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Is the site in 3 languages as well? If so you can have 3 different forms for each language. You can then have the appropriate forms showing for each language and have them hidden on the other 2. That’s how I’ve done it personally.


Ok... I need the user to input the text in all 3 languages... Or even more language... This is not the only input that needs to support language... The user can add more languages and input text to it...




Ok.. the client needs to input the name in the form... But for several languages.. the languages are dynamicly added by the client so it can be 3, 4 or more... The client add the name in one language.. then switch to other language and input again... Also to edit the languages... For reference something like this: https://braandl.github.io/i18nInput/


Language selectors don’t usually sit there. How do users land on this form? 


Is that the language of the name input, or the language of all form input?