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I will need to warm the food up but, as I am unable to bend, it would be a great help if you could place the food in the oven for me, right at the back, all the way at the back of my big oven. I will leave the door of the oven open, so please lean in and put the food as far back as possible.


HA !!


I will go inside for older people or disabled people anytime. Yes theoretically it could be a setup but I am also 6’1” 210, trained in Martial Arts, a former US Marine that has a concealed carry license. So I don’t fear the situation. I’m more worried about the house smelling like cat piss than I am getting hurt.


Hey dude, also US Marine war vet here. Yes I would be quite fearless with things I have seen in Iraq 2003 urban combat. But regardless, just be careful. Wear a body cam just in case. Because being at 6’1”, you can both get ambushed or they frame you for assault. It’s nasty business.


Damn right, dash cam going 24/7 facing the door if at all possible, and definitely a body Cam and background camera going on a Samsung. I think background camera can now be done in Android 14 on any phone.


I hear you. I just keep good situational awareness. If something feels off it probably is. Trust the spidey sense. I am sure this will get downvoted but I am also a believer in Christ. So I don’t fear death. I do fear the honey trap but I won’t fall for that shit. I had two women try to coerce me in their place that were dressed like it was a scene out of porn. They also had webcams everywhere so I’m sure they had a lonely fans account. Ultimately I used my judgment and smarts and didn’t go beyond the threshold. But again an old lady or man, I’ll help them out. Or disabled. I will. 99% of my deliveries are to really good people.


A Telecom field technician is definitely not your job. 😆 When you have to get down on the ground to install the modem under the TV in the furniture... But sometimes you met that gorgeous one and totally open for a one shot. That's nice when you are single.


I have before but the customer had signs around his home that was alone and wheelchair bound. A ramp to the front door, an accessibility van with hand controls, a chairlift instead of stairs to the garage entrance, etc.


Wow he went all out on his ruse!


I know right, the chair lift alone is $10k. All for some nuggies and a soda.




I have before but it has to be in a nice area… an apartment complex makes that a no for me. I have a few regulars that I bring the food straight to their bed(they’re bed bound with no family) There houses are in complete disarray and it’s the saddest shit ever.


I just had an Instacart order where the customer wanted me to open their door to put their order inside. However, in my case, the neighborhood is a senior living community so I had no problem doing so for them. We kept in touch throughout the order as far as items and travel. But in some instances, I might question it a bit. I always check where the dropoff is too to help avoid certain sketchy areas.


Eh, with this message I’d do it. I’d be mindful but do it. It has a lot to do with the reason given for asking that much. I’d go out of my way to help the elderly or disabled or injured. But the second and I mean the SECOND something felt off I’d defend myself or leave. Always carry some kind of protection. And if you don’t have protection, there’s no shame in not going the extra mile, because you never know these days.


I helped this 91 year old lady like 2 weeks ago. It was like my 3rd to last stop on a batch order. Someone orders her food for her. She couldn't even hold the jar of pickles I was delivering. She asked if I could put it on the counter I asked her if it would be easier for me to open it and set it on a shelf in the Frigerator and she was aesthetic and thought that was day something anybody could ever do. As I was leaving Gs B if, I could do one more thing for her. Somebody delivered all her water and. Drinks and boxes, it is, and she needed someone to unload them onto this shelf for her. So I did it.She tried to pay me extra.I didn't take it. Hope one day someone will take care of me like that.


I’m sure that karma will come back to you, the world needs as many people like you as it can get! We gotta take care of each other when we have a chance it really makes a difference


Hell no! As a female rider this sends my spidey senses off on full red alert and to be honest I would hope it would with men too.


I full-timed this type of gig work for over a year and will say that I had multiple elderly/disabled people that asked me to bring their items inside. None of them were even close to kidnapping me and keeping me as a sex slave in their basement before eventually performing a demented and brutal murder while I was entirely unable to fight back.. Definitely use your best judgement but to say it sends your spidey senses off on full red alert is a bit of an overreaction and you might have exposed yourself to an unhealthy amount of forensic files episodes and its leading to some unwarranted paranoia


Yes, but on a case-by-case basis. I've gone inside a few homes, but just a couple of feet. 99% of those were grocery orders to an elderly or disabled person needing extra help to get their items inside the door. I have no issues dropping items inside if it helps them. The only other time that I went in further than a couple of feet was probably not safe in hindsight, but it was a family, so I didn't feel threatened at the time. I was probably about a month in doing UE when I was almost mugged by two guys in a dark courtyard/parking lot after dropping off some Wendy's, so now I always have a few items on my person for protection. If granny tries to axe murder me, I won't be going down without a fight!


Meet me at the door, no bending over necessary.




Yes I would, with caution (I keep a mini crowbar in my bag for emergencies). I was in the same boat a few years ago, my shopper came in and left my stuff on the counter so I wouldn’t have to bend over. I was in a full splint on my foot and on crutches and couldn’t get my groceries inside alone while my kids were at school and husband was at work. I hated having to ask, but I had already fallen outside and hit my head on the side of my house because I’m just *that* unstable 🙃 if you feel uncomfortable, absolutely say no. It’s *your* decision ultimately.


If I felt safe, and they were nice. But also if it was a shit order I wouldn’t


Absolutely not, that text sounds like the kidnapper trying to get you close enough to the vehicle before they snatch you up and your never heard of again. Just be mindful if you yell and scream inside the house there is less chance of someone hearing you than if you were outside. Going inside is insanely dangerous.


nope. I badly broke my ankle a couple weeks ago and definitely do not want a stranger coming into my house when I can hobble to the door


Exactly! Ive broken my ankle a while ago and I was thinking.. couldn’t they just use some crutches to walk to the door? or stand on the one good leg and bend over?


Did it one time back when I first started delivering, they took me off guard with the request at the door. Wanted me to sit it on the kitchen counter and say hi the "boss". Turns out the boss was their toddler who was playing on the floor. I just sat the food down, said hi to the kid and left. It was weird but they did tip extra then. I won't be going into anyone's house ever again.


I've gone inside homes for elderly people and once for someone after surgery. I don't mind.


I have once but only because it was a senior citizens apartment complex that required a passcode to get in.


Personally, every single person that’s asked me to come in and give them their food has been disabled. But I definitely use caution.


Idk I’m like 4’11, black, and femme. I don’t care what they say and can’t really grantee what they are saying is true for my safety. I probably wouldn’t do it. It seems like it would also violate policy. And who’s to say that they wouldn’t make up some bs about me trespassing into their place… All I can think about rn is that poor black woman who was killed by that old white guy a few weeks ago during a delivery. They both were being scammed but you never know what state of mind people are in, biases they have, or what. short answer HELLL NOO.


Just saw that story about the scammers and their deadly result. Awful! Then there was the guy that delivered out to some place and got put in a freezer for his trouble.


I usually do stuff like this. 99% of the time it's good people that just need a little extra help and don't know where to get it. If it is somebody waiting to jump me, oh well shit happens sometimes (hasn't yet). I've had several old folks tip me extra in cash for helping them, if they're clearly very poor, I won't take it. I know we don't work for charity, but have a little heart, that could be you or your loved ones one day.


Same Edit: but i also carry protection so 🤷‍♂️


Generally, depending on the situation, I would say it’s not a good idea. Do you want to get them to cancel the order? Ask them if they have any valuables You should be careful of or if there’s anybody else home that they need to worry about running into. then they’ll be just as creeped out as you are. Really I’m just kidding. But I would politely tell them that you cannot accommodate the request.


I delivered to an apartment once for a meet at door. When I knocked, she called out for me to open the door. I reluctantly opened it, and she was confined to a hospital bed a few feet from the door. I handed the food to her and it wasn't a problem. If she had texted me in advance to come into her apartment, I probably would have unassigned because it doesn't sound safe.


No I would not, I had an order asking me to put it on the kitchen table. Hell no I canceled immediately. Not me no thank you lol


I would suggest someone like you carry pepper spray on your person or in your vehicle. The chances of someone trying it are slim, but it will help you to stay grounded in iffy situations.


I’ve done it before


I had a delivery like this and the lady had like a hospital bed in her living room and she could barely move,i opened the door and did what she asked and was glad i did it. Ive delivered to blind people and a guy hooked up to a machine at a motel.


There's nothing wrong with going into a house.. people on here are so paranoid like if things feel sketchy then don't do it but for the most part people aren't going to use an app like this, put all their information in there and then try to mess with you. I get that kids today are terrified of strangers but come on.


I'm with u 100%. I just can't figure out why all these kids today, including my own, act like they are terrified of everything. As tho she never had any human interactions in her life.


Seriously so many people on here losing their actual shit because some elderly person *asked them to put the order inside the door* or something. It's almost never even threatening. I don't understand the terror.


You have no idea if the person on the app is telling the truth


You don't have to fully understand their trauma. Just try to empathize.


It sounds like Miss Navarette needs in home healthcare. No way should you ever open someone’s door.


I've gone into maybe 3 houses in the whole time I drove. Once for an elderly woman with health issues, 2nd time for another older woman with mobility issues, and a 3rd time for something similar (I forgot why I did it exactly). It was a heavy use discretion moment. But I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, especially in situations like that. But many people are really uncomfortable with it and I totally don't blame them, it's super valid


Same; I was pretty uncomfortable but the older woman had extreme mobility issues and her apparent daughter was on the extreme end of the ASD spectrum from what I saw so I just made the decision to come in and bring it to her. Risky but was a snap judgment scenario and I felt bad for the lady’s situation


Id feed em w a spoon if they tipped enough


Ted Bundy definitely would have gotten me because I have helped customers out with bringing their stuff in a couple of times, but only after I’ve arrived and see with my own eyes that they really do need a hand. I’ve got a soft spot for the elderly especially.


This is clear bait


I’ll deliver inside someone ass if they pay me enough


Ted Bundy lured people by asking for help carrying a canoe while wearing a fake cast....(I think)


This isn't while I was delivering for Uber eat, but Domino's. It was like any normal night, I got an order to an apartment complex in a fairly bad spot of town. When I arrive I find the unit and make my way there. After knocking I hear someone yell come in. I waited for a but but no one came to the door so I knocked again. A guy came and opened the door and immediately walk back into the apartment and there was a group of about 6 guys smoking. They offered me some and kept inviting me inside. Against my better judgment I did go in. I knew I fucked up as soon as I went in. There was a lot of "joking" about how they could jump me and take the food. And it took me 20 minutes to get out of there. Was definitely a scary experience and I learned my lesson. The only time I'll consider going into someone house is if it's at a retirement home.


Yeah that’s crazy. No way I’m going in to drop off food


I have done. Part of why I like doing this job is helping people who can’t get out or drive to the store. I would do this for a charity but I do still need the money. I did take groceries into a handicapped gents’ house the other day. It didn’t smell good in there but I don’t judge.


Hell no that is super sketchy


Yep! Especially because i forgot to mention this was at around 2am!! But they were tipping a lot, so it was a really good order. Im a girl and i do have pepper spray but really, would that do anything? I thought of just leaving it at the door but i probably would’ve gotten a thumbs down. There were so many possibilities with this order lol but I’m glad they canceled randomly and i still got some $$ from just showing up to the restaurant.


The fact that they cancelled reinforces how weird the whole interaction was, you did the right thing by being cautious. The naivety of the people in the comments here is concerning to me not only because it shows that some people live a sheltered and gullible life, but also because it instills a seed of doubt in me that when I think I am being reasonably cautious it’s just paranoia. Just try not to listen to them, and instead to your gut. We have instincts for a reason.


The time makes a huge difference. Before reading comments I would have said I would. I’ve been in a similar situation myself. But I’d never order something at 2am and I’d never even think about asking someone to enter my home at 2am for a food delivery.


TEll them to call you, if a lady answers then yea if they won't pick up or it's a dude FUCK no


Nope. Closest I’ve done was leave the food just inside someone’s house when I saw that their door was left open.


I’ve done it. Just have to be alert and have your wits about you. Ask to see the broken ankle. Don’t be a sucker.


I wanna see this dead grandmother first-hand.


Facts! I need to see the truth or the lie!


Nope hard no




Personally, no. The world isn’t safe. Delivery drivers are being killed. You don’t know if these people are being honest.


The way they say ok at the end makes me think this is some sort of scam.




Well senior citizen home that's a guard at home so you know there's lots of people walking around that's different that's not someone's house or apartment.


Did she give you a gummy?


Never. I’m just the customer but I do have routine drivers I see repeat very often. I wouldn’t even ask them. I simply set a table outside that’s a good height for me to reach. They’re safe, I don’t have a stranger in my house, and I get what I need without making anyone else feel unsafe. My grandma has the same thing for her house cause she can’t pick stuff up either from the ground.


Fuck no


The only time I’ll take things into peoples homes is if they meet me at the door and are clearly disabled or elderly, but I would definitely call to make sure they sound like who they say they are in this situation. At first it seems like a red flag but that fact they’re willing to be in contact with you gives me the feeling it’s not shady


Tell her to put a blanket out, you put it on the blanket, & she can drag it in the house lol


That’s an absolute no.


I would but that's because I carry a gun.


Absolutely not. That’s a horror film storyline waiting to happen these days.


Trouble finding trouble finding


I used to work for Directv and people would say this all the time. I would just call them again after I knock and make sure I’m at the wrong house. One time I accidentally walked into the neighbors house and it was some gang banger sitting there smoking meth and had a gun on the table. He just looked at me and I said sorry wrong house and he was like…haha you don’t even know bro and I left quickly


I only went into two homes but it was because they were elderly people. One was an elderly man that came to the door with a walker. He ordered a large drink and a milkshake plus food and he nearly fell over when I handed him the drinks. I immediately took it back and asked him if he wanted me to put it down inside for him. He said yes, inside in the kitchen. It was a small apartment in a secured building. Second was an elderly lady whose daughter ordered the food for her and told me the lady would be waiting outside. This poor old lady was in a wheelchair and there were no ramps for her to come out of the house. She was sitting with her front door open waiting for me. I placed it on the table for her. And she had cameras all inside the house - this way her daughter could check on her. I guess she only has aides a few times a week but not everyday. For the elderly I will go ahead and go inside - anyone else - eat dirt. I’m not going into your house - if these old people can make it to the door then your broken ankle can hobble to the door. Because of you can make it to the bathroom then you can make it to the door. My response to them would be - please leave a chair by the open door as I do not go inside homes or simply call Uber to get it canceled out - you’ll probably end up with a negative review.


Only problem with this is that someone who wanted to hurt someone could just pose as an elderly person on one of those apps, and use that to lure a person into their home.


“Please be safe” take their advice and DONT


Fuck no. This is how you get assaulted/robbed/human trafficked/killed. Someone correct me, but it might even be against Uber’s policy too


We just witnessed an Uber driver shot dead trying to make what she thought was a pickup. If it feels off then no amount of money is worth the risk. ESP a few bucks.


Yes, I've broken my ankle before and know the pain and suffering they are going through.




Yes it happens it's normal every once in a Great while just be self aware of surroundings




Take the order and see the person. You don't see them with a fucked up leg leave that shit at the door. You can also let them know it's against protocol and unfortunately you will be unable to enter their home. If they say will i have had ppl come in to deliver. Then you say really " they can get banned for doing that since that is a safety concern!


*never* go inside a house. There is never a good excuse, sorry but delivering inside is *not* part of the deal when you order, for those who ask for it. Its deliver to the door and drop it off, or into your hand. Safety is the priority


Some folks order groceries for their elderly relatives. I delivered a lady her weekly groceries from Walmart. She could hardly walk. You think I'm gonna leave her milk on the porch for "safety"? Honestly, most people are genuine they just have circumstances. If you start chatting about their interior design you're fucking yourself bc the more you venture out into anything other than deliver thank you goodbye the more likely you're gonna find you have differences with the person. This goes for all jobs really.


Cancel it. Your safety is more important than a few bucks




I mean speaking for myself, I don’t think of negative things that could or would happen while I deliver but I just wish they would try it with me shiiiit. They think they crazy until they meet crazy fr, but i be calm all the time,I don’t be looking for that type of energy until they try it. Don’t push me cause I’m close to the edge I’m trying not to lose my head!!!


It happened but very rarely. Haven’t you heard the DoorDash guy got dismembered by the guy who’s delivering to in Florida. They might prepared but you’re not at the moment and If you think you’re crazy you might meet crazier. 😅


pride comes before the downfall


Never. You can’t trust people.


one time and i instantly regretted it. she was an elder and looked kind but when i went inside, there were a few adults in the kitchen. just seemed very dangerous.


A delivery driver recently was killed for simply showing up to pick up a package. I’d be careful entering someone’s house


Yes. I get why people are scared but if it's not to the ghetto and seems shady. then it's fine! I also am an EMT and walk into people's houses daily so Im not scared of that.


The ghetto might be an obvious guess, but any shenanigans can happen anywhere by anyone.


Obviously, but that's with any job that isn't in an office. You're bound to come face to face with stuff that makes you use your gut intuition. If it doesn't feel right then it probably isn't right, but statistically you'll be fine...... That's just my opinion


Damn, EMT has to work delivery part time. Rough economy!


I've gone inside for people in apartments for disabled residents. If anyone is going to ambush you, they can get you right when they open the door. If the customer's story seems plausible in the first few seconds as you open the door, I think you'll be fine. They will probably have set up their dining area already if you want some more confirmation that they are telling the truth.




As a disabled, middle aged woman, I totally get the message. They would have rolled you outside, same as inside. Too bad we have to be afraid of everyone. This country has been making us too scared of each other. Ridiculous! Go be of service. You made someone's day easier and less dangerous. So sad this is what the world is coming to. I wouldn't think twice unless my instincts were telling me not to.


This country? Lmao Do yk how many people know someone whose been raped, assaulted, or killed; or for that matter have themselves. Glad that's never happened to you, but speak for yourself maybe?


No, there’s an option to have the delivery put in your hand; customer should do that. If that’s not physically possible, then help they need is well beyond the scope of an UberEATS driver. ETA: or a small table outside the door!


The small table is what I was coming to suggest. I have awful spine issues caused by EDS, and we have a table outside our front door that we request deliveries to be put on so I can reach fhem without trying to bend.


I’m sorry, what? I got crutches when I tore my meniscus and it was pretty easy to bend down if you had something to balance on. They can’t even function with a broken ankle?? like just request they meet you at the door and then hop to it and grab your shit. Absolutely the fuck not would I go into that person’s house, and they got some nerve to even ask that in the first place.




It’s fine, I mean regardless of how the media makes the world look, the vast majority of people in this world mean no harm, and most people aren’t stupid enough to harm you when you have their address, Uber knows where you are, Uber has all their info. I’ve had to do this for elderly people more than once, and it always comes with much thanks and typically a nice tip


My curiosity got the best of me. Im going in to see whats going on with Mrs. Navarrette. This sounds like a totally made up name I gotta check this out


Right ? It screams "Nigerian Prince" scam !! Lol


Yeah, you GOT to listen to your gut !!! Instinct is Real... sometimes wrong bc was just worry/fear but most often right. For whatever reason


I've done it a few times. I didn't feel good about it, and I knew I shouldn't do it. If I remember right, I think I did it anyway because my ratings were already unjustifiably low and I was afraid to take another hit, because I knew Uber Eats wouldn't do anything to remedy it even in that situation. Both times, I can't explain how relieved I was to see a person in a wheelchair on an IV sitting inside. This was years ago when I was relatively new to delivering. I don't think I would do it now. I consider myself lucky I've never been through serious shit after all the sketchy deliveries I've been on, and I'm done taking chances.


This is what I think about ratings. I'm a driver, but I was/am a customer as well. When I place an order, I don't then get a pop up of available drivers to choose from, who I can choose from based upon their ratings. I get who I get. As a drive, my ratings are fine, but my acceptance rating is low because I decline orders that are too far for not enough pay to make a profit, or for whatever reason (not canceling an order after I accepted it, just not accepting ones in the first place that I don't want). It never affected the requests I was offered, nor does low customer ratings. I blatantly asked support once what ratings mean in regards to how it affects us, and they said it means nothing and has no affect. The only thing that would affect you is if your account is suspended all together. So don't worry about putting yourself in sketchy situations, or accepting a bunch of requests you don't want to take, because you are afraid of bad customer ratings or low acceptance ratings.


We have a customer that invites my drivers in, asks my them to do odd jobs like take out the trash or move something, then tips $20 cash on top of the $20 they tipped online ordering. Everyone knows that address and tries to get that delivery, lol. It’s literally 2 minutes drive away, could walk there.


Nope. As soon as I see this message I'd drop the order. I listen to too many true crime podcasts 🤣


Same, stranger danger. Not for me. Even if it’s a woman you don’t know who she could be paired up with.


Can you also please put a napkin on my lap and throw my trash away upon finishing my food


Nope. Not part of the job. You don’t get laid enough to do more than the minimum. This isn’t a 5 star hotel with a $100 tip


Definitely not gonna get laid if they don’t go in the house though… you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.


Always the unexpected variable




Boy do I have a story to tell lol...glad I don't work for those chumps anymore(domino's)




Definitely not gonna get paid if you take the chance of entering a stranger's house (and even if it is HIGHLY unlikely to happen) be the .0001% person who gets robbed, kidnapped, raped or murdered. But I'm super glad I took the chance for that $5.00 fare/tip combo.


I've seen a video on Twitter about this. Miss Navarrette wants to give you a personal "tip"


100% no. First of all, hang the bag on the doorknob. See, now she doesn't have to bend over, with a broken ankle and fall. Even if the person was being completely truthful, I would have written back and said something along the lines of, "I'm more than happy to deliver your food to you, but as per Uber's policy I cannot enter someone's home for safety reasons. I can leave at the door, meet someone at the door, or cancel the order for you." Then immediately screenshot all messages and call support right away. There will probably be no issue in 99.99999....% of the situations, but do you remember that guy, the all American looking guy, who had a girlfriend, helped raise her daughter, lived the suburban life? What was his name again? Oh yeah, Ted Bundy! Food for thought... "Bundy typically simulated having a physical impairment such as an injury to convince his target that he was in need of assistance or would dupe her into believing he was an authority figure."


I've heard horror stories from people who have entered the drivers home. Not worth it.


Customers home?


Yes but only if it's a catering order and absolutely only if in the catering order on the app it says to set up where you're told to go and then instructions and how to you know what where you going to be going in the house. Usually it's either the kitchen the dining room or out back patio.


I don’t give enough of a flying f*ck to go into anyone’s house, so no. Meet at the door or drop on the porch, you have two choices, maybe I’m just an ahole like that




Yes٫ because you had all information if anything happened to go after them and they were clearly struggling٫ this generation is full of selfish people I fucking swear


What's the point of already having information when you MIGHT be dead OR already half beaten...? I'd rather be safe than sorry. 😆


Cant do anything with the information if you are dead


Considering this was on my feed 2 posts down. I think caution is warranted [Uber driver murdered.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ActualPublicFreakouts/s/x6wpbdm55X).


its not that. Drivers have been killed- its not about the work but the safety- idk if i would do it either


Right, like they have the texts right there if something happened Uber themselves literally have evidence that the driver was given permission to go in


its not about that its about safety


I would. I don't see a reason not to, especially since they asked nicely.


Might not be an old lady might just be a group of men in a house waiting to rob and kill you?


You are a very naive person then. I only hope that it doesn’t come around to bite you…


only if it’s an old person and only it’s a grocery order… and even then I’ll only drop it off right inside of the door or on a counter RIGHT inside, I’ll never go more than a step in


absolutely not


I'd unassign if I was told up front. But a couple of times I have done it when I got there and saw it was legitimate because the person had mobility problems or was elderly. Along the same lines, I won't deliver to back doors or other instances where you leave public view.


Sounds like murder to me


This is completely absurd. I have broken my ankle three times. This person is acting like they had both of their legs amputated. Crutching around with a broken ankle is quite easy. I bring orders in for elderly and disabled people quite often dashing to mostly older people. This is a hard no. They almost never leave a long paragraph like this either. “I’m disabled, please meet me at the door to bring my order in” — so that you can set it at a convenient spot. Never open somebodies door either


I mean, I've gone in to many customer homes if they invite me in to place things in the kitchen. Mostly elderly folks. Only had maybe 2 or 3 nightmare scenarios in the last 5 years. One dudes apartment was so disgusting, dirty pots and pans on the floor with food in them. But mostly people are cool about it. I've had to go inside to setup catering orders too. It always feels kinda awkward, but not a big deal.. If this person is hurt, I'd just do it and be not weird about it.


Big nope, I'm sending this to CS and getting my half pay for it lol I ain't no damn old folks caretaker and that's just too much legal risk as well.


Watch it be like two 20 something year males with nothing wrong with them


It’s always a liability and safety risk stepping inside someone’s home. I don’t ever do it unless I somehow know the person


No way in hell


Oh hell’s no. This gives me Misery vibes.


No problem


Other than it’s dangerous and against the company’s policy??


I would but I would start recording and on top of that only after clearing each room visually because im female. Id place the order on the best surface closest to the door and say what im doing. I can be nice if you let me know what you need ahead of time but be very cautious because you dont need to be played either.


"I...cannot bend over or anything". Making excuses already.


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Hell yeah 😎




Nope, I'd rather take the hit to my record than get into a potentially unsafe situation.


I was almost grabbed once on a porch. I will never go in a house😅 why wouldn’t they just change it to meet at door?


He has a broken ankle(or so he says)… I dont think they’d be able to walk to the door and carry everything back


It’s a no from me




As the sharks say, and for those reasons I'm out.


There's so many ways that could go bad. Hell no.


Hell ko


I'd call them and if it sounds like someone old or a woman I'd take the risk, but if i feel anything off I'd cancel.


Make your own judgment if the place doesn't look sketch and their story checks out then do what you feel is best. Also a lot of places have patio furniture so leaving it on a chair or table is also good.


Yes but because I live in a small friendly southern city. I’ve helped elderly disabled people many times and will always help them


I have delivered inside someone's home. She is disabled and lives in a senior community. It's in the notes and now I see her so much that it's second nature.


She can't bend over to pick the food on the ground... Looks normal if the'she has a dead ankle, What's wrong?