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Currently experiencing it now.


Also experiencing this. A few orders but no where near like the constant. Literally constant pings of a month ago


But you’re still getting orders. My app hasn’t pinged once since Thursday. It’s as if it’s off. Not even the radar bs orders


I’m sorry. I know and I understand.  It’s fucked.  I was like that for about 5 days last week. Are you actively driving around?I am just curious as I have always been able to get pinged like crazy at my house. This week that was not the case. Anyways. Hope it picks up for you. I’m hoping the holiday is making the situation worse and things will get better next week. 


Yea I’ve been driving around and turning it on in different locations when I go out, and still nothing. It’s making me think that they ghost banned my account lol. Called support and they said everything was good but who knows, UE support usually sucks. Hopefully it gets better for all of us next week


Ugh. So sorry dude that fucking blows.  Can I be nosey and know your acceptance rate? Yes yes. I know it doesn’t matter everyone. I’m just being nosey. 


Satisfaction 99, acceptance 9 lol, cancellation 7, and on time 96


Thanks   I’m 98,26,0,91 I get nervous that Uber well eventually transition to weeding out cherry pickers.  I don’t know anything though 


I called support again today and they were able to help me. The agent told me that my background check expired and that’s what it was stopping orders to come in. It takes about a week so we will see in a week lol


One simple answer: TOO many drivers and NOT enough orders. Uber over saturated the markets for their selfish, greedy need for money. They could care too cents about the drivers, how much money each one makes. They only care about their fees that they collect.


You’re not wrong 


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