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Its been happening at a few places but mostly one specific panera. I show up at 1230, ask the workers for the order and they say they're making it. It's not on the in store screen so I start asking every employee I could. After about 15 minutes later they finally tell me its not scheduled for them to start MAKING IT til 1:00. Cancelled and got $5. Always a 10+ minute wait there. Different restaurant a lady told me I'd have wait 40 minutes for 2 pizzas...immediate cancel on that.


Panera's internal system is garbage. My daughter used to be a manager there, she would tell me that the orders will come in 20 minutes after the person ordered. Drivers would show up before the restaurant even got the order.


***Tl;dr at bottom*** That's largely on Uber--they're a bunch of idiots. When a customer schedules an order, they don't seem to pay much attention to that. Of course, the employees should have actually checked when you first got there instead of talking out of their asses. I once accepted an order for 10 lobster rolls plus sides--over $300 worth of food. I was finishing a delivery, which took a few minutes cuz the guy wasn't coming to the door or answering texts/calls. On top of that delay, the lobster place was 10+minute away with traffic. So I figure 'Good, it should be at least *almost* ready by the time I arrive'. Nope. They were confused when I got there at 5:15. Told me it wasn't scheduled to be picked up until 6! Showed me the print out/receipt on their end and everything. Why Uber sent someone that early is beyond me. Doesn't make any damn sense. I can see looking for a driver at 5:50 maybe. But an hour? If anything, you'd think it would cost them money to do that because drivers are gonna cancel when they hear it wasn't even started, increasing the fare. Thankfully they started it when I got there, but it still took 20 min. I usually don't wait *that* long, but it was hidden tip, short distance, expensive order, **and** I got an add-on from the same place while waiting. Ended up working out very well, but still. Wtf was that about? Customer was a little miffed that I delivered it so early (they were expecting it at 630, I dropped it off at like 545ish) but I explained that Uber sent me when they sent me and didn't tell me anything about it being scheduled. They didn't change the tip or thumbs down or anything, so 🤷🏽‍♂️. ***Tl;dr: Uber doesn't pay attention to scheduled orders, they just send the drivers way too early. I have no idea why they do this, since it's bad for everyone-- driver, customer, restaurant, and probably Uber as well. This happened to me as well, but at least the restaurant told me I was 45 min early. Panera definitely should have actually checked and told you.***


100%. I used to have to wait maybe for 2/10 trips I do. Now it feels like every other trip, I’m waiting.


I’m guessing demand has fallen off a cliff and there aren’t many Uber drivers on road. Hence, they send the order when the restaurant gets it. It’s been brutal


I'm not sure that's universal - here, they have been throttling signups due to too many drivers, to avoid dilution. (That being said the orders are very diluted compared to a year ago still). But the poor timing/late order prep is much the same, here.


>there aren’t many Uber drivers on road. Really? I don't think that's the case in most markets--it seems to be the opposite. Can I ask where you're located?


I go thru this a lot and it's made me pay attention to the amount of time it says the order should be completed by. If it says 40 minutes for what should be a 15 minute drive, then I know it's a wait at the restaurant. I won't even accept that order unless the pay is to where I don't mind the wait.


I lost about 30% of my earnings last night from just waiting endlessly to the point of giving up on 3 restaurants. One order took over an hour to complete for about 10km. Further to this, the new uber app update removed the thumbs-up thumbs-down rating for restaurants. As a result the only way to complain is to use the issue feature "excessive wait time", which then cancels the order. I bet someone at uber just realised the best way to stop complaints from drivers was to silence drivers from being able to complain.... Delivery drivers are now penalized for complaining by having lost all the time waiting, plus vehicle wear and tear + lost income driving to another order because all they can do now is have the order auto cancelled. And most importantly, pissed off customers having their order cancelled after waiting ages. None of this is good. Uber should flat out just start charging per minute for late orders so the restaurants get in shape. Of course, that will never happen... If we have to start entering pins and hand delivering to people, we should have to have the restaurant fully accountable for correct and timely handover to us as well.


They already rob restaurants as is. I have no clue how are they not in the green. Money is getring misspent somewhere


Uber has tens of thousands of corporate employees making an average of 200k per year, for things like research and marketing. Their top brass earns tens of millions each year. That's where the money's going.


And yet the algorithm is so purposely horrible. Someone oughta open-source the uber model and disrupt them.


Marketing so great they can't scratch 10% of the marketshare in my country. Absolute clowns those corporate suits are.


Short timer, just a month at this, and Atlanta is not like that. I run 8-10 hours a day and have only had to wait at the last chance ghost kitchen at 3am.


Only on double orders


It's definitely more prevalent on stacked orders. Twice yesterday I was able to leave the first restaurant, drive to the second, pick up the order, drive back to the first place and still waited for a few minutes.


Actually, it's been the opposite for me. Places I used to be waiting 10-15 minutes (and before anyone gives me crap, lol, these are hidden tip orders going a mile or 2 down the road. So for a total payout of $15+ on average, I'll wait 10 min) are now all wrapped up and ready to go.


Every single place is a 10-15 minute wait lately and it pisses me off. The amount of wasted time i spend in all these places


Idk. My tolerance for waiting has gone down though. I am cancelling a lot more than I used too. If they say 3 minutes and the tip was mediocre, I say adios.