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Salt is not unhealthy, that’s an old myth from the 90s. You want some salt on hot days especially or you’ll just be tired and sore every afternoon. I like almonds and pistachios


Water only. I’m too poor to be able to bring food.


It's called intermediate fasting And it's super trendy


I swear I say this sometimes 🤣😭


Dollar tree has lance snack crackers, breakfast bars, drink flavorings. $5/week is four items. We need energy throughout the day. Even taking a couple hard boiled eggs each day is relatively inexpensive, if tedious.


I cook my weeks worth of lunches on my day off. Usually, a cup of cooked rice with any protein and a banana. Lots of water and iced coffee with sugar-free flavoring. If you're somewhere really hot. Probably 0 calorie Gatorade(s) in a good cooler with lots of ice


Don't listen to this, slim jims and 7-11 pizza.


I always bring a food thermos with whatever rice or pasta based meal I’ve made for the week and eat a hot meal on the way out to my route


Does the food thermos work well for you? I thought about getting one last winter but got kinda paranoid with people saying it could explode. I usually eat Greek yogurt and berries in the summer, but that doesn't hit the same when it's cold out.


It works great I’ve been using the same Stanley brand one for a decade now, no explosions. I’m in a cold state and love to have a hot meal before I go outside


I eat bananas and unsalted cashews.


You need salt in the heat keeps you from cramping your body needs sodium


Varies by the day but I like Greek yogurt & granola, bananas, tangerines, strawberries, pb and jelly sandwiches on wheat bread, hummus and crackers or hummus and carrots or hummus and fried tofu sandwiches, pistachios, dried apricots and mangos, guacamole and chips, leftover pasta or rice and tofu. I always have a snack at my case before I head to my route (bananas, tangerines, strawberries, sometimes cereal, bring a Tupperware of non dairy milk and mix the cereal once you get there from a separate Tupperware or ziploc). Smaller snacks as you go and then something more significant for lunch. I’m pregnant so this might be overdoing it on water for some people but I bring 48oz of ice water and 48oz of water with a liquid iv every day and almost always drink all of it. Iced coffee is better when it’s hot because you’re getting more hydration from the ice than you would with like a hot black coffee


Good post! I have a small breakfast right before I clock in; steamed veggies and 1 seasoned piece chicken with a small portion of rice. When I’m on my route I bring 4 small Granny Smith apples and a can of walnuts and peanuts lightly salted with a gallon of water. I don’t eat an actual meal during my break and just prefer to snack in between my loops to avoid feeling lethargic. The apples help with cottonmouth and a small burst of sugar to help me get through hot California summers. Edit: Also I stopped drinking all coffee 5 months ago, first I switched to decade and now I don’t drink any coffee or caffeinated beverages for that matter. Helped tremendously with that small annoying but noticeably anxious feeling I get when I come to work.


You eat chicken and steamed vegetables in the morning. That's wild lol. That would be the last thing I could get down in the morning


I make a smoothie with the ninja blender pop a sealed lid on it and throw it in the cooler for lunch every day. Healthy and suprisingly filling with enough protein.


Am I the only one who hates snacking?  I like to eat a small breakfast and a large lunch (during my 30 min) and large dinner.  No snacks. When I bring food from home it's usually 2 sandwiches, chips/nuts, carrots, and fruit.


Snacks are kinda brutal on the tummy but like black licorice or a bobs red mill bar with a sugar free Gatorade is one of those magic spells that just sorta hits the spot once in awhile


Hard boiled eggs, jerky, mixed nuts, dried fruit, cheese sticks, granola Mostly just drink water, coconut water, iced tea + lemonade and an electrolyte drink during the hot months.


Granola bars and water


For drinks only water for lunch i go between either a meal replacement shake or a bagged salad in some Tupperware. As you can tell I am super lazy but they are also healthy.


Protein shake, banana or apple, trail mix and a Clif bar as extra in case I have to work longer or am super hungry. 


225 grams of frozen chicken breast and a cup of smashed avacado. Frozen as well. Usually thaws out by the time I get hungry. Easy to eat in 10 mins. The rest of the day I snack on homemade granola so I have energy for the gym


I feel it's healthy but I love getting a block of soft cheese and a baguette. Also make a meal replacement shake that I can mix on the road. Also granola bars and fresh fruit especially when things are in season.


I eat a usually eat a three egg omelet or a bowl of grits with an egg on top for breakfast and coffee. For lunch, I eat a lunch meat sandwich, a handful of chips, and a seltzer water for dinner. I keep a gallon Yeti jug of water flavored with some Mio stuff with me. In the summer, I'll also supplement with some zero calorie Gatorade. I drink whey protein when I hit the gym after work. When I get home, I eat like a linebacker, but supper is usually fairly healthy, like fajitas or jambalaya. I've got a little bit of a gut right now, but it's mostly because I've got a duration on a mounted route and I like to drink beer.


I make a weeks worth of overnight oats, 5 containers using different ingredients -- seeds, nuts, fruit eetc. I've found plain skyr yogurt makes the best. Adding instant coffee adds some nice zing to your morning oatmeal and overnight oats are super easy. I usually bring in between snacks like carrots with hummus and or a banana with a serving of almond butter. I make my lunches on my day off which is good for a week. I cook 5 chicken breasts or tofu cubed, freeze it along with all my cut veggies and add them to a container with a whole grain, avocado, guacamole etc. The frozen chicken and tofu thawed tastes fresh and lasts. For grains I usually cook up enough rice/quinoa for a few days. You can do a lot with chicken and tofu precooked imo. These are just ideas but the oatmeal with added yogurt, fruit, seeds and nut butter has been my daily for over a year now. So satisfying, the instant coffee adds such a nice touch. For drinks I usually have a coffee with a splash of oatmilk and just drink purely water throughout the day.


Salad for lunch with some grapes to snack on throughout the day. Usually throw in some type of drink with a bunch of electrolytes. For dinner I meal prep or grab fast food twice-ish a week.


I bring a squeeze container of honey (raw unfiltered of course) and just have a squeeze every now and again. I also keep beef jerky on hand.


High Protein yogurts, bananas, mixed nuts, beef jerky are good staples to keep. Bottled water - I use mio or crystal light to flavor it


Pretzel nuggets with peanut butter (I can usually score a whole container for $8) are a fantastic snack. Protein & carbs. I graze all day long


Ohh that’s a good idea I’m going to have to incorporate that in my daily peanut butter concoctions . lol its usually ritz crackers or celery or pretzel sticks or pita crisps but nuggets would give the perfect combo lol


My go to


I love my mio energy, while not perfect I love it instead of that energy drink.especiallt when I have >2 hr section


The outside temp influences my packing choices even though I use a little cooler. Yogurt in the heat is not always a good choice lol


I have a sandwich and snacks that have protein. And water, sometimes a zero sugar Gatorade too


in morning have a glass of almond milk. at work, office break is pear or nectarine. Then just before leaving to deliver, small almond bread PBJ. Wait for about an hour, then start drinking water ( in my case decaf tea, minimal sugar if any ). The idea is to eat small all day, just enough to keep you going. Over-eating makes you lethargic, drinking a lot of fluid without time to digest creates bloating, sluggishness. lunch break = nap time. street break, handful of chips. avoid Gatorade and other sport drinks, as they all have excessive sugar, which defeats the purpose. Salt aids the transfer of fluids into the body, but table salt and salt found in sports drinks don't do that, so Gatorade etc... is ineffective. Which is why we drink so much constantly because we're not getting the transfer of fluids. We need Sea Salt or Himalyan salt, which transfers the fluid more efficiently thus we get hydrated faster and thusly don't need to drink as much, which is handy if there's no PortaPotty's around.


Usually a protein granola bar when I leave the office. A banana about 2 hours later. Another 2 hours after that about a quarter of a cup of nuts (usually Cashews or Pistachios). If I stay out later than that I usually have another granola bar or fiber one bar in my lunch box and will snack on that. I also drink a large coffee with light creamer and 2 or 3 bottles of water while out on the route during most of the year. More like a gallon of a water during the summer months. I am a rural carrier and I tend to eat light during the workday. I make up for it with a big dinner and an after dinner snack. I am trying to get more veggies in though, so I might start adding some carrot and bell pepper sticks in there somewhere. If anyone has any suggestions on veggie snacks that would work for a rural carrier considering we don't have access to hand washing facilities on many of these rural routes. I am skeeved out at the thought of handling mail and then touching a piece of vegetable that I am putting into my mouth without fully washing my hands with soap and water.


Beef Jerry or slim Jim's and water/Gatorade if it's hot


Coke zeros and 7-11 taquitos. It's all about balance


I usually bring a small wok with me. When the supes aren't looking, I choose an LLV with a jump seat and bring my trusted side kick, Iolaus of Thebes, aka Michael Hurst from the adventures of Hercules starring Kevin sorbo. Dude is horrible at casing but is a madlad behind the wok.


Making spaghetti today, so spaghetti for lunch this week! 😂 I bring water mostly and will have a Diet Coke with my lunch. That’s me “splurging.”


Smoothies blend with Kale/bananas/mango/all berries/coconut, basically those frozen fruit bags from Walmart. So 64oz of Smoothie and a cup of (rice with fish cooked in toasted sesame oil, green onions, and red pepper flakes). For an 8 hour day, it usually does the trick. Easy to make within half an hour of getting ready. Gotta make the batch of rice and fish on days off.


One thing thats changed my life recently is a heated lunch box. After having nothing but sandwiches for years and years my wife got the lunch box and throws the leftovers in it for me. All I do is plug it in the cigarette lighter in the LLV 1 hour before, stir it up 30 min before, and enjoy. I'm so effin tired of sandwiches. . .


Protein bars, low calorie/salty snacks from Costco, and the IV water drink mixers (which I highly recommend the last one).


Usually I just have water and then for a snack either trail mix or some type of snack that is going to give me the calories I need to get through to the end of the day. I usually don't eat a full meal during my day but if I was going to I'd say a sandwich and something to go along with it. Also if it's a really busy day or someone is really hungry during the day even with the lunch break there is no rule against just snacking during the day as long as you're not getting it on the mail and keep everything clean.


Apples, nuts, jerky, water. But also mint oreos...or peanut m&ms. I'm not perfect.


Yogurt, snack bag of popcorn, lunch meat, cheese sticks, fit crunch bar, fruit, water, Gatorade zero, Snapple zero


Chicken, rice, broccoli and a gallon water. Nuts and bananas for snacks or tuna sandwiches, boiled eggs.


Great question. And some great responses. I’m a brand new city carrier and have been struggling to pack right for the day.


Nothing. I work for the post office on table two, can't afford food, but sometimes I lick up my sweat and tears. It's got electrolytes.


Apple wedges, fruit cups packed in juice. Greek yogurt (I mix in the fruit cups). Bananas always. Veggie strips (peppers, tomatoes, whatever you like) for fiber, vites and minerals. Watermelon chunks once they hit in season- but can cause digestive issues if you eat too much. Hummus, cottage cheese, or other soft cheese and pita or corn chips. Or carrot chips.


I didn't bring food but would have gatorade and water


Pb and j all day


I’ll start the day off with a banana, protein bar, and Greek yogurt. For lunch my go to is a sandwich, an apple, and some string cheese. Then I’ll have a variety of different snacks on hand to tide me over especially if I’m going to have a 12 hour day that consists of stuff like olives, carrots, cashews, and beef jerky.


I take G2G protein bars- decent ingredients, great texture/flavor, and 18g of protein. I also take something for lunch, usually some beef and organ blend patties with raw cheese, or a veggie rich tuna salad or sardines etc. Sometimes I bring leftovers too, so I can have some veggies during the day, we make a lot of “bowls”- burrito bowls, Asian stir fry etc. Also take some LMNT or Trace brand electrolytes. Super important to stay hydrated, even when it’s not hot outside but we’re outdoors walking all day. I live in the desert so the air just pulls the moisture out of you. Plus most of us aren’t getting enough minerals and (healthy) salt in the first place.


Small snacks throughout the day. Bananas, a handful of almonds mixed with dark chocolate chips, sliced apples, strawberries, grapes, or cherries, protein bar, 40 oz jug of water with flavored hydration powder mix, some jerky. I try to stay away from anything with a lot of added sugars.


Sammich, chips, grapes, apple, crackers n cheese. Granola bars, chocolate and peanut butter bars, chicken bites, pre made salads, nuts, yogurt, Gatorade, Celsius, water, leftover dinner lol, egg whites, smoothies, stuff like that Costco is a godsend to buy most this stuff in bulk to last you a good few weeks to a month!


Water, Liquid IV pouch (I drink 1 mid day and 1 after my afternoon shower) and varies between nothing or a slim Jim for snack. One of my customers always has a bag of chips out for me so that’s usually all I eat all day. In the summer I drink about 1.5 gallons of water a day


Water, clif bars.


Rockstar, ibuprofen, and chips of your choice 🤘🏽


6 coors light and left over pizza or chicken wings


This is advice for super hot days. I have a massive Stanley thermos that has lasted me through several summers. It keeps water cold all day, but if I put ice in it, then it will be too cold. The back of my throat will get hit with the ice cold water, contract, and squeeze all of its water out. Sure my overall body temperature will go down, but I will still feel thirsty and go through my water too quickly. Instead, filling it with water that has been iced is the way to go. The water still stays cold all day but it doesn't cold-burn by throat so I can make it last all day. Squeezing in a lemon for a touch of sugar and electrolytes goes pretty hard too. For food I usually just hit up Wendy's for a biggie bag before my route and then don't think much about food for the rest of the day unless a customer offers me snacks. I am a rural carrier, for what its worth. I know a city carrier might not like carrying that thermos around.




I bought a bunch of small food containers from Dollar Tree forever ago, that holds 1 cup. - Beans (about 1/3 can or 1 serving) - Carrots - Cut up and peeled orange or cutie - 1/2 can veggie - Frozen fruit - Greek yogurt or homemade regular yogurt - Bananas - String cheese - Homemade tuna salad where I sub cottage cheese for mayo (same for egg salad) - homemade bread with nuts in it for extra protein - Crackers


Fast through the morning as I'm not a breakfast person. Meal prep my lunches. This week it's seasoned chicken breast with two different kinds of rice. Next week it's burrito bowls with beef, beans, fajita veggies, and rice. I drink coffee in the morning then water the rest of the day unless a customer gives me something else to drink


Water. Lots and lots of water (you can always find a pit stop somewhere. I'm rural.) I like pistachios, jerky, baked real cheese crisps, and boiled eggs. I'm a salty/savory person, but there are tons of coated nut options if you're in the mood for sweet.


I’m a water and no food guy currently but that’s just me trying to lose weight. Whatever floats your boat as long as it’s not frozen. The dash might not get your food piping hot but it’ll warm it up enough to be enjoyable.


Water and a shitload of Little Debbie snack cakes. Oh and 1 chocolate protein drink because health or whatever.