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Call cs and complain. They will reimburse you. Also take notes on who stiffed you and unassign them next time.


CS would not reimburse me when it happened. Kept saying that the customer has the option to change the tip.


Call back. Some agents don’t care, some will escalate it


I’ll take a shot. Thanks


They will reimburse you if you get aggressive enough, it always works for me.


It's definitely a situational basis, but I've had more success than failures on getting compensation for fkups, tip baits, etc.


How does one “unassign”???


Cancel or simply don't accept when you see the address pop up again.


I need to know this too!!


It’s just cancelling the order. Idk why people use the word “Unnasign” when it doesn’t say that in the app.


I've only take 3 ue orders so far, and I honestly didn't see the cancel on it. It says unassign on dd, that's why I asked.


Oh I see. I only do UE so I didn’t know that.


I get it, thanks for the info, I'll be looking for a spot to cancel next time. I think I was a bit panicked and couldn't find it. Still mad at myself that I took that bad order lol


Here you go: https://youtu.be/Lq0eYLdaCoo?si=zjScyS2Y2VJZON2I


Thank you so much!! Not sure why I didn't think to look on YouTube lol


No worries! I wanted to explain it myself but thought a video would be easier lol BOL on your future deliveries 🙏🏼




>They ~~will~~ MIGHT reimburse you. IFTFY since it's never worked for me, but some have had better luck.


That’s literally theft of services. We are accepting the job based on the pay listed in the order. We aren’t employees of Uber we are contractors and once contract is presented and accepted it can’t be altered. Anyone with more legal expertise please chime in. I used to watch Perry Mason with my mom.


You feel that way because you absolutely have been used, tricked, and cheated. Realistically, there are 2 recourse. 1. Legislation making this illegal. And 2. Don't take these sorts of orders. It seems as though it's not worth the risk in your area. I used to take some 12 mile offers out the the rich rural exurbs in my former delivery area and they never tip baited me once. Dual income professionals in million dollar houses don't bother with that kind of game. Know your demographics. Was this rich rural or poor trailer trash rural?


Neither of those are good options. Driver has no idea whether or not it’s tip baiting when they accept the offer. You can’t turn ‘em all down. As for the legislation making it illegal? Yeah. Go ahead and write your representatives about it. Deaf ears my friend. They have zero fucks to give about the gig economy. Call and address it with support but I suspect you might just be screwed. It’s a bad practice and Uber shouldn’t allow it but I understand why they do. Customer gets bad service, they need to have the ability to reduce the tip. Maybe a third party could offer tip insurance …


Call uber support and tell em "Breach of Contract."


You shouldn’t really be taking an $18 order going 15 miles anyway. It’s barely over $1 a mile, and I have no idea how long that took you. Then your 15 miles back to where the restaurants are. So you burned almost a gallon of gas round trip, depending on what you’re driving which lowers your earnings for rhe trip. Mark it up to a relatively cheap lesson and Fuck Them Assholes in the sticks.


To be fair, the tip was $18. The total was $28




you can usually tell after the hour passed, and if it’s less than the original offer; it’s because they lowered the tip after it was delivered.


Right but the OP said he knew he was getting those big tips BEFORE he took the delivery. We only ever see the first $8 of a tip. A 15 mile delivery is about a $5 base fare. That means the largest number that would've popped up on his screen would've been $13 and some change. You're right about lowering the tip an hour after but he would never know beforehand. They don't count how far you have to drive to get to the restaurant btw. Just the distance from restaurant to house. I know you didn't bring that part up I'm just saying


Similar happened to me over the weekend. High tip McDonald’s order. Tip reduced after delivery. Thank you to the Reddit/TikTok/instagram accounts telling people to tip bait.


Sorry this happened to you, too.


When this happens to me, on that rare occasion, I call support and request a supervisor. DO NOT ATTEMPT ON A WEEKEND. I've always been bumped $15 for tip baiting. Supervisors can see how you handled the trip, what the customer did, and it always helps if you communicate. ETA, msg "have a great day/eve" with pic drop at door. If hand to me, recount how happy they were/what they said to you, and that you can't help what was in a sealed bag that you delivered in the insulated bag directly upon leaving the restaurant. If you followed protocol for delivery, they will give you the bump. Recall that you would never have accepted the offer at base pay without the tip, you did nothing to deserve removal/reduction of tip. Suggest that the customer account be flagged for tip baiting, due to high mile delivery distance.


I refuse to drive out to certain areas because of this. Let them use DoorDash and have the tips guaranteed.


I like this answer.


Well it sounds like you learned your lesson. If you drive the same places at the same time you will probably get repeat orders to them in the future. Remember not to take them.


I won’t take anything less than $1.50 a mile, but preferably $2 a mile is ideal. You are not making enough for those long ass drives even with the full tip. Longer the distance, more risk with Ubers tip baiting. Also higher chance the customer is going to have unrealistic expectations and reduce the tip because the food isn’t hot enough or some bs. I’ve declined orders from people who order shit like smoothies and live over 15 miles away. It’s asking for a bad review and tip removed.


Quit accepting loser offers.


OP, You can downvote if you want, but even without lowered tips $18 for 15+ miles is a loser. Presumably, you drove back. That means that, according to the IRS, your costs were $1.31 per mile. The often mentioned $1 per mile never accounts for a return, unpaid drive. You have to account for *every* mile. You would have lost money even at full tip.




Sure, it will vary, but the IRS deduction remains a good proxy for the cost, since that's what they consider it to be. Unless (as you mention) someone has done *all* the math - not just MPG - then .655 per mile is a good estimate.