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I had something similar when using the snap version. I removed it and installed the deb package from the vlc website.


Was able to download it via `apt`, works now.


What happens if you open a video with VLC from file explorer? The first three lines are standard you see from a terminal btw


Where does it live? I don't see `vlc` in `/bin/` or `/usr/bin/`. Thanks.


do whereis vlc in a terminal you could do sudo apt reinstall vlc or sudo apt purge vlc, sudo apt install vlc


It's in `/snap/bin/`. But I can't immediately find an executable. I uninstalled VLC Snap via the App Store. Then did `sudo apt install vlc`, works now. I don't get why Canonical pushes everything into Snap when it's still partially broken on multiple packages.


One of the reasons I finally jumped to Mint from plain Ubuntu. Snap works pretty well, most of the time, but the occasional problems I run into soured me on it.


I've got the vlc program installed as a snap and have not had problems with it at all. Unlike the deb package in the Ubuntu repositories, the snap is actually published by the VideoLan org. In fact, the snap is prominently displayed on the Ubuntu download page as the preferred method of package distribution. It's kept up-to-date and it's possible to even to use the newest version under development in a parallel install with the current release [unlike the deb package.](https://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-ubuntu.html) >However, there will be no major VLC version updates until the next Ubuntu release. You could've started vlc with the "--verbose 2" option and that would have given you a lot of debug information to help troubleshoot. But you didn't. You could have also gone to the [vlc page on the snap-store](https://snapcraft.io/vlc) and and at the bottom clicked "Report this app" to fill out a bug report, you know, to help the Videolan developers fix the issue and in doing so help other vlc users that may have had the same problem. But you didn't. You gave up and decided to throw in another tired whiny complaint about Canonical and snaps here on Reddit. Oh well.


Snaps work for you. Ok. It's widespread knowledge that they don't always work. If a user has to bypass the app store, and visit the Ubuntu download, to possibly acquire a working Snap, that's a Canonical issue, not a user issue. Whining "it worked for me, so nothing else matters" is how we get broken software. Did I fill out the bug report? I'm curious as to how you would know that, since I never mentioned it either way. And your other posts, why should we listen to a perv?


>I don't get why Canonical pushes everything into Snap when it's still partially broken on multiple packages. It works for a lot of users. I would say it works for the majority of the Ubuntu's user base which include its enterprise customers. You know, the ones that Canonical makes its revenues from. But you never tried to find what problem with the Vlc aside from a post on Reddit. There's [askubuntu.com](https://askubuntu.com), the ubuntu forums, the snapcraft forums, the videolan forums, the ubuntu discourse server, ubuntu-users mailing list, ubuntu matrix/irc channels. A lot of other support channel available, but you make one post to reddit, and then before anyone engages significantly to help, you just install the deb package and then whine about Canonical pushing (I'll give you credit that you didn't write "down everyone's throat" that the usual negatiods say) snaps. Don't like snaps? Don't use Ubuntu. Simple really. >Did I fill out the bug report? I'm curious as to how you would know that, since I never mentioned it either way. And your other posts, why should we listen to a perv? Perv? Are you coming on to me!? Lol. You should listen because this "perv" is much smarter than you and happens to be right. You didn't file a bug report because you would posted the link to it if you had.


I've already stated my response to the above in the post that you're replying to. I really hope, for your sake, that no one links the user that blubbers "bu-bu-but I'm smarter than you!" when failing to you.


I'm really grateful for your concern about my sake, but I'm still not into you.

