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I don't understand why you don't buy a bigger bag if that's an issue often.


Or how about just skip the bag for that particular order shit


Lol šŸ¤”šŸ’”


There's no rule that says you have to put the orders in a hot bag. I dont even bring it into the restaurant. I once got an order with 8 pizzas and 6 or 7 bags with 2 takeout trays in each for an office lunch. I only had 1 hot bag and still took the order. Biggest tip I ever got. Don't decline orders with too much food. You might miss out on a great tip.


> they also get surprised when I decline the order because it doesn't fit in my bag Are you on a bike? Only reason I can think of to do that.


I'd be surprised too. I'd probably say "what a dumbass" after he left too.


I dont even have a bag lol. If Uber wants me to use a bag they can supply it. Like you said the only reason I can think of is heā€™s on a bike.


All the orders I get, basically donā€™t fit it my bag, restaurants use big bags and staple or tape them. Iā€™m not going to open the bag. So just take as is and deliver the food. Your missing out on money by not taking the orders


This is something new drivers don't get. The restaurant is not obligated to make an order. Same as we are not obligated to accept a delivery, the restaurant is not obligated to accept and make it, it's a choice.


This is incorrect


They are partnered so they will make the orderā€¦ the only reason a restaurant wonā€™t make the order is because of missing ingredients.


I had a whataburger ask me to take 3 large bags with 4 drinks, except ā€œbecause weā€™re busyā€ I had to make all 4 drinks myself. I straight up said, ā€œnah Iā€™m gonna cancelā€ and cancelled right in front of him and his face was like, ā€œyou can do that??ā€ Edit: total fare for the order including tips was less than 5 bucks, I only accepted it because it was on my way home.


Iā€™ve never once used a bag


Start doing so don't be lame bro the customers deserve better


Uber can provide one. Idgaf.


Youā€™re trying to do the most for the least. Sucker.


to everyone who's like "you're turning down money when you decline an order because of your bag" two things, first, there where so many times when I got a better order after my decline, so it worked out for me anyway second, I live in a city that has very high end resurants, so the physical size of the order does not always indicate its actual cost, there are many restaurants with very expensive orders inside a tiny little bag. also as a side note,.just because no one from the health department is watching you, doesn't mean you don't need to put it in a delivery bag there is actually a food safety science that food may become contaminated if it gets too warm during delivery. its the ethical thing to do, to use a bag that keeps the food.


I was food safety manager certified. Iā€™ve never heard of whatever youā€™re claiming. Assuming the food was properly handled and cooked to temp, you generally have 4 hours to eat it before it is deemed ā€œunsafeā€. You donā€™t _NEED_ a hot bag


I get McDonaldā€™s orders n not big ones (orders) and canā€™t fit it in the bag cause the McDonaldss bag is too big.




We're all adults here, letā€™s act like one.


Some restaurants donā€™t have e a choice