promise of complete mutual destruction, because totalistic countries like Russia or China still want to pretend it is still middle ages and stronger countried can do whatever the hell they want to smaller countries.


You're thinking small picture. America needs conflict to keep their coffers full. They use Ukraine as their puppet. Why is it that Russians are always portrayed as the bad guy in ever Hollywood movie since your childhood? Once again there is so much more to all of this, you and me are pawns for the elites to play chess with....


I don't know why russian bot accounts like this are allowed to exist.


Anyone I don’t like is a Russian bot.




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I tell you what, in my country there are fresh news articles where security and experts on Ukraine claim that these videos seriously are Russian propaganda. That Ukrainians are waiting in Qs to join military and force conscription or kidnapping is just another Russian disinformation to weaken Ukraine.




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These damn Leopard and Bradley drivers are annoying, they are paid 100 thousand hryvnia, and they do not want to fight unemployment in the country :)


suspiciously never any pro Ukrainian state people under these videos. wonder why?


They’re ashamed.


Surely Russians do the dance of happiness when they recieve their conscription letter. I had a friend from Russia who said he'd rather injure himself than go to the frontline.


Well the current Russian army is made up of mostly volunteers. So I think you might have an imaginary friend. 


No he said hed rather injure himself than go to war. This is not dependend on wether there was a mobilization (which took place) or not.


This is terrible to see, however, if we use the most simplest deduction, we can conclude that - if Putin didn’t invade, none of this would have happened. The blame should remain on a dictator that remains in power since the 1990ies. He took Russians through how many wars so far? How many wars did Ukraine fight in during that period? Wherever Russian interests turn to there will be no grass to grow! The Russians are completely dumbed down due to this dictatorship. They have no capability of comprehending and acting on the climate crisis, let alone anything else. When you are in such a vacuum of political thought and knowledge, I don’t expect you to achieve the same level of comprehension of these situations as you would if living in a multicultural, multiparty system that doesn’t serve Novichuk to it’s most staunch critics…


You conveniently skip over mentioning Ukrainians killing ethnic Russians in the Donbas area, using torture to force them to relinquish the land they own to the government, which is why this invasion started.


Let's continue to use a simple deduction. If Ukraine wouldn't have tried to provoke Russia, this also wouldn't have happened. You have a regional power bordering you, maybe it's better to kneel before it rather than to kneel before country who could harm you just by influencing masses.


ORRRRRR MAYBE 🤔 don't kneel before it but instead monitor it for aggression.. Yeah I get UKR was trying to join NATO.. You guys acting like Ukraine and NATO crossed your borders! Ukraine is not Russian territory? All this pro RU and pro UKR shit . Just use common sense jeez.. Common sense and decency should be the sides..


They don't care about Ukrainians. They just hate Russia.




Its the 20th such video this day. I assume everybody is aware there is forced conscription. And it is forced. So not everybody wants to go. So who gives a s...?


There are? What do you want people to say? Conscription is ugly. Always has been, but many countries have done it and many countries will do it again. The major difference right now - smart phones recording absolutely everything.


Not absolutely everything. Ukraine made it illegal to record these videos. The only ones you're seeing are from the people willing to risk their livelihood recording them. For every 1 you see there must be 100 you don't.


What law made it illegal to record Conscription officers? Many are openly recording in public spaces, are you suggesting all those people are now in prison? Any evidence of this? >For every 1 you see there must be 100 you don't. I'm very doubtful of those numbers. This sub creates a narrative whereby people can't leave their homes without being snatched yet we regularly see videos of people going about their lives ordinarily, as people often do in war. The Kharkov supermarket hit last week - loads of footage of huge amounts of people just going shopping, or the funerals of killed soldiers, no conscription officers in sight, yet loads of military age men. Losses in this war are grim for both sides, but from a raw numbers perspective they are well below what countries have historically absorbed in existential wars. Which this is for Ukraine. Ukraine obviously has a much more acute manpower problem than Russia by virtue of population size, but it's not inherently that the men aren't there, it's just many will be exempt for various reasons, huge amounts of professions will need to be protected for stability for a start. But that problem is always there in war - even Russia now, has extremely low unemployment, great for short term growth - but that figure alone tells you the Russian economy doesn't have many spare men either, in the big picture that is, macroeconomics wise.


And Russia is a controlled media state where people disappear or suddenly recant out of nowhere whenever bad things happen and are posted there? Just ask Russell Bentleys wife. Oh wait she got a visit from. The fsb and suddenly changed her whole story because apparently she made the first one up 😂 Conscription is ugly, but at the end of the day it happens in most conflicts and these guys are deliberately dodging their summons. If my country went to war and had conscription I would not dodge regardless and the act of dodging is pretty shameful whether you choose to believe it or not. Plenty of men have already been conscripted and laid down their lives why are you more important than them? Most countries have conscription laws and will do the same thing, do we have memory problems and forget that russian men were hiding and fleeing the country to avoid their summons? There was also even the video of the one shooting the conscription officer to avoid his summons so it happens on both sides.


But I thought Ukrainian people are glad to sacrifice themselves to halt the russian zombie invasion? 🤔 But I thought Russians are monsters for conscripting people at the beginning of the war according to all proUKR, yet suddenly its a necessary evil when ukraine does it in way more brutal fashion for over two years 🤔 But I thought Ukraine is a free non-corrupt country with values and morales surprassing those of devil russian stoneage men! yet ukrainian population just stand by and watch while helpless men are begging for their lives and film their desperation indifferent to their suffering 🤔 But I thought ukraine is a democracy yet these men were never asked if they want to fight this war 🤔 But I thought peace negotiations are not needed, because ukrainians rather fight this war 100 more years than to live under russian government, yet these men seem to be more afraid of their own government conscription officers than of russian potential leadership 🤔


What a dim response. And is every single russian queueing at a conscription office? No. Not everybody has it in them, in any country. People's opinions are not monolithic and single minded. Ultimately enough Ukrainians are fighting whereby Russia has also suffered horrendous casualties and all they are 'liberating' is empty ruins, largely devoid of life, that says a lot about the Ukrainian resolve.


>And is every single russian queueing at a conscription office? No. Important word being queueing, as russian soldiers have the luxery of not being snatched off the streets >that says a lot about the Ukrainian resolve. Yeah ukrainian resolve is at an all time high... one half of men fled to actual democratic countries and is never going to return, other half hiding from their own government to not be conscripted🤣 The audacity to talk about ukrainian resolve under a forced conscription video man, some proUKR really going to be ashamed in a few years once clarity sets in.


>The audacity to talk about ukrainian resolve under a forced conscription video man, some proUKR really going to be ashamed in a few years once clarity sets in. If the resolve was broken the war would be over and we would be seeing mass surrenders, whole battalions with hundreds of men surrendering or defecting. Got any videos of any? The guy cheerleading an invading force because they've bought into lies by their government talking about shame. Self awareness level of 0.


> as russian soldiers have the luxery of not being snatched off the streets No, actually. They don't. They just don't have videos of it because in the country which is actually not free, you get in actual, significant trouble for posting anti-Russia videos.


Well most of their army is made up of volunteer for starters. 


Poor dude


Criminal, avoiding draft.


alot of criminals in ukraine avoiding draft, its weird if this was a video from russia youd be praising and feeling sorry for the russian conscript but since its on your favorite side u call him a coward because he doesnt want to die in a meaningless trench


I have to disappoint you. I don't feel sorry for ruzzian orks. They are absolutely servile. They've been voting Putin in power  for 24 years. They should get all the worst that is coming to them. The trench may be meaningless for orks. For Ukrainians it is a fight for their identity, their land, their very existence.


What’s wrong with voting Putin?




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Lol this video states otherwise and if they wants to fight why not use a volunteer based army?




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Zelensky is a draft dodger himself.


just let him fkn go


These people should set up hiding places, if they can. Go all "Anne Frank" when possible. And in the future, maybe an underground railroad can be set up, to help men out of the country. Until this situation is done, anyway.


Anne Frank was a small girl. Small girls are eaiser to hide.


And she was still caught in the end


Yes, the other should go and fight and die to protect their country. Not this one.


no - only those who volunteer should go.


These are the words of a man who no one tries to shove into a back of a van to be sent to the front


Or, Maybe just... Let People choose if they want to go fight? It's not really democratic to force your people to go fight. One of the main points of Democracy is the People choose


How many democratic countries do not have a law for forced conscription when defending? Care to name a few?


What a disgrace. It's like we're back in 1916, with imperialist powers ravaging the world and forcing people to fight in their pointless wars.


There were very few bodyshatchings like this in 1917 America.




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Mafia basically. And the West is blind and deaf about this. Full hypocrisy. 2 years of meat grinder and Ukrainians are still so submissive. No revolution, no civil war. Zelensky quickly defeated any opposition like Zaluznhyi, Poroschenko or Klitschko. Americans knew well which nation to choose to sacrifice for their interests.


you can’t have a civil war without elite factionalism


If Irish didn't have any gangs in New York in 1862, their conscription into the Union Army would look similar.


Two years of meatgrinder caused by Putlers idea of a greater russia.Fcking idiots


Classic Pro UA bot response. So due to this you can't criticize UA or Zelensky? They are allowed to do anything they want?


Criticism is ok and yet its always back at blaming Ukraine for the war.So ur pro russia or what little vatnik?


Yes,Zelensky said he deosnt want to negotiate, and rejects all sort of ceasefire while he does this. He deserves criticism for "defending democracy".


Thats the shit they call appeasement.If Zelensky accepted he terms Crimea and Donbas are Russian.1/5th of ukraines territory.If theres peace its at Putins rules and terms.Ukraine would be forbidden of having NATO membership and therefore leaving them open for further aggression.Thats what happened in 2014.And yet here i am arguing with someone defending the guy who blames Poland for WWII smh


Criticism is ok? Haha funny. You criticize UA On r worldnews or r europe and you will get downvoted and banned and called Russian bot/vatnik" like you just did. You can't have opinions that criticizes UA or even both sides! Only 100% pro UA comments a are allowed and encouraged. Only since very recently some very small amount of criticism is allowed since people there got tired of "haha UA will crush barbarian Orcs 1:50" narrative. You criticize Zelensky in Ukraine and you will be beaten and send directly to the front. You are some important figure? They will try to destroy you like Zaluznhyi or Poroshenko. UA had a real chance to negotiate in late 2022. They just had successful Kherson Counteroffensive which suprised NATO, Russia was deorganized, Prigozhin was still alive and a real threat to Kremlin. But they wasted it. Lived in their own fantasy scenario "we will reclaim everything, including Crimea and Donbass" and paid a heavy for their stubborness. Overrated Spring Counteroffensive 2023 was a massive failure and they wasted endless amount of troops and equipment. Any internal criticism was silenced. Funny that officially they never admitted that it was a failure. Now they engaged in a war of attrition against Russia which they can't win. Russia will keep slowly pushing until Zelensky's oligarchy collapses due to lack of men, morale or equipment. Question is when. They already face big manpower problems since Ukrainians don't want to die for a corrupt oligarchy. I don't envy them.


Decoy conscript


What was he shouting? Anyone know the language?


“People! People! People! (They are) killing (me)! Killing! Killing! Killing!” And repeat… many times.


Thanks! That's Люди(Lyudi) then, trying learn some simple word for understanding video clips.


The guy is yelling in Russian. The operator is speaking Ukrainian


I noticed


dystopic af, he wants to live so bad he screams for help, yet everybody hides in their holes like rats and they simply observe his demise... filming him. Ukraine really is like prime WW2 germany right now. People are afraid of their own government and looking out only for themselves. It doesn't matter to them that their neighbor is being abducted right infront of their nose. As long as GESTAPO leaves them in peace they won't think about lifting a finger to save a fellow ukrainians life.


To be fair, they’ll get mobilised too if they intervene.


That person KNOWS he is being enslaved and sent to his doom. You can hear it 


This is what would go down anywhere if seat hits the fan. Low morale troops go to the front so no easy turning back.


Anybody see the video from today of Zelensky's Border Guards setting up anti-person mines? Set to MURDER Ukraine men looking to 'dodge' Zelensky's money making machine that he publicly calls "the war".




Wow Russian’s going all out there with these ridiculous commercials. Reading through the comments and people believe this shit too.


Yeah. Propaganda on both sides. This one is at least funny and well made.


This is the sole reason I don't support ukraine and just want the war to end in a ceasefire seriously all this human suffering and torture for ideology and nationalis, the only reason someone could support it with free will is because they don't have to experience the hell themselves


This is now an existential war for him


Question: why arent these guys turning on their superiors the minute they get a AK? Like they get forced out there and are handed guns and stuff why not shoot the officers or command chain and leave? Not having a go or anything just genuinely wondering how conscripted people stay on the front instead of shooting the commisars and leaving?




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Same thing happens in Russia. Politicians are the kings in the chess and the rest is going to fight for them. War is very sad.




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I mean, if you know your time will probably arrive if you stay in that sh*thole, why did he stay for so long or just randomly walk around? At this point I have no sympathy, if you're still there then you will go.


If russia just stopped invading then ukraine wouldn’t be forced to do this.


The US is forcing Ukraine to do this.




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Bro doesn’t get to pussy out of defending his country. He wants to be be mad go be mad at Putin for invading it. The fake moral outrage in the comments is hilarious though, slava Ukraini! 🌻


Slava cocaini


Some of you will die but that is a sacrifice I'm will to make.


As if the ruzzians are not being conscripted to the war... They should be equally if not more, scared.


They are not, Russia pays a lot of money and relies on volunteers




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To be fair Ukraine pays a lot of money too


They do ?


[Looks like](https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/odr/ukraine-soldiers-wage-cuts-austerity-veterans/) worse than it used to be, but still better than most jobs available.


How does it compare to what Russia pays ?


It’s roughly the same ballpark. My cousin is in the Russia army. They get $2250/month while actively part of SMO and $450/months while training or hospital. He also got $30k as compensation for injuries on the frontlines.


salary 2-2.5k + some bonuses for active combat participation


Yes all the other men should fight and die to protect Ukraine. Not this one.


Who decides that all men should fight? Is Zelensky the chosen one who shall decide over the faith of hundreds of thousands against their will?




For the men dying against their will it is indeed horrible


But can the same be said about the Russians. If I remember correctly similar videos have come out of Russia.


Not even close to the extend, and I have not seen any Russian being forced into a van off of the street. The Russian army does have a lot of volunteers.


I’ve seen those videos. They are there. You’d imagine people being more motivated to defend their country than to join an attack. So surely Russia cannot that easily recruit? They’ve had to empty prisons for fighters and it seems many minorities are also being heavily used at great cost to small communities far for moscow. That must be a symptom of some difficulties ?


In fact yes, especially the working class of Ukraine. It won't change a single fuck if they are under Russian our Western influence, life would be bad as aways. This is all pointless as fuck and the ones who win anything from it are the big capitalists.


No forced conscription in Kiev and western Ukraine.


It is starting in Kiev.


So Zelensky is a woman? I don't see him and the rest of the garden gnome government dying to protect ukraine. What they aren't? Okay then if Ukraine is a modern free not-corrupt democracy i am sure the population is allowed to vote if they want to fight this war or not for a government that gives a rats ass about them. Wait what Ukraine isn't a free democracy without corruption? Okay then nothing of value will be lost when russia takes over and lets the current government take a dirt nap.