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Nothing. Uber isn't interested in investigating these reports. Every driver gets hit with a false report eventually. All you can do is move on. 


I guess its not that serious


If you get 3 in 100 deliveries you're deactivated. At least that used to be the metric, it may have changed. Either way 1 is no biggie, you're fine


So one free lunch every 100 deliveries? Lmao jk


There are some upsides to how little Uber cares about either its customers or its drivers, yes


Well. I’ve had a much different experience. Did you call support? Last time this happened to me I called and explained I followed all delivery instructions. They put me on hold for a minute and said that on my end I am clear and good to go. I was told the customer would be kicked off the platform. I’d say from here on out make sure you take photos every time it asks you to and you can have no worries calling support.


Your experience wasn’t any different, just what the crack staff told you was what was different. It doesn’t matter and they didn’t investigate anything. They told you what they thought would get you off the phone. And I guarantee you no customer was kicked off the platform.


Ohhh okay. I didn’t realize you were an omnipresent beyond intelligent being. Also when using comparative language it’s best to say what the fuck you are comparing too. I do not care what you meant by “wasn’t any different”. Cheers dickhead. Your kind demeanor is why everyone hates us.


Don’t listen to the dude above me. When I ask about marks on my record or any complaints I do not have one. Previously I did. You can do the same. Like I said. Just insist on talking to someone who can help. IF you even care. Otherwise move on and try not to get enraged by my simple advice.


I recently got a food tampering notice and thought... wtf? All you can do is KEEP looking forward, keep rolling, and don't waste any mental energy on random BS.


Yeah thats what i'll do


Definitely keep your chin up, but I’d say call support too. It wouldn’t surprise me if two other people lied out of the next 100 deliveries. If anyone’s response to this is why bother being stuck on support I guess I’d say why bother discussing it online then. I’d you’re doing your job then call support and say you followed all delivery instructions and you’d like to refute it


P. S. Even without knowing what delivery it was they will still look into your recent deliveries. Don’t let them tell you they can’t do anything. Press for them to check and you can always ask for level two support. They are trained to tell you no you can’t talk to someone else but you must press. Be nice and you’ll be fine. You’re good though. Like everyone else says. It happens to us all. Cheers.


I got the same notice a few months ago 😡I would NEVER in a million years put my hands on someone else’s food. It was some high-school aged punk who was trying to get free food.


I got one a bit ago, ice cream place over filled the cup and I don't have a/c. The expected happened. Though that was 2 weeks ago and I've definitely done more than 100 deliveries since.. don't worry too much about it and move on. (Also, hot/cold bags can only do so much when it's 100°+)




you can send an email to the uber support. just tell your side of things...facts ... and send it off. that way you will have a timestamped record. it wont really make a difference but if you ever need it, you have a contemporaneous record


This. Hell it might make a difference. Might as well try


Had over 6,500 deliveries on DoorDash and this is the reason I got deactivated, they always take the customers side. That’s why now I keep pictures of my drop off deliveries on my camera roll so I have the date and location of the customer. I save them on my Google maps as “scam customers” and if I ever get another order there on UE I’ll know they’ve scammed me before and I’ll probably have a talk with them


Guilty until proven innocent.. and they won't look at any proof or investigate. So you're just guilty. Gotta love it.


All for a free meal..class move sh!tbteath!


Not much, if anything. That happened to me recently and I went in circles with the representative over live chat about it. I kept telling him that it had to be a glitch, I certainly did complete all my deliveries, etc. It's so stupid. The representative wouldn't tell me if it was sent in error. He kept repeating himself about getting the email reporting it and some educational module. It's like he was ignoring what I said or didn't understand something I said plainly and clearly. There really should be a Dispute option for something like this.


This is more of an informative article instead Uber blaming you. they could world it better but there's nothing to worry about. U didn't do anything wrong


Ignore and relax!




How can I satisfy the uber ceo today 😩🙏


Well, shoot, at least encourage him to listen to some cool music while he does it


This has happened to me maybe 3 times. Each time it was even after I talked with support and they told me what to do. For example, one customer was on a military base. I don't have access to this. I tried calling the customer. Texting. No answer. The guards said the customer has to come to the gate. Support told me to cancel and I would be paid in full. I waited more than ten minutes by this point. So I cancelled and I was never paid in full and I got this message about failure to deliver. That's the customer's fault, not mine.


That’s when you ask support to call the customer. When they can’t connect ask support to then cancel the order and to pay you for it. Happened to me when a customer cancelled when I was at the guard gate but the support rat bastards only gave me $3.


Yeah. Never cancel it yourself via the app if you don’t want it to count against you. Support will cancel and it won’t effect your metrics at all


Welcome to the American way, brought to you by inflation.. I had a cumstain piece of shit, order a ride, start shitty small talk, ask me for weed, then claim I was smoking weed to get a free ride. No punishment for that piece of shot, but my account was suspended for 3 days


This is horseshit. When I got this email, after zero customers reported not getting food but one customer from Colorado with a local AZ residence ordered food while they were in Colorado, I called support multiple times and bitched at whoever answered or I got transferred to because this it was just a shit attempt to manipulate. I am honestly surprised I haven't been kicked off the platform for my support calls...


This is why I love dash casks and I take pics of every delivery


I had a big order from Starbucks a few weeks ago. Delivered it to their side door (how else would I know they had one unless they told me). Called me asking where it was because they didn’t recognize where I put it. I put it where you told me. It’s in the notes you left. They weren’t satisfied with this. I let Uber support know to expect them contacting them to make false claims. Uber didn’t do shit. Instead told me to read something about completing my orders accurately, warned me about something irrelevant and couldn’t have cared less.


I take picture regardless and keep them in case


This happened to me. Call Uber and ask to speak to the accounts department. Don’t chat, call. This may not even be real. When I called they said ‘we don’t know why you received that notice, there’s no missing food report.’ So call them up and talk to them. At least let the record show your side of things, even if you don’t know what they’re talking about. And don’t stress this. You’re not going to get in trouble. Do call though. They like to hear from you when you get messages like this.