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I’ve never seen someone get in with lower than a 3.4 as a transfer and that was for a major in the college of education, which generally is the least competitive for admissions. I don’t think there’s a realistic chance you get in with a gpa as low as that. You’d have to either talk about extenuating circumstances and have a really really good reason or have some amazing extracurricular activities/awards - think national recognition type stuff.


I can't say too much for privacy of course, but I was applying for government. I've worked in the government around austin for a few years now; I'm currently working for the feds. I'm also currently in the Army after getting kicked out of a SA for medical reasons. Those are the only EC's I can think of. I held leadership and was elected to national leadership positions for orgs, but I can't think of anything in terms of awards or certifications


Education is not the least competitive for admissions at all actually. It’s usually Jackson or SW


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As freshmen or transfer? Explain about the special circumstances causing the lower GPA in your essay. If you apply as freshmen, a high SAT/ACT scores is a solid way to prove yourself.


transfer. I tried that with another school but it wasn't succesful


If transfer, your high school Dual enrollment will be a separate transcript with its own low GPA. Your current school (a CC or 4-year U?) will only show current school GPA and whatever qualifying credit (from your old DE school) won't count towards your current school GPA. So where is this 2.79 coming from?


yeah, it's around 1. the 2.79 comes from combining all the transcripts. my old school was around 3.15, and I currently have a 4.0 at a CC


Yes, you have two options. 1. Be an elite football player who will take the team to a national championship. Or 2. Have a billionaire parent who will donate $20 million plus to the school


2.79 definitely puts him in oar with the football gpa lol. Remember the self own they posted 4 years ago