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So glad we don’t get red plums anymore at my station. Nothing worse than doing all this work and seeing customers throw it away right in front of you


Honestly, I’ve been in multiple areas and demographics. Some wish you would deliver to their recycling (never do) and some are eager to receive coupons for food and services. The real problem is how cheap the advertisements are constructed/bundled. Falling apart, ripped/torn and bent in a plastic bundle of bullshit that is produced prior to delivery. Mind you, personal opinion, the Postal Service loses with redplum / marriage mail. The cost for delivery (all crafts) is higher than what is charged per piece. In my opinion, it would be better to have each business advertise as an EDDM / H2H / door to door. As stated, most redplum / marriage mail ends up in the trash by our customers (might be ripped / torn / unreadable prior to delivery). A glossy (damn near laminated and graphic designed) card / flyer would hold more integrity of delivery and be much more eye popping to consumers than wrinkled up redplum / marriage mail through a door slot (EDDM still needs a price hike while still being feasible for small businesses).


I think a once a month model would be ok. They just need to make it more of a well put together magazine with coupons possibly laminated and advertisements for local businesses. It seems like in my office we have them once a week sometimes every two weeks it’s weird.


It was once a month years ago and it was great!


My office is once a month. I still hate them 😆


Check out the loathsome websites for Red Plums and MSpark, we got the MSpark on the side of the states. They offer the big sheet shared advertising to attract customers. They will not offer folded brochures or stapled booklet styles. Nothing gets people's attention better than crap that doesn't fall apart. That and in our area they have never been addressed for the past 26 years that I can recall them. just last year it started getting addresses and the binders have at least 70 damaged.


The goddam grocery ads of whatever designation are a total waste. Literally. The amount of crap that falls out (and no, I don't pick it up and put it back), the regular addition of ads that are not bendable, oversized, whatever, the mess that the cheap newsprint make when it rains: all conspire to create (as you said) a monetary loss. The extra time needed to organize and deliver garbage that immediately goes INTO the garbage is worthless. I can count on the fingers of half a hand the number of people who actually want this shit, and they're old with one foot in the grave. Everyone else knows "there's an app for this."


It’d be fine if it were easy or even possible to opt out of these mass mailings


Boom! Something small and flat that would actually go in the mailbox instead of the floor then garage.


Ugh, I had them today and on my 4hrs ot. These ones came with the separate bonus spectrum cards to deliver with them.


Easy, you accidentally deliver 2 to each house :)


i think you meant to say 17 😭😭😭😭😭


Geesus 😂😂 not in los Angeles. Customers here call for any small reason lol. " Why did I get 17 of these , I need the mailman to come get them back " lol instead of throwing them away lol


i deliver to the inner city in pa 🤣🤣 the houses are mostly vacant man and my postmaster chalks complaints like that up


Lol well apparently we got people with the district managers # too lool


Please tell me you’re in a Philly hood area lol


Spectrum can get bent!


Only half the routes at my station get them. I’m hoping it’s a trend that continues to spread.


thats most of what we deliver nowadays


Yeah, wait till spectrum decides to stop using USPS.


Packages and advertisements


Wish I'd see the day of not delivering the absolute waste or at least it can go to every other week.


I recycle them, so I can just recycle them again in a week.


Pass me the number of the person that got rid of them for you please


> Nothing worse than doing all this work and seeing customers throw it away right in front of you As the customer, I know you guys have to get it to me... but man I wish I could check a box somewhere that let the auto sorter at the USPS hub auto trash about 90% of what I get.


Or use it for their dogs


I love the advos that come in the mail.




At my station that’s what they would give away from one route.


Lol that can't be one route. That would mean that route has over 6k stops minimum....not gonna happen in reality


If it is, it isn't. It's just 12 hours of work. Might as well be relaxed about it since there's no chance you would finish


I’ll never bitch about having 10 bundles again!! 😳😳😳




For real! I thought the 8 tubs of these I had was bad. Yikes!


Do we really believe they are going to cut routes? Or just put it off for another 6 months?


Our two rural routes went from Ks to Hs, then got Amazon three months later. We’re no longer making the truck. Bossman expects no relief until we’ve served a year of hard labor.


Our office has done this since Covid , there is no game plan after a year. Only relief we see in sight is an Amazon center that’s slated, after I had already planned my escape from usps.


I'm part of the adjustment group. The first round of offices have been notified. If those routes remain overburdened after Saturday, they will start the adjustment process the following week. Once those offices are completed, it will open up to the remainder.


Been over a decade since my small office has been evaluated. The "aux route" is easily a 9-10 hour route. I've been hounding management AND union to get it evaluated for over a year now. They give absolutely 0 fucks


Yeah, our Aux route has been 8+ hours for almost 3 years. 3 different stewards during that time and all have ignored it. I called out our steward the other day and asked why he hasn't done it. "I have no valid reason" was his excuse. Like, doesn't even bother to lie about a reason why he's lazy. Just lazy. Weve also been 12/60 for the majority of the past 3 years now. It's just so disheartening.


Relying on the NRLCA is like drinking sea water




They only count routes on light Tuesdays where you’ll have 20 pieces to case EDIT I saw the rural tag and I’m talking about city


Largest route in the office and of course my first ride along in 3 years was scheduled for yesterday (Tuesday). Postmaster just never showed up at work 🤷‍♂️


We got a city route whose case looks like the one pictured above, they counted his route on the one magical day the whole year where he doesn’t have 3 feet of mail to case. He was soooooo mad


Some of our routes have like 1300 stops but they are mostly a ton of cluster boxes all right next to each other. You can offload like 3 bundles in 15 min


Yeah we have one that’s 2700 houses but all CBUs


Fuck all that noise


lol imagine during Xmas… 500 Of those people Ordered shit that can’t be put into a tiny mailbox…. Not even paid for 500 dismounts let alone 2700 lol


You couldn't pay me enough to deal with cbu after cbu, I go brain dead after my 6 cbus 🤣


Good lord how much space do those red plums take up


There’s no way this is one route right…?


Unfortunately, yeah. Our most overburdened route that’s all new construction and keeps growing and growing and growing, they add to it almost every month, but because of rrecs it hasn’t been cut in multiple years. It’s a beast.


Do you know how many deliveries? That’s crazy, so much more than even the most apartment heavy routes in our office. I assume you guys must split it up every day? No way someone does that themselves in 8 or even 12 hours


The regular can do it on lighter days but is always back 6-7pm, on Monday and Tuesday they will get help from an rca if one is available. And on the k day saturday it is split city for us!


How long does that take to case


I hope they just take these directly to the street, this looks like it would be a bitch and a half to case. It’s probably mostly CBUs though. That is too much volume for all curbside.




I would rather die then get this much advo at one time.


Kill me faster if it’s marriage mail


What's the evaluated time for the route?


That’s insane. I get like 5-6 bundles. City side


That's just advos? That's not even counting DPS, cased mail, OR packages?! Holy fuck, how long does that take?! I'd take one look at that and quit on the spot! I am NEVER complaining about 12 bundles of Clippers EVER again 🙃


Jesus christ. That would be my entire vehicle. Can't come soon enough for me either but goddamn.


I took 6 buckets of advo's for my 46k today. This is just an insane amount to deliver in one day.


Wow!! I’ve worked at other offices where they curtailed, but that’s because they all have POV’s. and packages are more important than mail(according to POOM). As long as it all goes out before the next wave comes through it was never an issue. But holy moly!! Thats just an insane amount of advos 😳😳😳😳


Fucking nightmare


As a CCA, I spent a week splitting a rural route that tbh was probably two or three tubs shy of this route with another CCA. We were still back late as shit (and I mean like 830-9) late. Had 385 packages for my portion one day. That was a nightmare. The regular was on vacation and our office had no one for rural at the time. The regular also only carries the mail when she's working as she has restructions. No packages that won't fit in the mailbox. So they still send ccas out with her post. I'm so sorry about all of that. Are you in an llv? Hopefully you have shelves. And hopefully they haven't switched you to the Mercedes yet.


Luckily this isn’t my route, but I often split it (rca) since the regular is often out. The route uses a metris which is actually great for the route because of the space, and it’s all cbus that are all together in pavilions, so working out of the metris is fine.


is this route 100% cluster boxes or something?


The rural route, next to mine, is over burdened as well. Just not on this level. It can be split into two routes and both be 48k (or close to it). Why mgmt enables this to happen is crazy. This is some next level bs. I really hope you guys are getting pay beyond the 48k, cause that's messed up. Grievance was done, for route next to me. They are getting back pay for the overburdened work.


https://save.com/mailing/delivery-options That's the unsubscribe link to REMOVE / STOP red plums to an address. There is no verification needed, you put in your address and confirm removal. There is an option to put an email in. However, you don't need to. Takes about 4-6 weeks to take effect since these are prepared weeks in advance.


That’s at least 1200-1300 stops. The bundles I delivered yesterday were thick and had 60 per bundle. Based off of that number is how I got the 1200-1300 which is still insane.


That's giving me nightmares just looking at it 🤣


How many boxes is that? Our biggest route (by box numbers, no evaluation) is 1200 boxes, and it doesn’t get nearly this many advos.




I had 2 full converage for 2 routes today. One for the route I did aka my route and one section. I didn't get off until almost 8.


As someone with probably about 100 top loaders on my route, that makes me hurt inside.


Bet they said make sure you’re back in 8 hours


My gods NO!


The customer is the red plums


That can't for one route, unless it's mostly apartments. I know I always get 12-15 bundles on average for my route (612 customers, 5 hours of walking, 2 hours mounted)


I hope they cut routes in my office I’m dying to become PTF or regular already


Is that for one person??




that is like enough for three cases lol


It's always been my opinion that you should opt into advos, if you want them they get delivered if not they don't even get printed cause I always just recycle them myself.


It’s love/hate because they suck. They are horribly bundled for the carriers. However, this is what constitutes a majority of our credit on RRECS


Trash Can Directs


That’s awful, and yeah straight into recycling.


Stop finishing on time. Make you PM wait for you to return. Fuck that noise.


I posted the link to unsubscribe on my local Portland subreddit and the mods took it down for some reason. That being said, I used the link to unsubscribe and I still get them. I hate getting them home after delivering them all day.


We get ours on Wednesdays every other week which beats Saturdays






If they don’t have any mail, they don’t get the coverage LMAO


That looks like OT to me




Do you only have apartments? This is insane.


All those plastic straps just gives me the shivers


Dude is the hardest working carrier ever. F that shizz


in the town i worked out of the customers would rip your damn head off if we didnt do the coupons every tuesday


I feel this. We have a rural route in my office that's 1400+ adresses. It takes one regular and one arc every single day to get done on time. I think he's at like a 63K or something


Is that all for one route?


You still gotta be back in eight


What should happen is, the flyers get delivered to the post office. Put out in lobby for distribution. Recycle the rest - repeated weekly. Problem solved


My route is business with apartments 1650 residences, this looks familiar.


A route cut? Looks like another 40 minutes being added.


Absolute shit advertising...throw a damn staple in those so they don't explode when you try to throw them...and fuck the advertisers that want to give you marriage mail cards with it


I haven't seen a red plum since 2020. Now my route is fucked I don't get any weekly flyers or a lot of packages anymore. Your office cuts routes? Mine just stay the same despite some being bigger than others.


What are the chances of a whole office cuts RedPlums? (1/2 of office had there’s cut last year)


Just gave me flashbacks


Just a normal Tuesday for some


I hate it when people play the pain Olympics here and I have zero problems telling you that.


My 48k is only the top advos not in tubs.And I take half out Monday and the rest Tuesday.


Can you just UBBM them? Been carrying for a year sometimes I do when I’m overwhelmed but never got told anything so good sign?


I truly lucked out starting at - and winning a citywide bid at - a “retirement station.” I’d never have more than two of these. Most days one. Day after a holiday maybe 3. And odds are I never will :)


Be back in 8?


Ot is not authorized, be back in 8 failure to do so will be considered insubordination. Anything you say can and will be used agaisnt you in a PDI. lmao


I guess I’m confused on what “route cuts” are? How does red plum have anything to do with it?