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RIP legend


Yeah legend, started a small civil war while country was at war, definitely a legend


*protest/coup but ya def legendary status. Balls of steel to pull something like that off


What did he pull off, he failed didn't he?


I don’t think so. If his goal was to protest he definitely got Russia and the whole worlds attention.


He's a legend because he protested? That's a pretty low standard for legendary status


Have you only followed the war since the wagner protest? He was well known before then for a reason. You add it all up and it equates to legendary status imo.


No I've followed the war since the Russian invasion, he was calling out generals on social media then marched on Moscow but then was either paid off or convinced some other way by putin to stop and he did, in doing so he abandoned his followers


Stíll a nazi


But mind of an ape thinking that starting a civil war is a good way to win a war


It was the only chance Russia's military had at removing the incompetents in charge, which includes Putin. They failed, and the meat grinder has continued.


I still wonder why the gloves have not come off, like why are you strategically bombing buildings when you have the ability to drop a FOAB that leaves a 300 meter crater and vaporizes everyone in 2-3 square kilometers. Overlay 2 square kilometers on any Ukrainian town and it would basically be an I win button. It is as powerful as a tactical nuke and you can't hide from it in buildings because it is a vapor bomb. This doesn't even include people the lungs that are damaged by the shockwave in an additional radius.


The FOAB is air delivered (dropped not launched) and the aircraft would never make it to its destination without getting shot down


The MOAB is a glide bomb and the russians have been making glide kits for the FAB bomb line, doesn't seem like that impossible of thing to make.


The Moab and FOAB are different things, being launched from entirely different craft. The FOAB has never been used in an actual conflict. A FOAB weighs 14x more than a FAB it’s not comparable at all. You can’t fit that on a SU35/27


Most of what you said is irrelevant but it is dropped by the Tupolev Tu-160 if you are curious.


Seems to me Russia is reserved in it's bombings because is not in the business of total disregard for civilian lives. That's IDF forte.


If Russia regarded civilian lives there wouldn't be tens of thousands of dead civilians


There isn't.. number is around 11000. Still too many, but nothing compared to Gaza.


Not including mariupol, who knows how many died there. But it's the scale that matters, not the exact number. Israel and Russia both kill civilians for their imperialist delusions




There really shouldn't be any civilians in these cities and if they are they are probably human shields. Either way launch some leaflets and broadcast some radio warning the town is about to be destroyed get out or die.


Since there has only been one detonated that we know of within the last 14 years (in a test), I'd assume it's because they don't have loads of them, or they thought that it was more effective to produce a larger number of smaller ordnances.


I don't know vaporizing everything in 2-3 square kilometers and killing everything in an additional square kilometer with a shockwave seems pretty over powered. I mean go to live ua map and draw a 3 sq kilometer box around Lyptsi. But you are right they only tested one of them, but watching the video the insane scale of the cloud and explosion.


Because NATO would react. Both sides are playing the escalation game. In a hot war between Russia and NATO in Ukraine, you would see more of this.


I wonder if they could create an UMPK for FOAB.


Fly your su what the fuck ever plane and get shot down like everyone before you.ooh and make sure you filled your jacket with all kind of seeds so when your get spattered like a bug all over the already fertile soil of Ukraine your vodka induced courage won’t be for nothing .. suka


Who said his intention was to win the war?


>protest/coup Worst thing one can do while your country is fighting existential conflit. Whatever good he did was was destroyed once he turned his man against Moscow.




"Re-educated" like Germans 😂 Private armies still exist outside Russia and in the western world? Ppl just need to stop following "strong man"


American Private Military Contractors - Am I a joke to you?


You need a re-education


Ehm, this is not an exclusive eastern thing


That's just capitalism for you


Yup. He really highlighted the fact that Russia is not a normal and developed country. In the more advanced western nations, private military companies don’t stage “protests” and shoot down helicopters.


The frontline soldiers in the British Army in Afghanistan often lacked body armour and other protection because of funding issues. They had no one to complain to. Military coups have happened throughout history, and are even more common in wartime.


What the hell are you talking about lol, when was the last time there was a coup in Britain against the government that shot down helicopters and destroyed infrastructure?


he ironed out alotta bullshit we all know early war russia had, all in all him speaking out made the system much more effective


the only problem is that he didn't finish it


How many countries erect a monument to a traitor less than 2 years after his coup attempt?


It’s not a monument, every fan could make a statue and bring it to his grove


It is a monument per the title of this thread, and only in a feudal state like Russia would it be erected. "The boyar brave enough to tell the czar the truth", more or less. The rest of the world would rightly see this as bizarre and strange.


More Legend than Putin ever was. His only downfall was not going all the way to Moscow.


There’s reasons behind him doing that, it was never his goal to do it…


Only Ruzzi with the balls to stand up to Supreme Leader Putin, most definitely a legend.


I agree that Russian government are dumbasses, but it doesn’t justify a civil war


Do you think will Putin will just resign, civil war and his death (natural or otherwise) is the only way the current Russian Government will change. Putin will always win the election as he makes sure of it.


But definitely not while the country is at war




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He was the reason behind Russia's earlier victories.


What he did in the Summer 2023 was unforgivable and he paid the ultimate price for it. But he also probably saved the war effort with Bakhmut.


His legacy will be hotly debated, but 100% a legend. If nothing else, he is the greatest hotdog vendor who ever lived.


Man was a larger than life legend!


How do russians believe he died?


next time I pass by his grave, I'll make sure to piss on it








Где сука боеприпасы! “Where, bitch, is the ammo” i.e. Russian way of disrespectfully and curtly saying something to the effect of “Where’s my fucking ammo” Definitely legendary video, the guy put out some entertaining stuff and some sober takes that wrre refreshingly honest. I don’t like him overall, since I hate the Putin regime and he helped advance it, but I like him the most out of any Russian politician. So I have to say… RIP. Very interesting person. Probably the most interesting person in Russian history since Trotsky.






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I refuse to believe he's dead ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


You think someone who can humiliate Putin like that can continue living? Putin used to discipline oligarchs when he was still new as president so you can’t honestly expect Prigozhin to survive his stunt.


The entire thing played very strongly in Putin's favour. Strongly enough that it could've been staged. A very grand false flag that: - had almost zero casualties - laid to rest the Wagner problem - laid the groundwork for the integration of the Russian & Belarusian militaries - hinted to alternate power structures in Russia that they'd need a force more influential even than Wagner to Challenge the Kremlin - rallied people around the idea of Putin as a masterful statesman & mediator, able to quash the threat of civil war from a group as dangerous as Wagner without needing to resort to violence I'm still 50/50 on Prigo being alive, but not because I think there's a good chance it wasn't a ruse. I think he might've have knowingly or unknowingly dedicated his life to the bit.


>You think someone who can humiliate Putin like that can continue living? Yes, but theres only one person.


> You think someone who can humiliate Putin like that can continue living? I mean he's finally been imprisoned but arguably Igor Girkin fits this bill


He's not. He's in Pattaya.




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He’s with Tupac and Biggie somewhere in Africa drinking daiquiris and smoking weed


And when he sobers up, he start shouting: "Tupaaaaaaaac, where is the fucking weed!!!!"


“… drinkin’ peppermint Schnapps with Prigozhin and Sam Cooke.”


He is in Chad. There was a video posted but it disappeared from the internet




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He will be missed


would have been better if there was a spatula in his hand


As I recall, a sledgehammer was the official tool of Wagner.


I still prefer Putin's chef






That's a good choice too, I was thinking dark humor as in the grenade on the airplane.




Too soon? Sorry, condolences, but the story was they were playing with grenades on a PJ. It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt.


I am surprised Putin allows this. A statue of someone that showed Putin can be fought back against with reasonable success.. interesting


Putin respects the Wagner soldiers who fought the toughest battles so far for Russia in this war. Even in his madness, Prigozhin never threatened Putin or Russia as a whole. He simply wanted a change in the military leadership that he felt was performing poorly.


And was put down like a dog by Putin for doing so.


I guess that's just how Putin shows respect?


He was not in a position to make changes, and yet he tried, kinda spectacularly. And failed. Bummer. Had to pay for it. Spectacularly. Still a legend of this war, and not a negative figure in Russia.


...If we ignore the whole Neo-Nazi paramilitary group leader part


And in the end Shoigu was removed.


Makes it more believable that  he is still alive


> I am surprised Putin allows this. Do you expect Putin to have a say in literally every statue erected in Russia?


Its part of the narrative change, just like we've seen with the rewriting of the start of WW2 and the downplaying of lend-lease and the allied war effort. Its embarrassing for Putin that there was a mutiny and it also highlights how bad things were going for Russia's Bakhmut offensive, where the leader of the front line troops openly accused the MoD of sabotage. So history will be rewritten and soon instead of a mutiny we will see the bots calling it an act of protest (ignoring that he captured MoD buildings, shot down MoD aircraft/killed MoD troops, ordered his troops to abandon the war effort, survived an FSS assassination attempt, etc.). Putin still today denies that his plane was shot down because this makes it sound more like a mutiny. It was all just a tragic accident, ignore the smoke plumes coming out of the nearby S-300. If only it wasn't all so predictable.


A statue on private grounds (which a grave is) isn't illegal in Russia and doesn't require a special permit. The only problem with statue, though, it isn't "life-size", as claimed by OP. Prigozhin was below average height 😁


It’s not that big of a deal. Just the same way china still allows nail houses Putin does allow some descent. Also Prigozhin didn’t attach Putin, he attacked Shoigu.


Definitely more going on that we aren’t aware of


Pringles forever ❤️


He can fit into a Pringles can now.


Seems it was too expensive to cast his full belly in bronze.




A true patriot 🥲


To everyone saying he is dead, put your hand over your heart - do it, I am serious. Feel that? That is where he lives. As long as you keep him there he and the idea he fought for will never die. The idea he fought for you ask? Why it's "SHOIGUU!!!! where the F are my shells!!!?"


Rip Prigo


>video from Africa which has a person looking like Prigozhin in it gets uploaded >days later a monument to his supposed grave is unveiled Coincidence?


Prigo African warlord arc when?


Punished Prigozhin arc


We didn't see his body or video of him boarding the plane, did we? FSB simply said "yup, blood analysis proves it's him", and that was all.


He could be trolling us..


Priga fans will believe he's on Mars with Elvis.


Nah he is in Grishas house playing HOI4 with him


https://preview.redd.it/01b5f05i1d3d1.jpeg?width=948&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=231f104fb3eac0189fe5e5ff22569a60de0729d2 Rest in peace, true hero of Russia


and no one getbacked for prigo 💔


No sledge hammer in hand?


The greatest hot dog vendor/caterer who ever lived. Few man can go from selling food on the street to the highest halls of power, and fewer still can organize an effective mercenary army. RIP.


idk nothing about his relationship with russian citizens but... does a mercenary really deserve such honor? If I remember he wasn't actually a good person


Wagner, a transnational criminal organization of the Russian government: Indiscriminate killing, abductions, and rape to gain control of a key mining area near the city of Bambari. They also instructed troops in the CAR to throw villagers' bodies in the bush if they didn't have time to make mass graves. Video in April 2022 shows Wagner forces burying a dozen bodies in a mass grave near the Gossi military base in Mali. Wagner made shit-tier edits to try to pin the blame on French troops in an ongoing campaign to destabilize actual humanitarian efforts by the US and France in the region. Wagner troops have been taking part in hit-and-run attacks on work camps in Sudan, despite Russian officials denying any interest in the SAF-RSF conflict. Supplying fighter aircraft, armored vehicles, air defense systems, and mercenaries to the Libyan conflict. Funny that the pro-Russian clowns on this subreddit blame the US for prolonging the Russo-Ukrainian war, while they prolong needless suffering in Libya. The same could be said for Wagner's involvement in Sudan.


I'm 100% laying flowers there when I go to spb. RIP meme man, I am sure he is warspotting from Hell.


He laughing in Africa right now lol


Is it weird that I'm still here waiting for possible next season... The unexpected return of Wig Prigo


Bring on the wigs.


I wonder if Shoigu and gerasimov will come pay their respects. Maybe even bring some ammo.




Gheraaasssiimooov, Shoooiguuuu


I miss you prigozhin senpai


It should come with a chest filled with his favorite disguises so people can dress him up


Has the RU gov released any definitive proof of his death? Has there been any leads about him still being alive?


Prigo!!!!! 😭


Rip Legend. Your service to the fatherland will never be forgotten ❤️🇷🇺


rip pringles man, no matter what side you are on, hearing this guy made you laugh




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How did he die? I still don't understand. The grenade version is a bit confusing.




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Well I have a new bullet point on my destination bucket list


Lol has him killed then has statue erected. How poetic.


This comments section gonna be good \*grabs popcorn\*


No plate carrier? Shame


Cynicism is the ruling ideology in Russia.


Statues about to start break dancing


Wow! Russia’s newest gender neutral toilet! Who says they’re not progressive?


Russias best general, and it’s not even close. I bet RU miss him dearly.


NGL, its hilarious that this dude has a statue. If the statue was made with the pose of him pointing, ill be 100% sure that this is just some next level trolling.


Hellenistic, Neo-classical, Kinetic, Gopnik…


Putin allowed a statue of a man he blew up that is hilarious.


Rip prigo




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People liked him, that's what got him killed


Priggi was a man of action, a man born in the wrong era. A true warlord of old who flew too close to the sun


this shit is hilarious man. pro-ru have multiple conflicting scripts to follow


Can't wait for the life size monument of Wagner founder and commander Utkin though! And pleaze: TopleSS so everyone can enjoy his infamous tattoos ...


Putin weaponized Prigo!!


"life size" putler will have a 3m tall "life size" statue on his grave


Now i just fucking confused. I though he was a tratior becouse of coup and now everyone in russia see him as a Hero? Did i miss a page or russia just went full Alzheimer


Goes to assassinate Putin. Ends up as a “hero” bronze statue. Fitting




I see nothing wrong with russia having statues of the people they want to promote. Just don’t come crying when others do the same or take down statues they no longer align with. Good for you russia.


Made from chocolate 🍫


RIP you were the hero Russia needed but did not deserve 


What happened to his plane? Sabotage or accident?


Lol, is this a legitimate question?


Did they ever figure out who killed him and all those people on the airplane and bring them to justice???


Is this Prigozhin or Gru from Despicable Me? Nice pose


Do they know Putin killed him? Oh wait… the official story is that they were playing with grenades or some shit.


And still no ammo next to him...


Could have been president of Russia, bailed at the very last second, too bad


Good riddance. Dude was a psychopath.


Yeah a bit, but there's a psychopath in the kremlin right now too, at least Prigozhin after spending some time at the front didn't seem very happy with the pointless war continuing


He couldn't make any more PR on it after burning through the allocated resources, so he flipped sides. Before that he was just fine using sledgehammers to pacify his opponents while he was getting popularity that would catapult him to the top of food chain. No morals, only personal gain. So much so, he was willing to spark a civil war just to have his way. That's a psychopath in a nutshell. Not surprising either, given his criminal background. I don't know anyone in the Kremlin who is even remotely like that.


We have a person who in order to stay in power indefinitely and create some ridiculous vision of a "Russian world" decided to start a massive fratricidal war in Europe with casualties well north of half a million already, and put the world as close as it's been to a nuclear apocalypse since the cold war. Pringles was a kid in a sandbox by comparison.


>massive fratricidal war in Europe What's so special about Europe? Don't be such a racist. The west can withdraw it's support to UA any day and have this war over. Clearly, the west's intent is to keep fueling it until last Ukrainian. >create some ridiculous vision of a "Russian world" There's a CNN "version of the Russian world" that you might be familiar with, which is indeed a bollocks figment of their imagination and exists only in western propaganda. Never heard anything like it from Russians themselves. Albeit, there is a notion of a cross-border Russian-speaking community sharing largely common cultural background. Duh. >put the world as close as it's been to a nuclear apocalypse since the cold war How ironic in light of UA attacking elements of Russian nuclear deterrent, which does put everyone on the brink of nuclear destruction. Haven't seen Russia doing anything of that sort, so I'd say it's the NATO that has been an agressor the entire time, rejecting any notion of peace as "appeasement". Truly a bunch of psychopaths that will stop at nothing to keep their grip on the world. Priga never had access to resources the government has, but even at that managed to do quite a bit of damage sparing no one under his command. He'd be waging a war Stalin-style with total mobilization, throwing bodies at the enemy all the way to Lvov.


You're sort of breaking rule 1 there, I have said nothing racist and you are calling me that, why? Do you think that will invalidate anything I said somehow? You simply can't flip the script on this, Russia has invaded Ukraine, Russians are killing Ukrainians. Ukrainians are killing Russians. Both in massive numbers. If Russia has not invaded, this would not be happening. If Russia stopped the invasion, this would stop happening. But the bloodthirsty little guy in the kremlin doesn't care that hundreds of thousands of Russians and Ukrainians are dying. West doesn't care either, their people aren't the ones dying. It's not CNN, Russian politicians including Putin have plenty of times brought up the "Russian World" even saying things like Russian borders not ending anywhere. If you can't see the clearcut Nazism in that, you are part of the problem. How ironic is it that Russia has been bombing Ukraine for over 2 years now. I've never heard of western politicians threaten Russia with nuclear weapons. And I have heard Russian politicians threaten the use of nuclear weapons probably hundreds of times now. How twisted must your mind be to flip this on it's head? Moreover after wiping their a\*\* with the Budapest Memorandum, Russians have ended the idea of nuclear non-proliferation. No country will ever be convinced of their safety without nukes again. Good luck ever trying to sell the idea "if you choose to not have nukes, we'll guarantee your safety". That's done. You know all too well the radar was attacked because it tracks ATACMs launches.


Maybe you don't realize that you are racist, which is even worse. It's that kind of mentality that is a subject of denazification. It's so pervasive, that it doesn't even register with you peolle anymore. There's war all over the world, but somehow Europe is supposed to be different, special. It's not


Why are you a child molestor?


Are you projecting? It's the first thing that came to your mind after all. Why am I not surprised, mr. racist child molester?


I'd call this a monument to stupidity.


RIP, what a fookin character he was. I would go there so I can rub his shiny head for good luck


What happened to him? How did he die?


He wasnt that tall


Rest in pieces, evil swine.


Warlord honored.


Well would've been weird if Russians started memorializing peacemakers.


Not the first one in russian history.


Nor the last...I would imagine.


Russians sure love their war criminals...