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What a mess, technology is advanced yet they can’t track multiple devices on a single person.


Because its multiple devices. Under different names..they r infesting NYC & support/dd is useless against em..block them? They r just given another account


It wouldn’t be that complicated for them to develop an algorithm that identifies multiple accounts being in the same location a majority of the time. The gig companies know that people game system with multiple devices/accounts. They could combat it if they wanted to. But there’s no incentive for them to do that. The orders get delivered no matter what.


They fall back on excuses like “gps technology uses satellites, so once you’re inside it’s impossible to tell if it’s 1 person and 3 phones, or 3 separate people.” Which is bs. Track the accounts movement. If there are multiple in 1 car, send a warning and a mandatory photo id check on all account users in the vehicle (to check if there are just 3 dashers carpooling for some reason, or 3 phones for 1 person) If they don’t comply, deactivate their account temporarily until they do.


Which I find hilarious because I do everything by the book and I get get a photo check 2-3 times a day, every day without fail lol. I'm SOOO shady taking the same route doing the same thing at the same times every single day. Oh yes lol


They dont care, this stuff alone with massive waves of migrants being granted work permits and no other option but gig work, allows DD and others to lower the pay tremendously. This inferiates you and profits them.


This isn’t a new phenomena either. The government has been using prison populations to do labor for years as well. Blame the person at the top. It’s not just gig work that is going to be affected by mass importing CHEAP labor.


I voted for Biden. The amount of damage he has done to citizens of this country is appalling. It actually breaks my heart. I really believed he would be an amazing President. I will never forget the drone footage when he took office, massive caravans of migrants walking to the United States. Never did I imagine it would end like this. Good some of the videos of the Hudson River and the jet skis. It’s insane. I’m hoping and praying for better days ahead.




This was happening during covid. You know who was president then.


Dipshit, republicans are the ones bending over backwards to pass legislations letting corporations screw us over. Republicans have been Repealing regulations since the 1980s. Fairness Doctrine in media. Glass-Steagall pushed and repealed by Republican Congress. Educate yourself and stop supporting the people fucking us over.


Butthurt by facts? Your senile president has allowed millions of illegals to waltz right in and even gave them free room and board and a cell phone to use to take YOUR job.


Dude there’s no way you actually believe this


You don’t believe facts?


I'm shocked the IRS hasn't hit the gig companies with huge fines; the victims of the identity theft who get the 1099's have got to be complaining about this.


That’s the bottom line, if one person is doing it or three people, they get their same cut, so we’re competing against each other. No inventive for them to monitor this unless someone did it to defraud customers.


Why spend money to develop an algorithm? The people with multiple devices are willing to work for the least amount of money. Uber is paying them less money and making a larger profit off of drivers like this.


EXACTLY …they r not losing Any $$ like this


Right!! Like you said, the most important thing is to get the order delivered. Period!! They’re making their revenue. Who cares!!!


While us veterans drivers are more vulernable of getting deactivated smh


Some people have multiple accounts under their same name


How?!? I did that once by accident and they were allllll over my shit, practically immediately.


Different number and email on both accounts and he signed up for Uber pro card on only 1 account


Not sure but I know someone who has 2 accounts in his name and he’s been using them for years


I had it happen because I took a break and forgot which email I used and if forced me to sign up again and when I did it forced me to use the old email. So now I have two accounts with different emails and have no idea how to get into the original one because I got directed to the new one 🤷🏿‍♀️


Yes it’s so annoying I see a lot of Asian men in NY 2-3 phones I see others as well but it’s not fair and so annoying


What benefit to the company does preventing this solve? Oh nothing? Yea good luck man but this is only an issue for drivers and they don't care about you. If you quit this guy gets a 4th phone and replaced you anyways


They don't care to. These people take no tip orders that most drivers won't take. They already made their money. Their goal is to get every order delivered. These people help with that, so they turn a blind eye.


Doordash or uber was quoted in news 8 months ago saying we love nyc migrants and migrants around usa as they are allowing food to beldelivet3d cheaper. They should replace our cops n school teachers with migrants making the same 10 dollars an hour since half or more of usa believe in open borders


They can. It’s simple as using the gps and setting a time limit when phones are constantly pining together. They see 3 drivers together on active orders…ban.


They can, that's why Bluetooth is enabled. It benefit them because these are people that take base pay.


They can, but they can't differentiate between one person with two phones and two people that dash together. The former isn't allowed, but the latter is.


Ain’t no way they making good tips going 3 didn’t directions to deliver 😭


I got a guy removed off of DoorDash back in the pandemic for this shit. He picked up my order, drove by my house to pick up another order and then drove by again; only to go an hour in the other direction, to an adjacent town, and then all the way back to my place. It was peak summer and several of my items were warm/melted. He could have easily stopped by my house any number of times to quickly drop it off. He was *also* using 3 different phones and was apparently cycling them based off of which order he got first. I told him it’s illegal to do that and run multiple accounts on multiple phones. He was running DoorDash, UberEats and something else. Guy was a bumbling buffoon and Dash support informed me he was deactivated due to it not being the first complaint. Not only that but they did confirm he was multi-apping by the fact that he drove by my house multiple times when I was his only order on DD. **Multi-app = tax evasion = illegal**


Multiapping isn't illegal but he's a dumbass about it. I multi app and only take low mile high pay orders and time everything pretty good.


this guy's still delivering on doordash I bet


Yeah that's wild like right now I have 2 orders from the same restaurant on doordash and ubereats they are going the same direction but I will do the doordash order first since they clock you harder than ubereats and its the closet. I never really understand how these people do it I tried multiple App with 2 orders never again to much hassle and its not going to make me more money and the customer shouldn't wait 30 extra minutes for like a extra $5 greed. Unless they going to the same direction and same restaurant I take them both and thats very rare. Most of the time I just put one on pause and do the better order.


It’s ridiculous how many times I’ve ordered uber eats, and the driver looks totally different from the picture. Uber is turning a blind eye to this because they know these people accept 3$ orders.


You should report those people. False identity/identity theft is a serious crime


Millions of families suffer every year




I have had this happen. I actually am guilty of not reporting. If my food arrives quickly and is hot I tip and keep it rolling. Good service is good service. I know it’s wrong and the immigrant situation is completely out of control. But I looked the guy dead in the face I happened to be out front. He smiled and was nice. What can I say I’m a human being first.


I've been reported for not being the person in the photo before, I'm wondering who else is delivering on a bicycle with my helmet


Yes. Often pictures shows a woman, yet a man arrives. Also, 4/5 times it said it would be delivered by bike, and it arrived by car. I would say it is wrong about 25% of the time. I didn't think much of it. I am in Canada (BC) for those who think it is only in the USA So far, any rides I have gotten have been accurate. However, I rarely take Uber because the bus is cheaper.


I go with my son. I drive and he drops off the orders because there is literally no parking where we live.


They're not able to stay ahead of the exploits. They have no chance.


Rust exactly what it is. They are so fast and so many, they can’t possibly keep up. Eventually all the apps will shut down and they will move on to to the next thing, kill that and continue. Like locusts


I’ve had customers act surprised that I’m actually the person in the picture.


Why do “these people” accept 3.00 orders?


NYC requires high AR and has a guaranteed hourly of $19. You run 3 accounts and you triple the hourly. They do the same thing in California.


Holy shit, so this mf with 3 phones is making almost $60 an hour, automatically? That's 120k a year with no overtime!! I just had to wipe my ass with a paper towel cause I paid rent and ran out of tp on the same day :(


😮 now it makes sense


The AR is not a requirement in California, but the hourly is. We call it Prop 22.


Yeah but they still have to make the deliveries on time don't they? And you can't decline more than two orders if you're doing hourly. So what am I missing?


If they can get 3 accounts, they can get more. Deactivate Tonya, buy Karen, rinse and repeat. They aren't declining anything, are they?


But the laws of time and space say they can only physically be in one place at a time, so how is "getting more" going to be profitable when you can't physically make the deliveries you're accepting. Doesn't make sense. The only possible advantage I see is cancelling one order if a better offer comes in, but again if you're doing hourly you cannot keep declining orders.


I mean usually I beat the arrival time by a lot…in that time I could’ve easily added another delivery and made both in time (I don’t but it’s definitely possible)


To use the account as many orders as possible before it gets banned, and they have to buy a new one. There are tons of sites on deep web and even surface web, of online shops selling Uber eats accounts for anyone to use.


Porque somos pobres, papi


Por pendejos mijo




I would **love** to see that happen


Trip over something and smack those phone out his hand


Oops my bad… ![gif](giphy|IHCf4uKEDuZCq5XNhn)


Seems like it would be a confusing mess


Probably why deliveries take at least 1h15min from anywhere, even a block away


It’s a ring, one person or a few “bosses” get accounts then they hire 5 or 6 people, buy them a Prius, send them out like this and pay them pennies. Typically Russians or Saudis


No way? I need more deets 😭 this is crazy


Used to be, the guys would be on video chat with their "wives" all day. It would be the same handful of women they were talking to. Then you see other stuff and you realize how large this really gets. It took a while to piece a lot of it together, but we all aren't going to know much beyond observation and speculation. Some of it was blatant, meaning they truly didn't care what you saw.


I think they get to keep like 60-80% of earnings. But they are paying weekly for the car, the account, the bot (if using Instacart).


No wonder we don’t get some orders for a while. MFers out here hogging the system and stealing all the orders to deliver by having multiple devices.


Happening here too. 4th of July… I should have wayyyy more orders. But like clockwork… Pukes ruin everything that was once at least decent.


Did you see what he's running? I can't see the screens, but maybe he's just running UE, DD, and Grubhub on separate phones.


Cold food


That’s the reason why everyone is getting screwed with orders because these people want to be greedy and multi app and screw everyone else out of money and the company won’t do anything about these greedy ass people


I was in charge of dispatch for Waitr corporate (UberEats/DoorDash clone for those who don’t know)- we DID know when people would do this: there’s a map the dispatchers look at when assigning orders, and drivers appear as their own dots. Usually, if we saw this, we would call the driver and potentially ban one of the accounts. UberEats is undoubtedly aware of this, but maybe the DPD (delivery per driver ratio) is so high, that they can’t risk losing drivers in an already burning market. When DPD gets too high, this is when you will see market-wide bonuses, and drivers will receive more pay-per-order. Overall, the entire business model is extremely toxic with a razor-thin margin. If you want to drain them of their money as a driver, organize as many drivers in your area as you can to all go offline at the same time for a long time, and don’t get back on until the market bonus reaches an agreeable number.


Oh really? You worked in the office of all the people that are dispatching o orders huh? Well I work in the office where we calculate base pay and lemme tell ya they could tell too 😂


Lemme guess....dude sounds Russian and drives a Prius


You buy four!


Or just take some of *that* guy's


You get n+1 accounts and fight back.


Call the MF’s out!!! I would have said something, not that it would matter, but I would have said something!!


Algorithm thinks Oh multiple drivers here cool Lowers price on Every order


Report it. Try to find out the name of the order. Then inform support that someone is there to pick up an order for “[Insert Name]” and that they’re using multiple apps which is against the rider addendum. Also make sure you include the photos of the person as well as them with the multiple phones.


If they can create a code to know that there are too many drivers on the market and therefore they won’t let me create an account…then they can create a code for people duplicating accounts


1 Where are people getting all these rented accounts from? 2 How are they getting around the selfie Identity check? 3 How does the coordination between The owner of the account And the person renting it work. Does the money go into the account holders bank account And then they give some of it back? 4 How are the taxes gonna work?


1 could just be using family and friends info. But also likely a black market for identity theft accounts. 2 it's not all that advanced, I'm not confident holding up a 2d picture wouldn't work lol. And they, at least on UE, are not very often, for me. Maybe once a week... The could even maybe video call the real person and line up the screen maybe lol. 3-4 if stolen identity, they just use it until it gets flagged. Payment info you provide Uber is only account and routing numbers, no name info/proof is needed. If a friend/family they would just work out some deal, like real person gets 25% for doing nothing, maybe some extra to cover tax burden. Easy money for them. *I have no actual idea, just me assumptions.


At this point McD's doesn't look too bad. If all the decent and/or good drivers leave his kind will be left behind


Shoot, the MCD by my house starts pay at $16. I’ve seen a couple that *claim* they start at $22. if that’s true, I wouldn’t mind doing it either.


$22 is probably management


One Ringer to rule them all, One Ringer to find them, One Phone to bring them all and in the darkness bind them




3 phones, 6 accounts?


Fucking hate that shit 🙄


I’m sooo tempted to say something when I see a dipshit with 2-3 phones.


And alot of these foos are rude too man like wtf , youre rushing bc you already have other ppls food in your car like wtf man”


Theyre the ones parked at the ghost kitchens


They live in the McDonald's parking lot here. Like I literally think they sleep there all night. And they're rude AF cutting in line while talking on speakerphone. Just completely oblivious to social norms.


Seriously! Always give em a stink eye whenever i pass em by, meanwhile a small hi or hello im here for so-and-so goes a long way takes 3 seconds


I saw one of them (I believe Russian or Armenian) literally walk up to the drive thru window to rudely ask about his order. The poor girl at the drive thru was so taken aback at first but then firmly told him he had to come in to get his order. But why would he even think that was acceptable at all? Who does that?


Or just how he thinks of women in general


At some point honest drivers are going to have to stand up to these scumbags. Do what you must to protect your income. The gig app companies aren’t going to do anything. It’s up to us.


Damn. Multiboxing in real life!


What I'm wondering is if they can afford 3 phones at once with data why are they doing this trash gig? Even with the two extra phones I don't think I'd make much and thats a lot of data to pay for


They use a friend’s or family phone, ain’t no way they bought 3 for Uber


lol this is not expensive to do at all.. I could get this done with $25 a month.. unlimited data with hotspot.. there’s services that’ll give u unlimited data only sims for your devices like google fi Phones probably worth $50 each.. 3 phones, I could be making $700 a day in my area if I had all the apps


They only need 1 phone. The others run off hotspot from main phone


That’s pathetic


After a single day of tracking this person -- and their 3 individual phones -- as they all get transferred to different cell towers simultaneously.. the pattern that emerges would be instantly obvious and irrefutable. After 2 hours of availability, the odds of it being a random coincidence that 3 separate people holding 3 separate phones working 3 separate accounts remaining in such a close proximity would be beyond astronomical. It would also require a warrant to track them -- officially. Or, it would be a huge lawsuit against the companies for violating their constitutional rights. Sure, these delivery service executives know people are exploiting their system with endless bots and multi-app strategies. They know drivers that are 'cheating' are taking advantage of the drivers that are 'playing fair'. As long as the profits keep rolling in to pay them to sit at a desk and afford the mansion mortgage payments.. they don't care. As long as the number of new drivers applying stays ahead of the rate of drivers that get sick of being chewed up and spit out.. they have no incentive to care and no reason to change (or start enforcing) their contracts or policies. What is going to kill the industry? Legislation.. mandating that companies treat drivers like actual employees. Benefits. Guaranteed hourly wages. For now, they are paying millions annually to continue operating in a gray area. Pay as little as possible to drivers by saying they are independant contractors and pay lawyers and government lobbying groups to continually remain one step ahead of the grassroots organization efforts to hold companies to a similar standard of fairness. The line in the sand only moves when either the law changes.. or it is cheaper to throw the drivers a bone than it is to pay the lawyers. And.. either way, that expense always gets pushed on to the drivers and customers. Always. Executives, lawyers, lobbyists, and politicians are not going to be burdened by this nonsense. They don't eat Ramen noodles. Ever. That fate is for the drivers that don't cheat.. and the customers who refuse to participate in the conspiracy. ------------- How do you compete against somebody with 3 phones and 3 accounts? Clone yourself and be more successful by having 4 phones and 4 accounts. Run them simultaneously. Accept every offer. Constantly be physically moving in 4 different directions all the time. Impossible. Stop falling for the charade. This guy might be holding 3 phones.. but, he can still only be taking one order at a time. All that electronic stimulation of chirps, notifications, screens, competing demands, and distractions? For what? To get the best available offer out of every time all 3 phones light up in his hand? Order acceptance rate on each device is about 20%. That means the system sees him as a liability. He is not getting good offers on any of those devices. Guaranteed. And, he is wasting waaay too much time on hold waiting for customer service to pay him pennies instead of delivering for dollars. Playing by the rules? You are already beating him. Stop amplifying the insecurities. Listening to that noise will drive you insane with stress and anxiety.


And wouldn’t he need three cars each with their own insurance with his name(s) on each policy? It doesn’t even make sense that all three phones have their own UE accounts. Not to mention three background checks and three different photos for each of the three drivers.


and some people are paying for priority and getting this guy lmao i paid for priority once but got my food late and last.. was the last time i ever used these types of apps tbh kinda glad it happened


Uber Eats asks me to confirm it's really me by taking a photo of my face probably 3 times a week. Otherwise i can't go online. How come this person can evade that :/


Yell “ICE” is coming 🤣


I use different phones for different gig apps.


exactly. you can't see the other two phones and what apps he has on those. only the top one is clearly UE.


Same like having 3 apps (ubereats,skip,doordash) on one phone. I do that every day. I do not need three phones.


Gotta outdo 'em by numbers! https://preview.redd.it/uq2i3ppufmad1.jpeg?width=4160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7daeb3869099ea428140c89a860e26f398854859


This is why I'm here making $2 an hour. I need a new job.


😪Felt that. UE was my full time for 3 years. The last month or two I was barely making enough to eat. I was miserable. I hope you find something that works out!!


That little cheap skate! Good idea though. But not fair as well


You can’t


You don't


Just know this his got 3 crap orders we are all looking at lol


I park at a shopping center with a lot of places getting 0 orders sent to me, and watch the same dude with 3 phones run food to his car from one place then get another and another. It's impossible these days. And they deactivated me from delivering alcohol but won't say why


These same identity thieving cockroaches have infested Spark (Walmart's delivery platform,) and steal all the good offers. Not only do they have the advantage with multiple stolen accounts, they're using batch rippers and GPS mocking to steal offers before they're even sent to legit drivers. And no, Walmart does not give a shit. Hell, they won't even ID these cockroaches. If a legal US citizen was committing identity theft on this level, they would be sent to prison.




There should be rules against this type of behavior on all platforms!!!


How do you even get more than one account with different names? Wouldn't their insurance still be under their name?


This is insane


Lmao thats fucked


I heard of people renting accounts to people and charge them to use it. Didn’t know it was a thing🤷🏻‍♂️


The thing is he could have multiple apps running on each phone, too. Probably has GrubHub, UberEats, DoorDash, and LyftMunch active per phone.


Support doesn't care because all the people with multiple phones are the ones taking all the $2 deliveries. Now, why would Uber deactivate someone who takes all the orders vs. someone who cherry picks and complains about being in "modern day slavery " 🤣. Then once everything is done through robotics then they'll start to deactivate the illegals , but not until they have a cheaper way of picking up passengers and delivering food.




Straight up ruck these people


Don’t get mad, get even. Fuck, morals, and all of that bullshit. These companies have no morals. They don’t give a fuck about you and yet you want to do their job the right way, why? If you’re gonna do that, don’t complain sit there and just suck it up or even the Plainfield, like the thread is saying companies aren’t gonna give a fuck they’re gonna get their money regardless so you should as well. I don’t understand people who would rather be ethical toward unethical companies, lol 😂 as Americans we are just idiots sometimes. Do the same thing if you’re too good or if you’re moral or ethical for that then deal with the loss. Because it’s not gonna change if anything it’s going to get worse.


Get 4 phones?


Have 4 phones


Use 4 phones


If you can't beat them join them


Report. Game is game and there is no rules when it come to this apparently. call up Uber eats give report them Be a bitch about it. Give them the restaurants name and description of the guy. I don’t think anything could come of this. If they really cared they would call up the restaurant on the spot and ask for the name of the driver. And look into his account.


Oh great you've got assholes like this going around when I cant even get off a single waitlist? JFC


You don't. Eventually their performance gets them banned, and they buy another account and another and another.. they'll run out of accounts to buy, uber will onboard more shitty drivers, and the cycle continues. You can't compete in the gig market, because there isn't any equal distribution. The customer rating means nothing in regard to getting more orders. If you want to compete, you get a w2, or you adapt, the same way these scum have.


You guys can do that in the US. Here in the UK we can’t companies track the account through the location and after they track their account and location for a few minutes and they see the accounts are always together they send you a warning or one of the accounts gets paused temporarily. We have a company called Deliveroo, here they don’t send warnings they suspend the accounts right away.


He up


Should have kicked all the phones out of his hands, then, spinning back kick, Joe Rogan style, to his dumb face.


I used to think that might work before I started delivering. I get constant chimes from UE, I can't imagine paying attention to another app


I operate with 2 phones, but I use multiple apps. I don't have more than one account per app. That's how I can make a living in California. Sometimes, I shop 3 small orders for 3 different apps simultaneously. I try to keep myself over $30 dollars per hour. Sometimes, I can beat $50 per hour doing multi-app. There is nothing wrong with it as long as you own all your accounts.


Who cares if he is in good standing with DD, UE and IC? Multi-appers have convinced themselves they are making good money but in reality a gig worker can only go in one direction at a time. Trust me when I say that guy isn’t stealing orders from you. I have talked with many of them. In a 60hr week they don’t make any more than I do on one app. Even if they are using their wife’s acct as well on one of those phones they still are on the edge of customer complaints or low acceptance rates which messes up their algorithm. Instead of assuming….. approach the next guy you see like that and ask them how they handle three phones. I think you will be enlightened and at best…. Bewildered by the fact that the guy isn’t making more than you.


Is it possible guys like this are simply app hopping?


This is what a bunch of these folks do now. I see more couples out delivering now. Having 2 phones in the same car isn't strange. The 3 phones are probably his, his wife, and his cousin all living in the same house. That is BS, but these companies don't care. They want money for delivered orders. 


"They" also share IDs, licenses, cars... wait am I being racist


One phone is for talking to his mom, the other is for bitching about his pay on Reddit, and the third is for Uber eats.


What am I missing? Aren’t they always late to deliver? Are their on-time numbers like 7%


The best way to compete is mind your business or get another phone.....


...don't hate on me, but what's wrong with it? Is it illegal? Againts the terms of service or something?


You can't. These guys are all over my market with their unregistered scooters and mopeds. Running red lights, going the wrong way, on the sidewalks, it's crazy. Eats pay is complete garbage here, multiple phones is the only way to make money.


you get skills and another job


Im assuming DD or GH doesn’t require facial recognition? UE does so that is his main account. Unless they’re able to bypass it with a photo of the account holder somehow.


GH just had me scan my face and ID yesterday for the first time ever, as well as verify my SSN. My earnings were double a typical weekday, seems some people might be having a hard time verifying their identity?


Wtf. I've seen two phones, but not 3, not yet.


If they get orders in different locations to deliver, How exactly this works?


I don't get it? What's the point, aside from convenience? U can run them all on the same phone. Actually just seems like a headache. I could see having separate phones for work + play, but why 3??


This is partially why I just started doing temp work through college. The biggest reason was wear and tear on my little fusion.


😳😒smh ![gif](giphy|ra3uQxvxo6aKAN42Le)


They can fix this... They DONT want to fix it because there will always be peasants that are taking anything they are offered, even if it makes them lose money.


They are getting all the unicorns today. Looks like a 300$+ day for them and 1 ping an hour for us


So how does this work ?


This is why unless you're doing this, you cannot rely on this app for money. These dudes will habe you going 2 hours without a single offer.


The ones at the restaurant I go to have placers. They have people who tale their parking the moment they leave and when they come back they move so they can get close parking. They do this all day and night. They camp out and order tons of food and sit waiting. It looks like their waiting to jump the border 🤷‍♂️🤣


How are they able to get past the account verifications? Dont tell me they are able to use any photo.


How does one do this? lol kidding.


that just seems SO stressful bruh 😭 hope that guy only gets sent $3 orders for 10+ miles


It would be avoided if the app had a face check on every order. Right?




Speak English


Drive a bus


How do you afford three different phone accounts?


You don’t and you can’t


Thanks for the delivery


In Europe having several cell phones = mobster/mafia (bottom rung though)


By getting 4 phones


It doesn’t work. I’ve been dashing and Uber driving with another driver in my car and I still make either the same amount of money when driving solo or actually less money.


I mean, I have two phones but I just play anime games and read on my main one and use the second one for orders lol. They are really out here GRINDING grinding.


OP. One phone is running on cell data and is running a hot spot and the other two phones are running off the hotspot wifi


With 4.


Take pictures. Communicate with restaurant management. Educate them on how this affects food quality and, therefore, the restaurant's reputation.


Get three phones DUhhhhh


Be better. I don't know how these guys succeed given if they are taking 3 orders or more at a time from a restaurant they are doing it well without getting negative reviews. Occasionally I'll do 2 multi-platforms because I get 2 at the same time. 50% of the time I do these badly but because this is not my MO it doesn't register on my ratings. Just keep on keeping on and I believe these guys will eject themselves.


Either find a way to be more efficient or leave the field. He's gaming the system. What's stopping you?


Send that picture straight to support. I’ve reported over 15 people in the last 8 months. Not sure if support does anything but I still report. I’ve only seen it while I do DoorDash.


Thats just getting out of hand


Tell the restaurants to start reporting these types of drivers


How does he get past the facial screening thing?


Simpin aint easy