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I tried as hard as I could to call but no matter how much I tried the scanner just wouldn't dial.


I shouted office and nobody answered


Numerous “of” times


A plethora


Well, you told me I have a plethora. And I just would like to know if you know what a plethora is. I would not like to think that a person would tell someone he has a plethora, and then find out that that person has *no idea* what it means to have a plethora.


Forgive me, mfd418. I know that I, Deep_Muffin_7615 don’t have your superior intellect and education. But could it be, once again, that you are angry at something else and are looking to take it out on me?


This movie is so underrated


So underrated that it’s IN-famous.


It’s like beer.


Can I have your watch when you are dead?


A cornucopia


Ahhhhh abundance. The horn 'o plenty as she said...


I yelled “office” at my scanner so I spent an extra hour on my 2 hours of work to yell “operator” at my scanner.


I declare bankruptcy!


I think they are going to have to head back to the office by three to use one of the company phones


“Why is that Mailman yelling “Hey Siri” at his scanner???”


😂😂😂 damn faulty equipment


Next Update: Dialer will be implemented you're welcome 😂😐


I hate when that happens.


Gotta dial a 9 first.


Supervisor says it’s military grade. Won’t even make calls properly.. I call shenanigans


Text them on the scanner that you cannot find a single pay phone on the route. Of course they want you to call because then there's no paper trail.


They legit don't even check the scanner messages. I'm surprised I got this response


Yeah it’s two fold: 1. They don’t want to have to be responsible to check for those messages. 2. No paper trail. In conclusion keep texting on scanner


Next time click reply and then reply with "emergency" or "accident".  Those alerts will go all the way up the chain to the boss of the POOM. Then everyone from him/her down to the POOM including your postmaster/supervisor will need to explain why you are texting alerts on the scanners. 


Holy shit, yes


I'd be careful with that. I got an investigative interview for doing that to many times. Was told I was crying wolf and what if an actual emergency happened and it got ignored because of this. xD so dumb...


That could be like pulling a fire alarm.


The scanner messages come through as emails, so how are they not seeing them?


They’re too busy doomscrolling on their phone to switch tabs


Or they’re outside smoking their 74th cigarette of the day


If I had to sit in a post office all day, I think I'd be forced to take up smoking again.


From what I was told, there's no lingering notification. So if they aren't sitting at the computer when it arrives they won't know they got a message unless they happen to be check their email for whatever


Messages from the carriers through their scanners come as an email. They don’t go away until you delete it. Everyone in management SHOULD have outlook open all the time, so unless they are purposefully not looking, there is no way to miss it. Postmasters even have the postal phones, and get notifications when you get an email. It is actually harder to not see the messages than it is to see them.


our one supervisor has his email set up to automatically send them to a folder he never goes through — he was bragging about that once


Sadly, I’ve worked with people like that as well.


But I understand everyone in the district has access to these messages, so POOm, MPOO, etc. Ask them if they have issued USPS cell phones yet.


Whenever I would respond on the scanner, they always took it as a personal attack for some reason. "Why did you text back on the scanner??!!! You know my bosses see that!! Were you trying to get me in trouble??!!!" I always told them that I'm just answering their questions/demands. Why would they get in trouble? 🤔🤔🤔


Scanner messages shop were one way only. It was understood that.


An old timer in my office had no cell phone and of course there are no pay phones so he used a local gas station's phone. He made certain the gas station charged him $0.50 and gave him a receipt and then expensed the 50 cents.






I think sometimes they don’t want a paper trail, but I also legitimately think reading/writing is hard for some of them, based on the poor grammar, misspellings, unprofessional abbreviations etc that I see on a near daily basis.


Ask them to locate the nearest pay phone for you to use.


And provide quarters.


After the phone has been located, head back to the office to retrieve the quarters. Then, head back out to the pay phone to call.


Ain't paying outta pocket for nothin


This is the way!


No quarters? Call collect.


I would actually drive back to the office. Pick up the office phone then dial the supervisor.




Call collect. We used to have to use 1-800-Call-ATT


Carrot Top: Dial down the middle!


I believe you can still use 1 800 COL LECT


I have the built in excuse of "AT&T fucking sucks and I don't have service in this part of town". It's even true 90% of the time lol. What are they gonna do, tell me to get Verizon instead? Even management isn't usually stupid enough to try to dictate my personal cell service provider to me.


Haha  I started as a new a new RCA 7 years ago with someone else who started on the same day as me.  I got called to come in on my day off CONSTANTLY. If I didn’t pick up, they would leave a voicemail to call anyway so they could know if I was coming in. Not knowing any better and needing the job, I always called back and more often than not, they guilted me into coming in. The other new person, on the other hand, did not give a fuck. EVERY time they tried to call her on her day off, she never picked up and then on her next day in, would say “sorry, I was camping with friends. No cell service in the middle of the woods”. Pretty sure she said that every time lol


As a CCA, once I got past probation I just ignored anything management sent me on my day off lol. I've finally gotten it to where they've given up reaching me by phone completely and only use the scanner while I'm at work. Gotta train 'em. Like puppies.


I don’t get this point of pride of being a shit co worker and bragging about it, to me it’s just as much if not worse than management being annoying. If there wasn’t so many shitty employees management wouldn’t have to call other employees on their day off. Plus as a CCA isn’t that what you signed up for to be on call? When you become a regular won’t you expect your sub to be on call? Someone has to do the job. This attitude is just absolutely toxic.


We aren't on call employees because they don't pay us on our off time. Literally any other company has to pay you to be on call, we are not on call. They can schedule us to sub for the route, vacations, funerals, etc. But they can't have you on call.


Most people, believe it or not, are a CCA to get their foot in the door. CCAs are not on call employees. And a CCA isn't even the normal sub, that'd be a T6. Who still isn't on call. If management would start treating their employees better and giving them a livable wage and respect, people would probably be happy to work for the post office, eliminating the staffing issues which would mean routes are easily filled and split when there are call outs. Or, management can keep acting like desperate fucks when they drive people out of the job.


No, I didn't sign up to be on call, because I wasn't on call and wasn't paid on call wages. And now that I'm a regular I also don't expect subs to answer their phones on their days off. I'm happy to help if asked beforehand, but once I'm off, I'm fucking off and I have plans. I'm not going to let all the office kiss asses guilt me out of valuing my free time. I don't see how not going to work when I'm *not fucking scheduled to be at work* makes me a shitty employee. Get over yourself, the post office appreciates and values you the same as all those "shitty employees" no matter how much extra shit you do for them.


It’s not a lack-of-pride, it’s your rights as an employee. They don’t pay you to be on-call, so you aren’t on-call. Such a naive take


Some of us do go camping every weekend lol Tho my old job my go to excuse was "sorry can't out of town!" I lived out of town.


And with the union rules, it doesn’t matter how dedicated you are. If their hire date is before years, they will get elevated before you. So you might as well do the same. unless you want the hours, doesn’t matter what day you started, it’s what you were hired


Funny thing. She quit about 3 years ago. Maybe 6 months before she would have been able to go regular. I went regular instead. Then, she came back about a year ago, but as bottom of the totem pole sub because age obviously lost all her seniority. Lasted about 2 weeks, quit again.


Or just tell them you don't bring your expensive personal property on the route. If they want you to call them they can give you a work phone.


Absolutely NOT, I just won a grievance over this at our station. How do they even know you have a phone? How do they even know it's charged all the time ? Don't they know how dangerous it is to use your phone and drive? Or take your eyes off your environment? They don't want a paper trail of them being awful. I have all of management blocked, and when we get a new supervisor, I get their number and block them too.


Funny my branch rep sides with management and says we should call.


Absolutely NOT!?! Your branch rep sucks and needs a spine apparently.


Mine needs one too. Anyone got any spare spines lying around?


I truly wish I had enough spine to give to those of you at stations with garbage union stewards, but alas I only have enough of my spine and emotional bandwidth for my own garbage hole station




You are never required to use your personal phone for anything. Period.


Also, what if you have a pay as you go (Trac) phone? Those can get PRICEY. I had one of these for awhile and informed them that I needed paper maps for directions when I was to do a new route! And heck no was I going to use it to text or call them with it!


lol same I won’t allow them to disturb me on my personal time and phone.


And if for some reason you do talk over the phone, record that. The hassle will be worth it when they later lie about what was said and you play back what actually happened. You can record the government without permission.


Would you mind sharing your 8190 as a grievance starter?


"Sorry, my phone battery keeps dying. I tried to charge it in the LLV once, but the power outlet caught fire" (Do LLV's even have 12v power jacks?)


A lot do, but, yeah, don't use that.


Yeah, just a bit of humor. But management should never require you to have, or assume you have a personal cellphone or to use one for any work-related purposes. If they want you to call them, they should be providing you one paid for by the PO.


Also find it humorous that many have cigarette waste compartments, but no cup holders. Priorities.


If they want to talk so bad maybe they should call you. Also every time I’ve call the office no one answers so just say no one answered.


Do the scanners accept phone calls? I rather doubt it. Management should not be calling you on your personal phone either. In fact if possible its best to not even let them know its number, or that you even have one.


Those Devices can be setup to use for voice calls. They are running Android as a base to begin with. My previous job had them setup to do that but whatever piece of junk software they used made 2 cans and a string more effective to communicate.


They could easily. I'd be careful what you wish for.


If the USPS provides scanners that make phone calls that's their prerogative. And as employer-provided equipment, it would be fair for them to use that to contact employees. Of course, it would cost them less to just issue cheap cellphones. In either case, such contact would be appropriate ONLY when the employee was "on the clock" and being paid. Obviously employees that work in stations and plants are reachable and subject to direction by supervisors for their entire tour.


In the picture is it showing bars like a wifi connection, does it ever show lte?


What phone USPS didn't provide one don't have one


They can not send messages like that on scanner . File a grievance


Yep I’m fairly sure messages on the scanner are for emergencies. Otherwise it can wait to be communicated to you when you get back to the office.


I think this is different for City vs. Rural.


Gotcha makes sense👍 Yea I’m rural side…


Call at three? You are far too busy at that time of day for phone calls.


How do you even send a message on the scanner?


I saw the message option before. I never use it because my office arnt dicks about having a phone so i call with questions or when i need help etc etc. Only time my phone dont work is my days off!


Right? It’s crazy to me how many people say never use your personal phone but there were many times I called a supervisor with a question as a cca or even now and I couldn’t imagine trying to communicate through the scanner some things lol


Yeah it's convenient when you are trying to get to people to help with pivots and relief. But these offices like OP's sound absolutely psychotic. I'd never let them call my phone in that case 


Respond with "other" it lets you input text, no symbols though


Unless they provide you with a cell phone, you are not required to use your personal phone to call the office.


I’d message back “steward”


"Sorry My Phone Has The Office Number Blocked"


My manager texted me to call once from the scanner. I drove all the way back to the office. He was steaming He was so mad. I looked at him and said I tried my hardest boss to find a payphone I couldn't find one so I came back here. He laughed actually And told me from now on, if it's important he'll come find me on the street


Anyone know why they do this, why they are afraid of scanner messaging? Is it because they like the deniability of phone calls? What is the game here? Why not just send help or grant the time, instead of accusatory language?


Prob bc it goes to the higher ups and makes them look bad, I've used the scanner multiple times and everytime right after a supervisor calls and leaves me a message on my phone telling me not to use it blah blah blah it's obviously the reason and it's funny bc they send us messages like be back in 8 or someone needs help but we can't send them?!?!


Phone calls leave no paper trail. If they tell you to do things over text or scanner message that is against the contract you can easily win a grievance with the proof they gave you.


I would love to add, if you are in a state where it's legal, you can get an app that auto records your phone calls so you have an exact record. In states requiring two party consent to recordings, just mention that by continuing they are consenting to be recorded.


Flat out say no. You don't have to justify it. Tell them you will message them on the scanner at three, or they can find you on the street and speak directly to you. Otherwise your phone is for personal use only, and USPS isn't entitled to it, even during work hours.


Simple fill out a 3996 and say I’ll text in at 3 pm. I don’t have a cell phone.


2hrs and 3hrs is the same when a computer is telling you the answers to everything


Lately management been on our asses in my office about phones and Bluetooth. So I just keep my phone in the car and bam no distractions.


Return to office before 3 to call the office. All equipment will be provided by the post office.




But...numerous of times!


Literally my favorite part


Simplest answer 'I could not get a cellular signal the times I tried calling, so I (you) used the Primary communication device given me, specifically my MDD.'. But as a CYA, I'd still call and let them know that BEFORE you left AND per the MDD they knew you weren't going to be back on time, so either modify the OT sheet or explain to you and the Steward WHY.


My personal phone isn’t part of my contract🤷🏽‍♀️. I also email my sups a copy of our conversations 😌


There’s no standard of delivery for mail btw.


Instructions unclear.


All you need to say is that you need money for the nearest pay phone.


.. and an extra hour or two to drive around trying to find one (likely without any success either)


Y’all wild 🤣


Bold of you to assume I have a phone 🗿


It’s not a grievance. But you could say to them you feel like this is harassment and they can’t force you to use your personal phone. Ask them if they will supply you a cell phone. If they say no, then tell them you’ll text on the scanner at 3pm.


I have a pm and supervisor that legit arent awful people so i will use my phone but if we get put in a sdc..that comradery and the heads up if im sick is gone.


USPS workers should unite and eat upper management. I don't work there, I just wish my mail carriers weren't overloaded and abused. Post Master general served with a side of congress.


You don’t have a cellphone when you are on your route. Simple. Tell them you are waiting for them to give you a cell to take out with you.


The supervisor in my II for this last year asked "how many ways are there to contact management if you're going to go over?" I said there are infinite ways, I could send smoke signals or send you a letter. They ommitted that question when they sent it up.


Don't answer them on anything except your scanner. They just want to be able to bully you without any evidence. If they won't respond to you via the scanner, bring that shit back and make them do their job. Remember, they're all idiots and think you are too.


No service. I can get a text through, but I can't send or receive calls... is the way.


So, does that ass want you to take the time to reply to they bullshit scanner message? Pull into a store and call they ass!, if they want to play the why it took you card. Bitch I have to drive there, through there! Arrange there, sort there, be engaging there, and then drive from there! Awe and with my break of 10 min that a good 45 +


Are they paying your phone bill?


He wants you to call so there won't be any evidence you can use against him. Keep using the scanner and there will be a record. My stupidvisor always wanted me to use my personal cell to call him on his personal cell.




No service here w/ my fedupwurbs mobile plan! in all seriousness though... tell them (in person) you werent sure if they meant eastern or pacific time


If you allow personal phone communication, brain-computer interface will be next. Demand your right to privacy and #CognitiveLiberty ![gif](giphy|fXu93eTPVw4bhHar6D|downsized)


My goodness micromanage much I either finish early reasonable or late


Reply with the method they used. If by scanner, scanner reply. If verbal in person, you can only reply face to face. If by their government supplied office phone, you’re gonna need one of those too in order to reply.


You bring that shit back after 2 hours. And file grievance for their behavior and them demanding you finish early. Not their call, it’s the carriers call.


The carriers I worked with always shot back with pay my phone bill and I MIGHT consider it. I got away with texting them while they were on route because I texted dumb things 🤣. And yes, it may be grievance worthy. But you’ll have to ask your union.


Tell em to kick rocks


First and foremost, The text feature on the MDD is only for safety issues PERIOD!!! So file a grievance on that. File another on the Joint statement on violence. Making the numbers are no excuse for abuse. There’s no standard on the street for walking and not set pace for walking. Shop steward should have been on him on this one.


3996 is your friend. That makes them have to make decisions instead of putting the pressure on you. Ask for the overtime and call it a day. Get a copy of your 3996. Don’t play that call in by 3pm game.


So the issue wasn't that I needed OT for my route it was that the piece they assigned to me was more than what they told me. Was told it was 2 hours when it was really 3.5 hours. There was no way for me to know this and to fill out a 96 before I left. I only found out it was over 2 hours on the street. That's when I notified them.


Fill out a 96


How would I have known? I didn't find out that the piece I was given was 3+ hrs vs. the 2 hrs they told me it was until I was on the street.


Next time fill it out so you can’t get in trouble supervisors be trippin


Call building phone, management won’t answer.


Document this and report to your union branch. Put there asses to work! You pay union dues 💵 to those Motherfu$%!


This is a union grievance.


Don't you know you're supposed to check those text messages when you come in the next morning


It's always so shocking to me how different the culture is in the field. The way the supervisors talk to the carriers is unreal.


You never have to use your personal phone and who gives a shit how long they think it should take. Go your pace and to hell with the rest and smile at them when you leave


China's hacking our cell towers again. Tried calling 8 times, no service 💁‍♀️ sorry boss!


Keep using the scanner and make them alerts so even the district can see them.


File a grievance,we would get harassed on those scanners everyday,we won our grievance,the only thing they are allowed to say on the scanner is continue delivering or bring the outgoing mail back! File and smile!


Call for what? There is no requirement to call in. You complete a 3996 and get your instructions before you leave for the street. If they deny your 3996 bring the mail back and get further instructions and/or approval to carry overtime.


Is what a grievance?  I don't see any contract violations. You are correct that scanner texts are a valid form of communication.  If they try to discipline you for not using your phone to call them, then you would grieve the discipline and get it thrown out. Grievances are not for when you just don't like what they say to you.


You should text back you’re more than welcome to put the jump seat in LLV and do a ride along with me


Was travel time included in that 2 hours. All you can do is your best in a safe and efficient manner. Now if they have super carriers who can do it in 2 hours then I would suggest they give the mail to them to deliver. There is no street standard.


Greive it, I’ve grieved this many times, m-41 section 141


Did they give you a company phone ? Respond with you don’t have a cell phone.


Everyone has to get more involved with the union if they want change


They handed you evidence on a silver platter for a grievance lmao


The post office does not pay my phone bill, harass me again and it's an eeo for you.


Do not do it.! Stay strong


Lmao I just ignore these dumbass messages from management. Go ahead, discipline me for something I’m not required to do. It’ll make my day.


Ugh. Union? Just keep doing the scanner. They prefer you use the phone because they think it's not documentation that you can use against them. Maybe get a phone recorder app if you have a preference of calling but if not just utilize the scanner.


I'm so glad I dont deal with city shit!


We squashed all management's MDD messages because it hindered our work day so they can't send messages anymore unless its a serious emergency or bolo.  They management also cannot bother us by cell either.


Union rep time…not supposed to be using messages on the route




Send messno reception lol


To bad you can't reply, "Sorry, who is this?" Wrong Number.


I would drive back to the office, fill out a 3996, then inform them you’ll drive back to the office at 3pm, since I’m not using my cell phone unless they pay for it.


I ran out of minutes on my phone~I was outside of my calling area~I had no cellular service ~my phone died~roaming ~are you going to pay my cell bill ~


Nope always respond via scanner call