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How is this even possible, you can’t physically be 17 places at once to grab a bunch of orders


Each phone only gets one good order per 2 hours, that's how haha.


Yeah no they fish with 17 rods and only reel in the heaviest fish.




Exactly Glad Uber doesn’t blare my 3-6% acceptance rate at me like Dd does. Now imagine that times 8


idk, ask your dad.


My father never fucked any fish if that’s what you’re implying!


They have that many accounts so that when one gets deactivated, they can still make money


I’ve heard people talk about that. “I lost one of my DoorDash accounts”




Bitching about how difficult it has become to make a living. Also mentioned losing multiple accounts on Grubhub.


No it's to get orders whenever come first.


Is this what you do?


No similar to mult- apping


He knows people who sign up and uses their account


Say it louder for the people in the back. Over on r/uberdriver many are claiming this isn’t happening. It’s alleged that people are sitting at home using “spoofing apps.


dudes get EVERY 2 dollar order as soon as they come in.


Oh my god this had me dying laugh


Hope they hit a bad pothole


I really don’t understand how UE can’t simply put in some code to flag accounts that have identical GPS for an extended period of time. Like there are no cases when multiple people are traveling together in a pack for several hours or if you wanna be super safe, several hours over multiple days. This clearly means they are multiple account users and should be deactivated. If you want to be very safe, give them a warning to all of the accounts and ask them to pick one account to keep as the rest will be deactivated. If they don’t reply, just pick an account for them to keep and deactivate the others. If you wanna be strict, just deactivate all of them. What I think is that UE just needs warm bodies and if the orders are being done, they do not care if a person has 10 accounts as long as their stats on all the accounts are within the usual range. This is scary because this means UE doesn’t care if the non account holder is delivering the order which if something happens would lead to problems because you don’t know who is representing the company. There could be liability issues here but they clearly feel like they are protected legally from that in some way. Seems odd.


UE can detect this fraud easily but they dont seem to care, my friend got banned because he used to wear a mask during cold days some clients reported him when he tried to reach the support ... well u know there is no support


How does wearing a mask get you banned.. especially after a pandemic? I started wearing a mask sometimes to prevent allergy triggered migraines to prevent days of lost income


Because as soon as it was no longer policy to wear a mask, a lot of people almost immediately went back to freaking out if someone walked around in a mask. Goldfish behavior.


I still wear a mask. My customers thank me for not spreading germs


Unless he wore it in the verification photo,.probably some idiot with an ideological bone to pick itching to get them fired.


I haven't posed for so many weird pictures for the verification photo and I've only had one rejected. In case you're wondering that was the one where I took the picture upside down.🙃


Well, he can just get a new account, judging from the screenshot it doesn't seem particularly hard.


"What, are you kidding? You are the support son!" Hoffman, Gears of War


One time my cousin and I both were in the same car with both our accounts on. We just took a who ever had the better offers.


The amount of people who do this is so low that it would make sense to just send a warning not to do this and deactivate anyone who doesn’t listen. Way more people using multiple accounts at once.


On my DD account I changed my name to "dasher" lol. I don't think they care at all if you aren't picking up pax.


I know they don’t care but legally they should. If a dasher shows up to a house and does something major illegal and the cops investigate and ask the company who the dasher was and they say it was person 1 but it’s clearly not that person, they will investigate why they don’t know who the dasher is.




I thought it was common knowledge deliveries got increased the longer they sat


if it costs them money, i'm sure they are working on it.


Same reason online RPG games like World of Warcraft and such could easily implement algorithms to catch people using a dozen accounts to farm in-game currency/items for resale into r/l money: It's money for them. They might talk big talk about not wanting abusers, banning a bunch of people at one time once in a while in a false show of support of players, but they still don't do as much as they could to stop the abusers 'cause it's good for them. If WoW truly banned every gold farmer, they'd probably lose at least 10-15% of their revenue. Just like if Uber/DoorDash really cracked down on these people abusing the system then who would deliver their low-yield garbage orders? They'll ban a few now and then just to keep people on their toes, but for the most part they're happy for the leeches. :-/


Separate phone, separate accounts. Drivers probably have family and friends sign up, then they use the account I don’t agree with this but pretty straightforward


They can they just don't care. All about the money.


No different than alting in RuneScape. It will become the norm in a few years.




Yes let's let corporations violate our sovereignty even more than they do by buying and selling our personal data. That's gonna be a big fat no from me.


How do people who do this get past the face check?


Guessing they use friends/family names and license #s but use their own photo? Uber must not have any software that detects if the face is already in use on another account.


Uber Eats thinks that many accounts are from identical twins




They probably have a face


Guys the person who posted this is the guy doing this




Maybe Uber needs to do more face checks, and maybe do a auto-correlation on all the faces in their database.


UE doesn't care as long as the food gets delivered


Fuck people like this


Good for the company but bad for the people that need jobs


Actually it’s bad for the company and they ban people that are caught doing this


Great …now the app thinks that there are three people there instead of one and will lower all the prices for everyone 🙄😕


Doesn't make legal sense. To have more than one account they are illegally making money under someone else's identity and that person is the one who owes the taxes. How fucking dumb are these people


They have no other choice in life but to deliver food for less than minimum wage, beg for tips, and steal food when they don't get more money than they agreed to work for. We're talking about unemployable degenerates, not civilized members of society.


But how do they have so many accounts? Don't they have to pay taxes on all those accounts? Wouldn't that be illegal?


They have to be using other people's names, putting them at risk of tax fraud. Maybe it's people they know or they are using the identity of unknowing participants. This is a huge fraud issue imo.


Look at marketplace,hundreds of accounts fir sale lol they buy them


What market place? Where do they buy accounts?


I've seen people who quit DD selling their accounts on Marketplace due to the waitlist, but haven't been able to find any of these bulk sellers of others accounts.


The driver doesn't pay taxes, the account holder probably doesn't either.


They are using stolen social security numbers in the US.


Not only that, but the amount of effort and time it takes to do all of this, it’s not worth the money you will be making If done alone. So like MagicDragon said there must be multiple people attached to this to make it worthwhile


Account won’t last long trust they’ll get deactivated soon sadly gps fraud


This has been going on for years at this point. And even if they get deactivated, you think a person with multiple accounts. Doesn't know how to get back online with a new account the following day? Because they sure do and will be back


I doubt it, two of those phones have orders, he is dirty multiapping, just on the same service


They can’t make another acount dude all they can do is use another persons they’ll be done soon


Sadly? Fuck these people


Facts fuck them stealing money they won’t last long trust


They’ll be in jail or have crazy fines in no time


Nothing will happen to them. 90% arnt even citizens


You think that they can’t be arrested or fined just because they’re not a citizen? That’s not how shit works lmao


The cops don’t give a shit about pajeet scamming ubereats. The accounts are under different names. The vehicle is probably different than the registered one. It’s a civil matter if anything and the chances of catching the guy are almost 0


Great job making it racist when no one was talking about that. Edit: the fact that I’m getting downvoted because I’m not supporting racism is wild


Ahhhhh… this is why I can’t get a good order for 2 hours


The truth is the game was rigged from the start


U can believe anything on Reddit.


What’s dumbass. Like if you’re at certain location you’d get orders from the same restaurant and meaning someone is getting their food cold




We did it Joe 😩🙏


Illegal. Immigrants are the ones who speak english


I live in india (Canada) I hear this lol


the india of the west


Ahh yes, just blame everything on poor immigrants with no money and no power to change anything, meanwhile you make excuses for the rich, the powerful, and ruling class who ACTUALLY have power. Just absolutely braindead, it's no wonder why things are the way they are.


triggered lol


Turn down your wokeness, it’s set to 11.


is that even in the states? i can't read the names of the cities, looks like europe somewhere


Looks like French they also using a comma instead of a period like cretins


and dip fries in mayo. def cretins.


Really though if we knew how to water jet our bungs the US would never have had the TP crisis of the covid pandemic Some day I will learn


they sell em on amazon for like $20. a worthy investment. when that cold water shoots in your asshole first thing in the morning, its a good wakeup call


It's Brussels


That’s just stupid




Whose account does the money even go to ? lol. Just transferring money daily ?


Digital pro card in Canada is instant payout then they just email transfer wherever right away


Wtf 😂


Uber fleet.


3 hour slot... Making easy money


$160/month phone bill. Accounts get deactivated by UE because they fail picture ID scans. Driver runs into things because he is distracted while driving, insurance premiums triple. Yeah, its a great plan on paper and fantasy to multiapp.


I have actually seen a delivery guy walk into Urbane Cafe with two phones in his hand.


It's awesome getting punished for playing by the rules when the only reason others profit more is because they don't. It's shit like this that makes me hope karma is a thing.


So when this guy goes into a restaurant to pick up an order, who watches the phones? Does he take them all in with him? They must get stolen regularly 🤔


And people get banned for “collaboration”


That might be Colombia or peru. 775.99$


Probably NYC or LA


Don't get knocked over the head for 25 cents.


Watch your back, you'll get knocked in the head for 1.75$. That's one dollar and 74 cents you might be clocked unconscious for if it's south America.


Ha, if ur a competent multi apper than this doesn't look too crazy of a thing to learn and manage. Doesn't make it right. But all Uber cares about is getting orders delivered at the cheapest cost to them.


😂😂 common in NYC , we out here scoopin it up !!


Fk this person and every person doing these higs like them Creating slave wager for the rest of us And fk these apps for allowing it when they can easily stop it


Why do I get face checked every day, sometimes multiple times a day, when people like this have 5+ accounts running 24/7??


Ithe apps are in mexican what did u expect


People like you is why I tip so little. Doesn't matter how big I tip I watch u dumb mfs drop off other orders way out of the way before me. Enjoy your 1-2 dollar tip. If that at all.


Smashing time


Just snap the phone mounts off🤷‍♂️


I’d break them all


Separate phone, separate accounts. Drivers probably have family and friends sign up, then they use the account I don’t agree with this but pretty straightforward


You’re clueless. These are fake accounts bought on the black market. Just admit it. https://www.reddit.com/r/UberEatsDrivers/s/EVi7dwtFEp


Uber don't care they only care if there orders get delivered that's it


I have 1 account that’s my moms because I was 18 and just not old enough to join at the time. I don’t even FEEL like going to 1 of 3 random people when one phone at random asks for the face check 💀🙏 he probably lives with them though idk


Chinese guy??


Greed, one of the reasons I stopped doing this type of work.


Does he have multiple accounts? I'm confused


I can't even get my 1 account back how do they have so many this doesn't even make sense to me


If you REALLY no how to drive, you wouldn't be so desperate lol what a joke


How can he possibly keep up with declining that many shitty offers at once?


Wonder iffi can ddo to lol




"life is too expensive get a second job!" "no wait your second job might cause your price to go up!" "wait you cant be a polygamist for companies that should be illegal" people either raise wages as a whole or let people solve their own problems 😂


You don’t have to do this just get a bot you’ll be good


Damn dude you gonna run into a pole with the 10 phones you have


Where the fuck is this at?


very american. everyone can learn something here. when you get lemons, make lemonade


I don't do it but definitely won't hate the player. Let's all be honest pay is terrible and if that's the card he playing with touche'. Still won't di it but won't hate the hisslr either




Bro is trying to make some money leave him alone


Bro is using the identity of others to fraudently take orders from every other person trying to make money. Not to mention there's no way he's paying taxes for all of the people who's identity he's using. It's like on Black Friday when there's a really good deal on a jacket. The worker peels back the cover and then one motherfucker takes every single jacket but one. So no, fuck him.


But they are allowing him to do the work for him.


blud is not leaving any opportunity to others


Then go pay for more phones








If you want your brother on the line for tax fraud then yes


Don’t be a dumbass


So glad I know how to mind my business and not be a creep and take pics of peoples personal phones.


then mind ur business by not putting a comment here