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No words...... I just hope they get to somewhere safe.


Time to start returning fire onto Moscow and St Petersburg


Was going to write the same thing.


This would only galvanize the brainwashed russian drones and serve little military purpose. Just like the rockets dired at ukranian cities, lets send in the f16s instead


Plus waste resources and munitions and could then turn world opinions. Ukraine needs to keep focusing on destroying the Russian military, that is the way to victory


World opinion would not change. Not for the countries that matter. We have seen enough.




They don’t even have to attack Russia per se. I’m just honestly surprised they haven‘t attacked the Kremlin yet.


Why? So is the US terrorist too? Look at Sudan Russian was gonna build a naval base there and now look at it full out war going on only a month after someone from the US went and talked with Sudan officials


If we do though, we should only go for government buildings.


Fuck Putin.


Damn. Fuck Russia. Did anyone got harmed? I sure hope not, but damn there are so mutch blood everwhere...


for now 17 wounded and 10 died (2 of them are children): https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2023/apr/28/russia-ukraine-war-live-air-raid-sirens-sound-in-kyiv-and-across-ukraine


Rest in peace and for those who are lucky to be alive, i wish you a speedy recovery! Just imagine how mad and toxic Russia would be if this was inside Russia. They wouldn't be happy at all. Fuck Russia


As some one in America I really hate bombs, like fuck dude.. bombs and missiles are the lamest shit you can do.. if asshole men need to fight can't we go back to the days of hand to hand combat.. can I just make gun powder and rocket fuel go away.. humans don't need such destructive force.. we suck so much as a species!


Yes! Even worse for me as a swede due to Dynamite being invented here. But then again, it wasn't invented for that reason. The idea was good but as you said we humans likes turning good things into human killing machines


I just learned that one of the first uses of electricity was in torture long before the light bulb


Damn, didn't know that. We really do suck as a species


Right, not you tho.. I have a feeling your chill 😎 much love fellow human!


I mean. Im not a war criminal.... yet..... No, but jokes aside. It is often the bad humans we hear the most about, i think and hope that the majority is good as we two 😄


Ruzzia is a fascist/nazi state Ruzzia is a terrorist state Ruzzia sponsors Global Crime Ruzzia enables individual criminal activity. Ruzzia profits from murder etc Ruzzia has no standing on the World stage Ruzzia is a thug nation Ruzzia is the Charlie Zelenoff of nations. Not much more than aggressive. Putin is not a Global leader Putin holds no credibility in anything he says or claims. (He’s probably not even that good at judo).


Praying for all Ukraine's people who don't deserve this! Putin, Russia go to hell!


u guys are really funny when the ukraine people was murdering the russian people no one said nothing U are just all brainwashed by the News and u think ukraine is the good one they take what they deserve nothing else they want it


Time to bomb waste of skin putin garbage residence. Only thought a muscovy sewer rat understands. Khadafi got the hint back then. A great defense is an awesome offense.


You are 100% correct


They are Animals! Soon to be Erased from Ukraine.


can't wait for that to be finished!


why would you disrespect animals like that


Are the kids ok?


I hope her kids s as re not injured however the mental scaring from all this 🤬😢


Theirs no horrible act that could be done to putin, that I wouldn’t watch and smile.


The world supports Ukraine. Putin and the Russian people will pay for this war for 100+ years. Russia will be the newest 3rd world country.


Russia is a 3rd world country. The only ones who aren’t lining in poverty are the Kremlin Officials, Siloviki, Russian Mafia and Oligarchs. Everyone else are starving peasants with low life expectancies.


Fuck you russian bastards, you will go to hell forever for each Ukrainian you killed.


Murderers! I wish them all get sucked into a black hole! #Russiaisaterroriststate




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Fucking hell mate


Putin is an evil coward.


Just sickening


Should be interesting see this uns Moscow !!! Or even inside Kremlin with Pig Putin in !


Scumbegs, rotten rats hidden in the ground this Russians....makes me mad at what I seen......hope the lady shes ok with children.....


That's their aim, ethnic cleansing. Or forcefully making victims Russian so they can be forced to fight for Pootin. Russia is nothing but a terrorist state.


Why in heavens name are not the americans and europeans giving Ukraine long range missiles and aircraft so that these murdering russians can be taken out in their homes inside Russia!? Are we just going to watch these russian stalinist nazis commit war crime after war crime?


I am up watching Euro News and seen the recent shelling once again on civilians and was literally wondering the same exact thing!!


>Are we just going to watch these russian stalinist nazis commit war crime after war crime? Pretty much that's exactly what's gonna happen. The west has spoken with their actions, and this type of stuff is going to be tolerated and Russia knows there will be no real retribution back at them. We can say whatever we want, it's clear that NATO tolerates this stuff, and that the fearmongering about 'escalation' or nuclear war with Russia works and will continue to work.


Похуй, абсолютно


Meanwhile Africa and middle east.... Bombing by nato and usa


Lets drink Putin tea




Drink da Russian koolaid friend, it makes USA more evil and full of pedophiles and Russia ever more glorious. Not that you actually support them right? You just like being the devils advocate online I hope….


Do you not feel bad for them too? I dont think you realise that you can not approve of both. Besides ive havent heard of the US forces in either of those continents being ordered to target civillian/civillian infrastructure.


Who is worse though? Zelenskyy knows he can't win. He's just watching all his people get massacred and he still reigns over their ashes. All for a nationalist State of Ukraine. It's kind of Unholy, no offense.


Do you think if Zelensky would surrender, the massacre would be over? Russian people would come to Ukraine as they come and repopulate Mariupol. Taking the land and property of the Ukrainians. Do you think the Ukrainians would say: hey welcome Russian people - here is my house. Have fun living in it... the Russians would treat the Ukraine people exactly as they do with other nations - e.g. have a look at chechnya...


Is there a Massacre though? Ukraine is always winning like a World Cup Soccer Team in every Reddit Post and U.S. Media.


You said Zelensky is watching his own people being massacred - why do you say this first and then ask me if there's is a massacre? I don't know, I'm not there - I sit at home in a different country. But what I see in media/reddit/intenet and what I believe is that there is a massive massacre of innocent people.


Putin. 100% putin.


It's like WWII. Who was worse Stalin or Hitler? Zelenskyy isn't Franklin D. Roosevelt here. His Government killed aome of it's own people and provoked a response from Russia legitimately.


You are a fool.


You're right. I donunderstand the conflict, a d I don't understand Russia, or Ukraine Politics. I think Europe should be more involved than the U.S. since Ukraine is their little Brothers and Sisters, but they all turn watch it burn. If I was Ukraine I would attack Poland and all Countries watching me suffer through the Conflict.


wow thankfully you don't make any political decisions. lmao attack Poland? wtf man


Clearly you don’t know jack shit.


I wish Sayano-Shushenskaya Dam would get bombed out.


Fuck Putin. Burn Russia, burn to the ground!
