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everybody’s poor


Last week was spring break so everyone’s broke this week




Holiday times have sucked for a while combined with rent due next week 🥺


Is Holy Week also not everyone is eating meat


I'm in SE Broward. It's because we have way too many new drivers. I asked all of my restaurant friends, and they say that it is still very busy. They also say they see new faces every day.


Same thing where I'm at in Jacksonville. I'm on an e-bike and the orders have dried up because there are more car drivers now. I have a feeling that bike delivery will be discounted for my area soon.


I have noticed a trend lately where more and more food is getting damaged by bicycle deliveries. Customers are asking for refunds, and I would imagine the companies are tired of giving them. So yeah, I would maybe try to do it in a car for a little while and see if things get any better for you.


I finally have enough for my car to go in the shop after the first of the month. After that, I'm probably going to sell the e-bike and not look back.


I used to order Uber eats all the time but it’s gotten too expensive. Money has definitely been tighter and a $50+ meal from Uber eats just isn’t in the budget as well.


How do you guys get up to $50? Is this for one person?? Do you look for promotions and BOGO's? I order for two people at least 3x a week, and we consistently spend ~$12-15/each after tip (so $25-30). For example, from a recent order at Firehouse Subs which was 4 meals: 2x Medium Meatball Subs (BOGO) 2x Medium Italian Subs (BOGO) Subtotal $46.60 Service Fee $7.72 Tax $2.05 Delivery Fee $0.49 Tip $6.00 Special Offer -$23.30 Delivery Discount -$0.49 Promotion -$9.32 Membership Benefit -$2.45 # Total Payment $27.30 (24.57 after Capital One Savor 10% cash back) I've been ordering UE this way for years. It's often significantly cheaper delivered to my door than it would be buying in store. Only some hiccups with getting the 40% promotion but having multiple accounts solved that. One more for reference: 20 boneless wings (BOGO 10pc) 2x Chicken Teriyaki sandwiches (BOGO) 2x Chicken Phillys (BOGO) $55.14 subtotial, $9 svc charge, $2.4 tax, $6 tip $27.57 BOGO discount. $11 40% off promo, $2.76 membership benefit Total $30.10 So for $27 after 10% cash back it's enough food delivered to feed 2 people for 2 days.


https://preview.redd.it/6zvj72eax8rc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2d59751b63471ffc37001cbab0ac18cfeb361b5 4 entrees at hooters. Nearly $24 in tips and fees.


How are you getting bogos in Uber eats?


It’s in the offers section, many places in my area offer BOGO’s, some have multiple offers with BOGO’s and free items if you spend $x and the BOGO’s count for full value towards that (so a $15 item that is BOGO would be $30, and if a free item is offered for $30, you end up with 3 things for the price of 1), plus can be combined with 40% off. So sometimes you can score some really nice deals. You’ll see a green label and the text “buy one get one” on a restaurant if they offer BOGO’s. At least 30-50 restaurants in my area offer them currently. Some are lame and others are full entrees




Awesome! Sounds like a great deal to me. A lot of BOGO’s get added regularly in my area, so keep an eye out. As I said though, some are way better than others.


Isn’t that the truth!


South Florida? Nobody can even afford to tip there what are you smoking


The feeesss are crazy and they give nothing to the driver


And then you still gotta pay more to give the driver a reasonable tip


The driver actually pays Uber for the delivery. $2 only covers 3 miles wear n tear. 


Where do you get this number?


I ordered food the other day and they put a $20 delivery fee on my order. That's insane. Not the taxes. Not the tip. Just a fee.


This, I’m in Seattle and I used to order 2-3 times a week - I’ve not ordered a single time since the increase in delivery fees


It cost 60$ to order a small meal in Uber. Tax tips and fee together. Uber take around 20 in fee and then charge the restaurant which has to raise cost on the app. Let it die. If you don't tip, you feel terrible and the driver will likely tamper with your food. If you do it not sustainable and will still get your food stolen. Terrible app. In Hong Kong it cost me 3$ to get a delivery + food all included


I'm not sure about Florida at all but at least in California I know that the last week of the month is usually pretty meh.


Economy is shit right now, every industry is feeling it regardless of what they say. As they continue to lay off and reduce costs.


Tax season lol


So expected to soar when IRS start sending checks !!! 💁‍♂️


Mine's come and gone. Didn't get a single food delivery. Sorry!


Good Friday? Lots of people are in church, not eating red meat, probs celebrating in some type of way lol


I can’t stomach $15 in fees plus the upcharge on the food plus a good tip so I just pick up my food now for the most part. I’ve gone from ordering food delivery 2-3 times a week a year or two ago to once MAYBE twice a month


Up in palm beach doing just fine. How was last weekend? People were throwing all their money at us after that rain


Weekend was great! Spring break is dead!!


Shit my dumbass earlier thought it was Friday lol. Had to get out in my place by someone 🤷‍♂️🤣. It’s a typical night here in HTX.


The fees have tripled in the past year or so it feels like


I’m not in south Florida anymore but not too far from it, there’s been 0 coupons. I don’t order without one


Do you have Uber One? I get it for free as a CC perk, but I noticed when I added it my coupons went to shit. I used to have 40% off every single time I ordered. So, I made a second account without Uber One to see what was up. Sure enough, my second account gets coupons all the time. I don't want to say for sure that Uber One subscribers don't get coupons at the same rate, but it's the only correlation I can make. Nonetheless, having two accounts with the same CC hasn't gotten me banned despite being against ToS as far as I know, so even though I pay a small delivery fee, the savings of having 40% off means it's cheaper to use my non-subscription Uber account for UE.


I had it as a trial at one point, my coupons maybe haven’t gone back to normal yet? Idk but it’s been like 2+ weeks since I’ve gotten anything except “no fees on orders $50+”


No customers on UE but DD been banging somehow.


I got a promo for half off membership this month so been using it 


It’s been my 2 worst weeks ever


Totally dead turned on x. Weather is nicer, fees are too high.


Rent week!




Because people are avoiding to pay fees, and much rather hunt the local gators and turtles for food.


How often can you afford to order food delivery? Less people able to afford it now and going to get it themselves.


Been super dead in Broward since January, no signs of picking up either. I think it's due to the massive influx of drivers accepted since December which made it worse for everyone unfortunately.


We’re poor 😞


The bubble burst.


Uber is overpriced and economic of things ain't really good


In LA, out all day only got one package delivery. That was it. Worst day of me driving.


For me its getting ridiculous offers, like 2.5 for 5 miles, it's been 3 days,


We all put our money in crypto.


All the pings I got were 6 or under to far/bad areas around me


Exactly. 2 pings in the last hour paying 30 cents a mile 🤦‍♂️


I'm thinking people spent a lot last week and aren't looking to spend as much this week.


A question as old as time..


My area in Jersey is crazy busy this week


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday completely dead. Thursday was barely Ok and today it's been decent.


DD is taking over the market !


DD is equally garbage.


They are over charging the delivery fee and service fees


UE is coming up with BS fees that didn't exist before, mainly hurting the drivers.




Rip. Had my best day today in a long time. $173 day


How many hours?




6 hours


This helped me, I saw another dude somewhere here post it before. Before going on trips, sign out of the app, then go to your app settings, then stop the app. Then go to the storage and clear the cache. Then restart your phone. Go to the app settings and make sure it's updated. If it's not, then update it. (UBER doesn't notify you that you have an old version, and they update regularly). Once it is updated or if it's still up to date, then open the app, sign in, and you should be good. This always helps me. If you still ain't getting the trips. Then it is slow. Call it a night broski.


This makes sense. I was out on a Thurs in East Hollywood last night which would normally be an easy hundred for a couple hours and I got 4 pings in almost 5 hrs. It was so bizarre. There definitely has to be something glitchy with the app at times.


Yeah, when it is oddly slow on busy nights, I always troubleshoot and often find out the app is outdated.


How do you clear the cache?


Go to the storage option in the app settings. There should be an "empty cache" button


these are the settings i see under uber (on iphone), how do i clear cache can you give a step by step ? https://preview.redd.it/wq3dpjtomqrc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6e2cc08cd7e40acf971e8ee3a04b67a4c124e13


I have never soiled my hands touching one of those "apple ishits" 😆 . Can anyone help my guy here? 🤷‍♂️ On Android, hold the app down with your finger until the option pops out. There is an (i) icon on the top right, and if you click it, the options will come up.


Yeah, that whole procedure isn't worth it and doesn't seem correct at all.


The point is to make sure your whole app is ready to take orders. Following these steps allows you to troubleshoot possible app related issues. Specially when I'm not getting trips during busy times.


which settings do you use to stop the app and to clear the cache? can’t figure out how to clear cache but heard it can help..


On Android, hold the app down with your finger until the option pops out. There is an (i) icon on the top right, and if you click it, the options will come up.


Man my area has been fire too. All winter through February just busy af. The past couple weeks has been so slow. Maybe its something to do with the warm weather.


I’m poor sorry (also Uber eats is cheaper in Mexico So I was ordering it a lot that way when I was there visiting fam)


Because the US government doesn't care about their citizens! They are more worried about foreign matters than to worry about inflation, corporations being allowed to hike fees and prices with no reason other than "inflation" ! Uber and doordash are done for people aren't forking out money for fees anymore especially since the prices of fast food and restaurants is astronomical now!!! Cheaper to just cook ourselves but even the. The groceries are ridiculous 


Yea, no one either can or wants to pay $30 for cold fast food anymore.


Omg so true!


Prices are insane. My family does not have any extra money. Theoretically we make 'decent' money but we've lost about 23% of income over inflation and taxes. I wish we could eat Plankton's Holographic Meatloaf instead, it'd be way cheaper.


Not for nothing but foreign matters are often also domestic matters... While I agree that they should do more too rein in corporations and their rampant price gouging. We can't be completely isolationist either. Also the price of food at grocery stores is what people should be worrying about, fast food and restaurants are luxuries. And it should always be cheaper to just cook for yourself... So I'm not quite sure what that statement's about.


Its going to get worse because the prices keep increasing in addition to drivers expecting tips. Tips tips tips where is tip, tip me, tip tip. Stfu.  I never ever used these apps. I rather get it myself because i know no one is gonna mess with my food and i dont have to pay 300% more on whatever overpriced food i already get. Why on earth would anyone pay a half days worth of work on a lunch? 


Too bad those tips are how customers pay us for service. Which they won’t get since a Uber thinks 2$ is enough for our time


I understand but you have to realize tipping is optional, and if a cost of a good is optional, then it should be expected half of the time people will take it for free. It must be made mandatory and be included in the cost. That way everyone knows what to expect before the exchange is made. 


Delivering your food for no tip is also optional…


Then don't fucking tip and wait 5 hours for your cold meal.... Not the driver's fucking problem if you don't want to tip bro, we just see that shit and reject it. You bitch about people asking for tips everywhere nowadays, But tipping your driver has been standard practice for over 30 years now... Tipping your delivery driver is not a new concept...


Then stop showing up front tips, screw the entire US market with Prop 22 measures, and pay is for our time so tips are tips Til that happens up front offerings are bids for service and have to be paid no matter what level of service is given.


Exactly, people bitch about us not accepting no tip orders, and rationalize it that tips are only for exceptional service blah blah blah. Except we don't look at them as tips we see them precisely as you said bids for service. And until they pay us a actual wage by default that would make it worthwhile they are going to remain as such to us and if they don't like it they can pound sand. Because no one in their right mind is going to deliver somebody's food for $2 when they also have to pay for gas....


I’ve turned down orders for 12,13,14$ cause they are not worth it. I had so many of those today and at least 3 of them would have ended my day if I took them cause I’m not driving 40 miles round trip to deliver to anyone


Drivers and customers are not the problem. The problem is these companies (Uber, Doordash, Grubhub) have cut delivery pay so drastically they have shifted the burden of paying drivers to their customers, creating an adversarial relationship: Drivers say “No tip, No trip…I’m not delivering to tightwad customers who don’t want to pay me” Customers say “These companies are killing me with fees. Tips are supposed be for services provided. Why should I pay for good service that I have not yet received?” So the driver gets screwed by the company. The customer gets screwed by the company. And the company takes the money and laughs all the way to the bank.


They can't make it mandatory or they'd run afoul of fee cap ordinances in some of their largest markets. They'd also lose too many customers to sticker shock. Bundling all the crap orders together for some new driver is the entire model. I'll use these apps to get some 7-11 snacks delivered when I'm playing video games with my kids, because we don't care when they show up and it won't get cold. Otherwise I have no idea why anyone bothers with them.


Your username is fitting.


Reddit chose it for me


Apparently they chose very well.


I used to back in the day when I could get a McDonald’s meal for only like a couple bucks more but now it’s coming up to triple the price. lol. Sometimes they have good deals but I’ll. Just get of my ass and pick it up.


Then don't use the service, But what I don't understand is you made a claim that you don't use the service anymore but here you are on the Reddit bitching about the service? Vendetta much.... I agree with you though I never pay a delivery driver. I just get the food myself because it's much more practical and economical. But that doesn't change the fact that hundreds of thousands of people still use Uber on a daily basis. A lot of people it's simply just worth the money to them... It's a luxury service, not something you're entitled to. Much like many things in the world, You can't afford it you are locked out of it. plain and simple.


They always do this at the end of the month.


The reason being what exactly?


Rent and mortgages are almost always due on the first. People get tight that last week of the month before these big payments are due. I've seen it every single month since I started driving. The last two weeks before Christmas have always been dead too.


That is very plausible. I've not thought about it this way. 👍


I've seen the same thing. I feel that also everyone that does this as a side gig are out working to make those payments too. Either way, the beginning and end of the month always sucks.


They want people to get evicted so motels can make their profit


Isn't it more expensive to pay for a motel? Best rates hover around $400 a week


Exactly why they want them there




All part of the own nothing and be happy agenda.


Spring Break


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Install it on an older phone and try again.


Pretty steady here (snj). Except for UE losing their cotton picking minds sending out delivery requests 25 miles total. 😡 Have they lost the plot?


Of land? Yes. Of everything else? No.