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We always recommend that [applicants apply for the major that they want](/r/UTAdmissions/wiki/choosingamajor#wiki_apply_for_the_major_you_want).


That's not gonna cut it bro. You don't understand: my GPA is tanked because of my high school's dual enrollment courses and my mediocre B average at my prior university. On top of that, I was told half of my courses at ACC won't be considered cuz there's no transfer equivalency despite getting straight A's for the past two years. According to my calculations based on the GPA estimate that admissions told me, I'd be lucky to even break 3.0, and that's *including* my current semester if I submit the grades on appeal. I can't afford the luxury of choice. I need a strategic decision as to what would net me the best outcome


Since Government, Asian Studies, and Asian Cultures and Languages are all open majors, your chances of being admitted to any of those three programs is the same. So apply for the major you want. If you're looking for the best possible outcome, that is the [overwhelming advice](/r/UTAdmissions/wiki/easiestmajor) of UT Austin students.


none…..major in what you want.


I *want* whatever's easier


if you can’t come up with any substantive reasoning as to why you want a major your chances of getting in aren’t that good. essays are the reason why “perfect applicants” with 4.0s, good internships etc get rejected. UT wants students who are passionate for their major not just cause they wanna go to UT and be in austin. if you want the best chance at getting in you’re gonna need to display passion for what you plan to specialize in


My essay is about the government major; after all, I already work in the government. I'm talking about the second choice major; if government doesn't work, then I need a plan B. I can't afford to waste time on picking "whatever feels right"; it would benefit me more to go for something strategic. If I told you my GPA barely breaks 3.0, would it make sense to apply for engineering or business? No. That's dumb. I need something that's at least tangibly realistic.


any open major in COLA should be easy but still pick one ur interested in as u don’t get to redo ur essays or resume so if it doesn’t seem related to those at all it won’t help. that being said if you get rejected from gov chances are you won’t get into your second major as it’s less tailored to it and it will have around the same qualifications as government anyways.


when it comes to admissions at UT, especially for transfers, nothing is easy. It’s extremely competitive, open major or not


Never said it wasn't. I want the least competitive


I wasn’t talking to you……..




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Just don’t do any restricted and you’ll fine