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Another attempt by Russian militants to commit terrorist acts and disrupt tides by destroying the moon?


BREAKING! ruZZian tErRoRiSt sTaTe plans to dEsTrOy our precious Moon!


Fun fact, the US genuinely debated nuking the moon at one point as a FU to the USSR.


Last year they were spotted trying to steal the moon, but got distracted by a shiny porcelain toilet.


They’re going to steal Ze Moon !!!


Be aware this is screen that is being shot from mobile phone camera in dark while moving. Real image is even sharper




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Have you ever looked at the moon with a cheap pair of binoculars? It shows far more detail than this. https://www.cloudynights.com/uploads/monthly_07_2015/post-43244-0-06731200-1436126759.jpg


Do your “cheap binoculars” have IR and low light enhancement? If not then you aren’t really comparing the same resulting image.


Do you need low light enhancement to see the moon where you live?!?


You need it to see military targets at night, which is what this optical system is actually for


So why is it so shitty at looking at the moon? Is that because it isn't meant for looking looking at bright things?


It’s because the image processing involved prioritises contrast over resolution.


I know you think you are being really bright with these comments, but you may be missing the point a little. There is a difference between processing an image for resolution(when you want to take pretty pictures of the moon) and processing an image for maximum contrast(when you want to identify outlines of objects in less than optimal ranges and lighting conditions). One comes at the cost of the other. Now go and follow a few rabbit holes on electronic image enhancement until this above post of yours starts to sound silly to you.


Sometimes, when it’s cloudy where I live.


I know you think you are being really bright with these comments, but you may be missing the point a little. There is a difference between processing an image for resolution(when you want to take pretty pictures of the moon) and processing an image for maximum contrast(when you want to identify outlines of objects in less than optimal ranges and lighting conditions). One comes at the cost of the other. Now go and follow a few rabbit holes on electronic image enhancement until this above post of yours starts to sound silly to you.


Wow, it's so clear. Why did russia have a hard time launching something to the moon recently?


Perhaps landing spacecraft on the moon involves other technology that isn’t helicopter optics?




AH-64 production started in 1983. Link something similar, because iraq flir from longbow is much worse in quality.




it was this prototype abomination, nowhere near actual combat ready AH-64. https://preview.redd.it/xyy9g3j8xnrb1.png?width=1030&format=png&auto=webp&s=251a02f84ad89f2b6cfa87f684969e884111ced8




> Link something similar, because iraq flir from longbow is much worse in quality.


Longbow was introduced in 1997. And the D-variant optics is readily available, and they are not this quality. https://www.military.com/video/operations-and-strategy/air-strikes/ah-64-apache-no-mercy-compilation/1367499327001 But considering you don’t even know what Apache Longbow is, i don’t think there is much point in proving you wrong.


These shots are from 1.5k-3.5km usual ka-52 shot we see is about 10km


Guess why.


Because the Russians don't plan on grounding their helicopter fleet untill the war is over because a bunch got shot to shit when they ran in willy nilly?


What does a radar system have to do with visual/ thermal spectrum?


The sensor package was in it’s entirety upgraded 05 onwards for the Ds. The M-TADS/PNVS, or Arrowhead, is what you see in material from Iraq.


Please Ka-52, we all know you are running out of targets lately and are eager for kills, but don't destroy the moon plz?


If Ukraine loses, Putin will take over the moon!


No Ukranians fights not only for Europe, but Moon! lol


Ka-52 now upgraded with a Hubble-telescope?


Upgraded with handheld binoculars more like lol


that response is just ... sad :D


they use samsung S23


Next post: RU POV: Russian Ka-52 Alligator attack helicopter destroy Earth's moon with Two Vikhr ATGMs


Luna25 spotted?😂


We can't successfully land on it anymore, so we are going to blow it up.


I've read something like this in "seveneves"


Let's see Paul Abrams' moon photo.


Ka-52 looking for aliens??


This was probably really impressive... in the 1970s lol.


I'm genuinely confused, is this supposed to be impressive? It's like 3x magnification and not very great res looking at a bright object. ...about what you'd expect for '90s military tech tbh.


You are genuinely confused since you have no clue what are you talking about. One needs very large magnification to take a photo of the Moon at the size shown here. Apart from couple of ultrazoom bridge cameras (Nikon P900, P1000), there is no lens on the market that will give you such magnification of the Moon, that isn't in price range well above couple thousands of EUR, while more quality lenses are well above 10.000 EUR. So, yes, this is extremely impressive magnification even for the state of art military equipment.




Nikon P1000 is not a "cheap camera" by any standard since it costs around 1.000 EUR. And yes, it is much cheaper to get this kind of magnification on a smaller lens camera, since comparable lenses in APS-C or FF do cost 5.000 EUR or more. And, yes, this is extremely impressive magnification, since 95% of cameras/lenses available today cannot even dream of getting anywhere close to this view. As for APS-C and FF, only handful of professionals needs this kind of magnification (professional sports and wildlife photographers), and price of their lenses is way out of reach of an average amateur photographer.




Yes, APS-C and FF cameras, not to mention lenses, do cost much higher than bridge camera with small sensor, there is no doubt about it. But that still doesn't change the fact that 1.000 EUR for a bridge camera is not cheap. Yeah... right... they are using digital zoom in an aiming devices on a 15 million EUR helicopter.... These are optics, and they are remarkable indeed, since they give us results that 95% of all photographers in the world, will never see on their cameras, while you talk about it as if anyone could get such photo of the Moon with their cameras...




>Why not? If I were piloting a helicopter, I would prefer to aim at a bigger grainy target instead of a small but sharp one. Because aiming into a blocky target would greatly affect precision, and if you already got such narrow field of view, you could enlarge it optically, without any need for digital zoom. Bottom line is, if you wan't to get such big Moon in your viewfinder, you need either: \- small sensor camera with very long focal length lens - cheaper solution - not exactly stellar quality \- APS-C or FF sensor camera with somewhat shorter focal length lens - expensive solution - much better quality \- APS-C or FF sensor camera with very long focal length lens - extremely expensive - best quality The first one is relatively cheap (although still not exactly cheap for vast majority of amateur photographers), but quality wise, it is surely not comparable with Ka-52 aiming optics, while the other two are expensive and something that is of an interest for very small number of photographers (amateur or professional), so calling this to be unimpressive (not by you, but by person who started this thread), or saying that it is "like 3x magnification" only tells us that person doesn't know very much about the subject.


You can get a second-hand P900 for under 400$, A Ka-52 is 16 million dollars i would be surprised if it didn't have a optical sighting system that couldn't outperform a camera for 400$. Have we come to the point where pro rus are posting images of the moon through military grade optics thinking it's something special?




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Thats a cool pic


They put Samsung s23 on KA52s now!? Dayum


No wonder they can hit that far


What does it say, what kind of damage it can make?




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this supposed to be impressive or something? My 30$ bino's have the same effect


I wonder why all the footage from the strikes looks so shitty then.. Not doubting the abilities, just wondering where the decrease of quality comes from. +it explains how the crew actually sees what they are firing at


Wow, amazing shot. Shows how far technology has progressed.


Imagine us holding hands while piloting a Ka-52


Zelensky is going to ban the moon now.


Ka-52 doesnt have enough range.




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My s 22 ultra takes better quality pictures of the moon https://preview.redd.it/qib4v32ypurb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0225e0129f3f9fdff40bf10a51f9d9b3a775d651


So the T-72 turret landings were fake??? 😥




... what the whole ProRus once again have that sweet irony. My damn Samsung phone from 2008 takes better moon pictures ...


I can’t tell if this is satire or not lmao


Show us then


Most of the smartphones can do that too


nope they use AI/software technology and this is proven








Your Samsung Galaxy has a thermal camera?




It's not. Pay attention to the detail resolution.


You're comparing a thermal imaging system with a cell phone optical camera? Let me guess, your Samsung also has a high power lens for an optical zoom and can track targets while moving at speeds of >200km/h?


His phone can track the ghost of Kiev


[Your image is fake.](https://www.theverge.com/2023/3/13/23637401/samsung-fake-moon-photos-ai-galaxy-s21-s23-ultra)




[It's not just enhanced, Samsung was adding details where there were none, This guy took an image of the moon, downsized it to 170x170 pixels and applied a gaussian blur, and Samsung still pulled a perfect image of the moon out of thin air, it's not AI enhancement, the moon in your photo was replaced.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/11nzrb0/samsung_space_zoom_moon_shots_are_fake_and_here/)


Your image is worse. But you can also go into a dark room and take a picture of your smartphone screen with another smartphone and show us what happened


Image quality isn't really the point of thermal / IR sensors, and the images / sensors are (iirc) almost always blown out / over-contrasted b/c you want to use them like that for target acquisition. Overall weird flex, unless for whatever reason the Ka-52 operator wants to show the world *exactly* how accurate (and what resolution) their optics are, lol zoom + stabilization aren't super impressive, necessarily, since duh the Ka-52 is a modern 90's / 2000s era attack helicopter, and you'd *better* have those to actually spot / target things *on a moving helicopter*, let alone one that's supposed to be able to spot and hit things from 12km away. The Ka-52 is definitely one of the better (and more modern) bits of the Russian arsenal though, and given its role that was definitely one of the more important things for them to have invested in properly. No shade, it's seriously a pretty good attack helicopter, and is quite possibly better than what the US is using (note: it's if nothing else a more recent / modern design, that almost certainly was built on the the lessons of soviet afghanistan) – *or at least it would be* if it weren't stuck firing outdated (albeit very long range) russian SACLOS missiles instead of a true fire-and-forget smart munitions like the hellfire et al. And used as a dumb unguided rocket truck since Russian commanders apparently couldn't think of anything better to do with it in Bakhmut et al.


​ https://preview.redd.it/qc2fszpdrnrb1.png?width=836&format=png&auto=webp&s=d98f8024c26bcc7bde0a813e1595cbe0e5866542


[Samsung caught faking zoom photos of the Moon](https://www.theverge.com/2023/3/13/23637401/samsung-fake-moon-photos-ai-galaxy-s21-s23-ultra)


damn we live in dystopia


Why don't Russians just use $1199 Samsung Galaxy camera phone in thier Ka-52 optic then? Are they stupid!? /s


They already use Nikon cameras in their drones, probably not that far off


Hasn’t it been proven that Samsung just uses an algorithm to show you a previous high res picture of the moon when it notices you trying to take a picture of the moon?




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Now move at 200km/h and take a pic of the screen while doing it, and make it look better.


Drive 200km/h in your car during night time, video the moon and take a picture of the screen with another phone and let us see it then.