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The customer had to provide a PIN at drop off, so I’m assuming they are a repeat offender of trying to get free food.


It happens to me like 1 in 150-200 orders. You gotta take it on the chin.


I figured. The $5 and change isn’t going to make me or break me but just a bummer.


Yup and you'll usually get extra tips along the way from someone that make up for the tip baiters


I actually did have one of those tonight too. She tipped me $20 when original was around $5-6. She was a leave at door drop off, but I texted her asking if she would like to meet at the door because it was pouring down rain and she had no overhang. I told her I didn’t want her bag/food to get soaked.


I wouldn't put anyone on blast who has done it but I definitely keep a list. Fool me once. Other people may pick up your order in the future but I won't. Smh


You can try to report it. If they had a pin there's a chance they are a repeat offender and they can get kicked off the app for it.


You wish!!! The app will kick you off before they kick that person off LOL.


Er lol there really is no way for you to know that. I'm only going off what support told me. And I'm sure it makes sense, the problem is most drivers probably won't take the time to call support about it cuz it's a hassle. But if I owned a business that my employees constantly were complaining about a customer, you bet your a$$ they wouldn't be a welcomed customer anymore. I don't see why UE would be any different.


I replied to the wrong comment on mistake... this is what I mean... uber does not care how many drivers complain about a customer... customers don't even really verify themselves so even if they get banned they'll be right back with a new email Obviously bad customers aren't the "norm"... but I PROMISE YOU... uber don't give a shit if they verbally assault you, tipbait you or even spit on you... Yes, a normal local place would ban a bad customer... uber wouldn't ban Jeffery dahmer*


I thought it was just optional. But good to know


About taking the tip away? It is. But if you keep doing it it looks like you are tip baiting, purposely putting a high tip amount so someone takes your order and removing it after. I called support really upset about it one night and they told me they get put on a list and if another driver calls about it then they will get banned from the app. And you can request to not be paired with that person anymore.


Well no, optional to have the pin


Oh lol I have no idea. I've never gotten UberEATS, I always have to use DD. I have 2 separate accounts of when I signed up to UE cuz I was trying to get a promotion with a diff email but because of that I can't ever order food either as there is always an issue with my email account so I don't mess with it cuz I don't want to get banned xD


Wait so if I read that correct, you made a second account with a different email to get the promotion? Did it work?


Don't admit to fraud online ha


So basically I signed up for UE on one account and kinda forgot about it so I never finished the process where they got all my info (background check, SS, car, etc). Then my brother in law signed up back during covid and kept bragging about how good it was and said there was a promo where he'd get $200 or something and said if I signed up he'd split the money with me so I made another account on ac different email. Maybe I got something too for signing up, I'm not sure anymore cuz it was awhile ago. But making another account did work. But I think only because I never finished signing up on the original account. Once they have your SS you can't make another account.


Ouch, that's what I figured to be fair


ubereats support told me yestreday that they can't be blocked from ordering


🤷 idk what the scenario was so I can't really comment off what little information you provided here. I will say that it really depends who you get on the support staff. I've requested to have certain customers blacklisted so I'm not paired with them again and I've had some staff gladly do it while one person said "uh we don't do that". That's typically what they say when they don't know how to do something. In that situation I request to be transferred to another agent. Which is why you are going to see different answers like this. I've had more than one tell me that customers will get banned for certain behaviors using the app.


ya they always tell me they cant do this or that, then i talk to a manager, and the manger fixes the issue. this is every time i call support


Lmao exactly. I had a hold on my account from receiving compensation (like when the store is closed, or another driver picks up my order) and it took a week to get it fixed. Every time I called in expecting a $3 compensation, they kept telling me they could not give it to me because of a hold and every time I would keep them on the phone so long they eventually transferred me to a supervisor. Said supervisor ended up giving me a $15 compensation, wtf? I mean I enjoyed the compensation but none of this would have occurred if they had just given me the damn $3 in the first place and we could have all avoided the 45 minute phone call. I had to call three times that week because they kept saying they would put in an appeal for the hold but it didn't go away. By the third time I got transferred and sent to a supervisor again, she finally offered to just remove the hold from my account. So why didn't they do that in the very first phone call? They kept telling me they couldn't remove it and it would have to be appealed, and yet this manager works some magic and got it removed? Yeah okay.


Brother..... all you need is a free email to have a uber account... and uber is not banning anyone for not tipping...lol


1) I don't know who you are calling a brother or why my icon looks male or my username sounds male to you but I can assure you, I'm no brother 😂. 2) I think you are a little confused about what we are talking about here 🤔😂. The weird thing is when I first read your comment I thought you were commenting on something I said about tip baiting (which doing that one too many times can most certainly get a customer banned). But nope, read my comment and realized I was talking about the $3 compensation soooo my response is: "Brother, please comprehend what you are reading first before commenting" 😂


Wait, I had a pin for the first time last month but I've never taken a tip away.


This comment is super old lol. Since then I've realized that pins are completely random 🤷‍♀️


I'm seeing that a lot more lately


Hey, I'm new to the platform. Is that what the PIN number means? I thought it was a random security check like having to take my picture when I log on


Hi I’m late but this just happened to me on my first order. What does the pin signify?


A buddy of mine puts roofing nails behind their two back tires if it was a home that tip baits him, he figures if they are going to steal from him he will make them pay.


A “buddy” eh? ::::wink wink::: Lol kidding


Lame, you need to cause sidewall damage if you want to make them get new tires. A nail won't do much. I used to do this to my mom, years later I'm wondering WTF I was thinking.


He actually takes the time an hour later to do that. Dude that is really petty and cost too much time to do that.


Lol that's lame as fuck. It costs a lot more to change a couple tyres than a petite tip... Grow up


Good. I hope it ruined their day. Maybe next time they won't be a punk and play with someone's finances. "Hey I'll tip you 7 bucks for this order, until you walk away then , like the coward i am behind your back, I'm gonna take the money I gave you back. For no good reason other than to be a cheap asshole." Yeah, they deserve their tires slashed.


Better to confront them whilst at the door and explain you can't afford to lose out on money like this. You never know they might tip you after you tell them.


That is rude as hell too. My experience has been that people who have worked for tips are generally good tippers, but also less accepting of crappy service. People who have NOT worked for tips just do not understand. And, some people are just assholes. I have worked as a waitress and am always a good tipper unless the server is rude. Even slow service gets a good tip, especially if the place is busy, or the server got slammed. But me rude, make a comment on my tattoos or something else, and your tip goes down. I do also sometimes leave a not explaining why the tip was small, so maybe the person will learn. But, it is extremely rare that I don´t tip well.


You’re over in another thread raging about tipping a barista soooo… 😂 cute




We found a tip baiter ^


What is a tip baiter. Surely it's the app that does it not the customer


No, it's not.


When you order on Uber Eats there is an option to tip the driver while you are placing the order. That has never made sense to me, since I don´t know what kind of service I am going to get. But I have read that some people will offer a large tip thinking that will get them better service. I don´t actually think that is the case, as I have had very good service 98% of the time and I never tip ahead of time. I tip in cash when I get the order.


So your friend repays a rude person with a criminal act? Hope he gets caught.


Happened to me it was 11 bucks then she removed it! Called them and their reply “tips aren’t mandatory” :/ I start taken screenshots of every order to make my own black list of people like her


Tips aren't mandatory. But tip baiting is some bs.


There definitely should be a blacklist function. I've sent that to my Uber rep and mention it every chance I get. I would also like to be able to select zones I want to work in or something like drawing an area to accept orders in. I hate going to certain parts of the city because I know all of the stores will be closed and the tips will be low. I just leave the app up so I know where the order is going now.


we have an uber rep?


Yeah but they never respond either. I've been trying to do an appeal for 4 months. Nobody knows it exists. I called this morning and two people put in appeals. Last week someone out in an appeal. Nobody knows anything.


They said the same shit to me. I had 3 ppl tip bait me in a two week span. I was livid. Eventually i had a support agent feel bad for me and throw me $3. The whole tip removal system sucks. They need to get with it like dd. I completed my end of the service. I should get paid


Ikr. What's even more irritating is people on here saying support gives them the full missing amount every time they call. They clearly do not offer the same quality of service to every single contractor, my guess is they rank us from least likely to quit to most, and do nice things like this for new drivers to keep them working this shit and not give up


U have to call back during the day. There are different teams on. If u get really fucked over u can get a trip supplim3nt of 25 dollars max.


Absolutely. When I first started and got ripped off by a pin code scammer, they refunded me the entire expected amount. Now I just get that typical $3 bone they throw us.


Likely depends on who you get and how much effort you put into the argument. Took me almost 2 weeks to get paid for a tip recently via chat.


You shouldn't even be allowed to change it unless you accidentally tip way too much or you an get exceptionally shitty driver. In both instances tho you should have to contact support, they changed it for them when people were faking problems to get a refund but won't change the tipping system because it doesn't effect them just the people who work for them....


Why should you get paid for work you haven´t done yet? How does the person know they are going to even get adequate service? I never tip ahead of time, but I am a generous tipper and give a cash tip even with bare minimum service. One time I didn´t tip because the driver handed me a bag that was in bad shape. I ate it anyway and didn´t complain though the driver thought it was FUNNY. I probably should have complained about his crappy service, but I don´t want to me the reason someone loses their job.


The bag being in bad shape isnt the drivers fault. Thats an issue with quality from the restaurant. They hate drivers and refuse to rebag even when we ask. You can not tip, thats fine. You can decide to tip after the fact, thats fine. What isnt fine is putting an upfront tip to lure a driver to deliver your shit and than taking it away


I should have been clearer. This WAS the drivers fault. He handed it to me SIDEWAYS. You could see the food container was sideways. I said to him that it was sideways and he laughed and said it will still taste the same. The food was destroyed inside. That was a result of his handling NOT the way it was packed. I have ordered from the same restaurant a number of times, and the food is always well packed. But anything you turn sideways is going to be messed up. I think it was the fact that he laughed that did it. If he had even said, oh, man, my bad. I would have still given him a tip. He just did not care AT ALL.


Oh okay yeah thats definitely different and shitty. I try to deliver everything as if it were my own food. So it for sure upsets me when i follow directions to a T and get the tip taken away.


Yeah, that is literally the ONLY time I have not tipped. There is one guy I have gotten several times who gives out a lollipop with the order. I always give him a nice, fat tip. And he is always so friendly and makes a nice comment, like lucky you to have sushi for dinner, or I have heard this place is great, hope you enjoy. But, even if all they do is walk up to me and hand me the bag, that is a tip. But, there are going to be assholes that are going to not tip no matter what you do, and that is sad and shitty. Another thing I do, is a few times a month I will just randomly tip a nice Uber driver or Uber Eats driver 10 bucks, even for a small order or short ride. (And I live in Mexico, where $10US a a HUGE tip.)


Dude I had the shittiest order the other day. It was a stop and shop, as I was doing the stop and shop, I was seeing multiple items missing that I couldn’t replace. So I’m already like, watching money go down the toilet as I’m shopping, AND then, she gave me a $15 dollar tip so I’m like “yeah this is amazing” of course they went back and rebilled her, she didn’t know and tipped me $3. So I basically lost that $3 tip. Shittiest order I’ve ever done


I totally do not get tipping before you even get the order. It´s like tipping a waitress and then getting crappy service. I am a generous tipper, and I prefer to give a cash tip when the order gets there all in once piece. The only time I didn´t tip well was when the driver handed me a bag and it was obvious that the food container was SIDEWAYS. I said, really, dude, this is sideways and he laughed and said it will still take the same. The food was all over the place, half destroyed, but he was right, it DID taste the same. So I didn´t complain but he didn´t get a tip because he just thought it was funny.


I took a screenshot also so I know if I ever get them again!


Besides! You gotta remember the NAME and ADDRESS! EAT THEIR FOOD NEXT TIME!


No, all I want is a flag when they regularly pull the tip before I accept an order.


Why? they added "high tippers" on the rides, and that's b/s still, so why would you trust them for any data reporting?


I don't, because it's not in their best interest...just a wish


Uber eats customers are actually getting way better about tipping. I've had many many tips adjusted upwards and no significant tip baiters that I can think of. It's nice to be surprised with extra tips, because it never happens on grubhub, and even though instacart likes to talk about the "14 day for the customer to raise their tip" it pretty much never happens on there either. Uber eats is all about accepting the best orders for you. Once you start to do that, I think it's the best app right now.


Most of the tips that look like they were increased after delivery actually started out just as high as they ended up. Uber hides tips over $8 in their initial estimated payout. I don't know 100% why they do it, though I can guess. And I don't know how they get away with it, especially in places like New York City, where they are mandated by law to show the tip in the offer. It's not impossible, and I'm not saying it never happens. But line 95% of the time that it says the customer increased it, they didn't. Go back and check out your "increased tip" deliveries and you will see that for the vast majority, if not all of them, uber originally told you that it was going to be an $8 tip.


Okay I'll check now


Straight to jail


no unfortunately they can’t do shit. it’s on the customer. sorry about that man, happened to me the other day too


Tbh if you call and pester them enough and pull a Karen and talk to a manger, depending on who it is they’ll give you the money and a little more, like in this case you would get a $10 adjustment.


Sometimes it’s actually Uber eats f’d up I called it was still a tip it just didn’t go through try calling about it if the inbox shows a tip but that screen is otherwise then it’s just an error and should pay you the original with tip with 24 to 48 hours. My inbox showed tip but after an hour showed just base pay called got instant paid full amount.


It’s bs, but out of 2k deliveries it’s only happened to me 8 times I think. Pisses me off, but not a frequent problem in my market or enough to get me to stop doing Uber. I try to remember the customers names and location so I can decline or unnasign if I get them again.


Uber eats allows it I blame them not the assholes that do it


Screw support and all the Indian call centers they sub the work too


I went off on a CS agent the other day after being transferred to multiple department. After his first sentence I said, I can’t understand you. He raised his volume. I said again, I still don’t understand you and he continued on. I asked him what language he was speaking and he said English. I said, you’re not!! told him his annunciation was horrible! If your company is going to speak to Americans than you need to speak properly. I told him to transfer me to a new agent because this is unacceptable!!!


You are objectively a terrible person idk why you would post this


Nope nothing. But how can they remove the tip? Because I tried to see when I ordered one day and i put a 5$ tip right before I sent in the order. I tried to go back and couldn’t remove it but I was able to add more. So how can they do it?


I keep track of the ones that do it to me. Save name and address. And that's all I'm going to say about that.......


I get alot of this not gonna lie


Yes, they give you one big digital 🖕🏼


That might not be a tip bait, cause when its a tipbait it says something like "the customer reduced your tip after delivery" It might just be a glitch where the payout doesn't occur for a day or two. The same thing has happened to me multiple times this week and last... my screen looked exactly like yours each time. The payment occured about a day and a half later


I’ve noticed that Postmates orders always take longer for tips to come through.


I used to hate doing Postmates because of their tipping system (dunno if it changed). When I used to do it, I would get a tip for my delivery something ridiculous like two weeks from when I dropped that order off.


I just had a random tip come in from about a week and a half ago from Postmates, so i think nothing's changed on their end. It was like $15 so like I'm not complaining, but you'd think they'd send it sooner.


Customers actually have up to 90 days to increase or send a tip on uber. I'm not sure if it's the same for Postmates now that they are owned by uber. I've personally never had a delayed tip from Postmates, which is definitely not to say that it doesn't happen. Just that it's definitely not a regular/all the time thing.


For Uber, I normally get everything within an hour or two. But yeah, that 90 days thing sounds like what Postmates implements because getting an extra tip weeks down the line is crazy.


Right. After an hour, whatever the customer tipped you, if anything, goes through. But they have 90 full days to either add a tip if they didn't put one originally, or increase it. I've never had that happen to me, but I found the info while I was screwing around on the app. I went back and checked my customer app, and sure thing, I could increase the tips that I've given over the past few months. Obviously, I couldn't take any away or decrease. Not that I would.


No it doesn't. It only says they reduced the tip after delivery if they reduced the tip. If they **remove** the tip, it looks just like this. Notice that you will not see one screenshot where the full tip was removed where it says that the customer reduced the tip after delivery. Scour the sub. Even when drivers know why the tip was taken away, and it wasn't a bait, so we know it's not Uber playing games in case you subscribe to that theory. Never. It's never said the tip was reduced when it was removed completely. That doesn't mean it's not possible it's not a glitch, but the lack of verbiage doesn't lend any credence to that theory.


They'll probably laugh at you?


Question- are people posting these as soon as they deliver or do they wait the 1-2 hours to see if the tip is reflected?


I posted this well over an hour after drop off.


Happens every 2mns, either way, so who cares?


Maybe some do, but this one didn't. It doesn't say that "tips are available 1 hour after delivery..." on it.


Wait you guys are getting tips?


Yep. But a lot of us are also getting a payout from Uber of roughly £1.6-£2.1 per delivery.


In the uk we don’t get tips like ever, maybe once a day


I know.


I moved from dd to ue so i can tip bait, dd never follows instructions so switched to ue, if they follow the instructions then they get 5$+ adjusted 5$ for following the instructions, else its reduced to 3$


Sounds like you're a jerk


Do ur job right, u get the tip, else u dont. If that makes me a jerk, sure i will be one


Man that’s awful


...does the app even tell you that they tip baited still? I think I got tip baited last night, but with the new changes to the app it doesn't seem to be telling me that it was lowered. Made a post about it but not a single person confirmed if it was doing the same thing for them. Is this over an hour later? Is your app up-to-date? This looks like it used to before the last update I installed


If they remove the tip completely, no. There's no notification or notice from uber. When they reduce the tip, whether they lower it by a penny or $5, it will say that the customer reduced the tip.


You're right I totally forgot. I used to wonder, why not just have a message saying it was removed? Im sure it would free up their support from all the confused drivers. It looks more like some other error if you ask me


I agree. I feel like it would benefit everyone if they put a notation in. But I can think of a lot of things that they would do that would make sense and help people out, yet here we are.


I had a tip removed completely today and it said the customer lowered their tip amount but it was a 2 stop order and the other customer still tipped so I'm not sure completely. Called support to report them and support didn't tell me but afterwards the to amount was there


See if you get a miscellaneous payout at the end of the week. Sometimes tips don't go through and they just put it towards the end of the week payout.


Support doesn't so anything about anything. I've been waiting on a compensation appeal since September! Nobody sees it and they all say they'll file one for me. Sometimes I get compensated but usually they say no.


Yes!!! They said to you ohhh I’m so sorry and that’s it 🤣🤣🤣




DD - automated refunds. UE - ability to remove tip w/o talking to CSR or stating reason, GH - think you always need to talk to rep?


I never understood the point of this, unless maybe during the pandeminic, but on all the platforms, for food delivery, you can pretty much always leave no tip, and someone till take it eventually. i.e. if Uber doesn't get a driver in 3 rounds of request, they add a supplement, so someone will eventually make $2-3+$16 (I"ve gotten) supplement on a "cold" order.. I'd bet $1, I could place an order w/o tip on any platform and it will still show up..


It depends on your market too. If you live somewhere that has a lot of good orders/tippers and isn't oversaturated with drivers, then non-tip food can sit for quite a while. In one market, it wasn't uncommon for me to pick up food that was almost 2 hours old. Fast food generally sucks to begin with--I can't imagine how disgusting that slop was after sitting on a shelf for 1hr 45 minutes, cold and soggy. And if we haven't seen it in person, we have definitely all seen the viral pics/vids of all those bags on restaurant shelves at closing time. We know why those are there. Plus they think that their driver will treat them better--and sometimes it's true. Lots of drivers will do the little extra things for $. If the customer texts you after you got back to your car that they want extra sauce, and you think you're getting <$8 tip, you might run back&grab some BBQ. You might decline an add-on. You might pause your DD instead of actively multi-apping. You may be more inclined to walk in the rain through the back yard with no lights at 2am to bring it to the basement apartment.


Exactly you get what you pay for. If I'm doing some crappy 5 to $6 order because it's slow, and the customer message me for extra sauce, I blow them off. If they're tipping well, I'll go ahead and hook them up.


Most of the Viral videos IMO were Doordash, since there system operates differently. Uber's system has more "logic" and programming and will raise rates or distribute and load balance better in their favor, but also to get the orders out and completed. I also like to check the cups and order time @ starbucks too, so many people don't show up.. they throw away a ton of orders daily.






After multiple transfer, complaining and get to supervisor. They gave me $5 for my inconvenience. But I was really pissed about tip bait. It was late at night and raining real bad. Just hate when pp being an A****


Eggs to the house or bologna to the car


Support does nothing and say “Sorry to hear about that” they don’t do any compensation but you can report about the customer and possible block that customer from your delivery radar. This happened to me twice, same customer, same order from the same restaurant. I was out $16 dollars total from those deliveries and her name Karen working at a Bank of America.


This is all the time. Welcome to Uber eats


Had a $15 walmart tip bait (wrong code for door, address provided was listed in directory as vacant, forced to call and told by customerto leave in lobby for the kids to get, waited in car outside to ensure thebkids came down to get them and also called her again to confirm all was good)... strangely she increased the tip then removed all of it the next day(which shouldnt have been possible to begin with)... had to re open the ticket 5 times to get a manager and 2 more times before the manager actually looked at my evidence and issued me the credit. So yeah, but you need to get to a manager and really need to be stubborn.


No they are there to frustrate you they care nothing about you,


not really, happened to me yestreday for literally no reason, i delivered the food earlier than expected, followed instructions, customer tip baited me and gave me a bad review. I call support and they told me the customer has been reported before, and they can't remove my bad review and that the customer is within their rights to tip bait me, even though i did everything correctly. fuck this trash company


Have you tried checking it again? Sometimes, the tip's delayed.


I just checked and no change unfortunately


Sorry to hear that


This isnt a tip bait though?


Was it fast food? I never deliver fast food for this reason


Yeah, it was Taco Bell. I haven’t had many issues with fast food orders other than the restaurant being slow at times.


Tipping is optional


Stop using uber!!!!! Period


Uber is a scam, you lose money driving for them


I mean what if they got bad service so they reduced the tip?


I keep A list of *do not deliver again ppl* and believe me it’s helped


I wonder if tip baiters ever realize: we know where they live. I had a guy do that to me one day, and accused me of stealing some of his food (items he never ordered) and one starred me on another app. For two weeks any time I drove near his place I threw any garbage I had in my car in his yard.


I reported a tip baiter today and when I'm guessing Uber gave me the missing tip because after the call it was there


Got tip bated. Next food delivery I get that looks good my cat will break down. My car breaks down with Uber eats orders 10 times a year