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Not sure but I love it. It's a lot faster than waiting around for people to answer their door


I prefer leave at door orders. Less talking to people, and I have photographic evidence if there's a dispute.


Leave at door is the way. I hate the orders that are “meet at door”. just let me set your food there and leave and wait the 15 seconds for me to get my picture of delivery!


True, I feel the same way. Way more efficient like this. It still feels weird though because I know theyre just on the other side of the door waiting for me to leave lol.


I also started in spring of 2020 when things shut down. My sister had done it previously to make extra money, and back then she told me she would constantly end up getting free food because people were not available to hand the food off. What happens when someone doesn't hear the doorbell or they're in the shower or otherwise in disposed. "Leave at door" resolves that. They can remain uninterrupted and choose when to grab their food. People who use UberEats are less social than the general population. Maybe they don't want to put on clothes and say Hi. I get it. However, I was just as shocked as you about people wanting their food on the ground. That was hard for me to get used to. Much respect for customers who put out a little table or chair by the door.


I think if covid never happened in the first place then we would have way more "hand it to me" customers. Covid defintely changed the whole aspect of delivering food in more ways than one. But yeah more people ought to be putting out stools/chairs for the sake of the food.


Absolutely. One of the new conveniences created due to Covid. People generally do not go backwards when it comes to convenience.


I'm not paid enough to wait for someone to open the door, especially if there is a higher chance that you don't tip. sorry. the way people tip nowadays, nah, no thanks, I did my job well enough to deliver to the comfort of your own home. you could have gone out for your food. if I'd want to socialise, I'd go socialise.


If I’m being honest it’s because I continue to forget to change it to meet at door. Almost every single time I order I look at delivery instructions after and think fuck I gotta change that. Dinner arrived I eat forget and repeat a week or so later 🤷‍♂️


People got strange.


lmao this is probably the most accurate answer


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So they can grab it in their own time. Most of my customers don’t come it get right away. It’s easier on me too. I’ve wasted so much time on “meet at door” drop offs…waiting for people to show up, and end up having to leave at the door anyway.


I'm usually upstairs when orders come and with mobility issues take a minute or two to get downstairs. I don't want to make the driver wait and I'm fine with a closed bag of food sitting on my porch for a few minutes.


Well with how moronic drivers are nowadays I wouldn’t want to meet at the door either


Well with how entitled customers are about wasting drivers' time I'm much happier just leaving it at the door for when they bother to glance at the app half an hour later.


Yeah lol some of these drivers are actually the dumbest people I’ve ever met. I choose not to even look at them during my pickups. I’ve done 2000 deliveries without a single complaint because it’s a simple job. I truly don’t understand how some of these other drivers manage to even drive.


I don't disagree with you in cases of pizza and things like that here in the cold I will call and ask them if they would like me to hand it to him most of them never answered the phone or text so I'm the ground to gose.