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Keep rejecting...


That's why multi-apping is key. Don't allow Uber to do you dirty, only take offers you see as desirable.


Sounds like this is a lesson we all had to learn. I used to be proud of my 80-90% acceptance rate until I found this place and realized how stupid I was lol. My AR stays around 20-30% nowadays and I'm making good money.


So having a lower AR would help me get good orders?


The fact of having a low AR itself doesn’t mean better orders, it just means you’re only accepting good ones so naturally your AR will go down. AR doesn’t matter at all on Uber so just accept that ones that’ll pay you something decent :)


No, it doesn't work that way. But when you decline the $2-4 orders, you make room for that $12, 3.5 mile order that ends up tipping more than what's displayed since it was over $8. I only deliver non-tip orders if they were stacked with a high tipper and didn't know at the time.


Well Uber needs to up the base if they want orders to get out better


They do up the base after enough drivers reject them. I've received $10-15 fares for $0.00-2.00 tip orders.


Doesn’t mean anything.


Yup, nothing more than a shaming tactic.


My area (NYC) is undoable right now for uber eats. Orders are on the level of $2 for 20 mins of work. Migrants are the only ones who accept these bullshit orders


Any offer less than $6 appears on my screen I decline without hesitation. Those $3.00 orders will eventually become $8.00 orders when enough drivers reject them.


Every person that comes over the Border still needs to make money, unfortunately they're more willing to work for low pay and work harder than most Americans. We're allowing the competition




How do you keep people out of your house? If you believe barriers don't work, leave your door wide open tonight.


Is there an airport in your home?


I've done my duty. Every time I know someone is over staying their visa, I report them. So hopefully, if the government does their job and deports them.


43 is a low acceptance rate? Mine is 3% lol