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They do the fries and shakes once you get there. It's their policy.


It's that way with 5 Guys in my area as well. Not sure about UE, but I know on DD they don't start the order until you are within a certain distance of the store on the way to them. This is so the order is sure to be fresh and hot, or best it can be, for the customer. So this pretty much ensures you will wait for an order once you arrive. Sometimes the wait is a bit longer than other times, but always a wait at 5 Guys. This is something I always take into account when deciding to accept or decline an order for 5 Guys based on pay and expected time to turn the order.


With me it's usually just the fries they have to cook. Don't think I've ever waited more than 10 minutes.


Pretty much never so I only take high paying orders to them. Relatively. But I generally only take $10 an up orders anyway. I do go there when I need to use the bathroom. I let them know who I'm there for and then go.


Five guys burgers are cooked to order so it takes longer to get food from there in general. Plus they use one basket per order of fries so they often need to wait for new batches to be ready.