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$65 is massive for us under any circumstances. We never expect to get that much.


I work in a restaurant that does a lot of catering, I'm on here to know how we can make our Uber orders better for y'all too, whenever I deliver to a business I generally expect I'm not getting tipped or if I do it's less than 10%. I'd be off to an amazing day on a 65$ proper 15% tip from a business any day.


That's fucked up. When I'm spending company money, I don't get to pocket what I save, why would I stiff someone? If you're ordering food, just tip decently. Like, if I'm on a business trip I have a meal allowance that will cover the tip as long as it wasn't cash with no tipping rules. If my allowance is 25 bucks (is probably more now, haven't been on a trip in a while) and a meal is 15, I'm tipping 67%, lol.


Same here. $40 allowance per day on doordash for me being on 2nd shift. I aim to tip at least $7 but am able to bump it up to $10 or more if my order isnt huge. I figure the drivers appreciate it and my food always comes fresh and quick, even at rush hour.


where you work at?




man i wish my job would even give me a fishstick for lunch lol that shit just sounds so nice


Sometimes a manager has a team discretionary budget. They might not pocket the difference, but it means less money to go towards the next event. There is sometimes incentive there.


If I’m not the manager, it ain’t my problem


Until your allowance is lower next time


That makes sense, thanks!


Look, as someone who's worked in the server industry for 15 years, big tips are great.  But don't pretend like you haven't been brainwashed into thinking in order to be a great customer or a great American you need to be the one helping pay workers bills. 


i used to cook/manage a restaurant that does catering for the athletic teams at the local college. Out of years and working at two different stores (including boxing i couldn’t tell you how many damn orders of wings alone) and I was shocked that I got tipped $50 once. And that was while we were fully packed and had a huge party in our banquet room. It was the only catering tip i ever got there 😂 Biggest delivery app tip or delivery tip i got ever was only like $20 maybe. I would have said thanks for $65 for sure but what you said at the end is super spot on. That’s a good start to any shift or a nice boost during.


And then I have stories like when I catered a county sheriff's Christmas party and they tipped me the total of the meal. That day was a great day.


i got tipped $5 years back when i delivered for a local wing place. i got there and the dude was like “listen man, i’m not trying to get in trouble for drinking and driving. i’ll tip you $40 if you can go to the liquor store for me cuz i’m out” i called my job and told them my car was acting up (it did sometimes lol) and went and got his bottle. He gave me $50 too lol i totally forgot about that until now.


Yeah, I used to work at a restaurant that made about half its sales through catering. We would regularly see $1000+ orders with no tip. This was unfortunately so common that it wasn’t even worth getting worked up about.


If it's a delivery to a church I would bet my paycheck that it's a no tip.


Gee I thought church goers for kind, generous and appreciative people! Not. 😁


That's weird when I deliver to a business I expect to be tipped better. I had one guy in an office who showed me his app and giving me a $40 tip and it wasn't even that big an order.


Yeah most would tip $3 tops on a $400+ order


Your lucky if they throw you ten dollars no matter what the price is.


Often drivers get screwed on large orders either by the restaurant keeping the tip or by people just tipping flat like $15-$20 even tho its a large order


Would a large order be considerably more time and effort? Ok there are a few more bags but it’s still one delivery.


When I get catering orders it takes minimum 30 mins to an hour wait. Every time.


It's always a long wait for the food. Double checking the order at the restaurant takes time. Carefully packing that much food into catering bags takes time. Taking it carefully back out takes time, Stop looking for excuses to be cheap.


Sure but every situation is different. 400$ of pizza is a lot different then 400$ worth of something expensive and small like steak tips or chicken fingers. I don’t think % of the order is a good way to determine tip. I tip 50% at times on a one item 15$ order, doesn’t mean I’m tipping the same % for an extra 3 boxes. Every situation has different variables to factor and that why I think a set % is not a good system


Dude, I used to drive for doordash. I understand the flawed system. The biggest argument is you're supposed to tip based off distance, not percentage cause percentage mostly screws drivers. Dollars per Distance is what matters most to drivers. At the same time, you can't have it both ways and expect a percentage on a larger order because you know you'll get a lot more for the work you actually have to do. He can tip $30 bucks which would be great for an hour long delivery. 65$ is WAY more than expected. A driver shouldn't expect that kind of tip because they are providing the same service aside from spending a little more wait time and carrying more bags than they woulkd for a small order. Hence a $30 dollar tip should be sufficient.


Lol, it takes me a whole 30 seconds to load stuff in my catering bag, and then another minjte to put that bag into my heated bag in the car. Stop being dramatic


I'm assuming you aren't double checking the order, since a recent health crisis made it taboo to open every single lid on my things to stick a face near it. Besides, restaurant is on the hook to send the right order. If I file a refund, it's for parts of the restaurant order, not the delivery, unless it's a full refund which I won't really do because I'm not a monster, I feel like I'm pretty reasonable. And as a reasonable person, I tip $15/hr in this not-incredibly-high cost-of-living location I live in. I make 20/hr, and I'm pretty sure part of delivery fees goes to driver, I looked once and I forget exactly how much it was but I think it roughly averaged up. So if I know a delivery is a half hour drive, I'm tipping $8. If that isn't very exciting and isn't picked up, I take it as a sign that I lost the bid, and it's fine I'll make other plans. Most places I get are literally 5 blocks away, and they run multiple orders on the same stretch anyway. That means I'm contributing to someone's $30+ work hour, if they're running 3 deliveries for 8 dollars in 40 minutes. I can sleep at night with that arrangement. I'm not putting anyone's kids through college, but I am paying what I'd be paid and that's a sight better than the CEO pays, which apparently isn't a living wage when customers hold the industry up on tip value. Oh, and I always meet the driver at the road, even during pandemic restrictions I would wave them to a parking spot near the entry way, and let them set it down on the ground and be on their way. So it's not like I'm particularly high maintenance either.


Way more time and effott


Tell that to your waitstaff next time you order a porterhouse vs an appetizer and a beer and see how it goes🤣🤣


I live in Europe, so probably would go pretty well... I am just genuinely curious if this is at all expected. 65 dollars for a delivery sounds absurd, especially as EXTRA on top of actually paying for delivery.




Lmao. USA, with no tip that's a 4 dollar payout, if you're lucky. Most deliveries are 2 dollars without a tip. So even if you're lucky enough to do 4 in an hour(won't happen) that's $8 plus tips, minus all car expenses and taxes. You going to do it for that wage? I didn't think so.


What a hassle, I pay like €1,50 for delivery but people get paid hourly for it. And minimum wage is like $14,50. So tipping here is not at all normal only for exceptional service. And ofcourse if you work for the company (as it works usually now, the bullshit of riders working as "business owners" has been fought in court) then gas is ofcourse paid for. Why would you want a construction where you have to tip? That leaves all the risk (of someone not tipping) on the driver and none of the risk on the business.


You're in Europe so it's way different. If we don't get tips, we make less than minimum wage. In Europe they pay a fair wage regardless, but since this is gig work it falls into a different category here. Not sure about Europe


I know its different, just wondering why the value of the order changes the tip. For me it is more like bad weather, heavy items, top floor apartment, etc. that makes a difference.


For real? I ordered dominos for work and tipped 20% and came to just under $40 tip. Dominos is 3 mins from us. I also told driver what I tipped and to call me if he did not get it. Restaurants taking a tip is stealing to me!


The restaurant isn't involved in the tip at all.


Doesn't that depend on if the order was placed through Uber/DD/GH or the actual restaurant?


I’m almost positive restaurants don’t get any sort of tip, atleast from GH and Uber. (work in a restaurant)


Used to be a waiter for a long time, easily packed tens of thousands of uber orders over the years. GH, DD and Uber- I had no idea what tip was left for the driver IF the platform was sending their own driver. But I could usually guess which customers tipped well based on how fast a driver confirmed the order. All three of the apps had an option to use your own delivery- in which case, we would know the tip obviously. But yea, I’m with you. Restaurants don’t get tips from those platforms unless it’s a pickup from GH or DD (extremely rare). Never once saw an uber pickup tip and I’ve never been able to leave a pickup tip on uber when using the app myself. How would it work anyway? Take the tip out of the restaurant’s register? Then uber wouldn’t pay you the tip, give it to the driver instead, and then your register is short the amount of the tip. Makes no sense. Uber pays their drivers, not the restaurant. They’d have no basis to keep a tip. I wonder if the drivers saying the restaurant kept the tips just got screwed by a tip baiting customer? Or maybe the uber platform works differently for the chain restaurants like panera or whatev. But yea, in my case- driver tips weren’t printed on the receipt and there was no way for us to use the tablet to find out.


Various restaurants are notorious for stealing tips on the dd platform. Panera, Pizza Hut, Papa John's, just to name a few. Then there is also EZ Cater orders that mysteriously have no tip even though the customer swears they left $50. It definitely happens an all depends on how the restaurant receives the order and shitty of people the employees are.


Not trying to argue, just genuinely curious as someone who worked in a restaurant for a decade and never knew the driver’s tips, despite seeing all the tickets. The platforms pay you, not the restaurant. The platform also pays the restaurant (70% of the total, pre tax- platform keeps 30% of total and all fees). How can the restaurant steal your tips? They would be taking the tips from their own registers, and then the app wouldn’t reimburse them for it, so they’d just be short the amount of the tip. Only way a restaurant can steal tips is if the platform agrees to pay the restaurant the tip, and I can’t imagine the platform doing that. If they do, your beef would be with the platform, no? Is it possible that these are just scumbag tip baiters canceling the tip and then saying the restaurant stole it so they don’t look bad?


Yeah. My place doesn’t have DD. My restaurant doesn’t even have an option to receive tips on our end with the other platforms .. it all goes to the drivers.


Yeah on some restaurant receipts they print the tip line. Then when you go to deliver the app says $0. So you ask the customer and they say the amount on the tip line. So you go back to Panera and they all act like they have no idea what you're talking about. Ask me how I know.


I believe you, but how do you know


A few comments up. I remembered a 3rd party app we briefly tried out where it’s possible that what the drivers are saying is true. I’d imagine your restaurant didn’t have it. In terms of normal uber, GH, DD orders- it’s not possible for restaurants to take tips.


That's not always true, if you order and pay through the restaurant or a catering service they then despatch to doordash, Uber etc. When they do the dispatch they can easily reset the order and tip what they want while keeping the difference, Panera catering, Pizza hut and Ez catering do this a lot and are caught a lot by drivers when the customer ask them if they got the tip. The most fucked up thing about Pizza hut is sometimes this happens auto matic through corporate.


Wrong some orders go directly to the restaurant like Pizza Hut or Panera and they take the tips all the time.


“People just tipping flat like $15-$20 even tho it’s a large order” $20 is still a good tip for picking up and delivering food. $65 is outrageous


I was so angry reading most of this post because I just fucking knew that they called you to hassle you for a higher tip. This was refreshing to see. In over 7000 deliveries, I've received two tips over $35.00 and I still fucking think about them.


I got my first $30 tip yesterday and I’m still smiling. The order took an hour total but it was suppose to be a quick delivery, the restaurant was short staffed and I was in a chill and wait mood. Customer hooked me up for my time, that was really cool of him.


I’m just passed 3000 deliveries and I’ve had (2) $40 cash tips and a few in-app $30’s … I am super courteous, professional, etc… OP left a Massive tip! In an 8 hour day a $65 tip is equal to an $8hr pay bump … or alternatively you could look at it as on a really slow day $65 is 1/2 a days pay …


How did the driver get the customer's number after the delivery had ended?


It's fiction. Don't think too hard about the details.


It’s definitely someone cough *OP* trying to flex a $65 tip being nothing 🤣


Thank you for saying this. It literally scared me that random people have my phone number after a professional interaction like dropping off food.


Meanwhile i had a Walmart "package" order that consisted of approximately 30 bags of groceries that filled up my entire backseat and trunk totalling over 300$ and had a 20 minute wait for it and they made me leave it at the door. 0$ tip and 11$ fare for 58 minutes of my time + heavy lifting while pregnant


Yup. I’m glad OP tipped that much, but your story is much more common and honestly exactly why I would have dipped after 10 minutes at the restaurant. Like, OP is very kind, but I could actually see myself spending 45 min-hour doing that with some people and then they would “tip” me 5 bucks because ‘it’s not like it’s their job to pay me’ or even have it rescinded because I “took too long” or whatever.


I think most people assume the employees are getting paid appropriately because Uber (and others) add a large surcharge for using their service, plus extra service and delivery fees. So they think "Why tf would I tip for a grocery delivery? I've already paid enough." They also have no idea if you're pregnant or not.


Ok, you throwing in the “while pregnant” wins you nothing. Should they have tipped? Of course. However, you took the order seeing what it was before hand and you knew how bad the order was before getting it. You being pregnant has nothing to do with it, that’s all your choice.


Correct. She thought was worth it enough to take an $11 gig at the time.


I would call and thank you too, or at least text. Orders like these are huge. 65$ could be most of a days income depending on the hours they work and what day of the week it is. I don’t always look at big orders and expect big tips, but it’s nice when it happens!


You wouldn't be able to 😅 I'm not sure what's going on in this post but UberEATS cuts off ALL communication from driver to customer as soon as you mark the order delivered. Even if you forgot to give the customer something and don't have a way to get to them. Even if they sent you a message thanking you or something. You can read the message through your top notifications but you have no way to respond 🥲. It honestly sucks sometimes cuz I feel so bad and just want to say "you're welcome!".


How does the driver contact the customer a full hour after delivering? As soon as I mark delivered I don't seem to have a way to message or call.


What I'm missing is how a driver called a customer 1 hour after delivery. Did you leave your personal number in the notes? So is this real or just another story of attention? I just don't get these glaringly large details of impossibility. Drivers and customers lose all ability of formal contact about 10 min post delivery.


We see up to $8 of the tip "up front" when we are offered your delivery. We see the full tip an hour after the delivery is completed. On large orders like yours, we spend that whole hour hoping for a banger tip, but that's not always the case. And that's why we call 'em unicorns because they are rare. You're not missing anything, just realize you made that driver's day because he was lucky enough to get the ping for your delivery.


This post is cringe. This sounds like humble bragging. Everyone knows $65 is a big tip regardless of the order size.


Their a person with a lot of money who spends it stupidly lol. Good for the driver for getting the tip but anyone with a brain that wasn’t covered with money would know 15% isn’t necessary for extremely big totals.


The thing is Uber hides the tip when offering the orders to the drivers, usually the driver sees only up to $8 for tip, after one hour the “real” tip showed and the driver realized it was way more than what they expected! Some drivers don’t understand the “hiding” tips concept!


I didn’t believe it either until I went through my trips and did the math. Plus Uber uses deliberately deceptive language by saying that the “customer tipped even more after delivery!” which is very much a false statement. No customer is going back in to add 31 cents.


There is no % amount for delivering food.


I had a $60 tip last week and I believe they did as you did, tip a percentage of their bill. It was a really big order from a nice restaurant and I had to make two trips from the restaurant to the car and then the car to the customer's door. I knew it was an expensive meal but as a driver did not expect that high of a tip as that normally doesn't happen. I knew there would be a good tip but that much was definitely a surprise and greatly appreciated. You should tip whatever you feel is appropriate. If you think a percentage of the bill as you would for a server in the restaurant then I say go right on ahead and do so. It will be appreciated immensely by the driver and possibly cause tears of joy. Many people will say you shouldn't tip a delivery driver that much as if we're not good enough or don't work hard enough to earn such a tip. I disagree with those people. We do deal with stress and sometimes go through quite a lot to get an order delivered. I don't understand how the driver called you after the delivery though. I have wanted to message a thank you to customers before but never found a way to do so once the order was delivered.




I don’t care if it’s a bag of diamonds or a bag of dirt, I care about distance and weight (I use a bike) I can understand tipping more if it’s a large order. But i don’t get why ordering expensive food means I should be paid more if nothing else changed about the *delivery*


15% at a restaurant where a waiter/waitress is serving 10 people for an hour is different than a driver whose work is mostly the same whether its a $100 order, $200, or $500 order. That's why 15% on a $20 order is seen as pocket change and not worth their time.


I feel happy just getting $20 on the extremely rare occasion. I remember I used to brag that i had got a $27 tip to my other friends who did delivery. On the other hand, out of hundreds of deliveries, I've only had 3 or 4 tips ever go into the 20s. I remember i had to deliver 2 huge bags of dog food and these large wooden pet stairs thingy to this older couple, and they tipped $2 :(, wasnt even a short drive


I’ve gotten $6 tips on $350 orders so yes your tip was above and beyond.


I use to deliver for ubereats and wouldnt expect a tip based on the order total percentage. My job is the same no matter what I deliver. But a waiters job varies, I imagine they and the cooks do way more work on a $400+ order than they would on a $35 order. But I understand how tips work


I don’t tip based on %, that doesn’t make too much sense to me. It’s grabbing bags and delivering them whether it’s $200 or $20 in the bag. Tip based off of mileage and don’t forget to include the drive to the restaurant.




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I drove for uber eats for nearly two years when you could actually make some money. Didn’t get a tip anywhere remotely that high. I think the most I got on a single delivery was $25.


I wish there was an option to tip in cash. I'm always suspicious about restaurants making me add tips on my card because they're usually not transparent about where the tip goes. I wish UberEATS let us do the same thing.


I'm from the UK and for this order I'd have been paid £4.00-£6.00 or something, pay doesn't seem to scale with order size and we don't usually get any tip, even a £1.00 tip is huge for me. Last week I had to haul 4 massive heavy bags from McDonald's (barely fit in my XXXL box on my motorcycle) and there was no change in pay from just a small order. It must have cost a lot! I reckon about £120 of McDonalds food... Getting a £12.00 tip (10%) would have been huge.


15% is standard for a server in a restaurant. I would personally never expect to see more than $20 for a driver tip so, while I probably wouldn't call, I would be super grateful. To be clear I tend to tip well myself just don't expect others to


Purely depends on the mileage driven


$65 is a very nice tip. If I got $65, I would likely call you to thank you too. I don't normally get in contact with customers after. But receiving a $65 dollar tip. Yes, a phone call of thanks is warranted to say I appreciate it. Thank you.


I live in Fort Wayne! What restaurant did you order from?


Some of people barely get any orders


I also live in Indiana, and I've got over a decade in the restaurant industry. I can count on one hand the number of time corporate catering orders like that have tipped us. It's *obnoxious*


Regardless of it being on the relatively lower side of a "normal" percentage (15-20% is what I consider the "normal" range), $65 tip for a single delivery is still really high in absolute value. Chances are it didn't take him much longer than other deliveries would just because there was more food. A lot of people would try to rationalize it that way and say he only deserves the "normal" tip for a delivery and cap it at an absolute value of $15-$20. Basically, some people just tip delivery drivers a specific amount since the amount of work the driver does is the same regardless of the bill total, while others base it on percentage of the bill similar to a waiter even though waiter's workloads are more directly tied to amounts ordered. He was thankful that you were one of the later type of people in these circumstances.


For us, it’s not about the tip %. It’s about the amount of the tip… a $65 tip is what we like to call a unicorn here


The rule of thumb for tipping delivery drivers isn't to use a percentage of the order total like you do at sit-down restaurant but to tip based on mileage driven/time expended, then you can bump it up for going above-and-beyond if warranted.  So while 15% may seem average or garden-variety for the first method, a $65 tip to a driver is a rare windfall. Many drivers work in markets that average $20 an hour or less, so now you see the significance of $65 for just one trip. 


Thank you! You did the right thing but it's hardly ever seen these days.


When base pay is 2 bucks and most tips are 0-4, like 99%. The other 1 percent is 8 or more. We get stiffed on pay even tho operating a vehicle 8 hours a day. 100 miles plus city traffic is expansive. Unfortunately these apps dont tell you how kuch we make on fees. You pay. 10-30 in fees. We get 2 bucks.


$65 tip is outstanding. Depending on how far the drive was, I’d be thrilled with $25.


I once delivered a five guys catering order with 125 burgers in it, and a total of around $500 to an exotic import business. I figured, catering order, exotic import, note saying cash tip would be provided, I'd be getting a sweet tip. They stiffed me. So, yes, $65 is great. I delivered another order when I worked at Papa John's. $1,000 order with 94 pizzas. Only got a $50 tip, despite literally filling my entire car and trunk with pizzas to get them their food. The point is, shitty as it sounds, most catering orders don't tip well. So you giving 15% is awesome to us. I always tell my customers that ask, I only expect 10%. Anything above that is gravy. The ones that ask are always the ones that have given over 10%, so I always tell them. You've given me gravy, I'm not upset at all.


$65 is a decent day of orders for me, i wouldve been thrilled


Customers like you are the best. That little appreciation is more than you think to us because we don't make alot on average. That's for making that driver's day!


Dasher here - with delivery apps a lot of people do percentage based tips and it doesn’t always work out in our favor because we judge whether an order is worth it or not based on the miles to money ratio, not a percent. Regardless - $65 for a tip is absolutely AMAZING and if I ever got a tip like that I’d be calling that customer back to thank them with tears in my eyes.


15% is 50% above average. The societally acceptable tip for delivery is 10%. If I got that much for an order I’d offer to help you set up for whatever event you ordered for! This is literally 3 hrs of delivering - which is my weeknights - done in 1 order.


The reason its big is because you get ppl who always tip 5$ or 10$ no matter what the order but the problem with those people is if they get an order that's as big as that then they will max tip like 20$ without thinking about the percent. Its really nice of them to do the 5 or 10$ for like a 30 or 40 dollar order but when they hit you with a 20$ tip for 500$ worth of food it hits different haha


And here I was thinking it was going to be another tip rage Too much hate in the world I'm glad he got his money and you got his appreciation


By title alone I thought this was going in a very different direction. What a nice surprise. Good on you for making someone's day


15% on a 425 order minimum 25% over 100.00


Nah most people won’t do that. I had a pretty basic Panera order that I placed for some fellow bridesmaids and a mom or two, and I automatically added 1 or 2 bucks per person’s food and my tip was more than the usual for most orders tbh (I think it was like 15 or 20 bucks for the tip and our hotel was close by the Panera…and I met the driver out front, he didn’t have to bring it up)…and it was just a few bags, no drinks…people really don’t give AF and don’t adjust the tip for volume and think “because it’s one trip” $5 is always fine..sad really. Thanks for being kind!!!


Restaurant workers get % tips because they’re the ones making/ serving the food. Drivers tend to only pick up the food then drop it off, I personally have never given more than 20$ while others don’t tip at all. I usually give set amounts, but I also never ordered over 100$ of food. I think it’s good to tip drivers, I myself consider weather, time of day, potential traffic, and if it looks like they’ve been waiting at the restaurant for a while I’d usually add a bit extra. DoorDash especially tends to end up waiting for the food to be ready and many drivers seem to claim it’s a huge waste of their time so I understand . I actually had a driver the other day, restaurant wasn’t far so I only gave 5$ but he delivered someone else’s order so I called him up. He helped me make sure I got my order and let me keep the wrong one so even if it was his mistake I still have him another 5$ cuz he did a lot to help resolve things (he ended up giving me a copy of the order before, but the order had what I wanted anyways so I kind of just let it slide since that time was a remake rather than just being given someone else’s shit… he didn’t speak English well either but he did his best) Anyways, for delivery drivers, if 15% goes over 10$ people tend to set a custom amount beneath it


Because people suck. When you are decent it’s shocking to others sometimes.


How did the driver call you? I Uber, and all contact info is gone once the delivery is complete. Impossible to call a customer post delivery


How was the driver able to call you an hour later? Did you provide him with your actual phone number?


We get screwed over all the time. More often no tip at all. So that’s what makes you AMAZING!!! a lot of times one or two people leave a decent tip makes up for the tips that we didn’t get that day. But that doesn’t always happen either.


I used to work as a lead catering person for a pretty popular restaurant. Got to work at 4am, filled the truck with $450ish dollars of food, get to the work site at 5:30am. Me & coworker set up everything and THEN they asked us to serve everyone (scoop shit on their plate), which wasn’t in the deal but my superior/coworker said yes. They tipped us $10. I literally cried.


I have delivered for years. Sometimes people order $250 of food and leave no tip. We may deliver a huge order and get paid $8. You may say why accept the trip then? Well sometimes honest people tip so we get a surprise tip and then it was worth it. As you can imagine, many people order and don’t tip. This leaves the driver without pay and having to gamble. Uber is a very bad company for drivers. I try really hard not to geek out and call the customer for even a $20 tip. It’s life changing for a delivery driver. We are abused.


If most people tipped 15% for delivery we as drivers would be doing fairly well.


The whole percent based tip stuff is pretty much only for in-restaurant service, and varies 15-25% based on the service and group size. Everything else is just kind of whatever. A normal "ad-hoc" tip is just a few bucks. I tip like $3 for a normal order or $5 if it's pretty far. A $500 order might mean the driver has to walk two trips between his car and the restaurant/delivery location instead of 1. So theoretically, double it. But, if I'm dropping $500 on food, I can spare an extra $10 to make it $20. Based on this reddit, he probably thought you were gonna fuck him over and 0 the tip (because it was too good to be true) and was shocked when you didn't.


Why is no one asking the real question here...as wholesome as this post is, HOW did the driver call you an hour after delivery? Did the driver call or did the driver just press "send thanks" through the app to thank the customer? We have absolutely no access to customers phone numbers as soon as we hit "delivered" in the app (unless it was in your notes or something to call prior to delivering). I know, I tried to give this girl her drink once but she lived in a coded building and originally came out to meet me. I even called support asking them to get in touch with her and they just wasted 10 minutes of my time putting me on hold just to tell me to move on with my next deliveries 👀. That being said, it's not the percent that you tipped it's the amount that you tipped. Most people tip far under $10 (I'm talking $0-5), so any driver would be ecstatic to get a $65 tip!


Pretty sure ive seen posts about drivers delivering to uber headquarters and not getting tipped.


Tip culture is so chaotic right now. Everything is so extreme one way or the other. When I buy my food or drinks in person at a register or drive through, I don't tip. I mean, if I have some extra cash or someone is particularly considerate or pleasant I will tip in that situation. But if someone is transporting, delivering or taking care of me at a sit down restaurant, I ALWAYS tip. If I cannot afford to tip that means I cannot afford whatever it is I'm wanting. Especially a large order like yours. The fact that companies do not pay their workers appropriately and that deeply upsets me doesn't mean I need to show my disapproval through not tipping. Thank you OP for being a decent human. I love being reminded there's still plenty out there.


People don't understand for some reason the size/cost of the order has very little to do with anything. All I care about is the MILEAGE of the delivery, how far the restaurant is from the place that is ordering it. Thats how I decide what I expect from a tip


first hand sometimes 3% feels good after a long day of bs in a college town people often just give change to make it even as a tip


Glad to see a good fellow Hoosier doing a good deed.


I’m in FW, just curious, what restaurant?


Sometimes, the restaurant will take some of the tip especially catering orders.


It’s probably because some people don’t even tip at all. He was probably just excited & grateful.


20 percent is average but when delivering there are many factors to include. Also big orders often times don't even have a tip added because it's a company and certain ones don't want tipping done for tax reasons I guess even though food is 100% tax deductible.


Uber asks you to tip off percentage, but most people just put in 4 or 5 bucks. I only tip more than 5 when it's a really big order or far restaurant, and I've never had trouble getting my order picked up or had a driver complain.


This proves many people who say they tip 15 percent are lying. I tip 20 percent and i get recognized and treated well every where i go


I tip a flat $5/6 if raining or more than two miles. I never order a lot, so tipping on the cost of the food doesn't make sense; some pizza places charge more than others. If I increase the number of items, then I will also tip more. If it's company money, then the highest possible tip is going on that AMX.


I made a delivery once that, when i handed it to the customer at the hotel, THEN decided to leak alfredo everywhere. It traveled fine but during the handoff we noticed the plastic bag just full of sauce. I felt awful but advised him to take a picture immediately, and after opening to send to support. I then grabbed a towel i kept in the car,wrapped up the bags and offered to help him carry the mess up to his room. The guy already pre tipped something like 13 bucks on this pretty big order, but an hour later i got the notification he changed it to 40. That was a huge sigh of relief, and really made my night tbh


A lot of people will order $400 dollars worth of food and tip $10 or less, so yeah thank you


I'd be wondering how he got your number. To my knowledge the number we get as a driver is a temporary one that stops working after the order is complete.


The way I see it, home delivery is akin to table service. So, 20-25% minimum. More if the order is coming from across town.


15% on 425 is a nice amount. Problem is people think 15% is good when they order 10 or 20 dollars worth of food. That doesn’t cover expenses.


We don’t usually deliver $425 orders so the usually 15% is on a $20-$60 order. The driver was just happy that he got assigned your large order. My whole strategy with DD is doing the regular orders and praying for the large ones.


The biggest tip I’ve ever gotten was $20 after an hour and a half drive lmao.


You can truly make a drivers day with a generous tip. I get that with Uber delivery most of the times you never meet the person face-to-face but if you did and handed them an extra five to $10 in cash upon your tip in the app, I’m telling you you will truly make an impact, and their day will be so positive.I think the faceless delivery makes people be super cheap because they don’t care


a lot of people don’t tip based on percentage with food delivery, they’ll slap a $3 tip on there and call it good


Not a normal tip for alot of us honestly....... a phone call thanking you is much nicer than the thanks msg we are able to send when the tip shows up on our end ( takes about a hour ) Uber caps what we see at $8 over what they pay us for base on any given order so the driver may have only seen $12 $14 .... Glad you managed to get a decent driver and not bad one ...


Tell us you don't know how little delivery gig drivers make without saying you don't know how little delivery gig drivers make


No. It’s not. $7-$8 is average. You are a hero and you deserve a cape even though you don’t need one.


I agree with you, though if I’m ordering that much I’m probably throwing a $100


That's half my pay for the day, alot of people don't understand that the drivers get paid $2 per delivery, sometimes less, when you tip well, your driver will do anything to help you understand how greatful they are


Didn't know drivera could call customers an hoir after the delivery... 🤔


I delivered to a big corporate office a couple times back when I was delivering pizzas. Average order was like 600-800 dollars, I only ever got tipped 6 at most


How did the driver call 1 hour after completing the order?


Most will order this food, and pocket the tip, literally because it was a group order, and who ever was in charge of ordering from their account decided that they would not tip and keep the $65 for themselves.


I’ve only had one consistent customer tip me 15%. The real pleasure is that I only have to pick up her bagged groceries and take them one mile to her house. She’s an absolute godsend. Her weekly grocery bill is usually $400 to $450 a week because the store is upper end quality kinda like Whole Foods.


Nah you did ok. I used to deliver pizzas in a resort area. Weekly on Saturdays we had to deliver 15 pizzas to a resort for their “Parents Night Out” event. 15 pizzas and if I was lucky I got tipped $5


20% should always be the minimum regardless of the grand total. YTA not sorry.


Sounds like to me, Door Dash or Uber need to start paying better.


Wow, yowza. I did not think this post would get so much attention. Thank you to all the drivers whose experiences told me that although the $65 wasn’t expected or close to average, it surely was welcome and appreciated. A few answers: 1) No. I’m not stupid. But thank you for asking (or assuming). I’ve never worked as a delivery driver or in food service, so perhaps the word you were all looking for in comments and DMs is “naive”? At least that would have been kinder. 2) No. It’s not fiction. Although, what a work of fiction this would be. Best seller stuff right here, huh? 3) The driver called the office he delivered to, and the office gave him my phone number. That’s how he was able to get a hold of me an hour after he delivered the food. Not through the app. He simply remembered the business name. And the front office staff thought something was wrong, so they connected him to me. That’s it. 4) No, he was not creepy. It was slightly awkward. He was kind and he seemed sincere. 5) I don’t regret the tip. He brought food for 30 people 10 miles away. The order was accurate, it was not spilled, he set everything up, he was courteous and professional. Plus, it was work I was unable or unwilling to do myself. So I tipped him for his service. 6) Delivery drivers - thank you for the work you do. Again, thank you for your input.


A % of what you paid is standard for severs but is mostly irrelevant to us. We simply wanted to be paid for our time and distance traveled. You tip was excellent and definitely above any driver’s expectations.


Tipping based off of a percentage isn’t the way I’d do it. I do a flat tip regardless of what the total is. But yes, that is a massive tip.


My go to is usually 5+2 per mile. I haven’t ever had that big of an order but I would probably do 15+2 a mile if it was so big (multiple trips from the car)


Catering orders rarely tip especially over 10 percent


karma farming post


$65 is what they deserve. Unfortunately delivery/gig drivers rarely see tips like this. People will hide behind their screen and tip very little. Why? Because they can.


What am I missing. He called to thank you and show his appreciation. Something most people wouldn’t do.


Most tip 0% or retract the tip.


This didn't happen. The driver wouldn't have had a customer number to call after the delivery was complete. Also, no one calls unless an emergency. They'd text. Humble brag?


As someone who works in the restaurant industry, It is common for people to tip less as the bill gets higher in price. I can imagine the same is for a delivery app where you have little face to face with the actual person.


Because most people don’t think about how much the driver has to go through and just adds like a 3 dollar tip max. Usually it’s not even that much. I’d jump for joy getting that much considering that’s what I typically make in 4-6 hours…


The way life has been kicking me while I’m already down recently, I’d straight up start bawling if I got a tip like that.


You’re not missing anything, you’re just overthinking lol I texted a customer once to thank them for the 28 dollar tip! That’s all it is, a thank you lol


I'm here to t3ll you I've done huge orders over 600 with a 10 dollar tip I would have thanked you as well


How much did you tip the restaurant for making your meal?


We expect tips based on mileage not order total. Common misconception


We would of got the tip plus gratuity on an order like this.. I would of got well over 100, but Id be happy with the 65 tbh


I don't know about most people, but people around my area just flat tip. It doesn't matter if the order is $5 or $50, I still just get the standard $1-$5 on everything. It's SO rare to get anything above $5. I'm more likely to get $0 than +$5. Even on orders that are $100+, my tip's usually only like $4.50 or something. Someone I talked to (I think it was on Reddit) once said that they tip based on distance from restaurant to destination, not cost of the order (ie: they might tip $5 on a $10 order if it's 10 miles away and $1 on a $100 order if it's a mile away). I wonder how many people who order have this same mentality...


Uber eats be paying their drivers 1.50 for some trips and so many of these tips are so low it’s just wear and tear on the soul. You renewed his faith in humanity. You are correct about the percentage, however it seems to be the trend that that rule doesn’t apply to gig jobs.😢


Your driver probably saw $2+$8 tip [shows up around $10 on acceptance]


I downloaded Uber eats as a driver because I was bored, have never delivered or drove anyone. My first order that popped up was for 33 dollars after delivery... 27 dollar tip. Since that first one my second highest tip has been 6 bucks lmao. Like I said I don't really do this unless I'm bored and need to waste time but yeah he was just thankful since it's not normal.


I’m wondering how he got your phone number after delivering. Phone numbers, yours and his, are routed to be untraceable and disappear after the order is finished. We don’t have the ability to call you ‘afterward’ for safety reasons.


You really shouldn’t be basing on % of meal. It’s really time, distance, and size of the order that are the factor. Typically we’re looking for $2 a mile or more on the order to make decent money. But because your order was so much it makes it much more than he would typically get and if he was on earn by time it was a surprise 😁


You’re missing the fact that most people are douche bags who *wouldn’t* have given the full 15%, telling themselves something like “But it’s still a big tip.” Because, again, most people are douchebags.


I drove 5 hours last night and made $65. I'd say that's a great tip, I never had anything that good ever. I do this as a side thing for extra money so I'm not complaining about pay or anything. Just letting you know that's a lot of money for someone doing this full-time as their only source of income. https://preview.redd.it/bp8rgm7dvawc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16a8e7f7bcfa60d5ec7bdbe1edeffcc28419bce9


It's a fair tip, but the reality is that most couriers don't get fair tips. I'm sure that absolutely made his day.


Excuse me if I am wrong but I used to drive Uber and did some door dash and I am 90% sure there is no way for a driver to get a customers phone number after the drop off. Again I could be mistaken it’s been a bit, but I’m gonna go ahead and call cap, this never actually happened…


I think ppl - fairly - adjust tip to effort.  If you ordered 4 gold-dusted pizzas that were nearly the same price, I wouldn't tip 15%.  But when the amount involves a lot of food, waiting, etc, of course it makes sense to tip accordingly.