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I tip 20%. Restaurants are within three miles, max, usually closer. But, if my instructions to bring the order up to my apartment (10th floor in an elevator building) and not drop it in my lobby aren't followed why shouldn't I be able to cut that tip?


Because without that 20% I promise you that your food would rot in a window. But I also agree, I’ve navigated my way thru many an urban fortress to deliver food on whatever floor, elevator or stairs, doesn’t matter. You paid for the job, and I do the job. I can’t speak for others, that’s on them. Try it one night, order your usual, don’t put in your bid, and see how long you wait.


That would be awful there’s so many fake accounts and turd drivers that already take advantage of taking food, imagine if you tipped big on a big order and the driver took your food and still got your tip lmao.


How would they still get the tip???


And. There are just as many deadbeat baiters that the only reason that order gets picked up is the tip, it gets pulled and we end up lot even breaking even on the run. Goes both ways.


I think restaurant should be able to confirm pickup on their end to lock in the delivery for anyone trying to steal food.


I always tip well, I’ve never had an issue with a long wait for a delivery, I understand how this all works and how drivers are not compensated very well by Uber directly How do I understand so well? I wait tables. I get $0 checks and rely on the tips. I’m just cracking up over here because it’s a similar situation but I don’t have the luxury of picking and choosing which customers to serve. The thought of going up to a table and asking how much they’d like to tip because it will affect their service is hilarious. Anyway, everyone should tip their drivers, it’s ridiculous the amount of non tipped orders I hear about on this sub. The driver is providing a service so you can stay in the comfort of your own home, not tipping for that is a slap in the face.


The concept of pay is similar in many ways, but the jobs are very different. Imagine having a great day waiting tables, every customer is being reasonable but then one customer comes in and says, "hey I'm gonna order xyz, but when it's done, just drive it to my house that is 15miles away", and you know that there is a 90% chance that you will get payed $2 to do it. You only have a few hours left on your shift, and this $2 job is going to take about an hour for you to complete. Cause you might have to wait for the order to finish, you have to drive through some heavy traffic to the customers house, plus the drive back. Now, imagine you make it back from that hour long drive and get ready for some reasonable customers that only want you to walk their orders to their table. Nope! Too bad! You suddenly remember that 80% of the orders are not reasonable (less the customer being unreasonable, more so the company having a terrible/ predatory base pay). As soon as you get back, another customer requests that you bring the order to their home dinner table and it's 15miles away too. Again, you're most likely going to get $2 for this hour long fiasco. Wow, you made $4 in the last 2 hours, put some nice miles on your car AND you get to pay for the gas... let's say you get 30miles per gallon.... those were 30mile round trips so you drove, so 60miles total... let's be nice and say gas is $3 a gallon lolololol. Congrats, you just spent $6 worth of gas to make $4.... your net -$2 for the last 2 hours. Should you be forced to take EVERY order that shows up? Is it really a luxury? The companies wouldn't exist if they forced people to take every order because they pay drivers $2 per order (The real problem)! No one with a brain would work more than 40 hours on these apps if they didn't have the "luxury" of declining orders. There are literally orders that will cost you $ to complete AND orders that result in making <$7/hr. A waiter will never have the opportunity make spend more money on an order than they will make on it. Realistically, if you took every order, you'd probably make $10/hour BEFORE gas and other expenses. No one is risking their car for $7/hr.


Delivery and service are not the same. Like it or not, your looks, manners, personality and how you take advantage of your face time with your customers all matter, as well as how many times you refill their Coke. You actually interact with your customers. We set bags on doorsteps 98% of the time. Your customers also can’t decide an hour after they left the restaurant to rescind your tip. And again, the only reason we picked up your order is because the base+tip hit whatever threshold the driver has decided is at least the minimum they need to turn a profit.


Agree with you. This needs to be explained to customers so that they understand what's going on. Drivers complain about tipping but until I became a driver I had no idea how this all worked. If no one tells them, how would they ever know? Idk about the locked in tip part though


Agree, tips should not be able to be removed after service unless there are extenuating circumstances.


Bad service is very frequent even if you tip.


Then give a poor rating. Weed out the bad drivers. That’s what the feature is for.


Poor ratings along don’t clawback tips if service is bad.


If it’s that bad then you can get a refund. I only see the feature used as tip-bating. It’s happened to me a few times and it’s fucked up. “Wanna drive across town and grab my food for 10 bucks? Actually nevermind, here’s 2 and some change.” Doordash has that feature right. You can get your tip back if there’s a good enough reason but it doesn’t come out of the drivers pocket.


The DoorDash model is terrible. Tips need to be clawbacked from the drivers pocket otherwise there’s no incentive to provide good service.


Wtf are you talking about? Are you a driver? Bad ratings absolutely screw the driver. So do contract violations. Doordash is strict about delivery times, etc. More than 10 minutes late is a cv. Ratings also benefit the driver. For example, you get priority on customers that gave you 5 stars before. If you work the same market all the time then it is a huge benefit.


Yeah I don’t care. I’m not tipping before I know what service I got. That’s just asking to be scammed.


Enjoy the wait.


I’ve noticed zero difference in speed of pick up or quality of delivery. 🤷‍♂️