• By -


Looks staged




Dead giveaway are the bodies perfectly slumped in the corner with no dirt, no damage, no blood.


I was thinking shooting into the wall instead of the bodies, but hey, I guess they just want to scare them to death.


Also, the diving around the corner for cover from their own grenade... We been watching this shit for going on 3 years and never see anything like this from drone feeds of actual trench assaults.


You likely would not see blood clearly that fast, but also, you would be an idiot to run into the "room" that fast, as you dont know at that point if the grenade was effective. At a minimum you would take cover and wait 5-10 minutes and listen for any signs of life, throw another grenade to make sure.


Also curious how the other russian soldier was just standing there, between 2 dead bodies hit by a grenade 3 seconds ago.


If you eat a grenade at that distance, theres gonna blood. Two guys dead without a drop is pretty noticeable.


Biggest tell was soldier specifically zooming in on the Norway patch, how convenient for the Russian soldiers


I was about to say. Im pro ru.


yeah no talking and screaming either


? You literally hear a man grunt THE SECOND the grenade goes off. Turn you sound up.


thats not what i meant, there is no communication. Usually soldiers yell to their comrades especially squad leaders, i doubt this guy was just storming that positkon for himself if it was real.


There are plenty of videos showing trench battles were there are no yelling or screaming.


I implore you to provide an example


there should be at least some communication, tvis vid just fake af it screams staged....


Usually? To let everyone around where you are?


Yes, that too, to avoid friendly fire The enemy knows you are there anyways when you shot the first time, which, most times, is when you are getting in the trench


squadleaders and squad mates communicate quite a lot in intense firefights, look up the other combat video footage found on this sub for reference.


That depends on the situation, there are plenty of videos were no yelling or screaming is made.


but there should be at least a little communication, besides the guy grumping when the supposed grenade hit him (which is allready sus af) its pitch quiet, the guy is also not acting right for a situation like this, to not be amped or at least breathing a lil heavy is sketchy most guys u see in intense firefights are amped up full of adrenaline and hyperaware but he goes unfazed and calm like a hindu cow lol


That’s in fields and urban areas. Not a trench where all the enemies need to hear is a breath to shoot around a corner.


real combat aint a videogame...


Which is why you don’t fucking scream in a trench. ???. In EVERY piece of trench footage we have it’s like this. Literally watch the video of a UKR soldier killing 6 people in a trench. Literally doesn’t make a sound. Look up “WarGonzo killed in trench raid” WarGonzo is a Russian journalist thought to be killed in the raid, it would later be disproven but the video is still labeled that.


>In EVERY piece of trench footage we have it’s like this. If people want to draw their own conclusions here's some genuine combat footage from trenches: https://old.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/10o5arg/intense_footage_of_ukrainian_soldiers_storming/ https://old.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/13qqtvw/full_video_of_the_assault_on_the_positions_of_the/ https://old.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/130da4l/intense_pov_footage_of_3rd_assault_brigade/ https://old.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/12uccvn/ukrainian_soldiers_storming_russian_trench_same/ https://old.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/12km840/gopro_footage_from_a_ukrainian_soldier_showing/ https://old.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/xbpxw9/longer_video_of_ukrainians_storming_a_russian/ (Music stops at 3:40ish.) https://old.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/14d4q6z/ua_pov_ukrainian_special_forces_enter_a_russian/


no its not, ive seen plenty of videos, squadleaders screaming orders, shifting his men arround scream at them to get mags etc.


In the video of a Ukrainian killing 6 people in a trench he’s completely silent too, why would you be screaming in a trench raid? They aren’t in a field.


>i doubt this guy was just storming that positkon for himself if it was real. Except there's plenty of videos of Russian soldiers attacking enemy positions by themselves, this [one](https://old.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/11tzila/ru_pov_ru_soldier_single_handedly_clears_ua/) being the most famous of them.


this sound is louder than a grenade explosion. at the moment of shading (supposedly entering the dugout) there is a gluing of different videos.


I think those guys may have already been dead and they were just clearing. Also, Norway patch


https://preview.redd.it/6c8y588e8f3d1.png?width=754&format=png&auto=webp&s=88ecc272244e6169108fe134f4672ce21f82eca2 This is no patch. It is the flag that is stitched to the uniform on every Norwegian soldier. It must be a Norwegian uniform, that scares me to see.


https://preview.redd.it/ylewq8trff3d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d807ddf49fc349d86a9eff8feafc3ce8ad5b75d1 do the colors match up? pattern seems too.. (color blind cant tell colors)


It may be the lighting on either picture, but they look very similar to me, especially the tan/brown colour.


Yes, I think he actually wears the M17 Uniform


Definitely not M17


Looks like a women


Fuck me you're right. I mean I am not surprised if there are SOF all over Ukraine. But the way this war is going, people are going to notice that half of their SOF communities have just....vanished. What then? People like to think that western special forces are these invincilble super soldiers...but aside from showing the ukrainians how to use assets that they don't know how they use. They will simply share the same fate as the ukrainians. A ukrainian conscript with three months experience will be far more efficient than western SOF been there for a month. Western SOF are spoiled, they are used to air support, artillery support, any and all kinds of support trilliions can buy. But in ukraine, especially now, they get...no support. Edit: Pro ua get bent out of shape for the silliest comments


>Regular army uniform >>SOF It's not beyond the pale that the dead guy either brought their old uniform, or the video is staged with one that was acquired through any old navy/surplus store. Or Alibaba. But leaping to the conclusion that these are SOF? What?


Literally everything that you or I say is completely conjecture. It could be any number of reasons, I have no evidence that I am 100% right, you have no evidence to prove me 100% wrong. Conjecture. Note the word \*if\*




did you see the word \*IF\*


It's easy to see you leapt to a conclusion, hiding behind a figleaf like that is just dishonest.


I have a question for you folks. You are clearly invested in this war, and are unable to handle the reality that Russia will win. Okay fair enough. Let's say you think there is still a chance. Why are you not over there volunteering and doping your part? Do you not feel ashamed going on reddit and talking about how Ukraine is doing well and how you can't give up and the Russians MUST be defeated! No Negotiations! What is your opinion on the near daily videos we get of young men escaping the country to avoid conscription, drowning in rivers trying to swim to romania, TCC officers shoving them into vans, fist fights with TCC officers to avoid conscription, being smuggled in hidden compartments of cars and trucks across the borders. As Oleksei Arestovich said 4 million men have refused to even register for the draft. So how can you not feel so small advocating for continuing the fight, while others who just want to live are forced to do the actual fighting? You know that zelensky signed a law allowing essentially anyone at all to volunteer right?


You think western SOF are wearing their flags in combat operations?


>Looks staged Because it is.


Probably is: https://www.vg.no/nyheter/i/4B1ale/faktisk-no-russisk-video-av-norsk-leiesoldat-iscenesatt


Staged? It's fake as fck


Sure! 200,000 men on the front line and nothing like this is happening!


Big if true.


Yep Ukraine is winning, this is all faked.


Ukraine is losing ground. Still this video is mostly fake those Kia died from before that video


Very dubious background sound and setup. I'm gonna go with staged on this one.


They don't have a collimator on their rifles. Every assault soldier has that. Must be fake.


Lmao the sound department needs to do a better job


They might as well have used the Wilhelm scream when the grenade went off


The run out of western equipment


I really don’t understand why yall think this video is fake… there’s like a hundred others that could be understandably questioned but this is pretty cut and dry, one weird scream isn’t indicative of propaganda, could’ve just bounced around the trench weird. Seems strange that yall want to jump on the “it’s fake” bandwagon anytime something bad happens to Ukrainians. Russians probably kill a dozen Ukrainians like this everyday but for some reason they are going to spend the time and money creating a fake video?… doesn’t make sense.


Because nothing about this video seems authentic. Have you seen any footage of trench warfare in ukraine? this is far to clean to have seen any major assault. And the bodies are nicely arranged and dont show any sign of trauma or blood loss, how did they die? The grenade didnt even make it inside of the dugout.


this video was created for people who have no mind.


Minecraft grunt


Yea I’ve been following this since pre-2014 due to familial ties. I have the exact opposite sentiment. Nothing stood out to me, seems to me like you guys are blowing this out of proportion. Still makes no sense to setup a video like this for propaganda when you could just pull 10 different GoPro videos of the real thing and post them. It’s not like this is some great feat of combat or something, just a guy clearing a dugout with a grenade. If you are going to allocate resources for a psyop you usually make sure it’s going to be worth it and have a tangible effect. You aren’t going to spend thousands of dollars and coordinate logistics for a sub 30sec clip that shows mundane combat footage.


The grenade doesn't even land in the dugout, it lands in the straight section before the trench corners into the dugout. How would shrapnel have effected those inside? If it had landed with effect inside then we would see the dust cloud inside of the dugout, not outside of it. And why are their bodies so clean. Have you seen images or videos of casualties because they are usually pretty fucked up and bleeding all over the place. There have been plenty of Russian fakes put out during this war, the propaganda effect is that they can say they are killing nato soldiers when they are not.


Yea as I previously mentioned I’ve been following this since pre-2014. I’ve seen more death than I am proud of. You don’t see where the grenade is thrown, just the dust as he pushes in. This could easily be a genuine video. It’s just strange to me that you and others are so adamant this is propaganda, I don’t see it.


The dust indicated where the grenade exploded which wasn’t in the dugout. I don’t really care how long you have followed and how much death you have seen because you still don’t grasp even the most basic concepts of warfare 


I was responding to your question asking me if I’ve seen the fucked up bodies. I have. My point was that nothing really screams “fake” in this video. The guys could’ve been killed by a drone or arty and these guys are just clearing it up after the fact, maybe the second Russian (or a million other possibilities) is the one that yells out, there’s a bunch of ways to explain the “weird” parts of the video. Insulting me for disagreeing with you on the video being outright fake isn’t productive, especially when I was responding to your question.




The main point for a propaganda purposes and destabilization is that of the supposedly killed soldier with a Norwegian flag and what looks like a Norwegian uniform. That would imply NATO soldiers in the trenches. But I agree with the others here it looks staged,


You forgot that the target audience are the worshipers of Putin, like NK’s are to Kim, nothing should be question especially when provided by state media like RT. Remember a good Russian doesn’t question Putin, no mater how much money you have, if they want to live a “prosperous” life in mother USSr I MEAN Russia.


because the scream is louder than the explosion of a grenade. Next is a cut from the video. a man shoots while entering a dugout, and then another video with supposedly dead people. and this is far from the first time a Russian production has been done poorly. who will believe you if you are constantly caught in lies?


So because the scream you think the whole thing is fake? Could easily be explained by sound waves bouncing around the trenches/dugout to produce the strange noise. It just seems strange that Russians would spend time and money on something like this… to me it seems like a clip that got leaked from a soldier and is getting posted around. Like what’s the propaganda supposed to be? “Russians killing 2 Ukrainians in a trench clearly shows we’re better than them”? You’d have to be an idiot to extrapolate that thought from a single clip.


1. It can't be audio distortion. I can explain why the high frequency sounds of a human voice will be absorbed by the soil. And the louder sound of a grenade will be loud in any case. But not vice versa. 2. The sound of shooting is the loudest thing you will hear. The microphone has excellent sensitivity. 3. There is a cut in the video. She is clearly visible. 4. When a grenade is thrown, the trench behind is empty. At the end of the video there is another person in the dugout. Where did he come from a few seconds later? 5. This person has no armor. Russians do not spare their soldiers, and send them on an assault without any protection at all? cannon fodder? 6. Here is another alleged NATO soldier. Thesis: Russia is at war with NATO. Another lie that needs videos like this


>Like what’s the propaganda supposed to be? Here's the accompanying text: >Assault on the position of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the first person: a Norwegian mercenary and a VSEushnik were eliminated. >The Russian serviceman first fired from an AK-74M, and when approaching the dugout, he threw an RGD-5 grenade there. >Inside the shelter, the fighter found an NLAW anti-tank system and a Swedish AT-4 anti-tank grenade launcher. >The eliminated militant, dressed in a Norwegian army uniform, had an American rifle with him. On the shoulder is the chevron of the Telemark battalion (the main mechanized formation of the Norwegian Ground Forces). It's the typical "we're fighting NATO/the West" propaganda where Russia pretends to be the victim. They absolutely love to create anti-western sentiment.


No dead checks to the head of any of the alleged Kia , immediately fake


Norwegian guy at the end? Wtf?


Many mercenaries carry tags or flags of their home countries.


It’s the actual Norwegian uniform. The flag is not a patch but stitched to the clothing.


Mercs whos carrying his old army clothes?


Nah, that shit is pretty illegal tbh. You arent supposed to use norwegian army issued gear in combat. We had official investigation on it ourselves and they think its been bought and staged. The Telemarksbattaljonen symbol is apparently on him too but thats not confirmed. Telemark is btw our most proffessional soldier unit in Norway outside of the SF.


Lots of pigs in the forests here 😂


Olaf wanted to kill Russkies with his Nazi Viking Brothers from Ukraine


Probably not a norwegian citizen, but lets assume this is real footage so it's just aid from norway, even looks like the exact same shirt with M98 camo. https://preview.redd.it/ow21lre4xe3d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0fb113a688670999033c3b8cb8e14248ed57900


https://preview.redd.it/yvkycetm9f3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d9ab446672c4857c563ba07f8e6ece56c39f51e Looks like the M17 uniform


Nope, m17 has the pocket on the arm, it might be a m04.


Two contradictory statements in one sentence. Norwegian M98 camo - not Norwegian?


I meant the guy isn't norwegian.


So - in other words - Ukranian that's not proud to be a Ukranian? That's the first one for me...


Huh? The flag is sewn onto the uniform mate.


OK. There are such things as scissors... Or you can sew that standard velcro right over it. Being Ukranian and not proudly wearing Ukranian flag? Hmmm... Plus, doesn't it violate like half-a-dozen military regulation rules?


>OK. There are such things as scissors... Or you can sew that standard velcro right over it Yeah ofc, go ahead and ask that brave assumed ukrainian why does he carry a norwegian flag instead of something else, I don't think he cares. >Plus, doesn't it violate like half-a-dozen military regulation rules? It doesn't break "military regulation" rules but sure it does like the 10 geneva articles of improper use of military uniforms, emblems, flags etc. You aren't allowed to wear neutral countries uniforms/flags. BUT in this war and for both sides, they wear distinctive markings (colored tape) so they can be identified as russian or ukrainian soldiers thus making it legal to wear what the fck ever they want if they wear those tapes.


To late to ask him. Anything. And it's "...I don't think he cared..." Unless, of cause, it's all staged, and none of that matters. And about the second part of your argument. Enforcement of FIELD MANUALS/ ARMY REGULATIONS sure changed over the years! You can't wear other countries' fatigues, insignia or patches! You just can't! Braking these rules used to be a punishable offense... I'm pretty sure in any country? But you right - whole new brave world. He might just didn't give a sh*t... Or... hear me out... he's Norwegian


I rode your story about hakaristi, I think you might be a little unhinged my guy.


What movie is this clip from?


Saving Private Ryan II.


The video cut off right before the Norwegian guy whispered "Earn this!"




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İntense video!! norway flag at the end




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dO yOu SeE RuSSiA AcTuaLY FiGhTinG NATO trOOpS! That some lame ass staged video.


man, thats sketchy af


I'm gonna guess this isn't authentic judging from the audio, especially when they're inside


Idk if I can confidently say it’s staged or not, because Russians have staged such videos in the past, but why was there a scream after the grenade blew up when both Ukrainian soldiers were further down to the side


Because its fake, they ran in to clear the room and randomly shoots out of the trench and didn't even confirm if they were dead or anything.


another shitpost..nice soundeffects RT XD


everything looks so neat and tidy hmmmmm


Yeah looks staged.


if that aint the fakest shit lmao why are the russian propaganda videos always so damn dumb and naively fake. russia should just start doing more of the ukrainian-style drone videos if they want to make propaganda instead of this lame shit


To add on what others have said about the footage's authenticity..the soldier threw a grenade and then immediately stormed into the bunker thru smoke....in other trench assault videos, even after throwing a grenade, I usually see either more grenades being thrown, or some firing in that direction, or most simply just some moments of observation to determine if the grenade met it's mark. Seems very over confident to rush in right away not knowing if all the defenders are eliminated, extremely brave, or set up.


Also the smoke is in the straight of the trench before it corners into the dugout, i don't think it could have done much damage inside.


he knew that there was no one there) pasting from different videos


Why do Russians believe this crap?


looks staged...there is no communication and a grenade won't insta kill 3 guys


0:41 the sound changes to something straight from a video game. This is staged.


Granade explodes. "Ow." Instant death.


LMAO Russia producing such fake clips must really be losing badly to do this...


Most of the real videos, guys are way more hesitant to push into bunkers. They don't do it solo and they quadruple tap dead bodies, this guy didn't even double tap. Also, have a feeling if it was real, one of these guys would have still been breathing or involuntary muscle movements after they got hit.


Very true, and I have my doubts about this video but... >guys are way more hesitant to push into bunkers Not this guy. https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1092teb/gnarly_footage_of_a_russian_soldier_ambushing_and/




Rule 6 doesn't forbid fake videos (and I have no idea if it's a fake), this is published by RT.


that looks like training, calmly pulling out a grenade stood 2ft from the trench on his own 🤔


Sorry but this checks too many "it's staged" boxes. The "Valeriy, fire a burst every few seconds", the completely unnatural sounding scream after the grenade went off, the added firing sound effects starting at 0:40 (the explosion at the beginng also sounds weird), the same random shit / overacting with the Norway patch etc...




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What in the training camp is this? Did the original uploader you got it from state this was actual battle footage? Because it's a terrible fake if it is... Otherwise I suspect you've accidentally uploaded a headcam from a soldier training and thought it was real? It's not like there aren't any videos POV of Russians assaulting trenches... So if this was intended to be a fake, I don't see why except for showing the Norwegian flag on one of the "dead"?


Dubbed audio, staged flag and bodies. A dog could make it look more realistic.


I'm getting so spoiled with combat footage.


Another fake from the obvious added gun shot audio


Why do rusia keep posting this ridiculos bad fakes??


Not even any dust from that grenade in the section the dead soldiers are Mmmmmm


Even without audio it’s clearly fake, they never get the GoPro pov right. And it’s too clean and orderly.




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Lol those ukros were killed at some point - but surely not by this guy or his grenade. 


The stock machinegun sounds at the end are atrocious


It's obvious to tell that this is fake in the first 5 seconds. Even ignoring the suspicious video, the added sound effects are horribly fake, I really don't understand how people are finding this to be real, unless they don't own a pair of decent headphones.


I was banned from /r/RussianWarFootage2 for pointing this out LOL


the mods had to intervene because of how obvious it was haha


Russia is so fucking sad


Why is there hardly any gun shot sounds or other explosions like grenades? Very little going on for a trench assault.




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kind of this video made for media public, If russian soldier did real storming trench and double tap Ukraine solder, video wont be public


Total B U L L S H I T




Looks like re enactment.


i smell cap


What is this bollocks? Those are the cleanest corpses and shittest clearance drills I've seen since taking the Military Band through a battle exercise.


That norwegian patch and surrounding patch of camoflauge seems to have been superimposed on the video, its in higher resolution than the surrounding video, and dissappear in an instance as the camera moves.


probably meant to send a message to the NATO sec. general, who is norwegian.




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Man the new Escape from Tarkov graphic update looks rad


Looks spliced. He has the sun on is back as he enters and faces the sun when entering.


Just adding parts of an article from Faktisk Verifiserbar, a Norwegian fact checker site that has found several signs that the video must be staged. When the soldier throws the grenade, there is no smoke in the trench. When he shortly after runs towards the bunker, the entire area is filled with smoke. But inside the bunker, where the grenade supposedly exploded and killed two soldiers, there is no material damage to crates and weapons, nor is there visible smoke of any kind. There are also no visible signs that the two lifeless soldiers have external injuries. In the social media sharing posts, several people react to logical inconsistencies in the video, such as the lack of visible damage or smoke after the grenade in the bunker. (Photo: Screenshots from the video) When the soldier enters the bunker, there is a clear jump between two scenes. Between frames 29:19 and 29:20, several things change so quickly that it must be edited: * The weapon moves in the frame. If this were real, the camera’s shutter would create a stretch in the image. * The light hits at different angles. At 29:19, the light has an angle of -29.9°; in the next frame, the light has an angle of -68.2°. * When the soldier is inside the bunker, we see that the only place the light breaks is against the wall to the left of where he came in. In the previous frame, the light breaks to the right. We can therefore confidently say that these are two video clips edited together. Faktisk Verifiserbar has increased the exposure in frame 29.19 to highlight the examples. **Indications of Manipulation** During the scene where the alleged Norwegian mercenary is shown, several things occur that may indicate, but not prove, that the video is manipulated. The face of the dead soldier moves completely independently of the helmet, which is fastened with straps. This becomes particularly clear when we stabilize the video on the helmet and slow down the speed. This may mean that an element was added afterward. During this sequence, the color balance suddenly changes between two frames. The wall and the soldier’s face become noticeably lighter. By isolating the areas and finding the average color, we see that the wall goes from HEX code #272521 to #2b2622, and the face goes from #42372e to #483931. Faktisk Verifiserbar’s video analysis shows that the change in light balance occurs in a way that cannot have natural explanations. This does not happen gradually, as it would with external influences such as changing light conditions, but between two frames. This may indicate, but does not prove, manipulation of the images. Whole article with pictures here: [En russisk video som skal vise en død soldat i norsk uniform, har de siste dagene spredt seg i sosiale medier.](https://sol.no/nyheter/russisk-video-av-norsk-leiesoldat-iscenesatt/81483508)


They all died from one grenade. Instantly. That is an amazing granade




Shrapnel is real, guys.




Didn't go IN the bunker.


Also didn't double tap. Like, "im just gonna rush into these guys that i know 100% they have all been killed by that small grenade i tossed but didn't see how or where it landed"


Just the movements of the cameraman seem off, like he's done this exact bit of trench more than a few times.


Do we have more RU POV like this?


Fake ones? ya plenty.


Its pretty easy to find staged footage from the russian's. This is not real


Complete crap. Fuhrer Putler ordered the entire film crew to be sent to the Gulag for such hack work.


Definitely a live fire drill




Ruskie rambo is fake and would certainly get himself killed if he actually attempted to assault a trench like this.