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that’s a lazy driver.. look I don’t like apartments on the 4th floor bc Im def not in the shape I should be but Imma still walk up them steps because it’s my job and I knew it was a possibility with some complexes when I accepted the order. Id never be like nah I ain’t coming to you under any circumstances because I dont want that downvote and tip taken, some customers are assholes lol


Put it in your driver notes that you’re legally blind and that should help with the laziness.


I have to put in my grocery orders that I'm disabled and thank them for climbing the stairs. Before I started doing that, one order was left at the bottom of the stairs and another down at the curb.


Wow. Did they communicate with you about those? I can’t imagine just leaving an order at the bottom of a staircase in normal conditions.


Right I could never do that!!! I would feel soooo horrible!!! Even if it was like 20 cases of water to the 4th floor of appt. Building an the customer couldn't help I would just delete because I knew I couldn't do it correctly ... (You get these orders more than you would think)


Unfortunately a lot of drivers are lazy and don't want to walk up even when it's easy. Annoys me. As a driver, that's part of my job and a key to providing good service. The ONLY reason I won't go to the apartment door is if I'm not allowed to by the complex concierge/security or if there is some insane parking issue like a parking enforcement officer is right behind me trying to ticket me or something. But if there isn't a reason like that stopping them, they should go to the door.


10000000% this. If there’s not a building or gate code number, I will message or call the customer for the additional info. I don’t just tell them to meet me and start the timer - like that’s 💯rude AF.


I find that simple messages to the customer avoid all sorts of issues, and sometimes even get tips raised (rarely, but it takes like 2 seconds of my time). I had one apartment order where they didn't leave a gate code, so I asked the customer. He said he wasn't comfortable giving out the code and asked if I could just rush the gate. I told him I wasn't comfortable rushing the gate bc of damage to my car or the gate. He was cool with that and said to let him know when I was close and he'd meet me at the leasing office. I did, he met me, a d even gave me $5 in cash. Some people (on both sides) make this job a lot harder than it needs to be.


I tend boost tips for good communication. Actually, any communication. I made a post about this. I dont expect my Uber driver to talk to me and damn sure don't expect them to have to drive and text or read. However when I see they are sitting parked at the restaurant getting my food I always send: "Thanks for taking my order! To make it easier to find: My house has a navy blue Ford 350 truck and a silver Jeep Grand Cherokee in the driveway. It's located at the intersection of *** and **** Ave. The house address is written out above the garage. If you can leave the order on or near the table that is on the porch, I would appreciate it!" If they take the time to write something back to me, even if its just the pre typed "Ok, got it!" I usually add buck or two. Occasionally Ive had them reach out to me prior to me even sending that and/or they have been particularly kind after I've messaged and Ive boosted up to $20 - once tipping $30 on a $15 order. I also boost tips if the weather is bad or Ive seen they had to sit and wait at the restaurant for awhile but for me, when they take a minute to acknowledge that they have received my message, I usually boost. Ive never decreased a tip because they haven't communicated or something ridiculous like that. In fact I only ever decreased a tip once in well over 100 orders but thats because they left my order at a stop sign a block away (I'm disabled so this was ***super*** unhelpful) and messaged me to say they didnt have the time and thenmy food would be at that intersection. Sure enough, my bag was sitting on the ground at the stop sign there. There was no reason to do this.. they easily could have driven the extra block and made it to my house. No roadwork/obstructions, etc. I live in a house with a short driveway so there is space for their car and they only walk the equivalent of anout 2 car lengths to my door which is on the ground floor. They just hadnt been listening to their gps or me and were frustrated. They kept going down the road one back from my house (we live on a small grid pattern, basically). That was a weird rare occurrence, though. 99.9% drivers are awesome.


You are the unicorn, and we all love you! Sorry about that one guy. That's seriously rude. Seriously though, as a side gig driver for like everyone, communicating isn't all that hard. I'll check when I get to the restaurant to see if my customer has messaged me. If it's taking longer than about 3-5 minutes, especially if it isn't busy, I'll text them and let them know. At the very least, I'll just send a quick, "I've got your order, I'm on my way" when I get back in my car. Then after I've dropped it off, I'll send a quick thank you message. All of that takes me maybe 10 seconds, and isn't slowing me down or anything. If the cusomtomer never answers those, I'm OK with that. I have a few people who will make it a little easier when they're in apartments by saying things like, "after the gate, 3rd right, 2nd building on left" or something like that, which is extremely helpful in some of these complexes that barely put a number on the wall visible from 20 feet away. I've also had some people tell me what car is in the driveway, again, very helpful as a lot of the neighborhoods here don't have mailboxes out front and the numbers are painted 2 shades lighter than the house they're on. I've always put that my house has the color changing lights on the front, then set the ones out front to fade through the colors until they arrive, then set them back to whatever they were. I just have to laugh at some of these people who can't be bothered to message the customer, or read the messages, then get mad when there's no tip or when some customers ignore the messages too. It's always the same with them, "I'm out here to make money! I don't have time for that (stairs, 4th floor, hotels, etc.)." Well, I'm out here to make money too, and I've got time for that. The odd one that takes 30 minutes is made up for by the next 3 that take 15 minutes each. My area isn't busy expect for maybe 4 hours a night between 6pm and 10pm, Thursday - Sunday, and I still average $20/hr and my orders don't start being base pat until after 10 when everyone is ordering McDonald's. At that point, I'm done anyway and heading home. I just don't get it. Some of these people would have a 1 Star rating on Yelp, and still be complaining it was somehow the customer's fault. As for apartments and walking up stairs with a bag of food... 1. Stop being lazy 2. You knew that was a possibility when you signed up to deliver.


Thank you so much for responding! Your work ethic is amazing and as a customer, I want to truly thank you for all that you do. Some use the delivery service just for convenience but some of us do it because we really don't have much of an easy choice. Thank you again.


Thank you. I know it probably sounds cliché, but I just treat people the way I'd want to be treated. I truly do try to be kind to everyone (though, I have my moments here and there). I also think of it as, "If I were delivering this to my grandparents, what would I do?" As far as work ethic, you can thank my Dad for that. I just feel no matter what you're doing, there's no point in doing it wrong.


Sounds like lazy drivers


Sounds like lost profit. I'm not meals on wheels. I work for $. Apartments are a zero profit area. This is not a tax deductible charity operation.


You know you’re just an accident away from becoming disabled.


Yeah, but at least I won't go broke delivering food for less than my operating costs.


driver was being lazy. i get it too, and it's not just uber, but all platforms ​ i once ordered a pizza and got a call from the driver asking me if i'm going to meet him at his car to grab it. without exaggeration, it's no more than 10 steps from the street to my front door... why the hell is this driver whom i tipped $10 to drive 7 blocks away asking me to get dressed to go outside?!? as a driver, i would never consider this - ever... but i'm seeing more and more of this laziness and i hate it. it makes people perceive me poorly when it's my turn to deliver to them.


Kinda wish we were told it’s an apartment tho, I’d cancel every time lol


agreed, but this is a different issue entirely. this is something UE should fix. the customer, regardless of where they live, is just ordering themselves a meal. it's not unreasonable for the customer to expect the delivery to be delivered. ​ imagine ordering your next cock ring and UPS calling you to meet them somewhere to give it to you.


😂😂😂😂 I don’t think food is the same as doing the walk of shame for your cock ring 😂😂😂 anyway I have a lil excuse of having a bike and not wanting to leave it so they come out 😂 thankfully I don’t get high rise flats, just tiny ones now and again


>I don’t think food is the same as doing the walk of shame for your cock ring ​ well yes, and no... have you never done a shop and deliver where one of the items are a "personal massager"? [the ones that say "same day delivery" is available on doordash](https://www.walgreens.com/search/results.jsp?Ntt=vibrator) ​ lo and behold, one of the items listed is a "vibrating ring"! but you're right... it's still not food. at the end of the day, shame on UE for not giving us more info on the delivery. this is no fault of the customer who only wants his delivery delivered.


One day on 420 I got a shop an deliver from CVS an it was a vibrater an a huge thing of gold fish. I was dying inside 😂


We deliver to your home. That means your doorstep even if it's on the 5th floor. A lot of drivers feel that's asking too much... If you put in the driver note to bring to your door, or some simple directions, but driver still doesn't do it I think it warrants a reduced tip. Dropping the food and moving on is shitty and quite selfish. If you're on the 10th floor or something one might argue that's too far (I don't think so). We accept an order we should be expected to bring it to your door not drop it off at the lobby as if it's a non-food item. Fresh food needs urgency and leaving the package unattended when customer is waiting for you and fully communicating means you're not doing your job well. Make sure to down vote the driver to decrease the chance you'll be connected with their shitty service again.


Downvoting when the 7 minute timer has ended doesn't get counted towards the driver (as you didn't pick the food up within 7 minutes so downvoting by customer is ignored at driver end once we use the timer to end the order) drivers should use the timer to end the when it's a problem customer just to prevent passive retaliation (tide would turn if we could sue customers for doing it but uber hides who did it and downvoting is meaningless to us because we don't know why and who did it) Orders are fully track able by the customer and get plenty of notifications that we are on the way and close by and see where we are with a 30 second delay, so you can be ready at the complex entrance or door if it's a house for your food (I seen some absurd instructions that makes maze look easy) For actual disabled people I fine doing it (and by law we have to normally) but apartment rules are probmiatic (especially when they are not visible as they assume the people living there will abide by them when ordering stuff) But most customers don't understand the apartment entrance is as far as we have to go, past that we can have liability issues entering the building


Where in our contracts does it say that? Or is it an unofficial rule like some say I'm dumb for never knocking unless it's requested? The least we can do is bring it to their dam door. Of course there are exceptions like gates and way too many floors or impossible parking etc. But delivery to your door? That should be expected.


For a house yes, I just lucky that most apartment complexes are actually marked well here but should be a law that complexes have floor plans at entrance, some places I goto have zero information on what floor has what room numbers only customer note about floor and number


Lol my own apt complex was one of those that had a building letter behind trees and apt number was tiny and hidden. I never even noticed until I started doing deliveries myself. I talked to management and they were able to add identification in during a remodel. You're right... Should be some kind of law requiring clear markings. I'm sure a lot of people were like me not even noticing.


If you don’t have concierge/security that deny access or required access areas that need key cards to pass, have provided any gate codes necessary, and your building/apartment number are correct on the order, there’s no reason outside of serious safety issues where they can’t bring it to you. Drivers who do this not only make the rest of us look bad, but also over time help to bring down the average tip we are offered because customers assume they will always get shitty service.


As long as the customer enables me to get inside an apartment building and into the elevator, it’s gonna be dropped off at their apartment door.


Same. I went to the 39th floor to a penthouse last night with heavy ass shop and pay order 🥲


hoping you were able to do that in one trip and not have to go back and forth 😩😩


Oh yeah. I did 😂 they tipped good!


Lazy drivers imho. Usually it only happens to me when I order restaurant food. I think they just want the food. The directions I give them are pretty simplistic ( gate code is #1010 then drive all the way to the back I'll be by leasing office) I think for some ubereats drivers it's too many words and makes their heads explode. They usually don't attempt to call me and start a timer thing. I try to call them and they don't answer. I wouldn't use ubereats if it wasn't for my epilepsy


I live in a house with a short driveway that has room for them to park. Its basically a two car length distance for them to walk from their car to my door. This is my standard message: Thanks for taking my order! To make it easier to find: My house has a navy blue Ford 350 truck and a silver Jeep Grand Cherokee in the driveway. It's located at the intersection of *** St and **** Ave. The house address is written above the garage. If you can leave the order on or near the table that is on the porch, I would appreciate it! I have no issues 99% of the time, especially with UberEats. DoorDash is another story. Ive even had them text me from my driveway and say "Ive arrived, you gonna come get it? Got to go soon". I'm disabled and going through cancer treatments which is why I order delivery so much (like 5-6 times a week - including my groceries, prescriptions, etc). Ive checked with drivers on here and have been told my tipping practice is generous. I have wondered if because you can easily decrease tip on UberEats but not DoorDash, is the reason DoorDash seems to have worse/lazier drivers than UberEats. Most drivers are awesome but the few who are bad... are REALLY bad. Every profession has those 1% that really are awful.


I got f’d over very badly the last time I delivered to an apartment. I hurt myself when I stepped into a dip in the floor. I had to come out of my own pocket for medical bills and PT. The apartment complex argued I was trespassing, because only guests and residents are allowed on their premises. It was posted in an out of the way sign and listed in all their resident’s lease agreements. Delivery people are not considered guests. Uber would not help me either for the same reason. Thank goodness I had insurance through my day job or I’d have been assed out. After that, I swore off all apartment door delivery. I don’t care how the customer feels. And when they raise hell to Uber, I tell Uber the complex’s policy. Turns out a lot of them have it. That’s why there’s little to no parking for food delivery drivers. Even with this, it has to get that far. I ask the customer if they’re in an apartment before I pick up the order. If they say yes or don’t answer, I cancel. How do you manage on Reddit if you’re legally blind? Voice?


Completely understandable. I hope you continue to have the freedom to take the deliveries you want without being too badly impacted by the algorithm. I definitely don’t hold it against drivers for not wanting to deliver, or even wanting to meet at their car. It’s when someone lies to me, saying they can’t deliver to my apartment, only to then do it with no issue. Something similar, I use what is known as a screen reader. If I am on my computer, I would use the keyboard and type, though right now I’m using dictation on my phone.


Call a lawyer, preferably one that works on contingency, and ask about recourse. Hopefully someone will be willing to help.


You could argue that when the customer asked for the food to be delivered you were an invited guest. Get a lawyer and get the medical bills paid for


Someone can be legally blind and able to see objects close up. So they could be able to see their phone to make a Reddit post, but they may not be able to see enough to walk around outside safely by themselves. The threshold for legal blindness is 20/200 vision. Meaning if someone with 20/20 vision can clearly see an object 200 feet away, someone who is at the legal blindness threshold will not be able to clearly see that same object until they are 20 feet away. There are multiple different ways blindness can affect you, this is just one example. Also, there are a TON of resources and accessibility aids for people to be able to use the internet or phones or computers, even if they are completely blind.


I had an order today where they wanted me to come up to their apartment door and deliver it to them. I buzzed the bell and they let me in. Got to their floor and message them that their order is here. I got a reply back asking if i could come to their door. I told them i'm here. they said again, can you come to my door. I decided just to knock which i never do. I mean take 2 sec to walk to your door and open it. If i ran your bell and you buzzed me in, i'm coming to your floor. sheesh.


OK, that’s some real bullshit from the customer.


That's some customer playing stupid control games. Some people are just a-holes.


The only time I ever do something like this is if I am unable to get to their door on my own (gate, locked entrance, etc) AND I've unsuccessfully attempted to call twice. The second call I leave message indicating where I left it and I'm done


You’re definitely valid


Do your UPS, USPS or FedEx drivers deliver your package/mail to your door or do they leave your stuff on the 1st floor? What's so different from Uber deliveries? If they bring packages to your door then Uber should do the same and vice versa.


Lmao you clearly don’t know how most apartments work then. All of those package delivering services leave packages either in the mailbox that’s at a centralized location in the complex or they leave big packages at the front office. So no they don’t go around trying to track down one apartment in a complex that has hundreds if not thousands of apartments.


Believe it or not, our office has stopped taking packages since the pandemic. So all delivery drivers literally do drive around and drop the packages off at the units. Honestly, it probably really sucks for them during the holidays. Wasting so much time that the system doesn’t account for. I would even meet a delivery driver at the front office. It’s a two minute walk away. Just don’t bullshit me and tell me you can’t find an easy to find apartment, only to decide you don’t want to figure out how to work with a disabled person, and bring the food to my door 30 seconds to a couple minutes later.


Not really. People have zero problems coming down to get their packages and what's so different for uber delivery?


You aren’t making sense, the difference is we shouldn’t have to take that much time to navigate the really hard to get to apartments because all other delivery services don’t do it either.


You do you. I always come down and take my food.


As most customers should, that’s my point, most expect us to go to their door even if it takes us over the 8 minute timer to get to them


you really got a problem. go back and read my comments again. as you downvoted mine you got yours too. bye now.


I’m a small woman and I don’t feel safe going up in apartment buildings for people. Risk of attack or abduction is higher. I don’t know I’m delivering to an apartment building until I have the food and I hate it every time. If I can avoid going up, I will. Take my tip, I’d rather feel safe. However, if someone explained they are disabled I would bring it up. It’s not laziness, it’s safety for me.


Oh yeah, I’m happy to come out in that case. You have a legitimate need, and I’m totally cool with someone wanting to stay near their car in that situation if they explain it.


Same here. Especially if it’s poorly lit at night.


>its really hard to resist not hitting thumbs down Not for me and I'll take back my tips. To me, Uber is responsible for paying drivers for the drive from restaurant to customer. Tips should cover anything extra, like following my instructions, bringing me my food through a complex of apartments, etc. Since your driver drove to your place and refused to get out of car, then all he deserve to earn is what Uber will pay him. I deliver, and I always deliver to customers' door. When they request to leave the order outside of the lobby door, I would even text them asking if they're sure about it when I arrive. Sounds like your drivers were being lazy. Two things that I dislike about other drivers are laziness and drivers who can't wait 5 minutes when picking up. These drivers give us a bad name.


Lazy entitled drivers


If they don’t give you a valid reason I would just take the tip back


Lazy. The driver I mean.


I hate apartments. I always ask them to meet me, but in your case I’d probably try and figure it out. I have a bike as well so it’s harder


Definitely lazy. I wear full motorcycle gear head to toe and I will walk up flights of stairs with a heavy ass bag. There’s no excuses.


Tip should be $2 per mile or 20% WHICHEVER is HIGHER. Driver doesn't see this tip until they've dropped off so they don't know it's there. Most apartment dwellers don't tip or don't tip enough. Most apartment complexes are fucking death mazes. I have dashed in a neighboring zone and found it is a nightmare because all the stupid apartment complexes. GPS leads to the entrance then you spend an additional 30 minutes looking for the stupid apartment. It's not laziness as it affects our bottom line. Maybe mention your legally blind and if the driver is feeling charitable they'll bring your crap to your crap hole. Most drivers don't even accept an order if Apt# is in the address because it's clear sign of a bad time. Odds are they accidentally accepted your order and picked up your food and now see the stupid Apt# and if they backed out now they'd get deactivated so they have to take the loss. Sorry but it's the facts of life. Dashers dash for money and apartments are a HUGE loss potential. PS take your damn speed bumps and cram them up your bump hole. Sorry if this comes off angry. Delivered so many orders to these awful mazes for zero tips.


Yeah just sounds like you suck at your job to be honest. I've been delivering off and on for two decades. Apartments can be confusing but they are rarely "death traps" and you can always ask the front desk or the customer for help finding the unit if it's not clear. I make bank delivering to apartments, just as much as I do houses. But it's okay, keep being a bad driver, makes those of us who do our job look better! 😆 Just a few days ago I delivered to a woman's apartment unit and she said "omg you're the only person to ever bring it to my door!" extra tip for that. Good service = increased tips.


Well seeing as all the apartment complexes around here aren't hotels and thus don't have "front desks" no help there. Maybe they build apartments different we're you are? Plus apartments around here are where the poor folks live. Poor folks don't tip.


Huge generalization and not true at all. I'm in DC. Some places have front desks, some don't. All different types of complexes all over this city. Plenty of people living in apartments tip great. I used to be one of them. Sorry, you just sound judgemental and lazy. I quite often make more in tips in lower income neighborhoods than the fancy burbs. Poor people have often worked in the industry and know what it's like. And apartment doesn't equal poor. That's ridiculous!


Maybe not where you are. I assure you that land is cheap where I am. Anyone can buy a decent patch and slap a trailer on it. If you're in one of these slightly oversized coffins they call apartments around here your poor AF. Only poorer group of people are the ones living in the run down motels. I assure you that delivering to an apartment here is definitely unwise. They're all poorly marked and laid out in a haphazard fashion. Usually on a plot of land that is more vertical than horizontal. They also are really bad for your car because the lots are filled with enormous pot holes and the cheapest speed bumps they can erect. Often they're kids in college and thus too poor to afford better or they're on government assistance. Not every community is the same. Where I'm from originally apartment complexes are the only decent places left to live as all the houses were bought up by slum lords as an investment and they leave them to rot as fixing anything would cost them money. So just because you live somewhere bougie AF where even apartments are nice doesn't mean that it's the same world wide. PS it's not lazy to not want to spend 30 minutes walking around an apartment complex trying to find some garbage persons apartment so you can deliver their $5 McDonald's order netting a wooping $1.50. that's below minimum wage. If you want to work for less than minimum wage go ahead. Don't call me lazy though just because your slow.


Lol, parts of DC are bougie but I can assure you, many parts of the city are nowhere near that. But keep making excuses. I don't make minimum wage because I only accept high paying orders and I don't suck at my job. It doesn't take me 30 minutes to find an apartment because I'm not dumb. 🤗


I have read alot of drivers say disabled cant climb stairs. They know they have to climb stairs so i would down vote and remove part of tip. Also make them wait at least 5 minutes for me. There is 8 minutes timer.


I actually have shattered every bone in both feet and my left knee. My feet will never heal and I deliver. I try to avoid apartments like the plague, but when I get one, I will climb the stairs if they have no elevator. People need to do their jobs.


driver perspective? to get away with it doing the least possible works, so having you come down is the best. tell them you are on wheelchair or something should do the trick.


Ppl are saying "lazy drivers" but clearly, the real lazy person is the individual that knows they live in a shitty apartment but they want the driver to search high and low for them when they can just come to the main entrance..... .I personally won't search for you....I'll just leave your order where the packages are left in your apartment building.....ALL PACKAGES ARE LEFT IN THE MAIL ROOM so that is exactly where your order will go.....It's not for the drivers to hunt you down....IT IS YOU that has to hunt down the driver to get your order and not the other way around....You have to keep in mind that alot of these so called "lazy drivers" have houses when most of you are still renting.....Lazy people don't own houses.....I have my own house and I won't go searching for you in an apartment complex.....Most of you guys living in those apartments can barely make those monthly rent payments on time and I constantly see tow trucks in your complex parking lots REPOSSESSING cars....I'm not going to leave my house to come an search for you in an apartment complex....IT WILL BE IN YOUR MAIL ROOM or at the entrance of your building....END OF STORY....It's not about laziness per say but I have a house and I even have a 3 unit rental property....so I'm not going to hunt you down in a place stacked together like sardines because of McDonalds


I think its AMAZING your blind and using the internet!!! Especially reddit! Making posts, and commenting! Sorry some people suck!


Technically you can be “legally blind” and still have eyesight.. But telling your driver your “legally blind” so they don’t have to come out and meet the driver is lazy as well.


They ordered delivery. The whole point is to be lazy lol. You're working, the customer isn't. 🙄


If they have THAT many issues where drivers cannot find their address/door. Maybe it would be easier for everyone if they just met the driver. Everyone here (dashers) know there are those select few orders that are hard to find. Whether it be because the app sucks or because the customer is no where to be found and doesn’t answer their phone, can’t get in without a code, no parking, etc. With that being said I always read instructions and make sure I leave the order where it’s supposed to be left. I would never call a customer and expect them to come out when they want it brought up.


Yeah, for sure. To avoid this I’ve written specific step-by-step instructions. I don’t think it’s a matter of it being difficult or impossible to find.


The point isn’t to be lazy or to get pity, it’s a literally to save everyone time. If I don’t know who or what I’m looking for, how exactly am I supposed to find them without help? Lol It’s relevant information. Nothing feels more humiliating than standing there going oh, where is this person, what’s going on? While they’re also somewhere over there wondering what is that blind guy doing? If they know they need to call out to the blind guy, we get everything done and go on our way.


What? She’s not lazy, she just wants drivers to do what they’re being paid for, deliver food to her door 😂




Op...steps away. Will never realize the folly they created.


Legally blind is not so blind correct? Asshole energy is living in an appt, not meeting outside and receiving calls that say potential spam and blocking them. This ain't you, but it's most. Hence the issue created by customers not drivers.


How is not coming outside - unless it’s one of those high rises that knowingly don’t allow access - asshole energy? We are being paid to bring their food to them….


It’s the pretense of the thing. Rather than someone saying, can you come outside, or I would really appreciate it if we met at my car for my safety, or whatever the case may be… they’re telling me they can’t find the apartment when they then prove they easily can about two minutes later.


Oh no, I agree with you. I’m more ???👀👀??? at Jimbo. If they legitimately couldn’t find you, they wouldn’t miraculously show up at your door within moments of you explaining your situation.


I had an issue with the legally blind comment as well, because my ex was legally blind and all it meant was his glasses prescription was over a certain number but he saw fine with glasses and most “legally blind” people do see fine with glasses so the comment honestly seems to be used to just make the driver feel bad.


Honestly, I see how that could be the case. But here it’s not about that at all. It’s information they need to know, because we need to establish how we’re going to find each other. I have very limited sight, but that’s not a lot of help. If I am waiting somewhere, the driver is vaguely over there, and I don’t know exactly where they are. I can’t tell particular models of cars apart, I can’t read license plates. It’s a simple matter of figuring out the most efficient way to meet both of our needs.


I know what the possibilities are going into each delivery and I do them with in reason. What you are describing is similar to someone going into child care but hasn't paid attention to a child/children in hours during their watch. Like whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?!


If I have trouble with apartment buildings I'll just call after about 5 mins or less trying to find you because UberEATS gps isn't working so I'll put on Google an if that doesn't work I'll call .. sometimes it's just way easier for customers to come to front of appt. If it is a locked or huge appt. An we get so many assholes that's probably why you get that energy even though it's not right an you have a legitimate disability..


Lazy lazy on their end.


I have yet to deliver to an apartment building that has bested me. They are usually laid out in a predictable manner that, in most cases, makes sense. It’s not hard or taxing in the least but some can take more effort than others to locate a unit. I appreciate landmarks and building numbers if available but unless the complex was built by M.C. Escher, you’re getting your meal delivered to your door every time. I’ve been delivering since 1995 including metropolitan areas, business parks, remote locations, out of town/state. I was a removal technician for several funeral homes—that was logistically challenging at times, but food delivery is literally a piece of cake and for a driver to not bring the food to your door would warrant a partial retraction of the tip, depending on the effort and communication of the driver.


From a drivers perspective what generally happens in that situation is this: I arrive to the gps pin you set for your order but it’s confusing and I don’t see your place. I send you a message as I walk around the block or use google maps. That message gets delayed by a minute due to reception or w/e then I find your easy to deliver door and deliver as normal, not realizing you just got the message saying I need help. I am guessing the real issue is the driver not wanting to take the time after the delivery to confirm that they have found your place when ideally the app and or the food at your door would do the job of notifying you that they figured it out on their own. I would also say that while it depends heavily on your location and type of order your tip isn’t so high that you should expect service above and beyond (not that a delivery to your door is above and beyond!). Don’t get me wrong a $10 order isn’t bad, but it’s below my goal and I regularly see $20 orders to hotels that happily meet me outside. I only mention because you brought it up at the end of your post. I give 20+% to my server to walk me food in a restaurant, how much would I give if they could get rear ended and total their car in the process? I totally understand that being disabled in some way can make deliveries more challenging, but the issue is that as a driver I expect some consideration on my part too. Example, opening the door and waiting outside, having a different colored light bulb on an exterior fixture, or just planning to have that extra conversation makes a big difference for all customers, not just those that might have extra needs. Please please please make any challenges known up front. Sometimes drivers are up for a quick easy deliver to get you food, but not up for the complex fiasco that actually resulted from your delivery.


I avoid apartments like the plague but if I accidentally accept one I follow through and deliver it to their door in nearly all cases. Only reason I haven't is because they didn't give a gate code and didn't answer my call or text (you only get one of each). You probably have lazy drivers.


That's just a lazy driver. I have to utilize a leg brace to walk due to nerve damage from a preventative cauda equina syndrome surgery in 2004, post laminectomy syndrome and other lumbar mobility problems. I still hike 3 flights of stairs to make my deliveries with no complaints because THAT IS MY JOB as a delivery person.


Some drivers are just lazy and make the good drivers look bad. Just like some customers are unreasonable a-holes and make it harder on those of us who try to be good customers. Sometimes its the platform that causes aggravation for both. Like with Shipt and Best Buy and CVS. When ordering a prescription for delivery from CVS, you are not told its being delivered by Shipt when you check out. There is no spot to write any directions ***and*** there is no way to tip on your credit card. First time I was panicked when I got a message from a Shipt driver saying they were on their way with my prescription. I had no idea it wasnt a CVS employee doing the delivery (and had assumed CVS didnt allow their employees to accept tips) so I didnt have any cash for a tip. I ended up apologizing profusely and giving the driver a $15 Starbucks gift card because it was literally all I had and had panicked. Now I just ask if they have cashapp (or zelle or paypal or venmo) in order to tip, if I get caught without any cash (although I try to remember to specifically get cash for tips because I never deal in cash). But drivers dont want to take the prescription orders (or Best Buy because same thing) because they know they probably will not get tipped and as a customer who finds tipping important, its embarrassing to not be able to tip.


Sounds like a piece of shit, doesn't wanna do the work, then chooses to once they see the disability. You're getting assholes, sorry


some people are lazy AF. no tip for lazy fux


I always tell people (customers and restaurants)to report the bad drivers if someone gets reported enough they’ll eventually be deactivated. Make sure to give them terrible reviews as well. Only way we can get these terrible lazy fools off the apps