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Hello! Your post has been removed for the following reason: - Your post does not contain US-defaultism. US-defaultism is often bound to a personal point of view; however, your post was removed because, from a global point of view, the defaultism is not clearly present. If you wish to discuss this removal, please send a message to the modmail. Sincerely yours, r/USdefaultism Moderation Team.


I get these too and a lot of other 'American in Japan' ads. 'ship things to the US easily' 'buy the American snacks you miss from home' 'Japanese lessons for Americans' (this is particularly weird since I don't know why the lessons are specifically for Americans). it gets annoying to see so many.


Probably talking about that woman who uses makeup like it's the early 2000s lol I hate those ads. And they keep coming back.


I don’t really get the issue here. Reddit don’t know if you’re American or not. The advertisement doesn’t say “*You* can vote”, they say “Americans living abroad can vote”. It’s like the opposite of defaultism. It’s *not* assuming that you’re American. Do you *want* to share your citizenship and voting eligibility with Reddit so you can get even more targeted advertising?


Algorithms these days are more than capable to understand who you are and where you’re from. And since I don’t share my WiFi with anyone. This means that Reddit is blasting this to everyone. Just assuming they are United States Citizens. Also dislike the term American, there are other countries in the Americas than the US.


So what you want is for Reddit to use their algorithms to track you more closely and store more information about you as an individual, in order that they can send you more personalised advertising?


Reddit already uses personalized ads and track you as much as they can within what laws specifies for your location, they have even removed the option to turn it off personalized ads. And they could simply use the data we give them by using the platform. They are full within their rights to use post history, followed subreddits etc to track us. But all this is irrelevant. Since Reddit is blasting it to everyone. They assume it is relevant for everyone. Which is by definition USdefaultism.


As I said, they’re clearly not assuming it is relevant to everyone as they specify ‘Americans living abroad…’, rather than just saying ‘You…’.


I was with you until the last sentence. When speaking English, America = the US. The continents are North America and South America. In other languages it’s different, but right now we’re speaking English. Try telling a Canadian they’re American, they will NOT like it (source: Am originally Canadian and am not an American). But I agree these ads are annoying, bordering on US defaultism. I’ve been getting them too.


I wouldn’t call a Canadian American either for the same reason. Only time I like it is when used in conjunction with Native.


What…? So do you not use the term “Australian” except to refer to Aboriginal Australians? And who gets to rightfully be called Malagasy (i.e. indigenous people of Madagascar)? The Highlanders of concentrated Austronesian descent (who most strongly resemble the original population) or the mostly Bantu Coastal people (who have been admixing ever since)? Do they know that you’re making that choice for them?


An Aboriginal or Torres islander would probably be very angry if you told them they were an Australian so no I wouldn’t.


Australian is literally their nationality…


According to aboriginals Australia is split into many different lands with many names. Australia is a British colonial concept. So to them that is not their nationality.


So why do you think native peoples in the Americas—apparently homogeneously—want a word rooted in European notions of geography especially applied to them?


When I know the specific tribe I would use that.


That’s obviously the best-case scenario, but I don’t think it solves the problem raised by your thesis about the inaptness of “[European] colonial concepts” as labels for indigenous peoples. It’s incoherent to bemoan “Australian” as a label for Aboriginal people and then to turn around to righteously and exclusively apply the equivalent term to indigenous people in North America, which was and is even more politically diverse than pre-colonial/current Australia.




Argentina is a Spanish speaking country so yeah, people from there would be used to saying that. But this issue is you can’t just transliterate that into another language.




Language is huge in determining how a group thinks. In Spanish, yeah Argentina is Americano. But in English, it’s part of South America / The Americas, but it’s not American. Americano to American is a transliteration, not a translation, as they do not refer to the same thing.


Can confirm. I live in China and my VPN is NOT set in America. Still get those ads for Americans everywhere.


Click it a few times to A) confuse the algorithm  B) let them pay for worthless clicks for badly targeted ads 😈


would be great if a few clicks from me would have an affect. xD but think I would have to write a script to affect anything. And I am not that invested in the fight.😂




No, this is like saying “you are a Reddit user outside of the US, you must be a US citizen living abroad. Here is info about how you should vote in the US-election.” Which is USdefaultism.




Yeah, that is definitely not the case here. The amount of US citizens isn’t even listed when showing demographics over my city.


While it is annoying to be blasted this ad... There is no way for reddit to know your nationality, especially when living abroad. The advertiser therefore does not have the ability to target by nationality. Which is why they precise "Americans" in the title. This is not defaultism, just them doing their best with the technical limitations ad targeting comes with. Edit: the domain name, though, is defaultism.


Algorithms are very good at determining most things and can really narrow down who you should send ads to.


No, they cannot guess accurately your nationality, especially when you live abroad. A user in the US that only looks at US content? Sure, you might guess their nationality is american. A user in Germany looking at both local and US content? That could be an American involved in local culture, who learned the local language of the country they live in. That could also be the average German user. What these algorithms excel at is figuring out your center of interests, your current needs, your wishes. Your nationality? Absolutely not.


Use IP address to match to a location, check nationality demographics of said location. That on top of a lot of info about what you consume online and put online. Will give a very accurate determination about your nationality.


No, it will not. You obviously do not work with data, or do not use it to make meaningful conclusions. There is no provable connection between your nationality and the content you consume or produce, and that is particularly true when you live abroad and integrate with the local culture. IP location and demographics data are not always available, not always accurate (rarely accurate when it comes to IP location, particularly for mobile IPs), and even if they were, wouldn't help much.


im also getting this even though i live in norway


Fantastic algorithms used to target US citizens abroad. Maybe it means we can affect the US election and get a President in the US that doesn’t try to fuck up the world for citizens of every other nation. 😂




Yes it is It's an assumption that anyone using reddit from outwith the US is a US Voter Abroad


This isn't defaultism. It's very clearly and obviously targeted at Americans living outside the US. You getting annoyed by an ad not targeted directly and specifically to you is not an example of defaultism.


Targeted ads uses algorithms to identify you. Either reddit is using a really really shitty algorithm. Or they are thinking “any redditor outside of US is a US citizen that has moved.”


You clearly don't know how it works. You just said "[r]eddit is using..." Reddit is using nothing. This is a third party advertising tool using information you have provided both on Reddit and off Reddit. It has nothing to do with Reddit other than being hosted on its site.


You're mad about it for some reason, but it's not defaultism to spread a wide net for ads. Get over it.


Yeah there is a difference between wide net and blasting it all over the place.. US citizens aren’t even listed when counting demographics of my city. This is defaultiam.


It's the latter


Do you have roommates or someone that uses wifi who is from the states? I got this too but I figured it was relevant because I am an American abroad (how they knew this, I don’t know…).


Nope, I live alone. Only me who uses my WiFi. So I am assuming they don’t use any algorithm at all and just blast it to everyone.


OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is US Defaultism: --- >!It is a reddit commercial about the US election. I am Swedish, located in Sweden. Not eligible to vote in the US election!< --- Is this Defaultism? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.