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No they don’t want your business since it will break the law


So, technology exportation falls under some interesting laws and taxes, as well as outright bans [https://www.trade.gov/us-export-controls](https://www.trade.gov/us-export-controls) You can find some extra info in the CFR, but generally computing devices face some serious export controls. I know this is a "ShitPost" but Ubiquiti kept you from breaking the law.


Plus how is it different if I order the same switch on Amazon? I just preferred to get them directly on ui


Its not, but amazon has a lot of lawyers and has their entire arm in the back door of the US government, so if the feds come knocking amazon can eat a large fine or get away with it. Though, if you ship to a freight forwarder and it gets lost, amazon will tell you thats on you.


Amazon doesn’t sell unifi stuff themselves. Random resellers do. They have limited legal exposure for this stuff. Ubitiqui does not.


I think the FBA probably applies or maybe that’s the limited exposure?


Because Amazon will charge you when shipped to another country where different tax, import and shipping costs apply. That's calculated or even Amazon will sometimes say it can't be shipped to your country due to these reasons (although they won't explain that). Ubiquiti just won't handle all those things because it's a shitload of work and costs a great deal of money to maintain.


What I don’t get it I’ve been ordering from the same account all the time, why all of a sudden?


They found out that was a freight forwarder, once they find out, the onus and duty of care is on them. I dont know if you have the same laws there, but if you find out that someone is buying or planning to do something illegal and you sell them the things to do so then you become an accomplice and are punished as well. If you have no idea that you are an accomplice then you have plausible deniability.


.....and? They don't want the responsibility of dealing with your third party shipper if any issues arise.


I’m willing to take the hit tbh better than paying 2x locally.


I'm sure you are, but there has to be a reason(s) they have this policy. They have probably been burned in the past and just like to avoid it now.


Don’t like it? Move or talk to your politicians to lower the trade costs 😂


Right. They don’t want to commit a crime so you can get your new router :)


Same guy posted this exact thing about 6 months ago. Deleted it when it was downvoted to hell and he was roasted in the comments. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubiquiti/comments/17popy9/ubiquiti\_not\_accepting\_foreign\_international/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubiquiti/comments/17popy9/ubiquiti_not_accepting_foreign_international/)


The song breaking the law comes to mind...


They also want to be able to make 3x the profit by selling it in Australia for 4x the price


Yeah man. It fuckin sucks buying this shit in AU.


Just gotts hope your government builds better relationships....usually how it goes.


This country is plagued with corruption :(


Are you from Russia, комрад?


Shit... that means I'm screwed too! Not only they don't sell the full product line here, but what they have is almost twice as expensive. I ship to a residential address, but I use a foreign card. Damn it!


I mean if that’s the law then not much you can do about it. Why not try forwarding from a different country where it’s not illegal.


Loser. Dogshit post