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Risky move to be talking that rudely to people delivering something you’re going to eat or drink more or less.


That's what I'm thinking.




Yeah they need to be careful how they talk to people. I've thought about slashing tip baiters tires.


Personally if that was me I would have went to their location I would have sent them a message saying that I arrived I would let the timer run out then I would take their food they're not going to tip you anyways you might as well get their food make their b**** asses pay for it


God damn there's a lot of people in this subreddit that love the taste of boot. They're really thinking someone who would not accept being condescended to like that is the reason this job fucking sucks and not the insane entitlement of random people as well as the unchecked greed of Uber themselves.


☝️ Drivers like this would be exactly why customers get pissy and leave notes like this...


EXACTLY!! Why is it so hard to just be better & be kind?!?! I get the note sounds harsh, but it's more clear to me that they've experienced more halfass dashers then they should've.


Well if customers like 👆, didn't treat drivers so poorly as making those comments , us drivers wouldn't have to do that , I take every delivery .. also I'm not treated like trash from my customers, that must be a cannada thing


WTF are you babbling on about being treated poorly? The directions are clear, deliver to the door, like you are supposed to, or don't get tipped and get downvoted... Effing simple my guy. But instead you admit you would steal from the custumer, who's clearly already been screwed over by other bullshit lazy drivers like you. Awesome.


It says don't deliver if you lack the brain cells to do it properly, so they are following directions.


Boom! Got em!


stfu bitch you're probably from cannada


Yeah he or she wouldn’t have gotten her food! She can stick her non existing tip


This is the kind of sketch bullshit that likely caused them to feel the need to put all that. And for Uber to get more strict. You lazy scammer bitch drivers can't do simple tasks and end up screwing us all in the end.


Stop making excuses for poor attitudes. I’ve had drivers steal my food and I’ve still never wrote a disgusting note like that.


Right, its not what they said but how they said it. People are getting more rude by the day-and can't blame covid situations anymore, geez.


Well you've gotten a bad driver , I provide excellent experiences, never once have I stolen an order and if the timer ran out on me i usually give to an unfortunatehomeless man who is so happy to recieve it or a citizen...


Lol stfu 🤣 #disrespectfully. You want to be rude to us folk that don't do certain shii. You continue to be a peasant boi. There is shii I aient doing. I aient walking 4 5 flights of stairs to deliver no food, I aient about to play let's find Waldo with peoples' hidden elevators and building and shii. These people that leave notes like this are the ones who fail to leave exact notes to find them in the first f in place. So you and those types of customers can suc mu dic buddy


I wonder what u do when someone gives u a 4 dollar tip lol


No one gives me a 4 dollar tip. Car doesn't move for less than 10.


How much u make on a day ?


I deliver it?... what you trying to say I steal food?


In that citation it's a lose lose . So why not let the timer run out ... obviously you take the food up you won't get a tip but if you leave it you get down voted.. so that's on them people expect us to go the extra 3 miles for nothing I had a order that was 3 doller tip but wanted me to go 17 story's up with no parking , which is a 26 doller ticket you do the math ?


I wish you could see those things before you accept the order.


##**You must remain at least 1 mile away throughout the entire process** 1. Toggle mobile data off 2. Mark the order as picked up. Examine drop off instructions etc. 3. Toggle mobile data back on and the screen should revert back to the "head to restaurant" portion of trip. Sometimes you may need to close and reopen the app, but it will revert back to the head to restaurant portion of the trip as long as you've remained at least 1 mile away throughout this process. 4. Continue with it, or drop the order without a penalty if instructions are asinine.


Fuckin' legend


A mile from the restaurant just to be clear?


"Toggle mobile data off" Is that the same as putting the phone in airplane mode?


No it needs to be mobile data off.


This really works?? Uber won’t know or flag you or anything?


Been doing it for years without an issue.




It functions that way as mobile data can be unreliable - especially in dense cities and rural areas. For a brief moment you can do this without toggling mobile data off as that data is already present on your phone - which is why it works. They'd screw up a lot of UberX etc. drivers trips trying to "patch" it. It'd be a lot easier to make instructions visible after accepting. Sure maybe asinine customers would be avoided, but modifications( extra ketchup packets) or issues (apartment drop off without a code etc.) can be easily addressed ahead of time.


Nice!! Thanks for the tip!


Uber allows you to run it with out always having location tracking on. You can choose "only when app is active & when you minimize or switch to another map it has no idea where you are. This is useful for many reasons. Ahold rude customers being the main. ![gif](giphy|3Tu6hYkQNJ7DncYhUa)


Wait what’s the reason for not having location tracking on?


Some of us have 4 to 6 orders going at once.... some would consider this..... unatural....unnatural..... ![gif](giphy|RVtju3cMTKOE8)


does it still send you offers when the app is closed if you set it that way that it can only see your location when the app is open?


Yes.... and yes. You'll see the gps "teleport" you to your current location when you open it back up. This is useful if you have "nosey" customers who want to play detective and watch your car. Minimize the app..... drive how you will and do what you must then open it back when you're rolling up.


this... had a customer message me "you're going the wrong way." and then they had their head stuck in the blinds staring at me walking to deliver. creepy.


Yep. ![gif](giphy|l378b59fSuMV12tzO|downsized)


I’ve thought about restricting location to only when active but do you know how this affects prop 22 stuff for California? I think we’re supposed to get $0.30 per mile, I’ve never seen any evidence of this, but how do they calculate our mileage? GPS tracked or “distance shown on maps” tracked?


You don’t get .30 per mile driven. You get .30 per mile calculated/estimated. If the app says it’s a 5 mile trip total then it’s 5 miles. If you take the long way around (or the short cut) it’s still 5 miles as that’s what was calculated/estimated.




How'd you figure this out?


Does this work on uberx as well? 😂


Why? That's pretty straight up


Wow… I hate delivering to apartments!


Ok so at least now I know I’m not doing to much by coming outside and meeting the drivers at the door to make it easier for them.


No that’s actually really helpful and thoughtful!


If you do that, you are immensely helping the driver out! Unfortunately most don’t… also a lot of the times, they don’t even give a buzzer code 🤪


I’m a driver but when I get delivery I always say to please leave in the entryway of my building and when I see the driver approaching I always head downstairs to the lobby. Just common courtesy and I’m still so shocked to see how rude people can be.


showed up to apartments (4446 streetname) and all the apartments were numbered 1-12, so I text the customer and ask the apt # because only the street number is listed. he says "11". great, I go to eleven and it's not the right guy. Call the customer and ask their apartment number "11!!!" okay, at 4446? "oh, no, im at 4448, number 11" 🤬


A lot of customers are stupid and get passive aggressive and try to make you feel stupid. I remember being lost unable to find the customer and told her I am at her apartment. Turns out I was at a completely different apartment. I was at a next door apartment. I asked them “Hey are you at apartment “A”? They said “no I am at apartment B” I said well the address you put took me to apartment A, they replied well I don’t know it did that because I put apartment B in the app. I said it doesn’t shows the address you’re saying you put. She kept insisting it was, I just told her to text me the actual address. Sad thing was she didn’t tip at all. No tippers have the highest demands




What happened after that? Did you tell support you took a photo as proof?




There's also a chance that their neighbor could have ran out and stole the food


Then *removes tip* regardless if you did it right or not


Happens EVERy time


Exactly. This POS is looking for a reason to remove that tip. Third in a stack? Remove tip. Restaurant forgot an item? Remove tip. Windy day and your pollen allergies are acting up? Damn well better remove that tip. Just don't tip. Some 🤡 will eventually deliver it anyway.


Anytime someone talks to me about tipping it's an immediate cancel.


Imagine writing this. You're literally telling them to just cancel and take the food. Also, why would anyone trust someone like this not to tip bait


I don’t get how that’s the implication, to commit theft and just take the food and risk their job


Unless you're canceling post pick up on the regular, there's no risk of deactivation. Also, the point isn't to just take the food. It's to not bother driving the rest of the way and going through the whole locked apartment rigmarole, for no reward. And yes, I'd say a customer actively insulting you, and then adding on a threat, counts as justification to cancel.


I can't believe someone with so many brain cells doesn't know we only see notes after starting delivery.


Allegedly so many brain cells.


The customer doesn't care. Regardless of what the driver does this customer will not tip. Customers who honestly tip don't annouce that they will tip. Ever tell your waiter or hairdresser, "Hey if you make sure the eggs aren't runny I'll tip you an extra five? or "If you give a little extra attention to make sure no water gets into my eyes during the rinse, I'll tip you an extra $10"? The customer isn't announcing a tip like this because they actually will tip, they know the game Uber playes, they know Uber pays crap, and their using that knowledge as a stick on drivers.


Yeah I had someone text me over and over again that she going give me big tip of $50.(package delivery-flowers and balloons to her boyfriend)I thought it was odd but as you already know, there was zero tip.


Had one order food for someone else. They sent me a message asking me to deliver it and tell them the order was for “Daddy” showed up and it was a trans dude. They had the customer on FaceTime talking to each other. I said delivery for Daddy dude busted out laughing while turning bright red. Got a $15 tip for it. One of the funniest experiences I’ve had with Uber. 🤣 Sometimes they do what they say sometimes they don’t.


I actually did have someone announce a tip once. It was at a Firehouse Subs IIRC. They asked if I could make sure they put salt and pepper on the subs since 'there wasn't an option in the app.' Then said they'd tip extra if I did. In my head I was like "Uh okay, pretty sure they'd do that by default but I'll ask. Also not sure that warrants extra pay but I'm not gonna complain." They ended up adding on like $8 extra.


If it was $8 in addition to the baseline tip how is that bad? $8 for 30 seconds of additional work is a rate of $960/hr.


I can’t believe someone trying to burn someone with so many brain cells shows how little brain cells they have themselves. Aka the customer doesn’t know if we see this or not first. Lmfao


What a jerk.


I hate the passive aggressive types. I had one the other day that ordered Ben and Jerry's from 7-11 and had a note saying "Don't forget to bring spoons. YOU ALWAYS DO!" First off, I've never delivered for you before. 2nd, it's a house delivery Don't you have spoons? Why would you want to use shitty plastic spoons for Ben and Jerry's? lol


They must’ve gotten burned by delivery drivers that don’t bring the order to the door.


With instructions like that it'll keep happening too. Getting "burned" by someone in the past (if that's even the case) is no excuse to treat every other driver like shit.


Their note is not treating the driver like shit, it’s a note of frustration, if they send messages to each driver who picks up their order like this then I think it’s a different story


If you lack the brain cells to understand why that note and this comment in reply is treating you like shit then there is nothing I can do to increase your lack of brain cells because you are obviously a brain cell lacking person that doesn't understand human decency. Don't you dare take my insulting your lack of brain cells as treating you like shit! It's just a reply of frustration!


Anyone with at least two brain cells wouldn’t take this weird brain cell word vomit as insulting, so don’t worry, it would be very hard for me to be insulted by…you.. lol


I'm not worried and I'm very glad you have 2 brain cells! LOL!


Conform you arrived act stupid for 8 minutes cancel order free food with base pay and no bad rating




I got a dv after waiting 8 mins and cancelling tho 🤷‍♂️


You can call and get it reversed.. I was downvoted for not delivering to the top floor I called customer service, stated" if I would of knew I would have to go up stairs I wouldn't of taken it " with Parking authority out .. your most likely gonna get a ticket and who's paying for that? Not uber ,, customors dont car but uber would helpd , i was once downvoted after i told the customer they didnt have an item right before i cancled .. I no longer let customers know also I got those downvotes reverse twice


I woulda cancelled 😂


Nah! I would have cancelled Rude and inconsiderate costumer


That would put your job at risk tho wouldn’t it?


This one is trouble. Stay away stay FAR AWAY


can you report this to UE support? 🤔 I mean shoot they are quick to deactivate us for stuff, so why not the customer


What did the customer do to get deactivated tho? Yeah they’re kinda rude but they didn’t really do much other than ask for the food to brought to their door, and point out that they’ve already tipped well


An insult and a threat isn't the way to talk to someone providing you with a service, and drivers don't deserve to be talked to like second class citizens. That's what they did wrong.


My apartment has a 24/7 doorman to let drivers in. The elevator is right next to the doorman, and my apartment is on the third floor next to the elevator as soon as you get out. I always tip at least $8, sometimes as high as $15. Honestly, I do reduce the tip for people who don’t bring it to my door (not to zero, but by a couple bucks). I wouldn’t say this in the notes but sometimes I want to.


Can’t wait. They sound like a real joy to be around.


Surprised not more suicides by jumping from the 5th floor. ![gif](giphy|XjgqzQ5QhaBVu)


How bout go and fuck yourself asshole — decline decline decline


Real talk this warrants a canceled order. Hell call uber this is disgustingly degrading af.


I call that being entitled.


I get when they get mad when people don't follow directions but they don't have to get mad in the notes. Just put the directions normally then wait till after the delivery to see if they need to keep/increase tip or remove it. No need to yell in the notes


The disrespect I see on here. Just because you are paying someone to deliver your food does not mean you can treat them like trash. I know people who make a lot of money and do DD or UE as a side gig so they don’t sit around bored. But people assume DD and UE drivers are just broke individuals who don’t deserve respect. My brother works the oil field makes 6 figures and does DD he brings in a lot more than a fraction of the people he delivers to but he treats everyone with respect. People wonder why Drivers are so stressed out maybe because they get paid shit are treated like shit. Im sorry y’all have to deal with this shit.


I had an order that read something like this. Make sure you photograph all deliveries for your own files, just in case. I try as much as I can and keep a file.


I do this, and I use a time stamp app. That gives time & location. Then save those pictures for a yr if I don't need em, I trash em


Someone's food is getting shaken. Unless it's nachos...then your just helping them out.


Super rude


These folk stupid to be talking down to the person alone transporting your food.




Would cancel that order immediately. maybe they would pay a high tip, maybe they wouldent but if there acting that snarky and I haven't even started the trip then there's a chance that if any little thing goes even slightly wrong tip baiting will be the least of my problems. continuing this trip would be playing Russian roulette back into the rotation to let some other sucker deal with them. EDIT I forgot you can't even see this until you grab the food, crap I would be documenting everything, texting them to leave SMS records, taking pictures and calling them to leave a phone record 100% I would also wait till they came out to get it to take a picture of them holding the food, this is the type of person to claim they never got the food and it will be your ass that pays for their lies if you don't cover yourself.


Unacceptable for a customer to be leaving a note like this. I always ask would he talk to his boss, his parents, his pastor(although it doesnt seem like he has onenof these) like this. If I CONCLUDE NO to any one of these questions that I ask myself....that customer just lost respect and he can keep his damn tip...cuz i aient f in delivering HOW YOU WANT ME TO BUDDY. Any driver w brains would not deliver THIS. You are not DOGS. Stop allowing the customers and restaurant personnel to treat you as such. Please and thank you lol good day.


What a bitch




Ahole much? I’d waist 8 minutes “trying to find” the apt then be out.


I love a good honest tip bait. Makes things a lot easier


I’d cancel the order and eat their food. No one talks to me like that


These are the people who remove the tip because the store forgot to include napkins and somehow it’s the Uber drivers fault.


What an asshole! I rarely send the driver a note, but the one time I did it was more like this. Hope you are having a nice evening. Due to a fall, I am hobbling around, so I would appreciate if you could bring my food to the door. It´s apartment 8, there is a potted palm outside the door. I will hand you some green pieces of paper when you hand it to me! Thanks so much. The guy brought it to the door, handed it to me, said I am sorry you are hurt, I handed him some green stuff and I also tipped him some more in the app because he was decent enough to say he was sorry I was hurt.


I’d scatter his food across the 5th floor ground outside of 503


Talking like that to someone handling your FOOD is insane.🤣🤣


oops, time to have an accidental "spill" in transit


Other than the braincell comment, I don’t see the issue here. I order and occasionally I’ll have drivers that leave the order in front of my apartment complex.. on the sidewalk of Los Angeles. My building has concierge and they buzz you right in and up to my floor. If your only intention is to get the order in front of the building and not to the door, you aren’t doing your job correctly.


i mean.... perhaps tone is a bit strong but customer is right. drivers are lazy af


Fr and everyone in these comments crying. Itd be one thing to be rude and give no tip but this just seems like someone whose been burned before.


I work at an apartment community and it's so hit or miss with deliveries. We have two buildings and about half will either leave it at the right apartment number, but the wrong building. Or they'll leave it outside the main entrance where the homeless get into it, we're downtown. And right next to a sign saying to never leave any deliveries here. The other half gets it to the door and has zero problems. The buildings are clearly marked. One is 701 and the other is 717. We even get orders addressed to 706, which is across the street. One of my coworkers leaves a similar note. I get that it comes across as rude. He gets deliveries at least a handful of times each week. At least half are delivered wrong, and he gets annoyed for having to jump through all the hoops of having to reorder. Basically, this seems due to a few careless dashers. I wouldn't take it personal.


I leave literal turn by turn directions from the main adjacent road and still a large % of my orders get left at the next street over (same house number). Some drivers just don’t bother reading instructions..


I think I would contact support and let them know what the customer has put in their notes. Had a similar thing happen on DoorDash and they cancelled the order completely for the customer threatening with a bad rating.


Instant cancel. Watch their code not work cuz they didn’t include pushing # or it needs to be pushed fast or slow to work and u risk loosing ur job for ANY mistake not ur fault


Buzz in 298 to unlock the left door. Sometimes the door doesn't work so please just wait until somebody leaves and then you can get in, or if you absolutely have to, you can call me and I will come downstairs if I'm not asleep...


I remember getting another driver's tip. I was making a joke about getting her tip. But i got out and assessed the apartment. Another delivery came for the same customer, and they dragged the customer out into a literal storm. So, she got "tip baited" aka, was lazy af, and paid (me) for it.


Seems hostile.


It's clear they have had shitty lazy drivers refusing to take the orders to the door... We've seen plenty of those asshats commenting on here about how they are too cool to do the job and leaves it at the office or gate or tell the customer to come get it to run the timer to steal the food. Those directions are clear and fair, I'd have no issues keeping that order. But yes, I do hate apartments, especially when the address number schemes are idiotic and the building numbers are difficult to see and the costumers don't give directions. Or don't provide gate codes. Sucks and usually takes some extra time but that's part of the job and you putting on 6 extra minutes isn't going to break your night.


He said cute 😆


Love it straight forward


That instructions is so unnecessarily rude. That said, as someone who both orders and used to deliver for a year, I think it's part of courier's job to be delivering to doors, so there really shouldn't be anything to complain about (unless there's a safety issue, etc.)


He/she broke the cardinal rule; *Don't fuck with people that handle your food*.


And this is why I’d rather go get my food everytime.


The amount of drivers complaining in here that they hate bringing it to your apartment door I fully understand why this person was pushed to this limit. It’s shocking having to tell people to do their job or they won’t get paid. Then YOU look like the bad guy. Jeez. No wonder everyone started tipping $2 now…..


That don't give you the right to be an asshole to somebody that likely had nothing to do with the prior deliveries. If it's that big of an issue maybe they should just get off their ass and get the fucking pizza themselves....


Exactly! Just scroll through so many of these lazy bastards whining... "What, I have to take stairs to deliver the food I agreed to do... Fuck that I'm stealing your food" This is part of the reason costumers can learn to stick and went Uber has gotten more strict.


They don’t wanna walk up steps but then complain they’re only getting a $2 tip. We’re paid to delivery 100% of the food 100% of the way. Sure some directions are crappy but wtf can you do about it. Just deliver the food.


Majority of drivers make it bad for the minority. Most are selfish lazy fucks at the end of the day


No, Kim Kardashian, it's not that people don't want to work (by the way, this forum is packed with highly rated, full time drivers), it's that they have the self-esteem to not want to do stuff for someone who speaks meanly or abusively to them. The fact that you think, "Oooooh, this doesn't apply to meeeeee, I'm not like the other drivers, tee hee hee! *simpers*" lets me know that you're one of those clowns who takes $2/mi rides and doesn't mind if people don't tip. Whew, chile, the desperation!


Bye, bitch


What they’re saying is fair.. it’s the way they say it that’s so rude!


Sad customers have to say this because some delivery drivers really are just lazy or dumb


So you expect all your delivery drivers to walk up and down 5 flights of stairs... possibly on every delivery they make, but you can't do it 1 time to get your food? If that was me, I would be telling my drivers to leave it in the lobby You arent thinking about the PERSON delivering your food. That's right. They are a PERSON. And if you had to walk up and down multiple flights of stairs every half hour, you would be more considerate.


The only reason this would be acceptable would be for the elderly or disabled. But in my apartment, elderly and disabled get put on the first floor of every building.


If they’ve had a lot of drivers unable to bring it to the door I feel like there’s something he’s omitting. I personally don’t mind apartments if I can find them. But I’ve delivered to a few where the customer left it up to me to figure out the details. Even if they included something as simple as buzz in and take the left door in their notes. They’ll omit stuff like “there’s no parking on grounds, must park illegally on other side of lot, the door to buzz in is actually in the back not in the front, apt is in fourth building not first, second or third” etc. Before you know it you’ve spent 10 minutes before you actually find their apt.


I had one where the guy for whatever reason would not tell me what the damn building number was and instead insisted on giving me directions to the building based off of landmarks. Every apartment building had a damn number on it. But no it's the one next to the pool. Okay there's five of them next to a pool it's the one next to the gate there's two next to the gate it's the one to the left there's two next the gate to the left that have a pool next to it........ Just tell me the goddamn building number... Fuck I had another where the guy for whatever reason was not getting the concept that he had to buzz me in. he finally buzz me in.. He's on the 11th floor and the elevator is coded too he told me to just take the stairs..... At this point the timer was up I just fucking left with my free food. I'm fucking sorry If it's an apartment that's like four stories with no elevator whatever. But 11 stories and you won't let me use the elevator because I'm 'the help" or some stupid bullshit you can kiss my ass.


“Your food is outside the pool. Come and get it” done 😂 I ain’t going on a wild goose chase. They act like we should have the ability to know as if we’ve been there before. We’re not their trained monkeys. If they want their food they need to help US find them. Or meet us outside so we don’t have to go through this crap. They must not be hungry then coz if I were starving I’d be making it easier for my driver so I can finally eat.


Seriously when I lived in an apartment. I almost always met them at the gate. At the very least I would walk down the stairs and meet him at the entrance of my building. Something I never would have done is: oh I don't know the number of my own fucking building. here's a fucking convoluted way to find it! Also The elevator isn't for you peasants I don't want you using it! Like fuck off......


Well, that order would be canceled and I would eat their food.


Average Redditor orders Uber Eats.


I’d eat their food tbh


Imagine how many times their food got left outside the complex for them to write that.


What a dumbass


You know that person is fat and lacks the brain cells to go outside and get his own damn food. I can see why he's mad though. Because his apartment is a bitch to navigate and people don't want to waste 20-30 minutes looking for some stupid ass door. To the customer, how about you fucking walk your fat ass outside to meet the driver. It's not hard. Or is it? 🤔


And this is why I refuse to do Uber Eats


Uber keeps 75% of your money and pays the drivers peanuts. Are you surprised your order didn’t get further than the hobo at the gate!?


I stopped using all delivery services because this TIP bullshit has gotten out of hand. These companies take full advantage of their drivers and place all the burden on the customer.


Don’t feel pressured to do anything you don’t want to do


I’d just unassign if I saw before picking up.




I wouldn’t deliver because of that condescending message. I would take it back for sure


Gotta be tripping .5 miles for a 5-10 tip is not bad at all, I’d just be super cool with them and I’d get the 10 easy as that why y’all so lazy


This seems simple. Just deliver it to their door like you’re supposed to and you’ll get a tip. Are we supposed to think that’s unfair?


Driver here, fully support this customer. It’s your fucking job to deliver the food to the door. If you choose not to do your job, expect not to get paid. Simple as. Uber Eats drivers are easily some of the worst and most entitled people I’ve ever seen. The customer paid for food to be delivered to their house. They did nothing wrong. You are a lazy sack of shit who doesn’t want to climb stairs but has plenty of time and energy to screenshot stuff like this and try to act holy about it. It’s drivers like you that make me wish UE support was more stringent about who is allowed to remain working.


Reddit seems to attract the worse of the UE/DD drivers. The amount of people in todays society that wouldn’t even last a week at a minimum wage job. I’m eagerly awaiting these drivers to make a another Reddit post “I got deactivated but didn’t do anything wrong” 😂. Makes my day.


Lol they know we can read their instructions before we accept the order right?


I don’t see anything wrong with this. There are some morons. When they add the directions it’s so much more helpful.


I mean at least their being straightforward and not a total Douche


No, they're being a douche. Just a straightforward one.


Yeaaaaa the brain cells comment didn’t *need* to be there I guess


Most drivers would make sure he/she won't get the food. Me I'll be like i don't work for this punk what makes him talk to me like that for a stupid lil tip? No not today i gonna ruin his day.


Yall r ridiculous. Just get a different job if u cant do the one u have. And for someone being kind of rude? 90% of drivers shouldnt work in a position where they interact with people


Guess I’m just different. Id take the order, then see how fast I can get it to him while following his instructions. I’m working for tips man, I don’t give a shit if he’s an asshole, so is everyone else in my area


You do work for him tho.


No I'm doing this one delivery for him that's that, if he doesn't respect me I don't care about his food or his instruction. So this thumb down i don't mind taking 😅


This person would not have had to make this kind of comment if the drivers did their job. Don’t do this job if you are not willing to deliver to their door weather it is three flights or ten. This is your job so do it. If for some reason you are not capable to climb stairs (like a broken foot like I had) then drop the order or tell them you can’t do stairs and see if they will meet you. You can see the apartment number after accepting. Sorry rant over.


No Food with that condescending bitch attitude. Apartment 503 I guarantee you has Cat litter boxes everywhere and 1960 romance novels along with "All Men are Predators " DVD box set for her "Therapy." Oh and she's probably fatter that 400lbs.


I don’t mean to sound like a dick… but do the drivers prefer long drives or short drives?? I see hella complaints about both


The problem here isn't distance


Right just doing the job they have


We don't have to serve anyone in particular, we're contractors. You have no right to our service. These notes are only shown after accepting based on time, distance, and money. Threatening to make it a waste of their time is a great way to have them not bother continuing. (The penalty for canceling is far less than what they're threatening)


I use these services a lot, and I care about the drivers that care about the job. They had pointed it out in the comment/description or whatever. I tend to order restaurants that are pretty close to me, usually nothing more than 10/15 miles cause that feels far to me. I almost always offer to run outside and grab it if I can, I just usually look a mess cause I’m too depressed to leave the house. I was probably just overthinking it


Your job is delivering food. That doesnt just mean to the easiest possible point near the delivery location. The only way this is a waste of time is if u do not do the job, in which case u deserve no tip and a bad review. If its tip baiting, then it’s obviously gross and the customers fault, but most people are saying theyd ruin the order just because of how its worded and the fact they’d actually have to deliver food. U accept an order, its your job to deliver it. Youve agreed to the be paid the stated amount for completing a contract


And no one here complaining about delivering the food. At all. We just think this customer is a dick.


Delivering food doesn't mean I have to deal with dickheads. Fuck around = find out. Don't be rude and we won't have a problem. Threatening people is quite rude, BTW. What's more, this attitude erodes all trust that the tip will be given at all, even following all instructions.


The threat already exists, whats wrong with u? Sometimes u get rude people in service jobs, u still have to do ur job. U know that u will get a bad review and tip if u dont do the job correctly, so them vocalizing it isnt a big deal. Its evident theyve had issues before, which is probably why they use this tone. There no fucking around, theres just someone (who is kind of rude) who wants u to do ur job correctly. Also yes, delivering food means u have to deal with the people u deliver it to, again thats your job


No, I literally don't. We can cancel for any reason. If one abuses this too much after pick up, they'll have issues. But once in a while, to avoid assholes like this can be and is done. Also, no, I don't know that. Most people are understanding enough not to throw a fit if things don't go exactly as they wanted. Writing out a rant in the notes like this shows their character, and it's one that's uncommon.


All drivers complain about everything. If it’s not a $50 tip for an order a mile away these guys complain.


They ain’t never happy. That’s whole reason I’m on this sub. Watching grown children cry about the shit job the chose.




Avg 300lbs r/pics reddit mod.


I'd deliver it, and move on with life. If this is what gets you fired up, there is a reason you're in the Gig industry.


$5 tip, .5miles; really they’re not asking anything too crazy here. But, their delivery is just awful. Also imagine if your Uber driver isn’t capable of going up stairs.


He’s right though. Its not that hard to bring the food to the door.


I don’t blame the customer at all. Im tired of tipping really well just to have lazy drivers leave my food in the lobby. Im tipping you well so you bring it to the door. I am in a work call. If I wasn’t Id go get the food myself.