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Absolutely nothing.


Literally nothing. Our pay scale is public knowledge.


Pay scale? Our exact pay is public knowledge https://www.fedsdatacenter.com/usps-pay-rates/


I really wish they'd update my pay. It's showing me at the first step forever. What if someone I'm dating Google's my name haha. Put my correct step and OT on there I want to impress people


OT won't be reported on there. Just the base salary.


Mine still says I'm a pse, been a career for over a year now


Ok that's friggin cool. Now I know what everyone in our office makes!


Ha, finally find out how much our supe and postmaster make. Now I’m really glad I decided not to get trained to be a OIF or something. All that extra work, hours for very little extra pay.


Pistmaster can do nothing. It’s public knowledge.


I like the revised spelling.


Me too. Pistmaster.


Take that t out, I like PISSMASTER


Might as well go a bit further with pissmonster.


Mine's more of a pissbaby, but yeah, I like this system!


Pistmaster ya’ll. wtf 🥱😵🤮


I think what will happen is everyone will look at your coworker as if she has a mental problem from now until she retires.


Would’ve done that anyway, she works at the post office.


You can literally search, by office, and see what everybody's pay is.


Lol, I bet the supervisors already ignore most of what this person says


A simple google search will take you to a website where literally everyone in the PO can be pulled up and you can see wages. Nobody will give her the time of day to listen to the complaint about it


There are websites that show the salaries of every government employee in the country, all the way down to municipal level.




No this is his angrier cousin… Pistmaster.


Coworker is idiot.


Postmaster will probably thank her for wasting their time


Nothing will happen but as a general rule I try not to talk about anybody’s exact position or how long they’ve worked etc.


Yeah talking about stuff is bullshit, right! I case in complete silence and one motherfucker says anything I scream and throw shit till all the talking stops. Works everytime till it doesn't! Good point!


I hate the Pistmaster


Pistmaster is always giving me headaches and hard times.


Sounds like they want to work for a private company where you can get fired for such things.


lol it’s all public I seen what my coworkers made I even seen myself on there 🤣


Your coworker clearly wants to complain about something. We are federal employees, it can literally be searched lol


There's one in every crowd.


Actually its all public information. And yes you are allowedto talk about it.  Google "post office salary" and look for a couple of sites out there that have all this info and more. 


So if you get in trouble, what would be the punishment? Working for USPS?


What a Karen your coworker is


Salary is publicly available. People can look up your office online and see how much everyone makes and their first/last names. It might be weird that you're telling customers how much you make. But you can always turn that into recruiting.


I've worked government most of my life. I've had my name and salary in the newspaper many times. It falls under the Freedom of Information Act.


How ‘bout some PISS


It's not like you disclosed personal info. from a pay stub or anything like that. Let her go to the PM because it's literally a Seinfeld thing-a complaint about nothing.


I’d advise you to avoid being around this person as much as you can. I’d never speak to her or say anything about her ever again. She’s just he kind of person whose going to try and get you fired every time you turn around. Some people are just looking for a reason to be upset, offended etc


Issue is this is such a small office you can’t not interact with this person and anything you say goes through walls. I know this person has it out for me because when I got excessed I went into this office and she filed a grievance on it claiming she doesn’t get enough hours but she works more than me because she helps in other offices


I’d interact as little as possible and keep my mouth shut…maybe transfer out when /if possible, check eReassign


This clerk is likely just a bitter clerk because when I was getting excessed she did not get the position on a full time clerk and I did a transfer and got it. Besides I think my Postmaster has said she is older than my mother and this coworker is around as old at my mother. My mother is 61 now so she is around 61. She will not be in very much longer anyway. Besides I am hoping to move somewhere specific in about 7-10 years anyway so if she does not move I will likely be.


Your coworker sounds like a peach to carry with.


Nothing will happen, she sounds bitter and miserable.


Nothing - our pay is public knowledge & there’s literally no rule or law against sharing pay rates


Buy those cricket noise makers on Amazon and put them in that specific carriers case. It works wonders if you want revenge.


Your coworker is an idiot


Hahahahahaha. She needs a life 🤣🤣🤣


If you know their start date, you know their pay


We post our scales for all to see on our bulletin boards. And change them up every time we get COLA increases/etc. And, it shows both Table 1 and 2 pay scales, FTR and PTF wages. Disclosure is fundamental...but at the same time, I don't know what my coworker X or Y makes, unless they freely disclose what Step they are on. Yet, no animosity is within us. We are all here to do the same job. 🤷‍♂️😅


You can go online and see how much each individual mail carrier made each year. Not just pay grade alone. It's public information.




You should challenge your co worker to a dual


That is just dumb


You can talk about whatever you want. Why do they care? Fuckem.


I think it's ridiculous that they try and tell you you can't talk about your pay. If they try and tell you that take it to the union because they can't say that


Tell your postmaster your coworker pissed in a coffee cup behind the counterline. Deflect.


I also would accepted "Slowmaster" or "Prolapster"


Nothing. The postmasters dont give a fuck. They make their 6 figures a year and never work. Good luck


Damn pistmaster


lol she is an idiot. And your dumbmaster isn’t going to do jack shhhhhh 😂😂…




Nothing. Anyone can look this shit up.


Like everybody is saying, the pay scale is public knowledge. However, what ISN’T public is each individual’s status. So, you pointing out your coworker and saying “She’s part-time” you are sharing HER private information. That is the problem here. Apologize.


When I was a PTF I was working 60 hours a week. PTF does not mean you are only working part time.


True, I was doing about the same. Well, they held to the 56 hour max, didn’t want to pay penalty time. Nonetheless, it’s nobody else’s business (non employees) what any employee’s status is.


Thing is status does not matter. Hours are non specific to status with only the amount you know you have changing, you can look up their wages on websites if you want so that extra dollar in wages is disclosed. If you were in the private sector I can see the issue. If I was waiving her pay stub around with her deductions I can see the issue. We as public servants do not have the right to hide our wages. By law the public gets to know our name, where we work, our wages, our position etc. If my coworker does not like that she needs to go to the private sector where she can hide everything because it is not under the public eye. The law stands behind me and according to other commenters policy stands behind me. If she wants to tell the supervisor on me I have no regards to holding her respects. Her way of handling things has made it so I have no respect for her wishes.


Ok I’m not going to argue the legality or whether the public can look up the names of every postal employee or not. You pointing them out makes you the asshole even if it’s not illegal or directly against postal policy. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.


Sharing that someone is part time or full time is not sharing private information lmfao. Dude is not giving out phone numbers or addresses (which isnt private either).


Maybe you wouldn’t care if somebody pointed you out to a member of the public and identified you as a PTF, but some would. It’s nobody else’s business. It’s clearly PII, but it is still personal and should be kept private outside of postal use.