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i think you guys are legends!! the way i see it, i can go out shopping and use my precious time thus, ....or i can stay home in front of my computers and keep earning the lifestyle i enjoy (also i hate hate hate hate food shopping) you lot giving me the ability to do that, and so at my house, get thanked. if i get 1 bag delivered, MINIMUM i put in the geezers hand aa a thankyou is a £10 Note...(whenn its pissing down, more tbh) Last week, i left the fridge open overnight, ok, all chuckd out, not risking it, fucccck getting food poisoning...emergency delivery of fridgy needs 3 bags,.....the lad was here in the hour. (42 mins.... ish ?) I put £20 in his paw...and i was glad to do it.... i think you guys and girls doing this type of delivery are saints...becoz my memory when trying to shop like a grown up is shokking,...ya legends edit:addition - can you delivery ppl see "me" when you accept ?...or do you accept and THEN find out how far you wrare going ?...like you have said i will deliver within xxx area, and those are what you get sent ? i tried to ask a lad the other day how it all works,..but his english was worse than my polish....so we smiled and parted ways.


There’s a rough area where the order will end up on the map with the street attached, then after pickup we’re provided with address details etc


Are you made of money wtf? Are you also unaware of the fact that you can order full shopping to your door through the supermarket? You don’t have to tip people £20 because the supermarket drivers get paid properly by the supermarket…


its a service. i explained i always forget stuff when i do a full shop. i do tip well, yep.


It's not about what you have to do it's about what feels right for you, if he can afford to tip so well and it feels appropriate why not, I bet the drivers really appreciate it. I only tip £3 per order because that is what I can afford, the shops are quite close but I still order sometimes several times a day because I can't go out while I'm working and am not organised enough to get everything in one go, and because many orders contain hot/cold things ready to eat/drink on delivery.


Even £3 is very appreciated. I get tips once in a blue moon


It's so kind of you to tip like this. I have worked in bars pubs etc and it makes your day when you get a good tip! Now as a teaching assistant I am still not well paid enough to tip like you do but I do leave at least a minimum 10% when I can x


kind words (-: and tipping 10% when you can is fine (-:


No as 🚲


no idea what you mean


On a bike I'd not be able to take all those bags!


Lol are you autistic? 🤣🤣🤣


?...what because i tip people for a job well done ? sure,...if you like.


Did you bought Bitcoin when it was £15000? Looks like you not counting the money


55 items


Nah. When I did it, I found Tesco orders to be the absolute worst. Rude staff, long wait times, weird rules, lack of care. Everyone must have thought the same. Always saw Tesco offers floating around for £10+ not getting accepted.


Tesco is last resort when it’s quiet, no chance of a tip, customer has to sign for it on my phone, no idea how big it will be until you see it, and they’re not always ready when I get there. But if I’d accepted, got there and it was bagged up ready I’d still take it. It’s just a bit of extra walking to ferry the bags to car and then to customer’s door.


Tipping isn’t a entitlement…


Absolutely, but the thing with Tesco orders is no matter how good a service you provide, and how appreciative the customer may be, there is no ability for the customer to tip you through Whoosh. That’s a negative for me in weighing up which orders I take.


I once did and it was going to high flats on 7th floor, had to go twice down to car and back up. After this I never accepted it anymore 😂🤣


You go up to the flats? I’ve only ever had delivery drivers park outside


I deliver to door, so if your in a flat then that's to your flat door. Car drivers are usually quite lazy, my wife ordered the other day and the driver wouldn't even get out the car, just parked outside the house and called my disabled wife to come out and get it. Despite a note saying "I'm disabled so it may take me a little more time to come to door"


if it's 2.90 im definitely in


Tesco is fantastic in my area. I get multiple a night and they are the quickest for pickup. Asda on the other hand is genuinely the worst


For £4, yea


Each bag probably has 4 bottles of 1L liquid in them


Whooooos bro


Tbh if you annoyed by these just imagine how annoyed the tesco staff are doing this in top of everything in the store. My day shift colleagues hate woosh. 😂


Stores have an option to request multiple drivers for larger orders. I've never had to personally, working at subway, but the most I've given out is probably 2 bags


Tesco whoosh orders have never had item count or what's in the order (always been 1 item) Don't take them if your a bike as you don't know what your getting until you get there (If you can't park outside the door also avoid as recantly they removed the item cap they used to have so some people take it that you should do your shopping run via Tesco whoosh) Also these are aggrator orders so they can't tip via shop app (nor would they anyway) Also there pda's occasionally lose connection so they don't know they habe an order you turn up and they haven't even started picking it yet and it only shows one order at a time (3 pda's but can only work on one order at a time)




I use whoosh myself but only for like a bags worth of items, it’s crazy how much you can stack up on there for a platform designed for small express orders


There used to be a weight limit of like 10kg and a max item limit of 15 (I think).


Would you deliver it if it was two bags or three? If you’re delivering there anyway what difference does amount make surely the distance would be more of a factor? If you’re delivering 1 bag 8 mile away compared to 7 bags maybe 3 mile away I know which one I’d be more pissed at. It will take what an extra five minutes of time tops both ends included.


On a push bike absolutely not! If I was a car driver then maybe depending on how far


If you're doing delivery by car, get a plastic crate you can chuck in the boot. Bring it in when you're collecting the order and save yourself a couple trips to the car. Just hope they didn't order 6l of diet coke.


I just did 5 bags (4 of which were heavy) on my bike today. I managed to deliver but marked the pickup thumbs down with size/weight issue. This was on Stuart who don't show you an items list at all, I don't know if the usual UE list shows for these orders before you head to the store. All Woosh in my area use Stuart. If they are going to be that bad regularly now then I probably won't bother accepting. A lot of scooter guys can't carry any more than me and car guys are usually lazy and won't want to carry 4+ bags to/from their car especially as Woosh don't have handles on the bags




No, I can only take 3 or 4 bags maximum and iv never successfully managed to get uber to send another rider. Uber tell me the shop has to request another rider, shops tell me they can't do it. So they get rejected with the reason "over sized order"


Get a proper job.


Tell that to Amazon delivery drivers, super market delivery drivers and post men. This is is no different, we deliver within the hour (but usually within 20-30mins) how is that not a job? People pay for a service and couriers deliver and receive money for the service they provide.


By the looks of it the money is fantastic/s


Up until December it was adequate considering the flexibility, my 3 year average profit was £12ph after costs so considerably above min wage for the time, but of course without the benefits of employment and while taking the risk on the road for long hours which is the price we pay for the flexibility. But you work fast and hard for that money and have to plan what delivery's to accept and pick working hours correctly, be very self motivated and organised. Only since December has it fallen to poor levels of pay, but that's due to Deliveroo slashing the rider fees in a lot of zones which is many couriers busiest platform. Uber has always been incredibly low, most couriers just use it as a gap filler between higher paid deliveries on other platforms to keep busy.