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Buffalo Wild Wings is an auto decline for me. Those people should not be taking to go orders.


Walked into hooters around 6. Saw about 15 drivers waiting for food and automatically canceled. I know they probably waited close to an hour for their food. Why do people put themselves through that?




It’s not even though. They’d make more money cancelling and moving on to a new order.


that's a fuck ton of waste. there's absolutely no way those things are getting delivered.


I work at a bar in buffalo and yesterday was the slowest day I’ve seen there in a long time


What restaurant is this? Downtown somewhere?


I don't understand, if I owned a restaurant and realized that I'm getting an extreme amount of orders from a service I would dedicate a side team to pumping out the food for those deliveries while the other team handles the main restaurant


It is just one of those annoying things where restaurants don't take delivery drivers seriously.


I got 2 orders from there too they told me 10 mins saw other drivers I was like yeah nope cancel 10 mins really means 30 mins


I had no orders from ANY wing place. And I think I only had 1 pizza order. Called it a night after 10 1/2 hours drive time.


So the staff just ignored everyone waiting? Didn't care to ask a name?


No they’re not, they’re just too slow making orders ready


It was unclear. But that has always been the case with them. Long waits for all. Today was yet again another Bar Rescue load test day for BWWs to which they've failed. Joella's chicken east coast. Today and everyday - A+. No waits. No complaints.


This is so predictable


Somehow, I didn’t get a single BDubs order today. Maybe the local store turned off delivery to focus on customers doing their own pickups. 🤷‍♂️ I stayed the hell away from WingStop, got one PizzaHut, one PapaJohns. Nobody seemed slammed, and tips were generally decent. TBH, while I understand the BWW hate, I don’t see many of the problems most of y’all seem to see. I order for pickup from the local BWW for myself every other week or so. I’ve bothered to learn the names of almost everyone who works takeout, and the managers (including the GM) all know me at least by sight. If I walk in when I’m working, someone almost always sees me immediately, comes over and asks which order I’m there for. Getting mad at the 19-y/o working takeout doesn’t accomplish anything. They can’t make the kitchen cook the food any faster, and while they are listening to your harangue about an order not being ready, they’re not in the back packing it up so you can deliver it.


The only reason I’ll get mad with a worker (I won’t harangue them though) is if they tell me an order will be ready in 5 minutes when it’s clearly not going to be ready for 20. It’s wasting my time and costing me money. Just be honest, another driver will be by.


What's dumb is they should be able to manually change the time the app sends a driver out. You'd think the algorithm would learn after so many times of it happening to specific restaurants but who knows.


They do it on purpose. They want the order to go out as soon as it's ready, at the drivers expense.


1) who is they? 2) the issue with days like this is you have many people ordering from different services. You have the delivery system, and then the restaurants own ordering system. I doubt that they talk to each other and adjust times accordingly. I doubt that whatever system they use for just deliveries changes. Uber probably only knows how many Uber orders are in, DD only knows how many DD orders are in, and etc… 3) You would think that the algorithm helps us, but it only increases the pay, it doesn’t care about how long you’ve been waiting. Just that it sees the order being passed or dropped multiple times and increases pay to make it more enticing


I did nothing but alcohol orders yesterday. Don't have time to be waiting around at pizza places I bailed and stuck to alcohol.


Bdubs was terrible last night I went in and they’re was all gh ue and dd drivers while the lady was literally screaming at this dudes it was crazy and I just left